Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 14

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14.. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Januarv 19, 1977 Jim's Body Sho p located a? Pete's 'Essou on Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 39-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY -Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Durham Masonry Contractors Lt. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 44-tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination ýwood and oil.Financing avail- able. Furnacos cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey P-rtnrer, ,/our Esso service dealer. Free esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 1-4620. 24 hour service. 36-tf Prof essiona zi Steam Cleaning S5ervices Commercial -, lndustrial Residentîa I Wali-to-Wall Broadloom Carpets, Rugs& Upholstery CAL BOB AT 623-2383 29-tf BUTCHER CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING WMA. HENDERSON 263-8072 34-tf NEED a pressure systom? Water Softoners? Repairs,,to ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf BiII's GLASS andiMIRRORS LTDJ.f 7 Division St., BowmanviIIe Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheot andi Float Glass Sealeti Units - Sto0rm Windlows Store Fronts - Flocat Mirrors Patterned and Coloreti Glass 17-if. JA. HAYES (SMOKEY) MAEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf JACK BURGESS 011- BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS N PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 -Bowmanville 30-tf - OXFORDc Brick layers and P Stonemasons (Our firoplaces do not smoke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263,-2288 27-tf BOB. BE ERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumnbing - Heating Pressure systemns New Wfork andi Ropairs Service and Estfý,mates Cal 62 3- 2641 33-tf ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf Painting and Decorati ng (Master 35 years) "For no trouble to us no obligation to you estimates.11 PLEASE CAL George Mycock 1& Son 623-7703 52-1 Ail-Type Painting& Roofing Flats, tarýand gravel, metal, colti process, leaks, repairs, shingles, interi 'or and exterior painting.Freeestimates. PHON E 623-5038 19-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial- andi househoid cleaning. Dry foam rug andi carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wali washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE - Carpet - Upholstery Professionaliy Cleaneti FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 45-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tile., Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phono 342-2030. Representat- ve Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf INSTALLîNG or renovatlng a bathroomn, kitchen, laundry roomn, etc. Pipes, valves and fittings from H4arvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cali Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf Andlerson InsuIaton 579-2060 Blon Cfoe1tefbre, City and contry homes. 1-tf Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial andi Domestic Refrigeratio'n - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days............... 623-5774 Nights ............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware andi ELECTRIC 2-tf CONSCIENTIOUS high schooil ilseeks Sa4urday work. ý'i other's hel per or housework. Phone 623-3895. 3-1 BOOKKEEPING' ACCOUNTING For Small Businesses Evenings anti Weekends Reasonabie Rates PHONE Orono 983-9436 after 6 p.m. Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanvilie Siding - Soffit Fasia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTimATrE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDINQ 3-tf AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS TunÉe-ups - Brakes - Etc.) Alwork done by Li censed'Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AI l parts and labor guaranted. Torms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanville Private SMALL FARM Close to village in Dariington area. Cali affer 6 ýp.m. 263-8818. 52-If CASH for gold, siiver, coins, guns, clocks, jeweliory, dish- es, furniture, crocks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 lIng West, 725-9783. 1 38-tf USED Furniture and Ap- !ilances. Paddy's Market, m amp ton 263-2241. 1 33-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobl les, For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGH EST PRICE PAID ACKERMN AUTO WRECKERS Y ard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 1HOME CAR PENTRY FOR FREE EsTrIMATI No Job too Smali Phone 668-6798 Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry1 Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 1 -4x Auction sale, Saturday, January 22, 1:15 p.nj. at Bannister's Auction, Hall, beside Fire Hall in Bewdley consisting of chests of dra- wers, 4 hoop back chairs, piano bench, tables, kitchen chairs, Viking color T.V., oil lamps, dishes, g lassware, pic- ture frames, Simplicity spin washer dryer, and other items stili being consigned.. Rager Bannîster, Auctioneer. 3-1 Next sale at Pethick's Auction Barn' Hayon, one mile east of Enniýskillen, on Saturday evening. January 22, 1977 at 7 pm. Large quantity of furniture and small things. Cliff' Pethick, auctioneer. 3-1 Auct ion Sale Gris? Mill Auction Barn Newtonviile, Jan. 22nd, Sat. 12: 00 Noon Selling the complete con- tents o0f an Osh awa Home including 10 pc. dining roomn suite, 3 pc. settee, hall tables,' library table, occasional chairs, unusual antique chairs, bevel wall mirror (4x4"), bra ss jardiniere, anoqe rocker (twist>, walnut writi ng desk, 4 pc. antique, bedroom suite wîth 4 poster bed, fireside bench with needle point seat, fireplaco screen and utensils, oil lamps, china cabinet, 4 poster bed, chests of drawers, dressors, carpets, book case, wIcker chairs, 4 pc. b-edrooam, suite v«itb wi bçeo., 7 p c. dining room suite wifh cane back chairs, stove, fridge, wringer washer, glass, dishoes, linon, bedding, marble mantle dlock, kitchen appl iances and utensils, also oil furnace (150,000 BTU), and many other items. Terms Cash. Lunch Available. Use, south entranco. Auctioneors Staplo- ton Bros. 786-2244. 3-1 PONTYPOOL Grant and Gloria Dunford had several visitors on New Year's Day. One of them lost a blue Snow-Jet snowmobile cover. It is thought that perhaps the wind carried it off and the Dunfords would ap- preciate hearing fromn anyone who might have found. it. 1The first card.,party of the season was held in Pontypool Community Centre- on Wed- nesday, Jan. l2th . There were six tables with winners Ed Bailey, Ray Bailey, Dorothy Dewar and Ruth Richardson. Ed Bailey won the prize for rnost lone hands (7). We hope te see more out at the next euchre-Wednesday, Jan. 26th. We understand it is hockey night and judo night, but it is very difficult to get a night to suit everyone. Ballyduff had a good turn- out for the card party last E'riday night-10 tables. Cocule Staples, Marjorie Powers, Sharon Bailey, Ross Wood, .eonard, Cain and Wilfred Beggs were the prize winners, A community shower for M'iss Elaine Mitchell, daugh- oer of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mlitchell, was held in Ballyduff on Saturday af ternoon. Elaine, who is ta become Mrs. Larry Short thîs coming Friday, 'was the recipient of nany beautiful and useful gifts, t r s tq I L F Daug Pingle, owner. of Pontypool General Store, is scýeduled ta enter hospital on Tuesday with hip surgery slated for Wednesday. We al wish Doug a speedy recovery follawing his aperation. We are glad'ta hear that several, who have been on the sick Iist, 'are împraving. Among them /are Gardon Britton and Nick Badluk who were bath in haspital. Gardon Strang and Pote Rowett, though not haspitalized, were bath very iii. Keith and Cliffard Strong of Manitoba have returned wost after spending a couple of weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong. .Mrs.. Dorothy Lethiangue has sold her home and we understand will be maving ta Bowmanville al a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pleadwell and family have returned from a holiday spent with Sue's parents who live in Largo, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley anidTracey returned on Sun- * day after spending two weeks jat Madiera Beach, Florida. While there, they met with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Fee who were vacationi.ng near by at o, Tampa. The Financial Committee of ES the proposed Manvers Com- munity Centre Arena met a * Grandview Sehool last Wed- ncsday. Several suggestions 2-3x re raising funds were re- ceived. Thermometers will be * placed in Bethany, Janetville and Pontypool to keep people Posted on the-receipts of the camipaign. A further meeting will be held early in February. The Kinsmen Club of the Great Pîne Ridge is interested in forming a Kinsmen Club in the Pontypool area. A meeting with interested citizens is planed for Tuesday, January 8th at the home of Vern Hamilton in Pinewood's Estates. If anyone is interest- ed and didn't know about meeting Mr. Hamilton can be contacted at 705-277-2894 after 7:00 p. m. Pontypool Chamber of Com- merce is sponsoring a dance on Friday, night with ail door receipts ta go ta Manvers Community Centre Arena Fund. (See Coming Events) - Laverne Brown is now living in his recently- purchased home on John St. just south of the church. Congratulations ta Curtis McKay who celebrated his ? birthday last Monday. Curtis received a bad blow on Saturday. While extricating a small-headed nail, the ham- mer slipped, and, as a result, Curtis showed up at church on Sunday morning with a real shiner. Read ers may be interested in knowing that after New Years, Ralph Hyland's work took him from .Brockville ta Winnipeg. From there ho was sent ta Edmonton. Previous ta Christmas, Ralph spent some time in Halifax. Ralph is seeing quite a bit of Canada through his work.. On Sunday morning at Pontypool United Chruch, Dawn Bailey and Darcy Vanderveen read the passages of Scripture with Dawn also leading in the Responsive reading. Frank Stacey sang as a solo-"Open My Eyes". Choir practice has been changed from Thursday ta, Wednesday from 7 ta 8 p.m. Practice wil be held every other Wednes- day commencing this week, January, l9th. Newcomers are welcomed. Mr. and Mrs., Fred Young- man were guests in Oshawa on Saturday evening at a wed- ding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sparkes. The reception was field at the home of the groom's parents. Mrs. Brian Fraser and Mouissa of Cobourg spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman. Again, your Pontypool cor- respondent urges anyouie with news, whether it be personal adjulst ta international rates on January 1. Surface rates ta, C.F.P.O.'s and F.M.O.'s will change on March 1, 1977. The Post Office advises customfers ta, check with their local post office for the corret postage as wýell as any, changes in rogulations. The increasos reflect pro- visions of international agre- monts signed at the Universal Postal Union's Lausanne con- vention in 1974. The first stage of the increase for overseas mail took effect January 1, 1976, with the second step taking effect January 1, 1977. Customers are also roniind- ed that the second stage o f domestic and U.S.A. rate increases will take effeet on March 1, 1977. An announce- ment early in the New Year will remind customners of the details of this incroase- THINFK ABOUT ALL lI-JE WONEYYOU CAN [AlBN EY SELINGTH-OSE '"EXTBAS" IN YOUR BASEWEINT, THEN (U-VE US A CALL DEADLUNE,' FOR CLASSUFIED Tues, 12 noon, 623-3303 SAVUNGS end QUALITY AT DYKSTRA'S DELICA TESSEN FOOD MARKET FEATURE 0F,,THE WEEK International Postal Rates Jumped Jan. 1 The Canada Post Office reminds customers that be- ginning January 1, postage rates for international mail- ings (except Parcel Post) were increased. As of January 1, postage for letters weighing up ta one ounce, for example, will be 25 cents. AIl pastcards are sub- ject ta the basic letter rate. Excluded from the increase, however, are the rates and fees ta the United States, its territories' and possessions. CanadianFarces Post Of- fices (C.F.P.O.'s) and Fleet Mail Offices (F.M.O.'s) will or of a graup or an organilza- tion, ta caîl me at 277-2183 or drap a lino tao Mrs. Cliff Fallis,, Box 32. Ne* must be in by Manday morning.

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