Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 13

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Bowmanvil,Jýanua ry 19, 1977 13 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE, Tues., 12 noon - - ,. FLINTOFF - Allan and SLorraine (nee Bowen) are please to announce the arrivai :of their son, Kevin Allan, January 17, 1977, 6 lb. 12 oz. A brother for Jeremy. A speçial Sthanks to -Dr. ýAnfossi and nurses on Maternity. 31 Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Ber- trim, Taunton, are pleased to 'announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Cheryl Dawn, to Michael Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Verbrugghe, Orono, on Saturday, Marc h th, 1977 at 7 o'clock in St. Pýeter's Anglican Church, Oshawa. 3-1 CLARKE - In ioving memnory of a dear husband-and father Allan Clarke who pàssed away suddeniy January 16, 1962. - Sadly missed and always remembered by his wif e Eteika and son James. Too dean y loved ever to be forgotten. 3-1 MILHOLLAND - Fred. In loving memory of Fred Miii- holland, who passed away January leth, 1969. Si lent memories, true and tender, Just to show we still remem- -ber. Alway s remembered and sadly missed by wife Marg, son Norman and daughter 'Mrs. Marie Mitchell. 3-1 x M BROOKS - Gertrude. At Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Monday, Jan. 17, 1977, Gertrude Elliotit of 69 Scugog Sti., in her 84th year. Beloved wite of fthe late Leslie Brooks, dear mother of Mrs. Robert Biand (Myrtie), William, Mrs. E. McWatters (Winnie) and Glenn. Rested at the Northcutt Ei11iott F unerai1 Home t ram 2-4, p.1m .e and 7-9 p.m., Tuesday. Funerai service 1:30 o'ciack Wednesday affernoon. Inter- mnent Bowmanviile Cemetery. 3-1 WISNIEWSKI - Kazimierz (Kass). We regret to inform y ou that our loVing father, Kass Wisniewski of 47 Waver- iey Rd., Bowmanville, died suddenly Friday morning ai St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Beloved husband of An g iala, dear father of Erika, Ha ina, Richard, John, and Joseph. Rested at the North- cutf Elliott Funeral Home, from 2 p.m. Su nday. Requiem Mass Il o'clock, Monday mornîng, St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanville. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 3-1 -~ Bestl' VAN )ELLE DA LYDelivery to ... -Oshawa - Bowmanvillîe Area Phone 623-4441 HOLROYD - In memory of Fred, a iovîng husband, father and grandfather who ieft us eight years ago January 15, 1969. You are missed but not forgotten By ail who love you so There is not a single day goes by Without a thought of you '<ou w!'Ili aiways be remember- ed Whiie God is in hîs heaven. - Lovingiy rememberd by his wife Doris and family. 3-1 SHANE - In oving memory of a beioved niece, Carol Shane, who passed away January the twentieth, 1974. No farther away than a picture A smile or remembered phrase Our dear Carol lives in' memory So close in s0 many ways For how offen does the sunset Bring memories to our mlnds 0f moments that we shared with Carol In days now left behind How offen has a f 1ower Or a crystal autumn sky Brought golden recollections 0f happy days gone by Yes, memory has a magic way Of keeping oved ones near Ever close to mmnd and heart Is the-one we hoid most dear. - Too dearly. oved ever to be forgotten, Aunt Lois, Uncie George and cousin Lonaci, 3-i SHANE, Carol - ln loving memory of a dear cousin, Carol Shane, who passedi away January 20, 1974. They say time heals ail sorrows, And helps usto forg et, But time has on I y proved, How much we miss you yet, We bless the years we shared with you, And trust the rest to God. - Lovingly,, remembere;d and sadly missed, Linda, Ciem, Wendy and Lloyd. 3-1 SHANE- In loving memory of our dear daugh ter Carol, who passed away January 20, 1974. They say time heais ail sorrow And heips us to forget. But time so far oniy let us know. How much we missy ou yet. If tears couid bui id a stïa irway. Ançd memory a lane. i wouid waik the long roard To bring y-ou hon,-gain. ~ - Lovïng[y remembered, Mom and Dad. 3-1 x SHANE - ln ioving memory of a dear niece and cousin Carol Louise who passed away January 20, 1974. We often sit and think of you When we are here alone But God has you lni his house now And we know you're in a peaceful home. -Loving ly remembered by Aunt Helen, cousins Darla, Stuart, Jay, Maria and Roger. 3-1 SHANE, Carol - In Ioving memory of -a dear sister who passed away January 20, 1974. God gave me aý wonderful sister. Her memory wiil neyer grow aid. He fashioned her smiIe ouf of sunshine. He moulded her heart of pure gold. He needed a star in Heaven. A beautiful iighf fa shine., Sa ouf of this aid world of sorrow. He chose that dear sister of ours. - Sadiy missed by sisters Elaine, Veima and brother Raymond. 3-1 24-tf ROY, Robert L. --In ioving :memory of a dear father and grandpa who passed so swiftly and quietiy away January 22, 1976. Earthy fhings change s0 quicki One can't keep up compiefely Thin 1 feel most deepiy Are the hardest things f0 sa y Dearest Dad we loved you In a very special way With tender love and deep regret We who loved you wiiI neyer forget. -Sadymissed byson Bill, daughter-in-iaw Elsie and grandauqhter Debbie. TERRY - In ioving memory of a dear brother and uncle William John who passed away January 14, 1976. God has you ln his hands now No one wiil e'er know why How much we deepiy miss you But wiil meet again on high. - Sadiy missed, always remembered by sister Helen Nicholson, nieces, Darla, Maria, nephews, Stuart, Jay and Roger. 3-1 The'famfiiy of fthe lâte Mrs. Charlotte J. Roy (beoved wife of thelate Robert L. Roy) wish f0 thank their many' friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy and donations f0 the heart fund during the-loss of their oving mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Dr. Slemon, Rev. Kem p ing and Morris Funerai Chapel. We wouid aiso like to fhank anyone who remnembered mother with cards during her illness. 3-1 x My sincere thanks to rela- tives, friends and -neighbors for their expressions o fsym- pafhy and comforf in the loss ot my dear wife, Bernfice. My deep appreciafion to those who prepared and served such a wonderful lunch. A special thanks fo Dr. Ewerf and Dr. Long, to the Rev. Schamner-i horn and Morris Funeral. Chapel. We would like to express our appreciation to ail our friends and relatives who helped make our 55th Wedding Anniversary such a happy and memorable occasion, with Il -ndgifts-.SpecLaI mention must be rnade of the eniovabie dinner at the Fivin>Q Dutchman Motor Inn, Sunday evening, arranged by our family. Frank and Violet Glimer. 3-if 1 wisfi to thank the nurses and staff of the first floor, Dr. Siemon and Dr. Long, also ail my friends and relatives who sent cards or visited me during my stay in the hospital. Lela Bl ackburn 3-1 x Sinicerethanks to everyone for cards, visits and, gifts. Special thanks to Drs. Syl- vester, Singal and Anfossi, staff in Emergency and nurses and staff on 3rd floor. Kerry Rowe 3-1 x i wish to thank ai l those who called -or remembered me, with cards or phone calis, also myfa mil'y for planning a most enjýoyable reception on my 8th birthday. W. Lloyd Snowden 3-1 x Old Time Dance, round and square in Tyrone old hall. Saturday, January 22, 1977. Good music provîded. Admis- sion $2.50 per person. Every- one welcome. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sponsored by L.E).A. 3-1x APPEARING AT TheQueený's Hotet N EWCASTLE JASON DAVID REVUE Fr iday - Satu rday - January 21 - 22 Dancing 9 - 1 3-1 Dance to the music of Gary Bristow in Pontypool 'Comn- munity Centre on Friday, January 21sf, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Ail door receîpfs for the Manvers Communify Centre Arena Fund. $5-00 couple - Refreshmenfs. 3-1 Hadassah Upholstery Fabric Sale Tues., Jan. 25 9 a.m. - 9p.m.- Wed., Jan. 26 9 a.m. - 6 P.m. 144 King St. E., Oshawa New supply of lovély fajbrics. Good new and used merchandise 3-1 BINGO TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Wed., January 26 8 p.m. Sponsored by TYRONE* SENIOR Citizens Oshawa Antique Gun Col- lectors' Show and Sale, Kins- men Community Centre, 109 Coîbourne St. W., Oshawa, Ontario,, January 23, 1977, 9 aým. to 1 p.m. Ladies' Silver Dollar Draws. Admission $1. Ladies f ree. 3-1 LEARN to KNIT Eig ht Lessons - $25 Mterials Supplied Beginning in February PATCHWORK 31 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-6543 3-2 Barbershop Concert pre- sented by B.& P Women's Club, February 23rd at, the hîgh school. 3-1 The January meeting of the Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council has been cancelled. Mr. Geot Brown of the Addictive Research FoundatiQn will be the guest speaker for February. 3-1 If you are bored and wou Id like a new hobby Try eamîics. Classes are fiîling up, don't deîay, caîl 623-3868. 3-1 Ice Foulies, bus tours to Toronto, January 21, 22, 23 and 29. Choice seats available. For information phone or write Sunshîne Party Tours, 36 King St., Cobourg. 372-9961. 2-2 Sunshine Tou~rs to Florida and Texas 34 day winfer r. -ýation January 27 -March 1 at a beautif ul beah resort on the.!g A LSO 16 day Flonida Circle Tour February 5 - 20. 24 day Southern Texas Tour March 1 -24 ALSO 10 da y Mid-term F lorida Tour Ma rch 17 -27. For information caîl or write: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St. Cobourg 372-9961 2-6 AONSTE~R BINGO New Starting Timne THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Sot tbal JUBILE E PAVILlON OSHA WA 48-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. REDý BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 t ADULT COU NS ELLING WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERY THURSDAY STARTING JANUARY l3th AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL for people who have discontinued their formai education and are thinking of retraining or resuming their formai educafion. No a ppointment necessary. No charge. For further information Contact Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwailm affthe High School. N. H. L. OLD-TIME RS VS. KINSMEN ALL-STARS Bowmanviîle Kinsmen Club Sun., Feb. 6th, 1977 2: 00 p. M. BQWMANVILLE MEMORIAL AREN* AdUîts $2. - Chiîdren $1. Tickets availabîe from Kinsmen Members 2-2 HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES By the hou r, by appointment Phone 728-8090 A Night with KEATH BARRIE at Eastdale Collegiate, Oshawa Sun., Jan. 3Oth, 1977 8 p.m. Benef if for Family and Chiîdren's Services of the Durham Reg ion ALL RESERV ED SEATS $6.00 Tickets available at: 1. Famiîy and Chiîdren's Services> Midtown Mail (upstairs) 723-5211 2. The Gift House, 18 King St. E.,ý Oshawa, Ontario. 3. Ajax Plaza Furniture, Ajax Shopping Plaza. 4. Bey & Dave Muir, Port Perry, Ontario. 985-7079 Tickets at. the Door $ 6.50 3-2 Information Rape Centre A crisis centre for rape or sexual assault victims. Confi- dentially guaranteed. 24 Hour Answering Service. Vol unteers over 18 needed. 623-7273 or 623- RA P E. 1 47-tf Harry Voerman InsUrance 181 Church St., Bowmanvile, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E ' 28-tf Senior Citizens 10 per cent off ail hair services, Monday, Tuesda y, Wednesday only. Kut'n' Kurl Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Caîl 623-5019 (open 6 days a week). 23 If thle party that tound mens black pants 'near A & P on Friday, January 14, wouid please hand them in to the same store. Owner is blind and needs them. 3-1 NEW 23 channel C.B.'s 333 Bon Sonic with C.B., 34 combinat ion antenna. Regular 10-19.95 now $139.99. Also other makes 0f C.B.'s base mobile anfennas. Phone 623-7387. 3-1 T.V. TOW ERS~ Towers, U HF ,V HF A îls,r - ,&l Repairs Apart ment & Homes Pre-Wired. Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 F-CWITE COUWHITE 30 ff 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- v ill1e 786-2927. 3-tf HAY for sale. Good mixed hay. Large bales. Easy load- ing convenience. Neyer got wet. Phone 723-5945 or 723- 1176. 3-1 Pineridge, Tire Scies TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 IBOWMAN VILLE 23-ff SET of nesting tables, brass oul amp. 'Phone 987-5205. 3-1 FRESH eggs for sale. 80c dozen and 65c, for small and cracked. W[il deliver. 1-786- 2694. 2-2 APPLES, Maclntosh, Deli- cious,' Spy Cold Storage, first road ea st f zoo. Turn north, third house, east side. No Sunday sales, H. Bandsfra. Phone 623-2106. 2-4x PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and applilances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for 'Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawva. 576-1220. 46-ff '73 ARTIC Caf, 340, El-Tigre, good condition. Phone 1-786 255after 4p. m. 3-1 Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf OS HAWA. SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUI< S AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS i. TOPSOIL & DIRT EiLL DELIVERED OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SHOW REMOVAL Pnhone Os-hawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. . i Mile North of Hwy. 2 43 '70 OLDS, 4-cdoor, V-8, radiais, AM-FM 8 track, automatic, new paint. Will certify. Phone 623-7984. 3-2x '67 CH EV, good. condition, needs engine. Phone 623-7744. 3-1 '69 OLDS Delta 88 Custom, ý ood running condition, $400. hone 623-7875. -3-1 '71 PONTIAC Brougham four door, 400 cu. in. engine with power brakes, steering and windows, ail radiais, a Iso all snow radiais with rims, good condition. Phone 623-3821., 3-1 '74 VEGA hatchback, good condition. Phone 623-4314. 3-1 FORD van converted to camper trailer. Needssome work. Phone 623-9414. 3-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf 1976 LTD Ford, 8,000 miles.- Phone 623-7168. 3-1 CARPETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surface fiooring, profes- sionally instailedi. F ree esti- mates. Your one-stop shop- ping. F 1 A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 134 Pure V eS'aig Baleu, Lust-free Phone 723-6660 SIDES of beef. 69c IL cut, wrapped ý and f rozen. Cali 1-983-5445 or after 5 cali 623-5540. 52-5 TABLE, solid oak, large size with 5 spindle legs. Asking $275., Phone 263-8884. S3-1 NUMBER of incandescent .1ýstreet lighit fixtures, complete wifl ic o ne-tion brackets. Ideai for farm or cottage areas. For further informa- tion contact Bowmanvilie Public Utilities Office. 623-4451. 3-1 USED 'Ailis Chaimers 310 tractor with mower and snow thrower, like new, $1500 and International 10 horse power snow thrower, 2 months oid, $750. Blackstock 986-4283. 3-1 ONE week for one inciudinq hotel and air fare and con- tinental breakfast. Choice of 4 hoteis in St.: Petersburg, Fiorida. $100. Phone 623-3247. 3-1 COLD STORAGE Spy, Delicious, and Mac apples. Bring own containers. Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, 263.2260 3-tf TWO bush' cords of wiliow Wood and one, bush cord of mixed Wood cut' in 12" for stove or firepiace. Phone 263-2786. 3-2 ALL kinds of machinery. Sales and rentais. Ace Ma- chinery, 859 Nelson St., Osh- awa. Phone 723-0933. 1tf 5,000 B ALES top quaiity horse hay, neyer rained on. 85 cents depending on quantity., Phone 987-4865. 1-3 NEW Rupp Spart 30 snow- mobile $950. Trewin Farm Equipment. Biackstock 986-4283. 3-1 ONE aniy used H oover wash- er. $70. Carnegie Pro Hard- Ware 623-5408. 3-1 NINE piece wainut dining room suite, good condition, phone 623-3183. 3-1x CA BI1N ET sterea with 8 tra ck, like ne w. Asking $325. Phone 987-5457. 3-lx VACUUM cleaners, name brands for sale by Reid's Small Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Line Rd. East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phone 623-62A4. 3-2 TWO Seiberling G78-15 snow tires, slightly used. Phone f263-8830. 3-lx SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY '69 OLDS, -Cutlass, V8, best offer, as is. Phone 623-5040. 3-1 1967 PONTIAC, V8, auto, power steering. Good condi- tion $400.00. May be seen at 100 King St. E., Bowmanville. 3-1 x '75 VEGA Hatchback, iow mileage, excellent condition. Phone 987-4817. 2-2 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgages - No payments for three mon ths -No bonuses -No Credif Checks - No inquiry from neighbors - Confidential arrangements made in your home -Borrow as low as $1,600 Fîist service Cati Mr. Wilks, Morfgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 mm ONE bedroom apartment, two months in advance, heat included. Phone 623-4387 after 6. 47-tf BOWMANVILLE -Apart- ment, 4 rooms and bath, central location, available now, heated. Phone 623-7523. 51 -tf ONE bedroo -m apartment, private entrance, across f rom trainstation in Pontypool. $120 molhthly plus heat. Phone 705-277-2795. 3-1 1000 SQ. FT., heated store to rent. Located on King Street East, downtown Bowmanville. Available March 1, -1977. Telephone 623-7664. 3-tf ONE bedroom apartment on farm in Newcastle, available Februar y îst. Ideal for young coup le. Phone 987-4507. 2-ix THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with view and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500. THREE bedroom 'home, garage, barn, 18 acres border- ing Newcastle. $300 monthly. ýCali G. Van-Dyk, Realtor, 623-4428. 3-tf TWO bedroom home, eight miles north of Nestleton, with garage. $195 per month. First and last month's rent in advance. Phone 263-8884. 3-1 ONE bedroom apE 48-tf immediate possession 987-5147. MODERN hairdresssl ail equipment. Phone from9to6p.m Free makeup lesson in the R E SUt S CO priva cy of your own home. Caîl for appointment 623-7026. ____ 3-1 EAR PLERCING SERVICE Mul'tiple Listing Hooper's Jewellers Oshawa, & Dis, Ltd. Real Estate B, Reg ular Price $12.00 NO W $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointmnent -145-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 37-tf Roberta McCann, C.E. Per- manent hair removai. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court,, Bowmanviiie. 45-tf FREE fo good home in country, maIe dog, 3 years old, gent le wifh children, excellent wafch dog. Caîl 987-5208. 3-1 ONE maie German Shepherd pup. Wit h papers. Best offer. Cail 623-4789 affer 5 p.m. 3-1 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf BY March 1sf, seif-contained, one bedroom accomodation in either residence or aparfmenf building, by refired lady. Prefers quiet surroundings. Telephone 623-4738. 3-2x RELIABLE adu-its would like country house to rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121.11 2-12x WANTED, vacation lots anc acreages. 416-267-9301. Harris. Land, 2625 E g lnfon Ave. E. Scarboro ugh, Ont. 43-f FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS Loak for this seal. SIt's your Rr guarantee of permanence. Ii ' TA FFORD 4BROS. LTD. Émz fthorzed SDealer Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 TENDER, Tenders wiil be receifthe undersigned until Friday, January 21sf, 15 garbage disposai atv schoois. Specificat ionsr obtained from the offi M. A. MacLEOD. Business Administratc Treasurer, The Northumberland ai Newcastle Boarc Education, BOX 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. irtment, 31 Auction Sale, ,hopwith ,Wediiesday, Feb. 16 623-4901 at 11 a.m. 2-3 Holsteins andDairy UNT- Equinment SComplete Glen Rae Holstein Dispersai owned by Gien Rae Farms, Bowî ianvilie. Seiling at Malmont Saies Arena, 1/2 mile south of Blackstocký. 100 head reg istered, casfe Service and R.O,. tested. -il nas trict a herd noted for high pa rd, aver thirty years. The 1974 tf Grand Champion female for MDurham County seils with a two year aid Emperor daugh- fer and a yea rling heifer by Rosafe Citation R. Maud (very good) seils wîth over 20,000 I bs. of miik and due in April ta Fury Lad. She is the ved by sixtil generat ion of very good ý4 P. m. or, excellent f e males. 23 977; for daughlters by> Downalane Ref, variaus Emperor seli. Sonne excellent mnay be 4H prospects in this-sale. Also ice of: selling 5400 lb. Sunset bulk tank and Delavai Pipeline ror and Miiker plus 100 vials of semen tram popular sires. Lunich 3d available at salle. Lloyd d of Wilson, Sale -Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852- 3524. 3-4 3-1 TENDER NO. DRP4-77 Cleaning and Janitorial Services DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE BUILDING 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa January il, 1977 Seal1ed Tenders, olaînly marked as to content, will be received, at the Office of the Chief of Police for the Re- gionai Municipality of Dur- ham, up until 12:00 noon (E.S.T.) on Monday, Fe- bruary 7th, 1977, for the cleaning and maintenance of the Headquarfers Building, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Tender forms may be pick- ed up or requested from the Office of Superintendent J. N. Smyth, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and: 5:00 p.m., Monday through. Friday, telephone 579-1520 extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police 13-1 LOTS FOR SALE. Saunders Court, Bowmranviile. For in- formation cail 723-5225 during business hours. 3-2 M= ""-I.. FU LL or'p art ti me persons to serviceF uller Brush cus- tomers. For information cali collect 416-372-9969 affer four or write: Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg. 1 -4x i AM looKîng tor men- and women to assist me in my cosmetic business. Training provided. Cali for an appoint- ment between 2 and 5 p.m. 623-7026. 3-1 AMBITIOUS anci sincere woman required as full or part-time beauty, consultant. No experience necessary. No initial cost. Com plete training qiven. Caill Mrs. Newman 9 - 12 noon. 623-4757. 3-1 PROFESSI ONAL SALES 1OPENING for n g ht person in Bow- manvil le area. International firm pays high commission rate on sales to industrial and commercial accounts. Write President R. F. Deitz, Consoli- dated Protective Coatings Ltd., c-o G & V Services. 100 Wesley Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0J8. 3-1 DEPENDABLE person who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 per year. Contact customers around Bowman- ville. We train. Write N. W. Dick, 87 West Drive, Bramp- ton, Ont. L6T 2j6- INTERVIEWERS PART-T IM E - Required Immediately for Market Research Experience Not Necessary A national market research company requires interview- ing representatives for the Bowmanviie region. We con- duct Public opinion surveys an a variet'i of topi.cz of na4iofal and international inierest through personal calis on househoids in preseiected areas. There is nothing fa sel[ or demonstrate. Use'of a car may be necessary. For more information, write The Gallup Poili of Canada, 45 Charles St.f E.-, 8th F loor, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1 S2. 3-2 Printing Press Operator-Trainee An open ing exists for a persan ta train as a press operator. The successfui candidate wîli be energefic and possess mechanical abiiify. Excellent saiary and benef ifs. If interested, please apply in person to: Dennison Manufactuning Company of Canada Ltd., 200 Base Line Rd. E. Bowmanville, Ontario. d - WE WILL BE OPENING OUR MODERN SUPERMARKET at KingSt. and'Simpson Ave., There are PART TIME openings ONLY for: -CASH IERS, MEAT WRAPPERS DELICATESSEN MEATS GROCERY CLERKS PRODUCE CLERKS -MEAT CLERKS SERVICE CLERKS Experience is an asset. Candidates should' have a high schooi backg ound, gaod appearance, good physicai stamina and be abl e ?oarelate wéll fa customers. Good starting saiary 52.93 per hour wifh automnatic increases ta 55.18 over a 3-year period. TRAINING 15 PROVIDED Candidates must be at ieast 5'4" 'ta cape wýith the physical limitations of these positions. There are excellent part time openings, for homemakers available fa work. Flexible store hours and for students interested in evening and Saturday work. Interested applicants should appiy fa:- CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE TRAILER OFFICE ON SITE 3-1 Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Service to you r needs, our f irst concern. $o that you wiII be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE. 623-5668 ~Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Nigpt Serving this district for 96 years. tf SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434ý - 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - inscriptions -Wrought Iron Flower Stands - Homne Appointments GladIy Arranged 49-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LItMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario OKAHIQULT LiA W3 OKNSI* UIT -High Quality at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 I ~ Home 885-5222 OMM

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