Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 5

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Messrs. Gordon MeBride and Jim La Rocqu.e returned home last.. week after having spent a couple enjoyable weeks' holiday in sunny Aca- puleo, Mexico, where the temperature was up te 90 degrees. We hope they have survived the change! Mlr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones attended the regular Gideons meeting, last Monday night, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1Rymer, Oshawa. Mrs. Joyce Virtue was a luncheon guest, Friday, with Mr. and.Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Attending the Newcastle Senior Citizens Card Party, Thuirsday' evening, from this area were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, Mrs. va Farrow, Mrs. Amy Milligan and Ber- nice, Mr. Raymond Bruce and MVrs. Isabel Waters. Mr. and Mrs. F. Qilmer were luncheont guests, Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmner, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin, R. R. 1 Port Hope, and, later, Melville showed pictures of their trip te Australia and New Zealand, etc. Visitors through the week, with Mrs. Leone Lane, includ- ed Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lane, Port Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and family, Orono, and dinner guests on Sunday werç Mn. and Mrs. Barry Lane and family, Peterborough. Mrs. Irene Burley of Bow- manville was a weekend visiter with Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale. Weekend visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton in- cluded Miss Jan Reid and Gary Stapleten of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleten of Toronto. This was a "good-bye" visit for the latter couple, who lire meving te Halifax, where he has been promoted te, Manager of the Data Precessing Center, ef- fective Jan. 3lst, after having wonked fer six yeans in the Torento Reyal Bank .Cem- puter Center. Our congratula- tiens! Mr. Don Fletcher and friend, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Marien and Orial Edgenten were the greeters at our chunch door, Sunday merning, and eur attendance was geod, as -usual. Rev. Tizzard's sermon was based on the theme, "Using Emu Egg Is a Big Attraction for MitcbeiI's Corner Students What 1 Have", and the choir sang "How Great Thou Art", wîth the Junior girls singing the second verse, the junior boys, the, last, ene, and al joining in the chorus. Mrs. Carol Gardner was at the organ. As it was Kendal Congrega- tional meeting, in the after- noon, Rev. Tizzard was there and Mrs. Tizzard filled in, very ably, at the worship services in the two Newcastle Rest Homes. Violet Gilmer assisted at the pianos, andi Inez and Wallace Beughen helped eut, with thé transpor- tation, and singing. Newtonville School News Tuesday, Jan. 25th A speak- er on the Evils of Smoking, by a member of the Can. Cancer Society. Wednesday 1 te 3:30 p.m., Public Library every week. Wednesday 7iý30 p.m. SEAP meeting. Dr. J. Jury Nulear Phsysi- cist of Trent University also an Environmntal Consultant. A naturalist and a repre- sentative cf the. "Veice cf Women". Senior students will be attending Ceunty Court, in Cobourg, by invitation. Thursday-Professional Ac- tivity Day. Principal Veldhuis will be in Come in ta ... 9'Ic §~Q ~~pp THE TOTAL LOOKO... by REDKEN, IBey has just returned from a Redken Séminar în Hollywood, Cal., and she would, like to personally introduce you to thîs total Hair and Skin Care Program. Getting a good look at'an Emu egg (and the camera) are these grade six students at the Mitchell's Corners Sehool. The big egg was one of the curiosities from Australia that Lori Van Camp brought to the sehool Iast week. Miss Van Camp also showed the grade six class some slides from her vîsit to Australia last year as a Rotary exehange student. The grade sixistudents had recently been studying the counmtries "down under." Orono, wnere there will be a Reading Expert. The senior pupils, under the leadership of- Mrs. 1.. Cox, meet once a week and have had the pivilege cf havîng been addressed by the. Assist- anit Crown Attorney. Mr. Stubbington thus their invita- tien te, attend County Court. The Region and varieus other groups have passed motiens supperting SEAP and it is hoped local residents will turn eut te hear the'reports given at ceming meetings. Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones were Sunday afternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Payne. 1Visitors, Sunday, evening, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Mn. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, daughter Kim and friend Charlene Zietsma. Newtonville Women's Insti- tute met at the home cf President Amelia Lancaster, Wednesday Jan. l9th and due te the absencýe of Secty.-Trea- surer Madeline Buckley, Via- let Glmerate as a substi- tute. Rieport of last meýetIg. was read. ndadoted. anid financial report, heard. The "Dairy Foed Festival"- was held at the home, cf Mrs. Milligan recently and attend- ed by'several of the members. "Summary Day" will be held at Orono in the I.O.O.F. Hall on Monday, Jan. 24th. Three members will take an article of food with accomp-' anying recipe, and Mrs. Tiz- zard and Mns. Fletcher will present a skit.' Information cencerning the Central Ontario Area Wo- men's Insltitute Cushion Top Competition was read. Calendars, the compliments of S.J. Lancaster, were given each one present, and apprec- iation for same, expressed. The annual Card Party was discussed, and a motion was passed te holàd it in Newten- ville Community Hall, Friday, Feb. 25th 8 p.m. Admission 75 cents, 50-50 draw-25 cents. Tally cards are te be purchased. Queenie Fletcher and Bea Joncs agreed te be a Cemmit- tee te look after Playing and Taly Cards. Iva Farrow has* Tabl'e Markers and she and Amelia Lancaster will look after them. Mabel Wade wîll check en her supply cf Tally cards. Plans are te be made for- 25 tables. Volunteers donatîng prizes for the event included: Mrs. Dennis, Jean O'Neill, A. Lancaster, V. Gilmer, 0. Henderson, B. Stephenson. G. Brew,ýn, B. Milligan. It was decîded te have coffee, doughnuts, and plain cookies as lunch.' Twelve dezen doughnuts will be ordered and Amelia Lancaster will pick them up. Queenie Fletchen, Janet Pae- den and Bea Joncs will donate cookies. Violet Gilmer expressed appreciation fer the lovely card of congratulations on their 55th wedding anniver- sary, received, frotn the Institute, by her husband and herself. 1- Our Women's Institute will be 65 Years eld, on May 31st, this year. Convenon Jean O'Neill was in charge of the prognam, and Janet Paeden gave the motte "Eat To Live, Net Live To Eat". The roll calI "An idea te keep food prices down," was answered, more or less, by the seventeen me mbers present.' The meeting closed with the Benediction, and, after the Institute Grace, lunch was served. This included varieus samples cf Dairy Food pro- ducts enjeyed by all.- Marjory Pascoe held the "Lucky Cup" and the usual appreciation was expressed te the hostess. TYRONE The Tyrene Comimunity Centre held its annual meeting Sunday, January 23rd at 7:30 p.m. It was well attended and lasted until 10:00 p.m.. The chaîrman (Mr. John Virtue) welcomed everybody and thanked themn for showing s0 much interest in their comn- munity. The Secretary (Mrs. J. Heming) proceeded to read the minutes of the last regular meeting which were conse- quently approved. The treasurer (Mrs. C. Bowers) then read the finan- cial report, which showed that the community centre is healthy fînancially but went through, a very dîsappointing year in 1976. Next item on the agenda was the nomination and elec- tien of officers for the ceming year 23 members were nomin- ated, il declined, 12 stood te be elected to the eight seats on the board. When the dust had settled only one mnemfber of last year's board remained. and only two others had served on the board before. The new members of the, Tyrone Community Centre Bruce Knowlton, Mr. John Forbes, Mr. John Virtue, Mrs. Marie Real, Mr. B. Heming, Mr. Gary Cornish. Chairman will be Mr. John Forbes, Treasurer Mrs. Arlene Glas- pel, Secretary Mrs. Marie Real. The first regular meeting will be held Sunday Jan. 3th at 8 p. m. The meeting like- ah T.C.C meetings is open and anyone wishing te attend is welceme. The Hall Board Dance will be held Saturday Jan. 29th. Tickets are available at Bvam's Store. Elizabethville The Fewler boys helped move Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven- huysen from their apantment te his mothers home while she is in Florida for 6 te 8, weeks during which time John and Nancy will have time te find a place a lot dloser te their jobs, than where they had lived. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Mercen, Montreal were heme over the week-end. Robt. is being moved te Toronto and they expect te move very soon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgin and family spent Sunday with Mn. The Athletic Association andu Mrs. G. rewlen, Toronto reports very geod response te and attended the Ice Follies. its Family Skating program Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker, and will be able te extend it by Sunderland visited witb Mr. a few weeks. The Association and Mrs. H. Thickson, Sun- has offered and Mr. Fanning day. bas accepted a new bulletin board for the Darlington1 Miss Doris Beatty, and Mr. Arena. The -tickets for the D., Gumby, Toronto spent the February Sports Dance are week-end with Mn. and Mrs. selling well according to the R. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. C. Denim ý JEANS JEANS GAUCHOS OVE RALLS! SKIRTS JUMPERS VESTS Reg. SALE $17.0010 $20.00 $10.00 $22.00 $12.95 $20.00 $10.95 $22.50 - $26.00$1 0-130 $27.00$180 $12À00to $15.00 $6.00-$7.50 $8.00.$9.00 $13.00 - $15.00 $6.50' JACKETS $1 8.00 -$24.00 $i9.0C-$î 2.00 Aso.. SALE STARTS THURS., JAN. 271. 19Ï7 THE, Sportiîng Gesture S 67 King St. West 623-9222 NE WTON VILLE Bowmanville ~ The Caradin Statesînan, Bowmanville, Januarv 26, 197 5 LGG0%CKING FOR, BARGAINS AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS? Visit The.Gif t LOnd 65 King St. East Bowmanville DURING OUR FABULOUS 40%0/ OFF SALE FLOWERS, PLANTS and THINGS. Len Koenderman Carnation Flori@t Ferns are really popular. Little wonder when you stOp to realize the variation in color and form and broad growing conditions they tolerate. Look at the lovely pale green birds nest, Asplenlumnidus with ifs 3' upright leaves, a beautiful f loor pl1ant in the home for if does well in a low light and isni't bthered by the low 'hum idity found in so many of todays homes. 1 Can there be a more popular plant in Canada today than the Boston Fern - Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis'. Is held on to that f irs t place f rom Grandmas ' da. It's 3' f ronds will often arch fo the floor when se n apedestal ln a good location wlth plenty cf filfered light. Average ostenrâus suit i tfie. huetmeaue Look at the Bufton fern with Ifs littie round leaves and Holley fern. It really does look like holley. The favorite stag horn so nice' for home greenhouses, poolside and large windows. Surely the f ern is 'a versatile group of plants generally useful because they wilI folerate low h ght situations, -and touchy because most excepf the birdnest like high humidity. A diverse family, you're sure to find ohe to suit your every need, your every location. CARNATI1ON ' FLORISI 623-7141 623-5577 33 Division St., Bowmaniville GiantReductionsto, Clear ALL DENIM and MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS MUST GO! Mden's Dress Shirts Reg. SALE short Steeve $ 9.00 $4095 Short Sleeve $1 1.00 $5.95: Long Sleeve $1 0.00 $6.50 Long Sleeve $1 2.00 $7.50 Long Sleeve $14.00 $8.95, Long Sleeve $161.00 $10.00 Long Sleeve $20.00 120 Long Sleeve $24.00- $13350 Long Steeve $28.00 - $29.00 $160 Long Sleeve s3o.oo$070 LADI ES' Tops 2£0-50 % Off Men's Long Sleeve SWEATERS and T-SHIRTS 210% - 40%e -Off SKI JACKETS SUITS and SWEATERS 20% - 30%Yo -1Off -- - - 1 1, ',

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