Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 6

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6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Januarv 26, 1977 Section T'wo AgriculItural News 1977 Agricultural Publications Now Available D uring the past week we hve received the 1977 Ontario Field Crop Recommendations book, and the 1977 Guide To Chemical Weed Control. In the very near future we expect that the 1977 Fruit and Vegetable Production Recom- mendations books will also be available at the Agricultural office. The Fruit and Vegetable Production Rec- ommendations books will probably be sent out to ail fruit and vegetable growers by Mr. Bey Ells, Extension Hortîcul- turisi at the Agricultural office. The Field Crop Rec- ommendations and The Guide To Chemical Weed Control books will be mailed out to al paid up' members of the Durham Soul and Crop Im- prlovement Association within the next week to ten days. If you are not already a memaber of the Soul and Crop Iohprove- ment Association, but would like to receive these publica- tions, as well as, the mail out of the Crop Grams outlining up-to-date cropping practices during the year, you can becomne a member of the Soil and Crop Improvement Assoc- iationi by paying the $500 annual mnembership fee,, and these materials will then be mailed to you. If you do not Im. ~DXPREN '~QUAI FUEL prompt, Court, Out-of -toý please cal REASONABI DX NO0W OPEN Specialing in Vacuum Cleaner anhd Polisher Repairs REID'S SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE "lCompl ete SmaII Home Appliance Repa irs" TELEPHONE 623-6244 f Hou rs: I9: 00 a. m. to 5: 00 p. m. jMonday through'Friday I Saturday 9 .00 a. mto12 Noon 164 Base Line Road Uniùt 7 BowmnvileOntario want to becoone a mnember of the Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association, copies of the Field Crop Recommenda- tions book and the Guide To Chemical Weed Control can be picked up at the Agricultural office in Bowmanville. Milk Producers' Annual Meeting 0f special interest to al Durham Milk Producers will be the Annual Milk Producers' Meeting to be held on Tues- day, February îst, starting at 8:00 p.m. in the 100.OF. Hall 'in Orono. All milk producers in Durham should plan on attending this meeting as it will set some of the policy for marketing of mnilk in Ontario in the upcoming year. Includ- ed in the program will be a report on the current milk situation by Mr. Ken McKin- non, the newly elected chair- man of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, and Mr. Howard Sheppard, the newly elected member of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board for Region 5, which includes Durham County. In addition, Constable Clifford Strachan, of the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment in New- castle will show a film and lead a discussion on the "Movement of Farm Machin- ery on Roa 'ds and Highways."' We have had a large number of calîs from farmers and non-farma people in the last f ew years regardîng the liability and who is respons- ible if an accident does occur while farm machinery is being moved, so this topic should be, of interest toail milk pro- ducers. We urge you again to circle the date, Tuesday, February lst, and plan on attending the Annual Meeting of the Dur- ham Milk Committee in Orono. Federal Cow Caîf Stabilization 1 Progra m Ag icultural Minister Euge, e Whelan recently an- nounced details of an estim- ated Seventy million dollar ($70,000,000) Federal Cow Caîf Stabilization Program for 1977. The program will sup- port caîf prices at 90 per cent of the national average of the past five years adjusted for changes in farmers cash costs of production. Ahl beef cow caîf producers with herds nf more than 5 cows will be eligible for assistance with special arrangements to, be made for those who are already covered by current Provincial plans such as the Ont ario Beef Cow Calf Stabîl- ization Program. The support level for 197v will be set for, good grade calves at 90 per cent of the average caîf price from Sep- tember to December in the past five y ears, and indexed for cost changes that- the' farmer must face. The Cow Caîf Stabilization payment for 1977 will be calculated in early January 1978, by subtracting average good grade caîf AIUM< LITYI FEOIL- teous Service.I wn calîs, Il1 col lect. ILE PRICES QILi pric 'es t ronmSepteon ber ib Dececnber 1977 t'rom the establishied support level. We have already hiad calîs frorn cow caîf producers in the country regarding hûw pro- ducers ini Ontario will fit into the new Féderal Program. The Federal Program will cover cow caîf producers in provinces where there are no Provincial stabilization pro- grams. In the other provinces such as Ontario where exist- ing programs continue in 1977, it will cover producers not enrolled in the existing pro- grams. How producers who are enrolled in exîsting Pro- vincial programs can fit into the new Federai scherne, we are not exactly sure at presenit. We understand that meetings between the Ontario and Federal Governments will be held to discuss this, but, we do not have details at the present time. When we re- ceive further information, we will be passing it on to all beef cow caîf producers. Plans Available for Farm Buildings Farm operations today de- mand well designed farmn buildings. This means struc- tures should be well planned and properly constructed to ensure that they are safe, functional, and economical. The Agricultural Engineering Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food pro- vides design information for Ontario farmers through the local Agricultural offices. Much of the assistance to farmers is provided through the Canada Plans Service. The Canada Plan Service prepares plans for constructing modemn farmn buildings, livestock housing systems, storages, and equipment. Ahl necessary structural détails are speci- f led on the plans which are available free of charge to farmers, contractors and others whowish f0 use the service. The plans are de- signed in accordance with the Canadian Code for Farm- Buildings and meet the stand- ards of the Ontario Building Code. Plan'js are continually updated to incorporate Business Directory changes in design, codes and improvernents ini materials. For more information on the Canada Plan Service, farmers can get in touch with the Agricultural Engineer for Durham, Bob Stone, -through our office, and as well, farmers will have the oppor- tunityf0 talk to Agricultural- Engineers about plans when they attend the Farm Machin- ery Shows in Toronto, London and Ottawa this winter. Agricultural Calen»dar January 18 & 19-Durham North 4-H Homemnaking Club Leaders' Training School, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the I.O.0.F. Hall, Orono. January 20 & 21-Durhamn South 4-H Homemaking Club Leaders' Training School, 10:00 a.rn.-4:00 p.m. at the! I.O.0.F. Hall, Orono. Friday, January 21-11:00 a.m. Hostein Club Directors' Meeting at the Agricultural office Bowmanville. Monday, January 24-10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Swine AI. Clinic at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Boardroom, Brighton. Contact Jim Daîrymple at 613-475-1630. Tuesday, J anuary 25-1:00 p.m. The Durham Beef Im- provement Association An- nual Meeting, Legion Hall, Millbrook. Speaker-Stewart Brown from Elgin County, Past President of the Ontario ('attlemen's Association and presently Vice President of Canadian Cattlemen's Assoc- iation. .Wednesday, January 26- First in a series of Farm Machinery Maintenance Clin- ics to be held at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food boardroom, Bowman- ville. Speaker Colin James, Imperial Oul Limited, Toronto. Wednesday, January 26- 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m, Halibur- ton Highlands Maple Syrup Producers Information Meet- ing, Bobcaygeon Arena. Thursday, January 27-1:30 p.m. R.O.P. Test Station Boar Sale, New Hamburg Test Station., January 31-Feb. 4-Farm Machinery Show at Exhibition Park, Toronto. Tuesday, February ,I18:00 p.m. Durham Milk Comm.rittee Annual Meeting at the 1.0. 0,F. Hall, Orono.1 Wednesdav. February 2- Second in a series of Farm Machinery Courses to be held at the farm workshop of Bob Carruthers, Bowmanville. Thursday, February 3-9:30 arn. Peterborough Pork Con- ference, Rockhaven Motor Hotel, Peterborough., Farm Taxation Meetings iu February Monday, February 21-1:30 p.m. Blackstock Recreation Centre.1 Monday February 21-8:00 p. m. Yelverton United Church Hall. Tuesday, February 22-1:30 p.m. Town Hall at Millbrook.' 'Tuesday, February 22-8:00 p.m. Hampton United Church. Wednesday, February 23- 1:30 p.m. Welcome United Church. Thursday, February 24-8:00 p.m. Orono I.O.O.Hall. To keep plant leaves natu rally glossy, mist themn occasion- aliv with water. Youth in Rural Areas Study Agriculture via 4-H & Junior"Farmers While an emphasis on learu- ing about agriculture in ail of its aspects is an important goal of 4-H or Junior Farmers programs, there are 'other reasons for their popularity in rural areas. In a speech and slide presentation on the 4-H and Junior Farmers program, Department of Agriculture representative Ken Knox out- lined several of their main goals f0 members and guests of the BoWmanville Lions Club's annual Rural and Urban night on Jan. l7th. Mr. Knox, a supervisor for youth extension in the depart- ment's Toronto office, has -an extensive knowledge of the clubs gained from his own experience lu junior farming. The aim-of the 4-H program is to. give young people an. Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowma nvîilte Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant ,361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Te!ephone 725-6539 opportunity to learn skills in the different parts that make up the farming industry he said. Any individual between 12 and 20 years of age may find their interested suited for one of the many divisions within the group. They vary from learning skills in growing corn, hay and other crops to farm animais including beef cattie and pigs, he said. -While 50 per cent of 4-H members lu Ontario belong to the dairy clubs, he pointed out that the program also offers training in home-making, in caring for horses and ponies and snowmobiling. Theclub also provides tests for examining the quality of the skills that a'member has learned., Another purpose for the program is to give young people trom the rural areas an opportunity to meet others from similar backgrounds, 1The social aspects is even more prevalent in the junior farming program, a club for anyone between the age of 16 and 30. With self-help and comn- munity involvement as the club's motto, the program also allows them to emphasize the social side of the group. Then, four weekends during the year, the junior farming program holds provincial con- ferences for delegates from each community represented around Ontario. The province-wide meetings for planning special projects they will undertake during the year, equip the delegates to, take home information to pass on and use in, their farming communities as well. Both clubs not only provide young people with agricul- tural knowledge, he said, but also allow themi to discover their weaknesses and strengths in the various facets of farming. D. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P.'WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Docto r of Chi rop ractic 270 King St.E ast Bowma nvi lie Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chi ropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hourý: By appointment Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvilte (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KÈANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays9-5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623:-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bidg. Bowmanville Telephone 623-7349 Office Hours: 8:30 - 5: 00 Weekdays Closed Friday Afternoons DR.W.M. RUDELL SD.D.S. 75 King St.* E., Bowmanvitle Office H ours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'tii 5 Wednesday -9'tiI2 Friday -9'tit 4 Not open 5aturday or Sunday Oft ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY 1CLINIC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fni. 18:30'til 5:00 Wednesd ay 8:30'til 12:00 Saturda y -By appointment oni y Phone 623-4473 Peanut 24OZ fI' TOASTMASTER U5 OFF LBL Butter FREEZER English Muffinls IGA. IN TOMATO SAUCE20F 49 Beans with Park OZ, I 9 Luncheon Meat TIN-, 9 SOCIET, ASSOBTEO VARIETIES Luxury Dog Food TIN 29" CLUB HOUSE Gravy Mixes ENVELoPE 2 9e CARNATION INSTANT' REGULAR OR MARSI¶MALLOW Hot C.ocolate BOX 0FS 99 IGA. ORANGE PERDE Tea Bags 7u FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA FANCY GRADE Red Deliclu Applesý S LUS. C/r CHOCOLATE CHU? OR PEANUT BUTTER CHIP OF 54e Colonial Biscuits 2xf Oz 1.39 ý"-,4-ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE Ontario iPotatoes CLOVER FARM ICE CREAM 2 LITRE CTN. ",c -WEO.. JAN. 26, TO SAT. JAN. 29, 1977. r'ïH THIS nuporT ION THE PURCHASE OF AI BOX 0F 60 RIOGEWAYSI ORANGE PEKOE j Tea Bags. G o orig:COUPON V DUNTILO.I Marmalade... JAJ WH THIS COUPONI ROSTESS, REGULAR, RIPPLE, SALT & VINEGAR OR BARBECUE FLAVORED ÉT A"'-' H Potao Cips <%Rj~i AERO. TINsOF BATHROOM. Potao Chps 7e 1BEAUTY ROSE, CHERRY CHOOSE FROM 17 VARIETIESI BLOSSOM.LILAC OR IT STRAWBERRY I Dare's Candies 07s. -69e I Wizard Air REGULAR, SUPER OR PLUS I Kotex79pkinsFresheners Kotx N pki7, F1 COUPON VALIO UNTIL CLOSING TEMPO, 1.5 MIL, 26" X 36" SIZE -R - -AR-O-10-7- fl....j.. ..~.... PO 70CQ AIUTItfhIfR mastIU~JicuarnageDd!agsOFîRji THAIFT PACK, FROZEN Bluewater Fish SticksWK-OM.99 SGA Blendrite Shortening Cit'RN-.49e PROOIJCE OF U.S.A, Bunh BUNHESO0% CarrotFO FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA FANCY GRADE Anjou 3LB99 PRODUCE 0F MEXICOdg CANADA NO. 1 GRADE »FR Cucumbers FOR WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIES. - * b. v ION THE PURCHASE OF A I21-FL. DZ.PLASTIC BOTI 0FI 8 1 Johnson s. Klear Plus COUPONI¶AUOD UNTIL CLOSING ISAIUROAY, JANUARY 29,1977 IONTHEPURCHASEOFA I BTL. OF 100 Anacin Tablets COUPON VALIO UNTIL CLOSING ISATURDAY, JANUARY 290.1977 ITHISCOUPONI ION THE PURCHASE OF AI I28-OZ. PKG. Of TWINKLEI Bubble Î COPNBath COPNVALIE UNTI LSN ISATUROAY, JANUARY 29 1977 James ns urance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowma nville For ail your insurance needs Nesta Akey or Doug James5 623-4406 q h 1< I I I M M I M p 4 *668-3381 M î ANI T.C -Iàiâkl 1 1-

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