Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvîlle, January 12, 1977 Section Two Assemble, 18-Ton Gear Drive for a Banbury An 18-ton gear drive'is assembled for installation in a banbury mixer at Goodyear's Toronto plant. The banbury, which is three storeys high, can mix annually up to 84 million pounds of rubber compounds used in manufacturîng tires and other rubber produets. M ayo&-%r BRicka r d S ays r r Housing and -Farming Aren't Compatih« Houisiiig bult in the country- About Land Use on the side can damnage valuabie Farm," Mayor Rickard said farming operations. that the building of low-dens- TPhis was one of the observa- ity, non-farrn bousing on tions of Newcastle "Mayor agricultural land is one of the Gariiet Rickard in a speech very major factors affecting prepared for delivery at the' the bealtb of agriculture. University of Guelph Tuesday, Many farming areas are Januaryý 4th. infiltrated with low density Speaking at a conference bhousing, the mayor noted. entitled "eii, Mkn Te Harmnfui "Teeffects of such Iow thec0 SAM BLACK .O-opeià*oLrsý LARRY AUSTIN .These are just two of our Representatives who can take care, of ail your Insurance Needs LI FE - FIRE -AUTO - R.R.S.P. Give usa cali or Drop in to see us EAST MALL 600 KING ST. E., 728-1661 de density rural housing are alrnost always barmful to farming in virtually every respect, especially when con- sidered from the long range point of view," he said. And urban people rnoving into the country place further dernands on a farming com- muiity, according to Mayor Rickard-. HÎe explained that the new- corners demnand more and better services paid for by tax revenue which cornes partly from farm properties. Demands Mayor Rickard noted that the non-rural people are capable of exercising de- mands on the municipal systern of government to change those things -with whîcb tbey are not in favor. H1e noted that in some cases this bas meant that farmers may flot ýoperate machinery past 10:00 p.m. even if it is planting or harvesting tirne. In bis speech, Mayor Rick- ard described farrning opera- tions as productive. But on the other hand, he said that the building of residences on good farrnland is a "Self indulgent" and cornsumptive land us. . But, the mayor suggested that the demands for low density housing could bg satisfied by locating this kind of developrnent in srnall parts of the countryside while farm- land could still be preserved. "Ideally, in this way, we could satisfy both the pro- duction and the consumaption demnands," be explained. Confict Mayor Rickard stated that the Bowmanville area is one of many places facing a conflict between urbanizing farmland WAIT SKUTTLE DRUMATIC HUMIDIFIER Model 90S COMPLETELY.0 INSTALLED $95.0 C.O.D. Take Advantage of, this Low Price - and' watch for our brochure in your maibox that describes the features making the Wait Skuttle 90S the most respected name in humidifiêrs. YORK THE QUALITY NAME IN AIR CONDITIONING Believe It Or Not - Summer is Coming - And NOW 15 the time to arrange installation of your central air conditioning system. Quotations provided without charge or obligation. Ask about COR ID'S "TOTAL COM FORT'PACKAGE" Do you find service or installations awkward to arrange because no one is home during the day? Give us a cail - evening or Saturday appointments made gladly. * CORUD SERVICES Atthorized Consujners' Gas Dealer 623-628 161 BA SE "LINE RD. EAST TE LE PHON E Bi 62 24 HOU RS $23,6282 Dioctor Discusses Cancer in Public Health Lecture A whoiesome and'.-bealthy lifestyle may be a defense against cancer. Ths was the message de- livered to an audience in the Bowmanville Library last Tuesday evening by Dr. Allan R. Handysides, a Toronto physician. In a public healtb lecture to about 35 people, Dr. Handy- sides pointed out that "nobody can really say what causes cancer. " However, the doctor added that such things as tobacco, harmful chernicals, over-ex- posure to sunlight and diet are ahi things that may play a role in the growth of the disease. Smoking Harmful Dr. Handysides said that in his own mind he had not the slightest doubt that smoking is associated with cancer. He said the kinds of cancer associated with smoking can be foundanywhere the srnoke goes, including the lungs, the lips and the tongue. While the doctor cid not state that smoking is a definiite,iguaranteed cause of cancer, he did say that "instances of cancer parallel almost like a shadow the instances of smoking." He advised smokers in the audience to kick the habit. Diet Important The doctor, who has prac- ticed as a -pediatrician and is now an obstetrician and gyna- cologist, added that diet is an important consideration. H1e suggests that people should eat more fibrous foods sucb as bran and whole-wheat and he suggested that coffee may be harrnful to one's health. "It bas been shown that coffee may be associated with cancer of the bladder,",he expiained later in the evening, during a question and answer session.1 "I'm sure we can't beat good water," he added. Sun-bathers, according to Dr. Handysides, can be get- ting too mitcb of a good thing. "Sunshîne in excess also CounCil Forms Comm ittees For 1977 Seven standing committees to deal with differe nt parts of the town's business were formed at the inaugural coun- cil meeting Monday, Jan. 3rd. Composition of the comn- m1ittees is as follows: Tie, finance conrnmîttee will include Councillor Don Allun and alli embers of council. Councilior Ted Woodyard will head the personnel and property committee, with councillors Dyskstra and Tay- lor as comrnittee members. Chairman of the Legisiation and By-Laws Committee will be Councilior Jasper Holliday witb councillors Allun and Woodyard making up the rest of tbe committee. The planning advisory comn- mittee will include six mem- bers of the public as well as five school, board members and councillors. Councillor Bob Dykstra wiil be chairman of this group with Councilior Taylor and Woodyard serving as cornmitee members. The six citizens and two members of the separate and public school boards have not yet been appointed. Chairing the community services comrnittee will be Councillor Aif Gray. Council- lors Allin, and Holliday will be members of this group. The Public Works Commit- tee wiil be chaired by Coun- cillor Bruce 'Taylor, with Councillors Gray and Dykstra formiag the rest of the committee. 1 1Mayor Garnet Rickard will bead the inidustrial cornmittee and committee members wîll include Councillors Dykstra, considerations. "In, the future, the land as a factor of production and as the setting for the community will count more heavily and not les5s, in the well being and prosperity of many commun- ities. the mayor said. "By writing off some of our better'agricuitural areas we may in fact also undermine one of the major sources of growth. We may kili the goose that lays the golden eggs, he concluded., pre-disposes to cancer," lhe stated. He said this is due to the ionizing effects of sunshine on the skin. SChemicals Chemicals are other agents that could make a person more cancer-prone. He noted that chemists and laboratory workéIrs who are dealing with unnatural substances have a higher instance of cancer. He listed pesticides, food additives and insecticides as examples of unnatural chem- icals. When cancer strikes, Dr. Handysides explained that it is not always accompanied by pain. Unfortunately, it is often sulent," hie said. Divide and Conquer While there are many dif- ferent kinds of cancers, hie said that ail cancer-type) illnesses are characterized by wild and uncontrolled division of cells. Cancerous celis are "Doing their own thing regardless of the common good," he.said. A tendency towards cancer may be an inherited trait but Dr. Handysides said that inheritance probably plays aý very small role in the illness. Radiation and viruses may be other factors responsible for the disease, hie said. "See to it that you keep as natural a life as you can," Dr. Handysides concluded and hie suggested' that people shouldn't look with distain on tbe "health nuts." Last week's lecture was sponsored by the Bowmanville Seventh Day Adventist Church. Scuogra Scugog Township Council began the year witb the usual speeches and swearing in ceremonies at-the inaugural council meeting Monday, Jan- uary 3rd. Scugog Mayor Lawrence Malcolm welcomed new couin- cil members at the meeting and, said that the township administration bas been very efficient. Lt was M\ayor Malcolm's ninth inaugural mneeting. Guests at'as ee'sfrst council sessioni included Dur- bam Regionial Chaîrman, Wal- ter Beath and Durham's Scbool Board Chairman, Yvonne Christie. The new councillors sworn in at the inaugural were Don Crosier, Richard Drew and Neil Mcbaughlin. No Confliet W arat one Councillor, Jasper Holliday told council Monday, January 3rd, that. he has terminated his employment with a consuiting firm tbat had been hired by the Town of Newcastle. He said be severed his ties with the firm of Leighton and Kidd as of Dec. 3lst. 2 Councillor Holliday said lie wilbe entering a new line of work and has retained his real estate license. He addéd that hie will inform council if bis business ties are ever in conflict with bis duties aý a councillor. Councilior Holliday present- ed an outlined of bis business associations in a letter to ail members of council. He said bis actions were taken in order to dispel rumors that hie may have had a conflict of inter- ests. Niight Hawks' MARTY'S AutoRepair 3 Queen st., Bowmanvillo 623-3896 LOOSE INSULATION (Cash end Corry), Zonnlite 1Pal-o-Pak' Reg. $2.89 $1259 Bag- BATTS (with R-12 - 15" x 48" x 31/211 $ 14*87 Carton (90 sq ua re foot) R-2 - 23" x 48" x 31/2" $21,27 Carton <153 square feet) FRICTION FIT W-20 - 15" x 48" X 61# $12.77 Carton $19,.47 Carton (50 square foot> (76 square foot) McGREGOR HARDWARE _You've te believe in HOME ! 95king St. W. 623-2542 Reg. $2.89 $2.49 Piper) R-20 - 15" x 491" x 6" $13.37 carton <50 square foot> R-20 - 23" X'48" X 6" ô Bowmanvill

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