Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1978, Section 2, p. 14

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14, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 4, 1978 ENNISILLE Mr. and Mrs., Bey Veale, Okanoqua have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, they ail motored to Guelph and Listowel to visît relatives. Mr. Everette Sanderson, Cambridge was -a Sunday visitor of Mr. Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright spent a week in Rochester, N.Y. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and family. A number from here eoyd the delicious turkey dinrat Maple Grove Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Bey Veale, Okanoqua, Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill. Mrs. Laura Eady, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNair. Mrs. Earl Trewin and Miss Dee Fegan, Oshawa, attended a bridal shower for Cindy Van Camp at Mrs. Bill St. John's, Oshawa. Mrs. Roy Hope, Blackstock, was Wednesday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mac- Eachern, Woodville, Mrs. C.E. Horn, Oshawa were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton accompanied Mr. David Stainton of Cobourg to the Plowing Match at Wingbam on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat, Bowmanvilie, Mrs. Lou, Griffin were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wally Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGil, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGili were Saturday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and Laurie. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson and family, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tyers, Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Piggott, Jimmy and Donna, Oshawa, were last. Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Piggott and family were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Piggott, Bowmanville, later, Mrs. Piggott and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Bewdley spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb at their cottage at Dorset Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery attended the Avery - Brown wedding in Whitby on Saturday. Glad to report Mrs. Milton Stainton of Bowmanville is home from hospital., Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Angus King of Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright 'and Jeffrey, Pontypool, were Saturday callers of Mr. -and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. A beautiful autumn day brought forth our worshippers to Church and Sunday School wth Mrs. Ulah Chambers at the organ and the Senior's la the choir along with our Minister Rev. Kempling. The choir member was "Just As I Arn" and the children's story Section Two1 SStudents Enjoyed Football Display at Senior Public, School HiE NE VER MADE THE TEAM-. Diane Paton (left) and Sheri Crago, of the Bowmanville Senior Public Sehool, check out the headgear on this football dummy loaned to the school by the Toronto Argonauts. It was part of a Toronto Argonaut display sent to the school and placed on view in the library. The display included photos and team books and other material related to the Argonaut organization and the school reports that students were very interested in the exhibit. was entitled "God gets bis creatures ready for winter." The children's hymn was "We Are The Church". Rev. Kempling's sermon was entitled "The Cost of Disciple- ship." The Sacrament of Holy Communion was beld at this service. This week's notices were: Wednesday, October 4th, 7:30 p.m. The Enniskillen Sunday Sebool staff joined the Tyrone Sunday School Staff for a desert party and a preview of up-to-date United Church Christian Education materials. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. lst Enniskillen Scout Group Committee met in the Church Hall. SComing Event; Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Thank Offering Sunday. As well as special music by our choirs and special season decoration of our sanctuaries, Th e Employees of Pànt&Wl e (Oshawa) To Extended Health Cr and These employees now have the added bene- fits of extra health protection for themselves and their familles: the Blue Cross Extended Health Gare Plan plus Dental Plan 7. EHC provides Protection against health ser- vices not covered by the basic government health plan, coverage for such items as pre- scription drugs, private nursing and private room accommodation in hospital. Dental Plan 7 provides basic preventive dental treatment to group subscribers including such services as examinations, fillings and x-rays. As your Ontario Blue Cross representative 1 arn pleased ta add my personial welcome, and look forward ta serving you along with the' many others in this regian already enboying the protection of a variety of Blue Cross Plans, Max A. C. Clarke 311 George St. North, Peterboarough, Ontario K9J 3H4 (705) 743-0677 ONTARIO BLUE CRF A DIVISION 0F THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOC-IATION 3249 we will be pleased to welcome Miss Nancy Knox as guest preacher to our pulpit. Nancy, whose home is Hampton is our closest candidate for the Ministry in the United Church, of Canada. Entire Sunday Scbool Classes will remain up in the Sanctuary to bear our guest speaker. C onumttee Wants Second Look at Orono Hall Fees The town's community services committee bas asked director Bud F'anning to take a record at rentai fees cbarged for the Orono Town Hall. Input from groups that use the Hall wiil be requested and the director is to bring back a With the new Series, you have a choice of bonds. There's a Regular Interest Bond that pays interest each year. And a Cornpound Interest Bond that reinvests your interest autornatically, earning interest on your interest. Ihle Regular Interest Bond If you want a regular annuai incarnefrorn oui inyestmnent you'Il like the Regular Jnterest Bonâ which pays interest autornatically each November 1. If you're like mnany bondholders, you'll appreciate the direct deposit letture. With this convenient option, your interest is deposited directly it your chequing or savings accounit. Sirnply as kfor it when you buy your report'to the cotnmittee. Members of the community services committee made this decision after a dance group which uses the Orono hall requested lower rates from the municipality. Sharon Smart told the committee she and her husband conduct baliroom and Latin American dance classes on Sunday evenings in the Orono Town Hall for residents of the area. The course runs for 12 consecutive weeks. The current fee for renting the hall is $30 per morning, evening or afternoon and Mrs. Smart said this is too steep for her group. "It puts the expen- se of running the class so high, students wouldn't be able to afford it. " "We realize that the fees would go toward maintenance of the Hall, however if it would be of any assistance, we require no set up or dlean up of any kind. We -use the entire floor space for dancing and therefore do not need chairs, tables, etc. to be set up," he said. Mr. Fanning replied that if there is a jamboree or any other event in the Hall Sunday afternoon he bas to bring men in from Darlington to dlean it up s0 the dance group can use it at night. It was pointed out that al other groups using the Hall must pay the $30 fee and that if it was reduced for one group it would have to be reduced for ail. At the suggestion he re- new bonds. Or, you can receive your interest by cheque through the inail. ihe Compound lnterest Bond If you seek savings growth, or an investrnent for the future, or a retireînent fund, you'll choose the Comnpound lnterest Bond wbich earns interest on your interest, af ter the first year, at the guaranteed annual rate of 8.90% . For example, a $100 bond will, grow to $181.74 at maturity in just 7 years. Securlt and Instant cash :'Whichever type of bond you choose, vou wil own a sale, secure investrnent which can be turned into iilstant cash wheneyer you need it. examine the rate structure and bringback a report Mr. Fanning told committee members he spent hours on the original report establish- ing the current fee structure. He said he based these rates on what other communities charge. "Council is always on my back to bring in revenue," said Fanning, "and this is one way of doîng that and covering mintnnectsawel" oudsthert. Town Approves Plan to Monitor Hydro Il Town council adopted a by-iw hast week approving a supplementary agreement witb Ontario Hydro witb respect to monitoring impacts of the Darlington Generatîng Station on the community. The town. region and Ontario Hydro have already entered into agreements regarding the monitoring of social, economic, financial and transportation impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Dariington Generating Station. This supplementary agreement, to be referred as' "The Community Impact Monitoring Program" will examine impact of the station- Insulation Special Insu late now at reduced -prices! Get Cellulose Fibre Insulation C.M.H.C. approved, no. 8712 ai a Iow, Iow price of $395 per20lb.bag Reg. - 1485, it's f ire resistant 100! Blower Machine - $2.00 per hour OFFER-GOOD UNTIL OCT. 31, 1978 WE DELIVER Lewis Rent.-ali 'Il bring in a report and it will be a very stern report," he said. Comdmittee chairman Aif Gray said he dîdn't think the rate could be changed. "We got a real cut in our budget last year - not in hundreds of dollars but in thousands." He also pointed out that once a community centre board to run, the Hall was formed it .mpacts on such things as pplation, employment, thousing, e duc ation, municipal services, rlecreation, municipal administration, hard services, police protection, social services and waste disposai. The initial date collected by the region, town and Ontario Hydro will reflect conditions in the town and region as of December 31, 1977 and >should be completed and agreed to by December 31, 1987. This information will be up-dated at 12 nîonth intervais and reviewed by the town, region and 'Ontario Hydro. Any necessary remedial action will be discussed and agreed to by the three parties. i 113 King St. E. ,Bowmanville 623-4480 Ifyour Canada Savings Bonds mature this year Here are three easy 1Locate and Identlfy your bonds Two Series of Canada Savings Bonds mature this Fail: 1969/70 Series (S24) matu.ring November 1, 1978, 1968 Special Replacement Series (SR) maturing October 1, 1978. a« Look for "S 24" or "SR" preceding the serial number on the corner of your mriaturing bonds. Flnd out the cash value 2of your bonds At maturity every holder of "S24" or "SR" bonds will receive the face value shown on the bond, plus a special cash bonus payment and any interest payable on th e bonds. If you have any questions about the value of your bon ds, jus t ask the people where you bank or invest. steps to keep your money working for you. in connection, with the redemption Of your bonds will be done for you at that time. For "S24" bonds the transfer of funds will take place automatically on November 1. In the same transaction, you can signi up for the new 19 78/750 Series Canada Savings Bonds. You may rpinvest ail proceeds from your maturing bonds in the new Series. Also, you may buy an additional amount up to $30,000, the purch'ase limit of the 1978/79 Series. It's a great way to keep your money working for you! 13 Speclal arrangements make k easy to reinvest Simply present your "S24" and "SR" Series Canada Savings Bonds to your bank or other authorized redempti on agent. Ail the paperwork Act now There are more than 900,000 Canadians who own maturing bonds. if you are one of them, go to your bank, investment dealer, trust company or credit union and make arrangements to reinvest in the new Canada Savings Bonds. Do it now and avoid the rush! Aod re t um New Canada Savings Bonds are dated November 1, 1978 and yield an average annual interest of 8.90% when held to matufit in 1985. Each new bond earns interest of 8.50% the first year and 9% for each of the remnaining 6 years. Buying Canada Savings Bonds has been a great Canadian tradition for oyer 30Oyears. They're the proven choice. TELEHONE623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax a nd Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC îN4 New Canada Savings Bonds ofr you a great choie The proven choice new

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