Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1978, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 4,1978 5 Mr. Paul M. Elliott, Barrie, and twin dnughters Jennifer axid Jeanine spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. atid Mrs. Cecil Eliiott, Scugog St. Mr. and Mrs.' Francis Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry, ail of 'Enniskiilen, attended the wedding of the Francis Werry's granddaughter, Jacqueline Anne Veale, to Dale Ross Lebans in West Vancouver on July 29th. The Royal Ontario Museum will present Hnnsel and Gretel by the Pepi Puppet, Theatre every Sturday afternoon in October. The many friends of Mrs. bLA. MacDougal (Verna) will h e plensed to iearn she has, returned, home from the' 1~sptal and making good progress in recovering from a heart attack. Construction is expeceted to begin in early sprîng on -a 12,000 sq. ft. addition to the skilled trades building at Diurham College. New staff members nt the rono Lockhnrt school thîs year, are Mr. J. Reid, principal, Mr. J.1 vice-principal, Mnç McClure, grades 1-2, Li Mr. G. Stephens, gr Orono. The Royal Canadian 1 Branch 178, wilI condu( annual Poppy Campaig November 6th-llth. Audrey Bates and Sheehan attended the Canadian Legion R Sports meeting in Per on Saturday, Septembe Eileen Rackhnm, of formerly of Bowmnnvil president of the Aj. Group, states that the d done by vandals to the and its contents last Th is urbelievable. Ov paintings and sculpturE destrdyed and over damage to the building Council passed n res recently in which cous provide n sum of $15, month for the balance to senior citizens groupý Town of Newcastle. The money is to bei defray the cost accommodation. The 1978 waterfowl opened Saturday, Sep 23rd, and duckhunters * *Temperanceet Queen ** Sunday, October 8th, 1978 f8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11: a.mn. NATIONAL THANKSGIVING SERVICI "WELCOM E" 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Communion and Iaying on of hands BRING YOUR YOUNGSTERS TO OUR NURSERY AND SUNDAY SOHOOL ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE RECTOR Sunday SchGoo at i i a.m. for Beginners, Kindergarti Primnary B & B Bunch meet at-9:15 in Church Parlour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Grounp - 15 ta 17 years Please corne and bring a triend Oct. 15, 10 a.m. Classes for those nine years ot age and up 1l a.m. THANKSGIVING SUNDAY Sermon Titie "Better Than Riches" 'Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcome for Everyone U.C.W. Beef Dinner, Nov. 4th Anniversary Service, Nov. th et vjlaut'o MIN IST ER: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. DeweII Su nday, October 8th, 1978 11:00 a. M. THANKSGIVING SERVICE SERMON: "It s No Wonder" NURSERY: Parents are invited to bring ti pre-sohool chiîdren to our modern "Play ai 1Learn" Nursery. OCTOBERÏl5th Visitation Sunday OCTOBER 22nd Anniversary Services Items of Dupuis, P' "623-3303; S. M. otain a provincial smTal. ockhart gamne hunting licence, and à rde 6, migratory game bird hunting licence in order to hunt ducks, geese and other migratory Legion, ducks in Ontario. ict their gn from Congratulations t 0 Oommunity Care of the Towr of Newcastle who are 1 Nyhi celebrnting their firsi SRoyal annnîversary. More than 10,000 Legional miles, 7,000 volunteer hours, nibroke and more than 3,000 volunteer er 23rd. tasks have been completed snce opening the volunteer 4 Ajax, task force. fe, and ýa Art Sunday, October l4th is the damage date of the Splash Walk-A- estudilo Thon, The walk is 20 ursday kilometers and will be er 20 postponed one week in the es were event of rain Everyone is $6,000 welcome to join the walk and 9. may obtain pledges from any Splash member. solution cil wiîî Anyone wishing to visit the .00 per Bowmanville Museum to see a of 1978 travelling exhibition of Indian s in the rock paintings on boan froni the Royal Ontario Museunm used to has until Thursday, October s of l2th Ito do so. Every Saturday morning ai season the Cream of Barley Mill, )tember Merle Slute will show children ashould the art of turning a lollipop - into a tree and a box. into a house. Contact the Visual Arts 1! for information on joining. The Oshawa Community Services Department Recreation Division is now accepting applications for its Fail programns which will begin towards the end of September. Two sucli E programns are Chldren's Pottery and Aduli Introductory Pottery. The children's and adult prograi will include ,"hand-built" methods of molding dlay and use of the wheel. The adul progrnm will also introduce use of the kiln for firing, clay - preparation and maintenance and dlay textures. Botli programns will be instructed by Barbara Kimbal, ar accomplished local potter. and begin on October 5th. Alsc * available are courses in Yoga, sewing and tap dancing. For more information on these and 138 ther programs caîl the e, Recreation Division at 725- 7351, Ext. 217. YELVERTON Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson (nee Dawn McCabe) -formerly of Lotus) who were married on September 23. The ceremony took place, in St. James United Church, Peter- borough with the reception and dance in the Rock Haven. Music for the dance was supplied by Doug's brothers group - Rick Johnson and the Country Boys. On returning fromn their honeymoon trip ini - U.S.A. and St. Catharines they - will reside in Oshawa. The former Dawn McCabe is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCabe of Lotus and has been employed I~in Peterborough and now .li* transferred to Oshawa. Mr- and Mrs. Art Rowan thagreatest Iliaht to core Bint ovtemeworld Thne Bthe tiome Cri You muatst watchit an attended the wedding of Doris' nephew Mr. Paul Jackson of Oshawa and Miss Maryanne Van Strein of St. Marys, Ont. The wedding took place in St. Marys, Ont., 5th Wedding The family of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen of Port Perry, formerly of the Yelverton-Lotus community honoured their parents with a turkey, dinner at Yelverton thurch Hall on Saturday evening, September 3th. Over 150 invited guests àshared the happy occasion with Mable and Howard. Among those present were Mable's bridesmaid Mrs. Grace Reynolds of Stratford. The flower girl - Mable's sister, Mrs. Jean Bunyun of Mi1,Iignd- the soloist Mrs. Lorna (ýMcGll), Hancock of tOttawa. Mr. Wilson Heaslip of 0Lindsay was Howard's best man on the occasion fifty ryears ngo, September 29, 1928. j Two ministers took part in rthat ceremony, Rev. Griffith of Nestleton United and Rev. R.M. Patterson of Janetville United. Present on the anniversary was Mrs. Ella 0Patterson of Lindsay, one of the most venerable of the guests, widow of the late Rev. sPatterson. The ceremony took jplace at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Campbell (now owned and operated by Mabel's brother, Grant). Mr. Art Rowan in his own inimitable manner was the Master of Ceremonies on this auspiclous anniversary roccasion.1 A tasty hot turkey dinner was served by Yelverton UCW tFollowing the ýdinner, the guests attended a dance and Isocial evening in Nestieton Community Hall with Ross Jackman, Bowmanville providing very good music to suit the taste of the age group present. Howard and Mable received numerous gif ts on the voccasion including a trip to the Barbados from their children Beth and Marion and their fhusbands and Mable's sister Jean and husbnnd. Art Rowan rend a humorous poetic taddress of his own Bcomposition covering the shighlights of the honored couples first 50 years of married life. t Guests were present from ahl local communities and adjacent towns as well as from n, distance from Stratford, Bowmnnville, jMichigan, U.S.A., Midland and Ottawa. On Saturday evening the end of the senson Banquet nnd Presentation of the Lake rScugog, Softball Assoc. was held in the Church hall of the *Catholic Immaculate -Conception Church ,in Port Perry with arolind 200 present. Following n sumptuous hot roast beef dinner, President Bob Ryan thnnked the church ladies and proceeded to make the presentations. The Gary Allison Memorial Trophy was presented to the runner ups in playoff and top teamn during the year - the Pontypool team and was accepted by their coach Mr. Keith Dewar. The Charlie McCullough Memorial Trophy was presented to the Port Perry Canadian Tire team and nccepted by their coach. Doug Scott. Doug expressed the teams appreciation for the trophy noting this was the first time since 5 years ago that Port Perry had won the trophy rand assisted Bob in presenting the individual trophies to al the team members. The most valuable plnyer during the league play-offs Trophy was presented to Mr. Jeff Boyce - Port Perry's most effective pitcher. Harvey Malcolm Sect.- Treasurer of the lengue on behaîf of ahl the players peet expressed the and while there drop in for a fine ronst beef dinner at Yelverton on Thnnksgiving Monday, (See Coming Events). Miss Lana Malcolm has been quite bu$y since winning the Talent contest at Lindsay Fair. On Friday evenîng Lana and her dad Murray partici- pated in a group at Marmora. On Saturday she took part in the program at the Band Sheli at Roseneath Fair. On Saturday evening- Lana was a guest performer with the Lnrry Adams band at the Pontypool dance. Miss Darlene Malcolm, back home in Edmonton, flew to Vancouver to spend a few days with a Lindsay girlfriend now mnrried and living there. Darlene teaches a course in ceramics in an Edmonton University. WHERE WILL IT ALL END? Summer holidays are past. The Toronto Tran- sit strikers have been legislated back to work. The uncertainty of a federal faîl election is over. Inflation continues to spiral upwards. There is a renewed cal for the return to capital punishment. The post- men are on strike, thus paralyzing Canada's mail. Ours is a roller- coaster existence of ups and downs. We are told that Ralph Waldo Emerson, when a Young minister, attend- ed a Bible Society's convention in the south- ern states and by chance the meetings were held in a room whose windows opened on a slave market where slaves were being auc- tioned off. Emerson said that "one ear therefore regaled with 'Going, gentlemen, going' and without -changing our position we might aid in sending the scriptures into Africa, or bid for four children without the mother". 1The circumstances to- day seem to be similar as with one ear we listen to the faith, hope and ideals of the Christian gospel,, while with the other ear we hear the troubles and uncertain- ties that surround us. A' common expression heard today is "where will it all end?" The story is told that a rabbi called his congre- gation together in the middle of a working day. He sent messen- gers out to announce to everyone in the com- munity that they must come to the synagogue immediately. Wives lef t their housework, clerks lef t their counters, wor- kers left their jobs, and businessmen lef t their offices to gather in the sanctuary. When they were all together, the rabbi rose with great dignity and said, " I have an, impor- tant, a very, very im- portant announcement b~ ?LEuEreub j~ter JnueB to mial<e. Listen care- fully that you may al hear it. There is a God in the world." People today need to believe that truth. When events bring us to the precipice of fear, doubt and uncertainty, let us remember that "There is a God in the world". Live' each day in rever- ence and trust. With this faith we can face the challenges that confront US. -ei' e 'MeGre, 1 l » I We're offering you a bushel of values for fail to stretch your dollars. Check our our values and discover for your- self why we offer th e bestbuysin town. GR. wEST'S TOOTHBRUSHES 2 for only 81.00 ADULT Hard . Soft . Médium STERIISOL ORA ANTISEPTîC 1141625 MI LISTER IN E Antiseptic Mouthwash and Gargie 14500 mi EXTRA STRENGTH E FFERDENT Denture Cleanser Tablets $.966S SPECIAL VALUE! 10 Cakesoflondon COLD CREAM TOILET SOAP $1.00 TAMPAX ,SUPER PLUS TAMPONS 57$ lo's 2nd DEBUT N ITE. LtFT Fortified Night Cream with CEF600 '.9120 i With CEF 1200 -$.3 VA SELINE INTENSIVE CARE BATH BEADS 'l.79 4649 Regular or Herbai BELTLESS CON FIDETS MAXI NAPKINS 3."48's SYL VAN lA FLIP FLASH $1.998's I.D.A. QUALITY FILM No. 110 or 126 .Instant Load Type .l2Exposures $1.19 EACH E, ZINCOFAX CREAM $1.00 50g JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER $1.411 3979 JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO $1.79 28% "Bonus" Bottie 448 MI I.D.A. MILK 0F MAGNESIA 97$ EACH 16 oz. iquid or 100 tabiets I.D.A. BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP $1.00 175 mi VICK'S COUGH SYRUP 81.1 9 5oz. VICK'S VAPO RUB 8177100 mi,1 CONTAC-C COLD CAPSULES 81.19 1's l.D.A. THROAT LOZENGES 88$ 2o's EARTH BORN NATURAL PH BALANCE SHAMPOO 81.00 450 MI GILLETTE THE DRY LOOK 8.9200 mi ADORN HAIR SPRAY 81. 3 oz. SOFT & DRI DEODORANT SPRAY 81.39 7 oz. GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT 81.39 7 oz.,Spray GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE CREAM 'l119 300 ml For Biow-Dryer Users ULTRA MAX SHAM Po 'l.99 300 mi GIL LETTE SUPER STAINLESS DOUBLE EDGE BLADES 81.00 5s GILLETTE CRICKET DISPOSABLE LIGHTER 69e EACH ARRID ROLL-ON Super Dry Anti Persplrant 11.69,71 mi CLAIROL LOVING CARE- No peroxide color lotion HEAD& SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 81.49 175 ml lotion lOOmjarortube NEW! BODY ON TAP Beer Enriched Shampoo 8139 225-1 MARIGOLD CHIC RUBBER GLOVES Your choice of pink or blue 81.00 S.M.L. EVEREADY FLASH LIGHT 1177 2 D-Ceil batteries NOT includi STREPSILS GELUSIL ANTACIDBRM ANTISEPTIC LOZENGES 340 mi iiquid or5O tablets SELTZER 8.924's j8.e 1"150g il -- FABERGE", EVERYNIG HT j Astringent or Moisturizing Shampoo I 81 .29 250 mi I I.D.A. CHILDREN'S CHEWABLE VITAMINS 82.37 loos AG R E E akct"olAr -SHAMPOO VAPORI'ZER 'l149 225 ml HUMIDIFIER "Gentie 814.99 "Reguiar . OiIy . Cleaner Tabs 30's-.88e led -, ONE-A-DAY IDA MULTIPLE VITAMINS VITAMIN 'C' PLUS IRON 100 mglOO0's 12.slo59$ Night Hawks' H-igh single - D. Verleysen 251. High triple - G. Vanson 587. Tenm Standings B. Ballantine 9931 pins,, 12 points, M. Erwin 9659 pins, il points, A. Burgess 9650 pins, 7 points, M. Trimble 9442 pins, 7 points, A. Lorusso 9905 pins, 6 points. G Vanson 9279 pins, 5 (iames Over 200 G. Vanson 245, E. Howorko 216, L. Nieman 214, 202, K. Raîston 224, D. Sallows 201, 218, M. Erwin 224, B. Burgess 209.. D. Verleysen 251. MeGregor' s I.D.A. Drugs 51 KING ST. WEST PHONE 623-5792 BOWMAFdILE- trl, ýl-%

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