'rails System Proposed by Conservation Authority LA i E Harbour .1~I0 An extensive trail system runnin north along the tbree creeks in the immediate vicinity of the Village, of Newcastle, was proposed by the araska River Conservation Authorityat a meeting T'hursday nigh t at the Newcastle Community Hall. The plan proposed three major trails with corinecting lin ks and several Nodes. Nodes are areas of recreational aetivity and focal points for the trails. Over a 20 year period, the authority would like to establish a systemf of trails running from Bowmanvllle to Port Hope. Tirail SystemW from Port Hope to Bowmanville Proposed by GRC VA A report released Thursday evening by the Ganaraska River Conservation Authority ha. called for the creation of a system of trails and recreation areas stretching from Bowmanville to Port Te authority, in its Newcastle Greenbelt study, dlaims that this would be a long term goal, however, ail of the work now being proposed is designed to be a component of that larger proposai. A t a meeting in the Newcastle Community Hall, the authority revealed its DiRK BRIN""" ~'. 623-3621 ~ c State 1Farm Fire and easuity Company report designed to be a detailed policy and offer development alternatives for the floodplain lands under its Mrsiction and witbin the I imits of tbe Town of Newcastle. According to the Authority it was concerned about tbe creation of a greenbelt systemn for the urban' centre of Newcastle. The study proposes three main trails: one running from the moutb of tbe Wilmot Creek to tbe fish batcbery; one running from the moutb of tbe Graham Creek nortb; and another running north along Poster Creek. These trails would be augmented by recreation areas at certain points and provide passage ways for otber recreational pursuits such as walking, -Skilng, and naturalist enjoy- ment. ilb. new wagemies On August 1, 1978 new Minimum Wage rates wilI go into effect. Here are the new rates: Effective 'August 1, 1978 General hourly rate $ 2.85 Leamner, hourly rate 2.75 Construction and Guards at construction sites, hourly rate *Hourly rate for persons employed to serve liquor in licensed piremises *Student, hourly rate Ambulance Drivers and Helpers, Weekly Rate Hunting or Fishing Guides less than 5 consecutive hours 5 or more hours whether or flot consecutive *Roomn and Board The following maximum rates apply when room and board are included in calculating the minimum wage: Room, weekly Meals, each weekly Room and Meals, weekly *no change from previous rate 'Mhe entire work week in which August i fails 3.15 2.50 2.15 136.80 12.50 25.00 11.00 1.15 24.00 35.00 You can get more information about the new Minimum Wage rates and the Employment Standards Act by writing or phoning: Employment Standards B ranch Ontario Ministry of Labour 400 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M7A1IT7 (416) 965-5251 SOntario Em.,loyment Ministry of Staimdards lq 1Labour Braich Hon. Bette Stepihenson, t.D., Minister Floodplain management and protection is needed for the area, according to the authority, in light of impend- ing development, bence the study. The study states that recreation sbould pay a minor role due to tbe, more than adequate facilities in the region, however, any recreational areas establisbed should serve the local popula- tion. The authority is also advocating the deveiopment and awareness of bistorical sites and aspects of the area. Oniy four or five members of the public turned up at the meeting, and most of the questions came f rom members of tbe Newcastle council. Their concerns focussed mainly on tbe proposed use of the bydro corridors by the autbority for connecting links for the trails, the procurement of the land needed for tbe project and the responsibiiity for the upkeep of the area. Most of the land the authority plans to run the trail s over wouid be acquired by means of easements and rights-of-way, altbougb it did state it would be willing to purchase some land. A suggestion that the town accept fioodpiain land as part of the five per cent open space requirement in su bdivision agreements was not readily acceptable to tbe town staff who were present at the meeting. It is conceivable however, that the town would co-operate in tbis manner and turn the land over to the authority. Two areas immediately identified by the autbority for development were the Newcastle fisb hatcbery and park that would be estabiisbed at the nortb end of the study area on the Foster Creek. The fisb batcbery would be deveioped in a low içey manner, states the report, and would be carried out in co-operation witb the Ministry of Natural Resources. Tbe park would serve proposed residential subdivisions in the Foster Creek area. Offer ends Saturday, JuIy 29th. PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOURS Mont., Tues., Sat. 9:30 - 6:-00 Wed. - fi. 9:30 -9: 00 A beautiful 8" x 10" COLOUR PORTRAIT 9 Idividual PLUS.5 Handling Par Portrait Children, Aduits, and Fanmilies Wslcomel $1 .25 for each additional person in a group. CHOOSE FROIM A WIDE VARIETY 0F S1BACKGROUNDS " Limit - 1 offer par person, 2 par family. " Extra prints available at reasonable prices. " Choose your favourite pose f rom actual finished portraits - flot proofs. " If you aren't satisfied with these Iovely portraits, yourmoney WilIIba refunded. " A varety of mats and frames also evailable. E ATO N'S Oshawa Centre Upper Level Also available al Eatons, Don Milis, Bramalea, Shoppers World, Scarborough T.C., Yorkdale and Sherway. STORE HOURS:. Open Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30 a.M. to 6: . . Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9: 00 p.m. In the long term, the authority wouid like to extend the trails north on the Wiimot to the source area, iinking it up to the Ganaraska Forest. In the planning stages, is a trail system extending from the Ganaraska River to the Newcastle Greenbeit, with trails forth aiong the Graham. This wouidoffer a trail system from Newcastle to Port Hope. The Authority wouid also like to see the Wiimot trails being iinked with the Bowmanviiie Creek in a co-operative effort with the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority, thereby Iinking Bowmanviiie to Newcastle. Now, the planning depart- ment of the town wiil examine the proposais, as will the region's pianners, and tbey wiii comment on it. This is to give the region and town an opportunity to make suggestions before the study is adopted as a policy by the authority. OBITUARY CLIFFORD BENTLEY BRUTON On Thursday, Juiy l3th, 1978,ý the deatb occurred in Memoriai Hospital,Bowman- ville of Clifford Bentley Bruton, who had been iii for three years. He was in bis 73rd year. Son of Raymond and Lillian Bruton, he was born in Dundonaid, and educated in Hamilton. He was married June 29th, 1933 to' the late Mary Agnes O'Neill, who predeceased him i 1952. A resident of Orono since 1924, he had previously resided in Kendai. In business for 44 years, he had been empioyed at the Knox Fur Farm, mink farming and beekeeping, retiring four years ago. Mr. Bruton's interest centred around his home, family and gardening.' Surviving are bis chiidren James, Millbrook, Joan, (Mrs. P. Trofimuk) Edmonton, Francis (Sam), Oshawa, Cynthia, (Mrs. O.G. Knapp), and Vincent, Orono and Phiiip of Port Hope. He was, pre- deceased by Cecilia in 1946. Father Frank Mihelic officiated at the funeral services held on Monday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Mrs. Hoskin Smith presided -at the organ. Paîl-bearers were Messrs. Alvin 'and Glenn Quinney, Richard Bunting, Ross and Wesley Knapp and Ronald Prescott. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 26, 1978 5 Re finery Site Decision Expected Within a Week According to sources close to tbe Minister of Energy Mines and Resources, the decision on the location of the Eldorado Nuclear Limited's proposed uranium bexafluor- ide refinery will be made witbin tbe next week. Alastair Gillespie has been weighing the pros and cons of various sites, the report of the environmental assessment board and the suggestion of Len Marchand, environment minister, for several weeks now. He will. make the decision after reading detailed submissions from Eldorado now in bis possession. Eldorado proposed building a $100 million refinery at Port Granby, however, the environ- ment board ruied against tis site on February 26. Since then, the debate as to where the refinery should go bas raged. There are three main sites being considered:, Blind River, Sudbury and Hope Townsbip. The Town of Newcastle bas submitted another site since Port Granby was' ruled out, although Eldorado spokesmen have saici they were not in favor of this site because of the studies wbich would have to be carried out. The debate is complicated by the nortb-south s p it in the site proposais. Norther n members of parliament have asked the minister to choose the Sudbury or Blind River site because of the high unemployment in Northern Ontario. They bave also pointed out that a nortbern location for the refinery wouid place it close to the uranium and cut transportation costs for the raw materials. Northern Ontario aiso offers the company easy access to a dumping ground for the by- products. One of the major issues at any southern site is where the waste is going to be dumped. "The wastes from this new refinery could be returned to the ground from wbicb the ore came", said Maurice Foster, MI' Algoma. "This would be the best waste disposai system possible. If this cannot be achieved initially, it should be stored where the tailings from the mines are stored and thus avoid the creation of new nuclear waste dlisposai dumps." Hope township, however, is not witbout its benefits for the company. A steering committee set up in the beginning of May has noted that 'by placing the refinery close to the existing refinery in Port Hope, there would be no duplication of facilities. Aiso the con- struction and operating costs for the refinery would be lower if it were iocated in southern Ontario. Officiais for Eldorado have said tbey would prefer a southern location altbough tbey wouid be bound to go along with the decision of the minister. Mr. Foster bas argued the company's preference for a southern location is pureiy one BHnS 1Tec-h of convernjece. He saici that it was for the convenience of the company's management, wbo do not want to move nortb, according to Mr. Foster, tbat the Company prefers a southern site. The refinery will provicie approximateiy 450 jobs initialiy, and after start up, does not include spin-off empioyment that is bound to occur in secondary industries. Once the minister decides on the site, another environ- mental review panel will be set up to examine the predicted effects on the environment. The panel could rule against the minister's choice and the wboie decision making process wouid have to start again. Studying for His Sarasota Doctorate Frank Varga, 'echnicai Director of Bowmanviiie 1High Scbooi is one of 150 graduate students attending a summer session of three two-week terms at the University of Sarasota. Students enrolled are studying for Ed.D., M.A. and M.Ed. degrees. In the first two weeks, university presiGent Dr. John H. O'Neill wili iead a seminar irA'-iupervision, administration and management. Dean of administration, Dr. Epp. A. Miller, will conduct the speciai education seminar and Dr. John L. Cropp, director of special projects for the Sarasota County public schools will lead discussions on curriculum, instruction and evaluation. The seminar on tecbnical and vocational educationi will be led by Dr. Alvin Garglick, coordinator of distributive education for the scbool district of Philadelphia. He also wiil teach afternoon tutorials in doctoral disserta- tion design and preparation. The other afternoon tutorial, philosophy of education will be led by Dr. William E. Gorman, dean of instruction for the summer sessions and professor of education at DePaul University. The seminar in human services will be conducted by Dr. Robert H. Zelier, professer of public affairs at Sangamon State University. Morniing seminars are from 8 to 1: 15 and the afternoon tutorials from 2 to 4:30. Mr. Varga is taking the ful three two-week ternis, studingforhis doctorate degin supervision, admin- istration and management. He will finish bis courses on August llth and spend the winter montbs working on bis dissertation topic "A Follow Up Study of the Technical Graduates of Bowmanviiie High School from 1972 to 1978 with Implications for Curriculum Revisions. " Mrs. Varga and their tbree children, Debbie, John and Lesie, accompanied Mr. Varga to Sarasota. It's flot work to walk. So why flot wadk to work? afr,,pa1ý' i IMPOR TANT is oequioeed to vote m kFederal Elections, The Canada Elections Act of 1970 provides that every man and woman who has attained the age of 18 years and is a Canadian citizen qualifies as an elector and is therefore able to vote in federal by-elections and general elections. The Act also provided that British subjects who were not Canadian citizens but who qualified as electors at the time of the 1968 general election could continue to vote in federal elections for a period of five years following the coming into effeet of the new Canada Elections Act on June 26, 1970. Accordingly, since June 26,1975 only Canadian citizens have had the right to vote in federal elections, You'do not need to produce proof of Canadian Citizenship either at the time of enumeration or at the polis. However, if challenged at the polis, you mhay be asked to swear that you are a Canadian citizen before voting. Ifyou wish'to apply for Canadian citizenship or ifyou have any doubts about your status as a Canadian citizen., please contact: The Court of Canadian Citizenship nearest you iisted under "Government of Canada" in the white pages of your telephone directory as follows: Citizenship Inquiries, or Court of Canadian Citizenship, or Secretary of State. OR - You may wish to write directly to: Registrar of Canadian Citizenship, Department of the Secretary ot State, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0M5 There are Courts of Canadian Citizenship iocated in 28 major centres across Canada. Citizenship officers, provincial or county courts, and speciaiiv appointed individuals provide citizenship services in.many other areas. Vot xiii be referred to the most convenient location. TUE GRANTING 0F CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP TAKES AN AVERAG E,0F THREE MONTHS FROM THE l)AE 0F APPLICATION. 0 Tl ii Il f ormia t ioînis J) vO'i<el i s apî )1<sl ea ndIissucd j ai nt l v 1 tll C i('ieElector-al Oflicer al t km Registrar ot, ('amidjan i. enhi, I )ep:;l- in l of' i w ere r t ta t e. * J, OlIN lt(Itit'IrS üI + m I : A Ole(WS'IiVIE CIX\ IE LCO IAML OFI