Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1978, Section 2, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 4, 1978 Section Two Prowerplant's. Hoât Wcater Could Hielp Grow Cropws With an eye to the future, Newcastle council is asking private agricultural enterprises to suggest ways in which waste heat from the Darlington Generating Station might be used,. At a council meeting Monday, September 25, the town's elected officiais set a pollcy on the use of large amounts of warm water which wiil be created from the cooling systemn at the Darlington powerplant. ,Council- is interested in establishin g f ood- producing businesses which would use waste heat for agricultural pursuits and produce jobs alongside the Darling- ton project. A resolution proposed by Coun- cillor Bruce Taylor invited private enterprise to "propose agricultural, food-producing enterprises com- patible with approved and proposed land use designations in the vicinity of the Darlington Generating Station. Balance, Assessment His resolution noted that the food- producing enterprises would develop and utilize waste heat for agricultural pursuits and food production, providing intensive labor and job-producing activities while balancing the town's commer- cial and residential assessm ent. Councillor Taylor said there would be some need to re-designate land. As it stands now, most of the land WESLEY VILLE On Sunday, September 24, the man: 1978, two little children were one Fa received into the church Farrow family at Welcome, church Mrs. Hi wben they were christened by people; Rev. Wm. Kennedy. They are the eldc Derek, son of Mr. and Mrs. WilsornSý Ron Brooking, and the Africaný daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Phyllis Edward Kelly. They were verna welcomed on behaîf of the and Ca: congregation by Eider Lavern placed Farrow. differeni On Monday evenîng, poplaet September 25, the rally of the symbolf Western section of Cobourg speaker Presbyterial was held at from th Garden Hill United Cburch. home foi Welcome UCW's share in the when as] evening was the presentation UCW's of the devotional' perîod work. M~ conducted by president Mrs. E. Bî Mary Kellogg. Tbe theme was present, "Cbildren of our Father" and UCW. several readers told of some of Mrs.E last wei tbrough ~~accompi PaRi? TIaa(TG/Tufford iy different children of ather, Mrs. Gladys wthe little children: Helen Dinner,, Indian ;Mrs. Doreen McHolm, Ierly; Mrs. Christine :Mrs. Dora Nichols, the ~' heretrdd;Mrs. Syrnons, the poor Mrs. Austin, East Indians inadians. Each speaker Sa branch from a pt tree such as maple, êtc, in a vase to ize the whole. The -for the evening was the Indian temporary Fr girls in Toronto and iked, told of ways local ;might help in their Mis. H. Reeve and Mrs. Barrowclougb were Ialso, from the local .Emma Darke returned rek from a bus tour gh United States, )anied by ber sisters. and Mrs. George d moved to their new ieev"&-T T, il (1 home in Port Hope on Saturday, September 30. Their neighbour, Roy Austin h as begun building a new home on his acreage north of concession 2, where they will once again have a view of the lake and surrounding country. Rodney Payne has arrived safely in London to begin bis studies at Cristie's. t was a surprise to be welcomed aboard by Peter Rose, Press Officer. Peter bad just returned to England from 12 years in Canada with the St. Catharines Standard and the Montreal Star. He had read of Rodney's going to Christie's in the Port Hope Evening Guide. The Guide does get around. Faîl colouring seems earlier than usual, and now it is everywhere. Sumachs make such a brilliant splasb of red and Maple woods are glowing. Blue jays are migrating and their blue shows up brightly against the many coloured leaves. A1 ATT LLÂ)UMILIXU, HERI'AGE HOUSE limited Great Savings during the Iast week of Our spectacular CUSTOM COVER SALE VOUR CHOICE Choose one of our many styles available in sofas, love seats and chairs. Alil created with distinctive Sterling Craftsmanship. YOUR CHOICE We have a wonderful variety of fabrics in a stunning selection of colors and patterns ail taiiored to suit you. WEILL HELP Our flriendiy people wili help co-ordinate the look you, want ai these great- Custom Cover Savings. ROUSSEAUN Heritage House OS Limited 216 Mary Street E., Whitby0 Phone 6683483 14TORONTO W HERE'S HOW TO FIND near the Darlington project is designated as major open space in the Durham Region Officiai Plan. In a preamble to his motion. Coun- cillor Taylor pointed out that' there, have been justifiable concerns ex- pressed by environmental agencies and individuals about returning the hot water produced by the Generating Station directly back in- to Lake Ontario. Ontario Hydro has indicated its willingness to discuss the use of this waste heat in the form of hot water with the public and private sectors. Government Assists Councillor Taylor also noted that the federal Minister of the Environ- ment has indicated the, govern- ment will assist companies in taking the initiative to utilize and develop waste heat from electric generating stations for agricultural pursuits related to food production. Successful greenhouse and other food production practices such as fish farming and fruit farming have been carried out using waste heat water in trials in other areas, he ob- served. Such food production is labour intensive and consequently would create more jobs, he argueci. There is also a market since many food items which are currently im- ported at high cost to the consumer could be produced here successfully using waste heat from generating stations, reasoned the councillor. Buffer Zone Furthermore, he added, "àgricultural uses of this kind could and would create a useful and desired buffer zone between the developing urban areas of Courtice and Bowmanville andwould com- plement the long range planning in the town of Newcastle." Councillor Bob Dykstra said he is "wholeheartedly in favour of the proposal" since "the potential for using waste heat 'from the Generating Plant is tremendous and far greater than any of us recognize. " He said he was concerned that "we might just adopt the resolution and leave it there. " Councillor Taylor replied that once the motion is approved, staff can make recommendations to coun- cil regarding the best means of im- plementing the policy. Can-ada Packers Award Given Durham Student Canada Packers has made a $300.00 award available to Durham College students forî presentation 1 to an 1 undergraduate of the three- year Business Administration Computer Data Processing course. The award is for a student who bas demonstrated leadershiru abilities. as well as S Drama Wvi The Lions Centre was the scene of an exciting chapter in the history of the Bowmanville Drama Workshop. Last Wednesday, September 2t, 24 hopeful actors and actresses, some with years of acting experience and some auditioning for the first time, read lines from A Thurber Carnival for the benefit of 5 directors. Thé newcomers especially, were pleased to hear that everyone would be given a part. Including the production staff, there will be at least 40 people working together to bring to local theatre fans an evening of Thurber at his best. "There is sometbing for everyone" the directors assure us. If you are a Thurber devotee you will be obtaining a high academic standing in the second year and is continuing in the program. This year the award was given to Janice Gouldburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gouldburn of Whitby, Ontario, who is entering Year III of the Data Processing orkshop able to sit back and become reacquainted with an old friend. If you don't know Thurber you are in for a pleasant surprise. Option in Business Administration. Tbe award was made at the College on Tbursday, September 28, by Pbilip Renouf National Recruiting Co-ordinator and William Hannah, Small Systems Manager for Canada, Packers. In determining recipients of the award, academic achievement,, qualities of leadership and character, resourcefulness. financial need and participation in extra -curricular activities were all taken into considera- tion. BUILDALL'S LONG YARD CLEARANCE& LIFS F UM ERSome with nails in it, some warped, AS LOW00 L IFTSO FLU B Rsome clamaged. AS 20 (Oshawa and Courtice) DAMAGED AND DISCONTINUED PANELLUNG SV 0 3$piieranes -a M-aon non-stocked Dashwood Windows (COURTICE, OSHAWA AND WHITBY)(OURICESORE SAVE 15% S SAVE SAVE SAVEUPT40 on Domtar Treated Wood on discontinued kitchen and vanity onVEisplaktencabnet (ALL STORES) faucets (OSiplytHecainesTOE (WHITBY, OSHAWA, COURTICE) (SAASOE SAVE 40 % SAV E 250/% SAV E 45%/ ondscnine meokhubardw r on all Buildali exterior paint on discon'tinued Nord Spindies hardw AreSTRE (AIL STORES> (WHITBY STORE) MAEUSAN OFFER ON DAMAGED SAVE 25% AN D DISCONTINUED KITCHEN, CUPBOARDS on discontinued carpets AND VANITIES. NO REASONA BLE OFFER REFUSED (OSHAWA STORE) (OSHAWA STORE> MAKE US AN OFFER 1x3-8S R C ON DAMAGED AND DISCONTINUED i x3.8 SP UCE CEILING TILE SCANTS a20 EACH NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED (OSHAWA STORE) (AIL STORES) PATIO SLABS SAVE 75% SAVE 50 % 12 x 24 flflÀa on discontinued Weiser locks on discontinued light fixtures Coloured * I9 EACH (COURTICE) (COURTICE STORE) (OSHAWA STORE) NU-TOP DECORATIVE SAVE 50 % 4' WORK BENCHES flon non-stocked cedar doors JUST AFEW $A9 LAMINANT m0 OT (OSHAWA STORE) LEF 4 EAC (OSHAWA, COURTICE STORE) (COURTICE STORE) CRYSTAL TILE SAVE 25% MIAMI CAREY FANS CTC-2, CTC7, CTC8 $Ê2 99 particle board sheif units Model No. 560 $l Model No. 293-A EACH 41/ sq. fit. pkg. % variaus sizes Reg. $40.92 7.~2~ 1 .9 (OSHAWA STORE) (WHITBY, OSHAWA STORES) EACH (OSHAWA STORE) SAVE 40% ROUND STEEL POSTS SV 5 ,SAVE 40% ~white or red f-aK ogarden tools, hoses and sprinklers various Iengths EC on Lorenzo bath room onLSTRS 3ic diameter * URI E ACHRE van ities and marbie tops (AILSTORS) inc (CORTIE STRE)(WHITBY, OSHAWA STORE) PLAIN ALUMINUM DOORS SV 0 POWER ATTIC VENTILATORS 21x_0$35,J00 EC on wrought iron railing $7646 2-1x-O uEmC and accessories Mode! No. N340 (WH ITBY, COU RTICE, OSHAWA STO RES) (AIL STORES> (AIL STORES) SAVE 20 % SAVE 20% SAVE 10% onceosteadpetoxon ail Rez stains on ail Olympie Stains wood preservatives (AIL STORES) (AIL STORES) (AIL STORES) ~ffTlOSHAWA H.N.2 COURTICIE a100 Bond St. West Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA H EN LJLJ ... t. to 5:30 Thurs. & Fri. to 9-00 HEM NWY 72-1617Sat. to 5:30 ASSOCIATE STORE 728-161 1

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