Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 1

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BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, JANUARY 191977 SECTION TWO EDUTORIAL COMMENT The Penalty of Leadership Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from the Uxbridge Times Journal of an address by the Rev. McCaw at the Inaugural Meeting of council in Uxbridge. Editor Harry Stemp thought it was so timely that he reproduced the speech and we agree with him. The Penalty of Leadership "The word that is on many lips today is that of Leadership. We look to the United Nations for leadership in International affairs, to the Government to our Nation for Leadership in National Affairs, and to the Church to point the way in which men should walk, to be vocal against social injustices and to speak the mind of Christ to the Nation. "Leadership is not always easy to give. Whoever accepts Leadership in any Realm must be prepared to pay a penalty. You, ladies and gentlemen, have been chosen to serve as Leaders in your particular area of this great community. Because of this I would like to speak to you for a few moments on, "The Penalty for Leadership". "At times the penalty is heavy. History has written this irreversible verdict in the lives of men whose names are bywords today. "Leadership is not the birth-right of the so-called Great. It is more subtle than that. It may come and on occasion does come to the less moderately endowed. "So the man who by dint of circumstance and strength becomes a Political Leader. Seeking to guide his generation through the maze of conflicting trends, he puts his name in jeopardy. "So the man of letters who wishes to be read must submit himself to the cold appraisal of his critics. So he who speaks as a prophet must be prepared to be judged and stoned. So also must Council Members and o.thers who would seek to pattern the moral life of their community, be prepared to see their moral authori- ty challenged and perhaps at times subverted. "This matter concern everyone ho dares to be a leader. There are _any who want Glory, but they are not preparedtowalk the glory road, foripadw thons. Th are many who want honor and distinc- tion, but they do not want to make the sacrifices which are the inevi- table hall-mark of honor and distinction. "For one thing, it implies con- stancy. A man is a man always. He is a man in time of crisis. Hfe may be tempted. He may be confronted with social problems that vex his soul; His moral courage may be put to the test; He may have to search his heart for some redeeming virtues, but he is a man always; a leader. He is a man at home. Hie is a man away from home; He is a man among those who know him, and he is a man among strangers. He is a man in the company of others and he is a man in the solitude of his own mind. "Let is once be known that a man's 'Public' concern is a veil screening his selfish purpose and his leadership is impaired. All leader- ship is spiritually strenous. You may drift into it, but you can hold it only by Sacrifice. "The price of leadership is the ability to face constant scrutiny. This scrutiny is like a searching light. Every flaw in our character is like a searching light. Every flaw in our character is exposed. Every word we utter unguardedly is flung into the wind. There is always judge- ment upon us, but the judgement is often a distortion so we suffer, agonize, and are tortured in our minds. "It is never a light matter to be called hypocritical or insincere. A leader must expect to see his honesty caricatured. That is the price he must pay. If a member of council is accused of having ulterior motives, that is the price he must pay for decency he cannot surren- der. Somehow all of us must be prepared to face this delemma: You as a Council man, I as a Minister. We must live beyond the judgement of others and we must live without moral compromise whatever the issues may be. "Where someone speaks with knowledge, there is leadership. Where there is excellency of character, there is leadership. Where a voice lifts itself beyond the confusing jargon of its day - there is leadership. Where there is insis- tence upon a good life; there is leadership. "There is one word which needs to be said in closing: Leadership demands not only a penalty: It finds a reward. "He who stands in the forefront, whether in the public arena or in business, does so because he has learned to live from the depth of his own being. He has discovered resources in himself. "There are stern times when life drives us back upon ourselves. Then we must use the dexterity of our own Souls. Then we mpust draw iponthe spiritual invtestrent we have ac- cumulated in our hearts. "How is it with you and with me? If storms come - and they do come - will we be able to do this? "Mr. Mayor and Members of Council, for the term which lies ahead of you, may I conclude by leaving with you a quotation from Phillips Brooks: Do not pray for easy lives; Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers: Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, But you shall be a miracle." Future Shock It becomes more difficult all the time to separate the nuts from the raisins in this crazy fruitcake of a world or ours. Ontario Hydro jacks up our bills and warns us through doleful advertisements that the end of the world is nigh, at least that part of the world that turns on electrie power. We're invited, so to speak, to pull the blankets over our heads and wait for the Apocalypse. Then ailong comes Gordon I. Forsell, vice-president of marketing for the appliance manufacturer, Inglis Ltd., and spins us the tale of a rosy future for the housewife who'll shortly be operating the kitchen by pressing a button. A kitchen computer will select menus, deliver frozen foods from freezer to micro- wave oven, and have the dinner ready in seconds., NIo washing of dishes or pots. New dishwashers will add their own detergents, adiust water and heat automatically, and rise to counter top clean dishes at the push of a button. Other goodies in this dream (nightmare?) kitchen will include herb garden, TV screen for keeping tabs on baby in another room or taking a college course, and computerized inventory control of the grocery shelves. Which is crazy - Inglis or Ontario Hydro? They can't both be right, since all the gadgetry Mr. Forsell foresees will need electric power. We wouldn't want to bet. But we have this crazy premonition that if Inglis or the other appliance manufacturers ever do produce this automated dream kitchen, Ontario Hydro'and its various minions will be among the first to peddle them. - Exchange. Durham County's Great Family Journal Established 123 years ago in 1854 Also Incorporating The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Second class mail registration number 1561 Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K9 JOHN M. JAMES GEO. P. MORRIS Editor - Publisher Business Mgr. c BRIAN PURDY Advertising Mgr. 'Il SL DONALD BISHOP Plant Mgr. "Copyright and-or property rights subsist in the image appearirig on this proof. Permission to reproduce in whole or in part and In any form whafeoever, particularly by phofographic or offset poces en a pubpicationamuet be obained from the pubisher and the prinfer. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law." $10.00 a year - 6 months $5.50 strictly in advance foreign -$21.00a year Although every precaution will be taken to avoid error, The Canadian Statesman accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in the advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to The Canadian Statesman business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon, and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by The Canadian Statesman ifs liability shall not exceed such a portion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement. IF WE EGOiN)G TC ZOWE 5oK,-E ,-ý5E,É-0ffVv ïo POklICE OF EvE Letter to the Editor Dear Sir; Though I am in a state of public life neutrality owing to a recent decision of the electorate, I would like to have a few words in reply to Mr. Sadler's letter to the editor in last week's edition concerning his question as to the wherea- bouts of retired Councillors and what they were doing. I am not aware what the rest of the retired councillors and other former political figures are doing but this one is sitting back with a great big happy smile on his face enjoying his first real vacation in years and awaiting to see the political chickens come home to roost--taxwise, in the next couple of years. While sitting, smiling and waiting in my easy chair, I am keeping in touch with Town Hall affairs via the local press and the telephone. I did get a smile over this press report. Mr. Rickard in his cam- paign during the recent elec- tion was long on "better communications with the elec- torate." -3 - thoutgh & was typiedi when the press reported that hast Monday Council went into a camera meeting--closed to the press and public, barred to all except Council, to make Council appointments to va- cant Town Board positions such as the Committee of Adjustment. This is improving commun- ications with the public? The next time that tickled my risibilities was the avidity in which Councillor Robert Dykstra jumped into the convention act. According to the papers, the good councillor made the suggestion that all councillors should attend the three-day Good Roads Association con- vention and bash at the expense of the taxpayers of this municipality. It is to be supposed that when Councillor Dykstra gets around to realizing that he is also entitled to spend $500 per year of Regional tax dollars to attend any convention of his choce--anywhere that $500 will take him, he will latch on that item with equal delight. Would it then be proper to designate Mr. Dykstra as the "Flying Dutchman"? It was also noticeable that the TownGs me reply when the Eldorado Nuclear Limited plans for south-east Newcastle was an- nounced. 'I can just see it now--"New castle, the nuclear centre of Canada". It is to be hoped tha the property owners all over the Town are fully appreciat ing exactly what is happening to them and their property through Eldorado, the Bow manville hydro nuclear gen erating station and Wesley ville. While sitting and rocking,I noticed that the Town Counci is back at the work game again as Mayor Rickard i about to appoint a committee to study the possibility of changing the name of the municipality to something else rather than the Town of Newcastle. It is to be hoped that His Honour will instruct the com- mittee when it is formed that the beef from Bowmanville and Darlington people over the name of our community is not whether the place is called a "Town" or a "Municipality" or a "Borough". What riles some of the people is the name "Newcastle." I wonder if the people who are pained by the hame "Newcastle" would be suck- ered by changing the nomen- clature from the "Town of Report from Queen's Park by DOUG MOFFATT M.P.P. January 14, 1977. This week I would like to talk about the decision made by the Crown Corporation, Eldorado Nuclear, regarding the creation of a waste-disposal site at Port Granby in the Riding of Durham East. Eldorado Nuclear already operates a dump, and I use that word advisedly, to dispose-in an unsatis- factory fashion-material since 1955 at Port Granby. Some of this material is highly radioactive, some of it is corrosive, and some of it is highly toxic. Regardless of its status a good deal of this material has, over the past years managed to find its way into Lake Ontario through seepage and a number of cows wandered through a run-down fence onto the property and died as a result of consuming some of this waste material. Eldorado has been in a serious position of attempting to find a waste disposal area somewhere in Ontario which will meet the require- ments of the Atomic Energy Control Board, which supervises the dispo- sal of radiated material and the operation of atomic energy using facilities. This decision has serious consequences for all citizens living in this area. It is, in my opinion, after having read the press release by Eldorado of last Thursday, totally dishonest. If one reads the press release, one is led to believe for the first three or four pages, that Eldorado is in fact, talking about the establishment of a refinery at Port Granby which will bring needed tax dollars to this area and which will employ numbers of people, both in its construction, and in its ongoing operation. But when you read the press release more carefully, you find in fact, Eldorado is using the refinery as a kind of Trojan Horse. Inside the Trojan Horse is a nuclear dump, which they would like to complete. When I was talking to Mr. Colborne, public relations officer for Eldorado in Port Hope, I asked him specifically if the dump is not built at Port Granby would the refinery be built? He emphatically f stated that it would not be a decision Eldorado would make. It seems to me that there is no guarantee that any such refinery will ever in fact, be built. I have no objection to the building of a refinery, providing that any materials which are produced in the refinery are kept completely inside it. I mean by this that all waste materials would be contained in a silo, or some other holding device, inside the plant, within its four wall, and once each time period (whether it be two weeks, or two months, or two years) that material would be completely removed, under the close scrutiny and supervision of the Atomic Energy Control Board, and at that point, conveyed to a proper radiated materials waste management site somewhere in the province of Ontario. I am not w talking about establishing some large trench somewhere and dumping this material helter-skelter into it, I am talking about building a proper facility to dispose of one of the most hazardous products that mankind has ever dealt with. It can be done, but it must be done carefully, it must be done in a conscientious manner, and it must be done now. There is, to date, a great deal of material produced in nuclear reactors across this province, waste materials produced in other industries using radiation, or products of radiation, in one fashion or another, which must be disposed of. We have had a number of close calls. It is time that we in this province, demanded of the Federal Government that a proper waste management scheme be devised for the province of Ontario which can be established and maintained in a secure fashion. No one knows the consequences of exposure, acciden- tally, to radiated material. I am not attempting to scare the residents of Durham East, I am simply attemp- ting to say that we in Durham East refuse to be second-elass citizens, that we demand our rights - the rights to a clean, safe environment - be protected by our Federal Government. Newcastle" to the "Municipal- ity of Newcastle?" What is needed from this present Council is for the Council in the next two years to deal meaningfully with the real problems of the day. I want to see Rickard and Company handle the mess of planning, the problems of water and sewage costs, the red tape of Hampton, coming Regional police costs, the questions of arenas and the indoor swimming pool and not I was glad to hear, in his end-of-year news conference, that Prime Minister Trudeau had no plans for keeping Quebec within the Dominion of Canada by force, should separation of that province be approved- by 'is people in a referendum, I'm sure many another old sweat of my vintage who is still on the reserve list also breathed a sigh of relief. One of the many things we old vets don't need is a civil war. One war in one lifetime is enough for any man. Most of us would have trouble completing the deshabille of a stripper in a burlesque show, let alone stripping a machine gun. And I think we might have a little trouble completing a route march from, say, Kingston to Cornwall, to repell an invasion strike from La Belle Province. Personally, I am puffing like a grampus after scraping a bit of ice off my windshield. I have to lie down for five minutes after carrying out the garbage. Can any of you guys of my vintage imagine being sent out on a night patrol, probably on skis, to take a few prisoners? What we'd probably have to do is dump the skis, hail a cab head for a bilhngual bar across the border, and bring back a couple of go-go girls. Might be fun at that, if they'd let us use some common sense, which, of course, the military will never allow. If the feds re-enlisted a brigade or two of old kriegies (prisoners-of- war) they'd have their hands full. First of all, the kriegies would steal, just out of habit, everything that was not nailed or bolted down. Secondly, kriegies are trained to escape and head west. Stick two brigades of them on the Quebec border and in a couple of weeks, they'd wind up in Alberta. Ancient naval persons might be better off in civil war. They don't have to walk to work. They could charge up and down the Ottawa River firing broadsides of bilingual propaganda iñito the streets of Hull. Ex-airmen wouldn't be of much use. Most of them are so portly they wouldn't be able to get through the escape hatch if their aircraft were hit. Perhaps they could be re- organized as a special low-flying force, equipped wîth snowmobiles, and sent out to harass the enemy by driving all over his farmers' fields on the snow, thus ruining his crops for the next season. Former paratroopers wouldn't be of much use, either. Most of them have grown so heavy that they'd plummet like bricks, and the screams of arthritic agony when they hit the ground would destroy any element of surprise. Thinking it over, we must con- clude that a civil war in Canada, using nothing but reservists, would certainly be comical, but not ton 49 Years Ago Thursday, January 19, 1928 Marion Slemon, president presided at the regular meet- ing of the C.G.I.T. at Trinity Church on Wednesday. After which the girls entertained their mothers at the home of Mrs. C.W. Slemon. Alice Purdy read the scripture lesson. Yvonne Tighe told the story beautifully of "The Artist Who Forgot Four Colors", piano solos were given by Borea Murdoff and Dorothy Edger, and an essay was given by Jean Purdy. Mr. Alan Campbell has purchased. the buildings, machinery, stock and goodwill of the Canadian Radiant Electric Co., located at Grims- by, Ontario, and will relocate the business in Bowmanville. Prof. J.B. Reynolds, presi- dent of O.A.C. Guelph, will address the Men's Canadian Club at the Balmoral Hotel on Friday. Members of the Durham Rubber Co. Band are Bob Lownes, Charlie Richards, William Rowe, Tom Hughes, Lew Hambly, William Riding, Tom Veale, Bob Greenfield, Herb Fletcher, Sam Trew, Andy Knox, Bill Thickson, Pat Cowan, Fred Greenfield, Roy Jackman, Bill Mills, Bill Enetta, John Mollon, Cecil Greenfield, Dave Morrison Sr., Bill Wilson and John Mclntyre. the least the efforts and manoeuvering of our superior governments to change the lovely countryside of our area into the Nuek Capital of Canada via Eldorado, the Bowmanville Nuclear Gener- ating Station and Wesleyville. In the Dini and )istant Past 25 Years Ago Thursday, January 17th, 1952 The inaugural meeting of the Bowmanville Public School Board for 1952 was held on Friday evening at Central School and Mrs. William A. Clarke was elected chairman. Members are Stuart James, Bill Lycett, Keith Jackson, Howard Jeffrey, Bill James and Ben Kitson. Reginald Hunter of the Ontario Department of Munic- ipal Affairs, Toronto, made spot checks of the equalization of assessment in Darlington Township on Thursday, and stated, "Things are in good hands." He found no com- plaint with the job done. Several local boys are stationed with the Canadian Army in Germany, and have been there going on eight months. They are Bert Per- fect, Bill Leask, Harley Hayes, John Bothwell, Sam Wilson, Bud Hooper and Lou Wiseman. John M. Watson has been named general' manager of the R.M. Hollingshead plant here. He has been with headquarters of the plant in Toronto. Difference of opinion among shareholders of the Manvers Municipal Telephone System at Bethany wouid seem to indicate the recently exploded Pomeroy bombshell at Beth- any is far from over. Mr. Sadler, when the Coun- cil takes the time to face and solve these problems the matter as to who is pro-mayor of the Town will be of little consequence. Kenneth E. Lyall Citizen dangerous. Most of the casualties would be in the Legion halls, each night after the "fighting" was over. And speaking of the Legion halls, a civil war would certainly add a little spice to the rather dreary dialogue that îs- the norm. Instead of monotonous mutterings about the last bingo game or the next shuffleboard tournament, you'd hear stuff like this: "Ja hear what Quebec Cora said on the TV tonight?" "Ya. She said the frogs captured a whole battalion of the Canadian Army today an there wuzzen a man in it below the rank of sergeant. Eighty-five colonels, 150 majors an so on." "Right. And 50 per cent of the officers was French-Canadian." "It figures. Butshe's a good lookin broad, right?" If it does come to civil war, you can include me out. And that goes for ail my old friends, including a few Germans who fought on the other side in WW II and are now happy Canadians. But that doesn't mean we wouldn't make our contribution, our sacri- fices, if needs must, My contribution would be to over-all strategy, which has always been my strong point. You should see me plotting to get someone else to mow my lawn, put on my storm windows, shovel my walk. Hereby some suggestions. First, if the feds want a short, swift victory. Muster every aircraft in the country, load them with every scrap of paper in Ottawa, man them with civil servants under the comùmand of Otto Lang, and bomb. Not only the separatists, but the entire province of Quebec, would be obliterated for a generation. An alternative to this would be to build a fence right around the province, constructed of all the red tape in Ottawa. It would take the Quebecois 10 years to cut their way out, and they'd have forgotten referendums and such. If these methods of an easy solution are not dramatic enough for you, here's my final offer. Muster all the politicians, lawyers and Women's Libbers in the rest of Canada. Fly them to a remote section of Newfoundland. Muster all the politicians, lawyers and Anglo- phobes in Quebec. Fly them to the same place. No conventional wea- pons for either side. Then let them beat each other to death with unveiled innuendoes, deliberate misinformation, absolute ambiguities, legal torts, trial bal- loons, and shrill cries of "French male chauvinist pigs," and "Maudites Anglais abortionists." It would be lovely and peaceful in the rest of the country. And the bleeding, battered winners could have Newfly, where the locals would hunt them down for sport, as they did the Beothuk Indians. SugrSpic By Bil Smiley Civil War?

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