Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 5

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Thousands of weight-con- scious Canadians are going to start eating cheeseburgers and other previously-forbid- den foods this week-and will still be able ta shed pounds. And yet others will be able ta have baked clams, devil's food cake, real tacos, a corned beef sandwich and a potato knish, and stihi keep the weight off. Because of a new stream- lined eating program for weight reduction, and a brand new Maintenance Plan for maintaining that weight loss- researched and developed by Weight Watchers Internation- al over the past two years- once taboo foods can now be enjoyed by people on the program, being introduced today to members in Canada, the Un ited States, Mexico and overseas. Weight Watchers, the world's iargest weight contrai arganization, offers more than 800 weekly classes across Canada. The nutritionally-balanced program, being supplied ta more than 27,000 Canadian members has the following basic elemnents: Foods previausly forbidden aon the basic weight reduction pragram are now permitted. Now it will be possible ta eat within limits sardines, corn, yogurt, ketchup, cocoa, tangue, flaur, cornstarch, smaked poultry, meat or fish and cured meat. The prograrn has been nîarkedly simpiified, yet con- tinues ta provide optimum nutrition. There are fewer rules ta iearn, and emphasis is on what the overweight can do, rather than on what they cannot do ta lose weight. Faurteen food catagories have been trimmed down ta, eight concise food graups, and for those who require it, an "laptional" graup of specialty faods has been added. There is now a range for somne foods in terms aI food quantity, rather than a specif- ic amount-a flexible approach that still permits members ta abtain the proper nutriants. The new Weight Watchers pragramn still has three phases: the revised basic program, a new "Plateau WvvEIGHT WATCHERS Plan- for members who have reached a plateau on their way ta goal,,weight and who want ta "break the pound barrier", and a new Mainten- ance Plan for reaching and miaintaining a stable weight while offering formerly disal- lowed foods. Two factors led the Weight Watchers Organization ta, the view that many of the over- weight no longer have ta be confined ta a highhy-rigid eating regimen in order to shed pounds. One is the information culled from the growing body of scientific knowledge about nutrition. The second is the more than 5 million hours af classroom experience and over 9 million membership enroliments recorded by Weight Watchers worldwide during the past 13 years. 1Experience in working with the averweight has shown that they are able ta handle an eating program that wvilI fit camfortabiy into their, own individual lifestyle, and still enable them ta lose weight. Weight Watchers Interna- tional's Medical Director, Dr. William H. Sebrell, said the pragram seeks ta assist the physician in handiing patients for whom obesity is a prob- hem. "It is carefully designed ta meet normal nutritioi>al needs without medication or supplementation. The energy' content is moderately restrict- ed in order to allow a gradual weight loss. It is primarily based on control of the size of the serving in arder to allow as much indivîdualization and eating satisfaction as pas- sible", Dr. Sebreil said.1 The Weight Watchers ap- proach ta weight loss, includ- ing a sound food program with_ food plan often leads ta oehaviour modification tech- niques, said the Organîza- fion's Nutritional Director Dr. lieva Frankie, "is helping nîcet a major health problem in North America-the over- cansumpi ion of food heading ta Obesity., The new food plan continues ta feature nutrition as its number one cancerfi." WNeight Watchers Psychol- ogy' Director Dr. Richard Stuart, formerly with the University of British Colum- bia, observed that the new programn provides foods with a wide variety of tastes, tex- tures and other characteris- tics which mneet the general need for variety in food choice and for the apportunity ta use satisfactorily the processes af biting, chewing and s1wallow- ing. "This is especially note- wothin light of the fact that falr apravide variety in a The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F EXPROPRIATION Section Two boredom and the urge ta deviate from the plan," he said. "FTailure ta provide ample opportunity ta use the compiete range of eating responses often leads ta psy- chological dissatisfaction with the food plan. "Expansion aI the Mainten- ance Plan ta include contrai- led access ta most of the foods in conventional use can go far toward strengthening mem- bers' ability ta sustain their weight lasses," Dr. Stuart noted. Overaîl, the weight reduc- tion program provides many appetizing new foods that members can enjoy regard- iess of how much weight they must hase. Most important, the programn has been stream- lined ta make it easier ta follow, and has been tailored ta fit almost any individual's TO:- Queenie Tower Agnes Hayes Edward A. Gardner William Allen Albert Barker Walter Miller Catherine Thorogood Walter W. Miller William Simmonds Louis Arbour Mary Wilson Timothy Kenny Albert Teece E. Howard Baker Florence Helsdowne James W. Ryan Mary Matilda Truscott Henry Butler Maude Sarge Lucy E. Reilly Annie Hunsley Ruth Turner Eva Hunsley Grace Turner Florence Taylor Herman A. Hartwig Samuel Hanna Christina Davies Thomas Buckley Charlotte Nolan Elsie May Jamieson And toalal and any other persons witb interests in the property noted herein. TAKE NOTICE THAT 1.1 The lands shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 6th day of October 1975 as Number 74387 have been expropriated and are now vested in the expropriating authority. 2. The namne and address of the expropriating aurhority for service and further communication is: Ontario Hydro, Property Division, -700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X6., 3. Attached hereto is a description of the expropriated land. 4. Under the Act you may elect, by notice in writing served upon the exprprîaingauthority within thirty days after the service of this notice upon you, ta have the compensation to which you are entitled assessed. (a) Where there has been an inquiry, as of the date of notice of hearing before the inquiry officer was served. (b) as of the date of the registration of the plan; or (c) as of the date on which you were served with this notice.ý And where the election is not made within the prescribed time,, you shall be deemed ta have elected ta have the compensation assessed as of the date of the registration of the'plan. 5. For your convenience a copy of a Notice of Election is furnished herewith. 6. Under the Act, the expropriating authority will be notifying you of the amount of compensation it is willing ta pay you for your interest in the land. 7. If you are not satîsfied with the offer you are entitled ta have the compensation negotiated by the board of negotiation establshed under the Act by applying ta the board ai 505 Univers ity Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Room 225, M5G 1X4, or ta have the compensa- tion determined by the Land Compensation Board, if an agreement with respect ta compensation cannot be reached by negotiation. 8. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, you may by agreement with the expropriating authority dispense with the negotiation procedures and refer the matter directly ta the Land Compensation Board at 10 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 1C3, ta have the compen- ~saion teter-mined by arbitration. 9. For your information and convenience, certain'provisions of the Act that apply ta, (a) negotiation and, arbitration procedures; and (b) the payment of your legal and appraisal costs, are setout as follows: 26. Where the statutory authority and the owner have not agreed upon the compensation payable under thîs Act and in the case of injuriaus affection, Section 22 has been complied with, or, in the case of expropriation, Section 25 has, been complied with or the time for complying therewith has expired, (a) the statutory authority or the owner may serve notice of negotiatian upon the other of them and upon the board of negotiation stating that it or hie, as the case may be, requires the compensation ta be negotiated under Section 27, or (b) where the statutory authority and the owner have agreed ta dispense wîth negotiation proceedings, the statutory authority or the owner may serve notice of arbitration upon the other of them and upon the Board ta, have the compensation determined by arbitration. 33. (1) Where the amoant ta which an owner is entitled upon an expropriation or dlaim for injurious affection is determined by the Board and the amaunt awarded by the Board is 85 per cent, or more, of the amount offered by the statutory authority, the Board shaîl make an order directing the statutory authority ta psy the reasonable legal, appraîsal and other costs actually incurred by the owner for the purposes of determining the compensation payable, and may fix the costs in a lump sum or may order that the determination of the amount of such costs be referred ta a taxing officer of the Supreme Court who shall tax and allow the costs in accordance with this subsection and the tariffs and rules prescribed under Clause (d) of Section 45. (2) Where the amount ta which an owner is entitled upon an expropriation or dlaim for injurious aJection is determined hy the Board and the amount awarded Ly the Board is less than 85 per cent of the amount offered by the statutory authority, the Board may make such ordri nfrtepyeto costs as it consi ders a ordae fanmy, for thepayme ntoa lump sum or may order tat the deitcrmination of the amounit of such costs be referred to a taxing officer of the Supreme Court who shahl tax and allow the costs in accordance with the order and the tariffs and rules prescribed under Clause (d) of Section 45 in like manner ta the taxation of costs awarded on a party and party basis.1 DATED at Toronto this 17th day of December 1976. ONTARIO HYDRO W. E. Raney Secretary This Notice first published on the 5th day of january 1977. SCHEDULE AIl right, title and interest in the followîng lands: IN THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE (formerly in the Township of Darlington), IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, BEING (1) Those portions of Lots 157 ta 182 inclusive, Registered Plan 97, lying south of theSoutherly limit of Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan No. P-2695-57-B, which saidplan is registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as No. 10360; (2) AIl of Lots 183 ta 754 inclusive, Registered Plani 91; (3) Those portions of Lots 911 and 912, Registered Plan 97, lying sauth of the Southerly limit of Ministry of Trànsportation and Communications Plan No. P-2695-57-C, which said plan is registered in the aforementioned Land Registry Office as No. 10370; (4) AIl of Lots 913 ta 1741 inclusive, Registered Plan 97. The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F ELECTION The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F POSSESSION TO: Queenie Tower Fdward A. Gardner Albert Barker Catherine Thorogood William Simmonds Mary Wilson Albert Teece Florence Helsdowne Mary Matilda Truscott Maude Sarge Annie Hunsley Eva Hunsley Florence Taylor Samuel Hanna Thomas Buckley Fîsie May Jamieson Agnes Hayes William Allen Walter Miller Walter W. Miller Louis Arbour Timothy Kenny E. Howard Baker James W. Ryan Henry Butler Lucy F. Reilly Ruth Turner Grace Turner Herman A. Hartwig Christina Davies Charlotte Nolan And to aIl and any other persans with interests in the property noted herein. TAKE NOTICE 1. That Ontario Hydro réquires possession on the l9th day of Aprîl 1977 of the lands expropriated from you and defined on the plan of expropriation registered on the 6th day of October, 1975 as No. 74387 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10). 2. That you or the expropriating authority may, upon such notice as the iodge tdirects, appi) ta a judge for an atjostment of the date of possession specified in this notice, anti the Iutige, if heconsjders that under aIl the circuomstances the application should be grantett, m-ay order th-at the date for possession shahl be on such earlier or later date as is specified in the order. DATED at Toronto this 17th day of December 1976. Ontario Hydro W. E. Raney Secretary 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 OFFERS 0F COMPENSATION UNDER SECTION 25 0F THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1970, CHAPTER 154. A Plan of Expropriation was registered by Ontario Hydro pursuant ta Section 9 of The Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 154, in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the <3h day af October, 1975 as Plan Number 74387 thereby vesting, together with other lands, the following lands shown as Lots 442, 547, 548, 549, 550, 699, 1041, 1092, 1093, 1144, 1535, 1536, 1539, 1573, 1574, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1599, 1602, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1663, 1689, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1697, 1703, 1706, 1707, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1732, 1735, 1737, 1738 and 1740 on the said Plan No. 74387. The following allers are mnade porsoant ta Section 25 of The Expro. priationis Act, R.S.0. 1970 and amendment~ s qreo. TO: QUFENIF TOWER ami those claiming legally thereundLer. RF: OntarioHydro Expropriation of Lot 4421, Plan,74138 7 (2 13TD- 22737Z) being al of Lot 442, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sumn being the total compensation offered for al interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta p ay you immediately the suni of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of ttie market value of your interest in the land. TO: EDWARD A. GARDNER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF:-_Ontaria Hydra Expropriation of Lots 547, 548,. 549 and 550t, Plan 74387 (21 3TD22737Z) being al aîLots 547, 548, 549 and 550, Registered Plan 97, Township af Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,990.00, the said som being the total compensation ollered for iaIl interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydra hereby allers ta psy you immediately the som of $ 1,640.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the lands. TO: ALBERT BARKER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation af Lot 699, Plan 74387 (21 3TD- 22737Z) being alilof Lot 699, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hWereby allers ta yau as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the SUmI of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation ollered for ail interest in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydra hereby allers ta psy y ou immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: CATHERINE THOROGOOD and those cîaiming legaliy there- under. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 10>41, 1092, 1093 and 1144, Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1041, 1092, 109 3 and 1144, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darling- ton, now Town of Newcastle. 1 . Ontario Hydro hereby allers to you as fu compensation for your intereat in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $2,755.00, the said sum being the total compensation ollered for ail interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta psy you immediately the sum af $2,405.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100) per cent o the market value of your interest in the lands. TO: WILLIAM SIMMONDS and thase ciaiming legaily thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 153 5 and 1536 Plan 74387 (21 3TD22737Z) being aIl of Lots 1535 and 1 536, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, naw Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you. as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the soin of $1,225.00, the said som being the total compensation ollered for ahi interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta pay you immediately the sum of $875.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100t per cent of the market value of yoor interest in the lands. TO: MAR Y WILSON and those claiming legaliy thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1539 Plan 74387' (21 3TD- 22737Z) being aIl of Lot 1539, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington-, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $840.00, the said som being the total compensation offered for aîl interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta pay you immediately the sum of 49.0which is Ontario Hydro's estîmate of 100 per\cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: ALBERT TEECE and thase claiming legalîy thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1573 and 1574, Plan 74387 (21 3TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1573 and 1574, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1 . Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriateti as indicateti above the sin of $1,170).00, the saitl sum being the total compensation ()llereti for ail interests in the landsi. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta psy yau iinmettiatety the 50m (of $820.)00 which is Ontario Hytir<'s -cîtiioste of l>00 per cent of the market value avItyar intereçt in the i. -Ai TO: FLORENCE HELSDOWNE and, those claiming legally there. under. RE. Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1590 Plan 74387 (21 3TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1590, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated aho ve the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sum of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your'interest in thle land. TO: MARY M ATILDA, TRUSCOTT and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1591 Plan 74387 (;213TD- 22737 Z) being ail of Lot 159 1, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, naw Town of Newcastle. 1., Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sum of $410O.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: MAUDE SARGE and those clàiming legally thereunder. RF:ý Ontario H>'dro Expropriation of Lots 1592, 1633, 1634, 1635 and 1636, Plan 74387 (2 13T'D22737Z) being ail of Lots 1592, 1633, 1634, 1635 and 1636, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington. naw Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta, you as fully compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $2,40 5.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sumi of $2,05 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interesr in the land. TO: ANNIE HUNSLEY and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1594 Plan 74387 (213TD. 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1594, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as ipdicated above the sum of $76'0.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2.- Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: EVA HUNSLEY and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1595 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1595, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of S700.00, the said sum bheing the total compensation offered for ail intereats in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $4 1lo.ou which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: FLORENCE TAYLOR and, those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1596 and 1597 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1596 and 1597, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as îndicated above the sum of $1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sum of $8 20.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the landi. TO: SAMUEL HANNA and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1598 and 1599 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1598 and 1599, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest iq the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta psy you immediately the sum of $820.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: THOMAS IBUCKLEY and those claîming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1602 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1602, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontarioa Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your înterest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.0f), the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you îmmediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: ELSIE MAY JAMIESON and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1663 Plan 74387 (213TD3- 227,37Z) being ail of Lot 1663, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle.' i. Ontario'Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumi of $92 5.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands, 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sum of $ 5 75.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: AGNFS HAYES and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1689 Plan 74387 (21 3TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1689, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. I.- Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontaria Hydro hereby offers ta psy you immediately the suff of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: WILLIAM ALLEN and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1693 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1693, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlîngton, now Town of Newcastle. 1. OntariA dr here-y ffersta-o a.f.. copesaio fr-ou TO: WALTER W. MILLER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1695 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1695, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail înterests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta psy you immediately the sum of $82 0.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market\value of your interest in the land. TO: LOUIS ARBOUR and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1697 Plan,74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1697, Registered Plan 97, Township af Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your înterest in the lands expropriated as îndicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sumi being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers, ta pay you immediately the sum of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: TIMOTHY KENNY and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1703 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1703, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1 . Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as full compensation for your interest in theIands expropriated as indicated above the sumrito ý760.OO, the said sum being the total compensation ollered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta psy you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO:. E. HOWARD BAKER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1706 and 1707 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ahl of Lots 1706 and 1707, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle., 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands, expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation ollered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offérs ta psy you immediately the sum of $8 20.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: JAMES W. RYAN and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, and 1714 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713 and 1714, Registered 'Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle, 1.' Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the suri of $2,97 5.00, the said sum being the total compensation oflered for, ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta psy you immediately the sum inof $2,62 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimnate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: HENRY BUTLER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1717, 1718 and 1719 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1717, 1718 and 17 19, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta you as full compensation for your înterest in the lands, expropriated as indicated above the sum of $1,575.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for -ail interess in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta pay you immediately the sum of $ 1,2 2 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of youir interest in the land. TO. LUCY E. REILLY and those claiminig legally thereunder. RF: Ontario HydraoExpropriation of Lots 172 1, 17 22, 17235 and 172 4 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) heing ail of Lots 1721, 1722, 1723 and 1724, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. i. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as fuli compensation.for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,990.00, the said sumi being the total compensation offered for ail înterests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta psy you immediately the sumi of $ 1,640.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100Ô per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: RUTH TURNER AND GRACE TURNER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydra Expropriation of Lot 1732 Plan 74387 (213TD. 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1732, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydra hereby offers ta psy you immnediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: HERMAN A. HARTWIG and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1735 Plan 74387 (.213TD. 22737Z) being ail af Lot 1735, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington,nouw Town of Newcastle. 1 . Ontaria Hydro hereby allers ta yau as fu compensation for N-our interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above zhe sîlni of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby allers ta psy you immediately the sîin of $410.0)0 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent (ifthe market value of your interest in the land. TO: CHRISTINA DAVIES and those claiming legaîll thereiinder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1737 and 17 38 Plaîn 7-1 187 (213TD22737Z) being aIl of Lots 1737 and 1738. Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Nevvc.stle. 1. Ontario Hydra hereby offers ta you as fuli compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated aboie the suini o $ 1,170.00 , the said suri being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers ta psy you immnediately the siionî of $820.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estiniate afi I 1) per cent of the market value of your interest in the lantd. TO: CHARLOTTE NOLAN antI those claiming legally thereiinder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1 74t0 Plan 74t387 (- i * TD- 122737Z) being ail f Lot 17-1t), Registered Plan 97, Tai ship of The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 12, 1977 5 flexibility in portion sizes has been introduced s0 that me- bers can eat a littie marc or a little less at a given meal, making it a matter of personal O I îT0 choice.OU LI70, CIIS TOMER S /S ON ScugogArena TNERIS£, BECA USE ScugogOUR FINE,O/L POE$ Is Now Open ý5AT-ISf opened is oos r ona , fVER .January 3rd. The cost of the building was originally estimated at $750,000 but the arena commit- tee responsible for building the rink expects there will be a F rancis small budget surplus. Tenna nt Plans ta build the arena had Fuels been more than three years in R. R. 1, Orono, 1

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