Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1978, Section 2, p. 15

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Celebrates lst Birthday Djis traught Discipline By Maureen Corkery Vandalized A distraugbt bus driver Mrs. Hancock said complained to the Northum- are being vandalize, berland and Newcastle Board cbildren, seats are of Education Tbursday night siashed, frames broke: about tbe lack of discipline on filthy language is buses and asked the board to written all over give its drivers more support Cbarterways spent $15,0 in this area. year on maintenance "ti Mrs. Louise Hancock of tbe dame childrer Gore's Landing bas been tbrough lack of discip driving a bus in the Baltimore she said. She toid trust area for tbree years and says Cobourg that bus the disciplinary system on Leonard Linton had occi scbool buses is not strict when cbildren got up an( enough. to figbt with him. She said as its stands now, At present, if a drivers are responsible for misbehaves on the bus discipline and "it's a fuli-time she is warned the first ti job driving the bus without note is sent home the s trying to figure out wbat littie time and the third timei Johnny i5 up to in the back sbe is denied transportai seat." the bus for about three Sbe related an incident Mrs. Hancock said this cbronicled in the Reader's good enough. Wben the Digest wbere a school bus in cornes back on tbe bus Quebec was struck by a CN she is considered a real train. The, driver had been by the other children. "I sbouting at cbildren wbo were the driver should be throwing paper at each other. some means of disciplin: As a result he didn't see tbe tbe schooi sbould ta train in time.- stronger stand." Drliver On 1buses .d by being en and being tbem. ,00 one to undo m did ipline," ees in driver casions .d tried child she or Urme. A second ýhe or Lion on edays. is not ýcbild she or il bero, 'Either given îing or ake a Mrs. Hancock had some suggestions for improving the situation based on practices in other boards. A code of ethics could be drawn up by the board and sent to the bus company and the scbool, she proposed. They could be described to the students at an assembly and they would have to sign acknowledging they understand tbem witb their parents as witnesses. The signed document would then be placed on file. If a cbild misbehaves, there would be sometbing for the board, school and driver to faîl back on. Another possîbility would be monitors on the bus cbosen by the principle. Apparently this bas worked very well in Ajax, said Mrs. Hancock. Bus Patrols? The third alternative would be to give bus patrols greater responsibilities and rewards. If a cbild in the bus acts up, the patrol would mark bis or ber name down in a book. By tbe end of the year, the bus bebaved on the but~. "Ail 1921 centre arul canteen were $391 with tbe fewest name. be taken on a weeke somewhere. This is bei in Peterborough, shes Chairman Bill Carrr Mrs. Hancock, "I there is policy and regi covering each and eve: you bave mentionE apparently it's not enforced in some area! Glen Mutton, a dist witb Cbarterways in B( ville said so far this yeî haven't been complaints from É parents or schools discipline. He said it is up to the driver to han situation and if he or s! respect during the, firs of school things arei okay from then on. As « the cbildren understa, driver is responsible1 safety and'control oft they will bebave. Trustee George Blytl be must speak up for tbt tbousands of childrenm well-maxînered, and w TT il solutions to the problem. OBITIJARY' ETTA JANE VENTON A weli known member of the cOmmunity, Mrs. Etta Jane Venton passed away at Peter- borougb Civic Hospital on Wednesday August 3o, 1978. Born in Witby Township on April 26, 1899 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allun of Newcastle, Mrs. Venton has been a resident of Durham Region al ber life. She married Sydney Venton, one time police chief of Bowmanville, in October >ar there many drivers, about susually ndle the ýe gains st week usually long as and the for tbe the bus bhe said e many wbo are 1well- Town Reports Profit from Bail Iockey Tbis summer's bail hockey program netted a profit of $1,359. A report to the community services committee, by direc- tor, Bud Fanning, sbowed total revenue froma rentai fees and canteen amounted to $1,750. Total expenditures in- cluding bydro and wages for attendants in charge of the Gregory Boyd Knox was one-year-old on September 25, 1978. lis parents are Marj and Boyd Knox of Hampton and his grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fraser, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. llarry Knox Solina. His great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Syvret, Gravenhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Botting, Toronto and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Courtice. Side alksbetween these two ronds, Side ali' P la nedIn a report to council. Mr. Càble plus converter,,, 0 0 Along Highway Two Through Courtice Newcastle council decided iast week that a sidewalk on botb tbe north and south side of Higbway Two will be needed in the Courtice area. The sidewalk would be constructed when ighway Two is widened to four lanes. Jack Dunham, director of public works for the Town of Newcastle, recommended that a sidewaik be constructed on both sides of the higbway from Tlownline Road to Courtice Road (Regioral Road No. 34). To complement the widening of Higbway Two, tbe Ministry of Transportation and Communications proposed tbat a sidewaik be located only on the north side Dunham--said,--with t-he proposed development witbin this section, a sidewalk on the nortb side only would not be sufficient." He argued one on botb sides would ailow better pedestrian movement and safety. "Pedestrians would not need to cross the wide rond as often, for would they be compelled to walk along the boulevard on the south side, as would .be the case i f the Ministry's proposalý was implemented."I The Ministry also recommended a sîdewalk be constructed on tbe north of the bighway from Solina Road to, approximately, Maple Grove Road. Mr. Dunbam pointed out that if a sidewaik was installed there, "it would not lead anywhere. " Also, "'should a sidewnîk be instailed on tbe nortb side only, the residents of the south side would request a sidewalk very shortly thereafter." Council' agreed tbat sidewniks sbould be construct- ed on tbe north side of Higbway No. 2 only, in urban areas east of Courtice Road. ONLY 2 DAYS Off er Ends Oct. 6thm' Fali is a new season of shows on 19 channels. And fail is the action season for basebail and football. Now is your best time to cable up. Check the six best reasons why Cable tv is right for you, and phone for service today! e Excitin CableOptions 1 19 Clear, Remote Control Channel Reliable Channels 3je Selection and Fine Tuning More ProgrammeChoice 2 No Roof top 20 Antenna Needed 4, Maintenance is Prompt, Courteous and Free 6v Ail for only $9.50 0 0 A Month (plus fax) Choose f rom 6 Exciting Cable Options CbenyCONVERTER RENTAL CONVERTER PURCHASE SECONDOUTLET EXTRAOUTLETFM CORLESCOVE ]E Cbie*l Cable customers love to rent O EL S I NV R R Thirty V one thosn bcrerae converters. Why? Because for ony With just one payment, purchase Is your stereo giving yo the best fmER R enjoyîng the viewing pleasure of 12 pennies a day ttiey enîoy 7 extra one of three fine converters. The If you move your iv around the reception available? If flot, get the When you buy a Starcom 111 cordless clea chnnei il cooenint ad cannes ps reote contol eguer mdet eatres ushboffn huseor fcouhavea scondsot mos fo you mney b orermn a onveferyou oy he ufimte eer ett. buytt 'tIy cler haneli.It' cnveiet nd ha nel pus rem texotr . Fregu i nfr m atirspsbton hue phfYuaeasoenod se. m s fryu m 0 $ i 6 9 pos onereryo b heu t a sI ~r ent, * O M NTLY ,,>cafe ystm1fo59D232M S Cohl bUe tPneRigeCaleT afodal!Nonedfranaten hanl eetin fn-unn, n n hnnlsletonadfietuig ejy nOtrshawaorafrcin alef u 579u-2232in rmoecoto cane eecin Sehool NEED A RUG CLEANED? Why flot have if done FREE of CHARGE Kirby Company of Newcastle wiII deep clean and shampoo Up to 180 sq. feet of carpeting with a home demonstration of the Fabulous KIRBY CLASSIC 111 Ca Il 623-4595 9 a.m. - 5p.m. HELP THE BLIN HoUp Themselves When you support the work of The Canadian National Institute for the Blind you support a realistic prog ram of Rehabilitation, Recreation, Residential Care, and Sight Conservation Campaign will be conducted the fuil month of October Please be Generous The Canadian National Institute for the BIind 1 Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. October 4. 1978 15 At the time of her death she was living at Fairhaven Home for Senior Citizens. She had t also lived in Bowmanville, Church in Bowmanville, Mrs. S Venton is survived by her son e Donald Venton, «ILJFPeteborogh;ber daughter, Audrey Murdock, Port Perry; es wuld oung peope ar nother brother, Howard Allun of edtrip hoodlums. If they knowte randchildren. ing done can put one over you, tey'1l Funeral service was beld at said. certainly try," he said. Northcutt Elliot Funeral nan told Mrs. Hancock agreed. She- Hoe n audy believe said however, "when you have ore n Saud, ulations an instigator, other children September 2, 1978. ery area will follow." Palibearers were Morley ied but The board asked Mrs. Allun, Ross Allun, Lloyd Down, tbeing Hancock to approacb the Jack Dunn, Harry Cooke and as.> - transportation- committee MntrkLmont tBwmnil spatcher which will make recommend- Itreta omnil

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