Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 4

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4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvihhe, January 12, 1977 Section Two YELVERTON Christmas and New Year's have corne and gone and with typical procrastination, we neglected to wish the readers of this paper and inadvertent victims of our Yelverton column the Compliments of the Season. In order not to let history repeat itself we wish aIl and sundry a Happy Prosperous 1977 and a Merry Christmas in 1977. Remind us not to repeat ourselves nextý December Christmas and New Year's Day were observ- ed as per; usual with the gathering of the clan, tribe or what-have-you.' The Howard Malcoms host- ed their family and Brenda 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gundry of Barrie on Christ- mas. The Norman Wilsons shared the occasion witb their 3 daughters and their marital accomplices. New Year's was enjoyed with the Carl Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McGill feted. as many of their extensive families as could make it. Alice being a good cook. they probably ahl made it. The Fred Staceys were at home to alI children and James Insurance Agency Limited, 24 King St. E. Bowmanville For aI l your insurance needs Nesta Akey or Doug James at granchildren on Christmas day. All fox and wolves (4 egged in particular) be warn- ed and forewarned that Fred bas a new set of cross country skiis and if be ever gets tbem motorized look out you furry fellows. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfob entertained Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan, Aunt Ella Patterson, Miss Annie Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Baker and Kendal on Christmas. On New Year's Art and Doris were scheduled to do the honors likewise. Here at Malcolms the cus- tomary chaos prevailed at Christmas. We. were pleased to welcome Opoe Boon from Holland for a holiday. On Christmas weekend Opoe Boon, Mrs. Emma Malcolm, Mrs. Myrtle Malcolm and Mr. Bob Fick of Toronto were special guests. Uongratulations to a young lady who graces our domicile on occasion - Miss Jane Connolley who graduated with her R.N.A.ý the day befoîre Christmas at Administrative Colleges and Universities in REACT Group Hoping for More Members Toronto. New Year's was usbered in under a Bacchus umbrella here at Yelverton, as else- where 1. Aý portion 'of our community attended the Betbany dance, another group attended the dance at the Lindsay Moose Hall at whicb Gary Bristows Band presided! Another group (9 couples of middle aged "teenagers") provided a cultural exchange by adding their numbers to the German Dance (at Lindsay Masonic Hall) wbich Bill Slugh trio provided excellent music. Yet another group added their number to the festivities at Dale and Carol Stinsons. Special mention to one of our mature Yelverton Boys - Gary Bristow and bis lead singer Murray Gartshore wbo have cut a-new record "Country Fever" - a western that is selling well and available at all local centres. The Art Rowans were guests at a Grandy get-together in Brooklin on Sunday with a special guest visiting in Ontario from Australia. General Motors Announce-S Price Increase -of 5.5% General Motors of Canada Limited announced today that the list prices on GM's cars, trucks and optional equîp- ment, which are exclusive of Federal and Provincial taxes, have increased by an average of 5.5 per cent effective January 10, 1977. GM prices have remained unchanged for average com- parably equipped vebicles since 1976 model prices were announced in August 1975, although the costs of material and labour have risen sub- stantially. The cost of almost every material used in car ,manufacture bas increased. Steel, the principal material in cars, has risen by more than 15 per cent since August 1975. Other raw materials are also up substantialhy, and the recent labour settlement bas resulted in a significant in- crease in GM labour costs., General Motors is confident that the car-buying public will recognize this price increase as moderate in vîew of the cost increases experienced over the past sixteen months. There increased material and labour costs add substantially more to the costs of the average GM vehicle than wilI be recovered by the price increases announced today. "Customner demand for our 1977 cars and trucks continues at a higb level and is expected AND ISTrOVE OIL IPrompt, Courteous Service. Out-of-town cails, M please cali collect. MREASONABLE PROCES * DXO1L- ,ý3>668-3381 M EM PLOYERS WE HAVE TRAINING DOLLAR$ AVAILABLE HAVING DIFFICULTY FILLING YOUR SKILLED VACANCIES? DO YOUR PRESENT EMPLOVEES NEED TO BE UPGRADED? PLANNING TO EXPAND YOUR OPERATION? THE CANADA MANPOWER INDUSTRIAL TRAINING PROGRAM PROVIDES FINANCIAL INCENTIVES TO TRAIN PRESENT OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES. WE CAN REIMBURSE TRAINEE WAGES BETWEEN 40 PER CENT - 85 PER CENT DURING THE TRAINING PERIOD! WE CAN EVEN REIMBURSE THE TRAINER'S WAGES AND OTHER 1MATERIAL COSTS. MARION ARMITAGE AND ROLY CAMPEAU ARE OUR C.M.I.T.P. SPECIALISTS. THEY WOULD BE GLAD TO HELP YOU SET UP YOUR TRAINING PROGRAM. GIVEiUS A CALL OR DROP INTO OUR OSHAWA OFFICE AT 44 BOND STRE ET, WEST. OUR TELEPHONE NO. IS 728-4631. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID. BUD CULLEN BUD CULLEN MINISTER MINISTRE CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 44 BOND STREET WEST 1OSHAWA TELEPHONE: 728-4631 Two of the members of Newcastle's REACT group are shown here with their radio equipped cars. In the foreground is the team president, iEarl Malley, of Bowmanville. With the secon car, is recording secretary and treasurer,' Tony Visser, also of Bowmanville. The town of Newcastle REACT group currently has 12 members and they 're hoping for more. to continue throughout the model year. We are depending on this, together witb im- provemnent in operating effic- iency, to help offset the difference between these price increases and the higher cost increases", the -Company said. The list price for base cars will increase by an average of $225 or 5.3 per cent. Typical increases are $129 on the Chevette, $277 on the Chevro- let Impala Four Door Sedan, and $708 on, the Cadillac, Fleetwood Brougham Four Door Sedan. Optional equip- ment prices. for cars will increase by an average of 5.5 per cent. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 Ch iropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropra ctic 270 King St. E ast Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-4004 G. E DWI N MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey St reet Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Blackstock Continued from Last Week The Schryburts spent the first 5 days of Christmnas holidays in Ottawa at the home of Janet and Ron Mayer where they enjoyed Christmas Day, with the Schryburt farnily. Larry and Beth Schry- burt also entertained the Joel Stimson family from Davison, Michigan, Tbursday through Sunclay bringing in the New Yearwith a midnight dinner. Arthur Schryburt cele- brated his birthday on the 29th by stickin'g his finger in the one candie on bis cake. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKee, Woodstock, were Tuesday and Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs., Bill Ferguson and family. New Year Day guests with the Bill Fergusons were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ZION Continued fromn Last Week Mr. and Mrs. M. Hemîi and son Michael spent Christmas in Toronto with friends. Sympathy of this commun- ity is extended to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. Roy Nicholîs, wbo passed away Wednesday Dec. 22nd at the Civic Hospital Peterbor- ough. IGA Gingerale PLUS 209 DEPOSIT ON EACH BTL. SUNNY MORN 100% VEGETABLE OIL d Margarine %' SUNSOOEEZE, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Orange Juice FRASERVALE, FROZEN, FRENCH CuT Green Beans FRASERVALE, FRIJZEN Broccoli Spears GAI~~~ 4E ASERozF Cheese Cake Desserts CUP BUTTERMII.E OR SWIEETMILK Pilîsbury Biscuits 5 002S Wright and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar and family, Scarboro, Mr, and Mrs. Noel Morton and family, Oshawa. The O.N.O. New Year's Eve dance held at the Rec. Centre was very successful. HARVEY ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT COoupJons at IGA m WITH THIiS COUPON 30 FL. OZ 'f RETURNABLE 291 I ON THE PURC IASE 0F A I PRICES ECIVE ORTIE CLOSING SAURAYJANUARY5977 I -WITH THIS COUPON I ON THE PURCHASE 0F A 112-OzLTIN 0F BRNS BACON GRILLE *Luncheon PRCSEFFECTIVE UNTIL CLESING SATURSUE JANUARE 7191 ME T WITH TIS COUPON ON THE PURCHASE OF A 2 LB IBOX OFCANADA No. GRADE * INSTANT SEIM 'Carnation : lMRliIk Powderl PRICE S EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING l I ATURDAY JANUARY 15, 1177, I NTEPIJCHASE 0F A * 2-LS BAG OF PAR 001100 Dainty R ANUR - - - -CTVEUNI COSN ONTEPURC HASE OF * 21 0Z BOX 0F ROBIN .000 I * ASSORTED VARIETIES j Streusel Krone i Cake Mixes IPffiCES EFFEC7iVE UNTIL CLOSING WIH 1H15 COUPON* 3 ',T FL$ 1 O IS 3 0-oze 2PGS> sI $1 Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanviîle (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a. m. to 9p. m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEAN E Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bidg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9- 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D. S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional BIdg. Bowmanville Telephone 623-7349 Office Hours: 8:30 -5:O00Weekdays Cîosed Friday Aternoons DR. W. M. RUDELL D. D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'til Wednesday -9 'tii 2 Friday - 9'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues. , Thurs., Fn., 18:30'til 5: 00 Wednesdlay 8: 30 'ti 112: 00 Safurday - B3y appointment only Phone 623-4473 Cheddar Cheese '$ 1.49 UNICO, 100%, PURE Vegetable Oil oz BOL C ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE NABISCO, MIX N EAT Cream of Wheat 28OXE0S1 Potto h5p06900 a rio BIPPLE, OR PLAIN O n ar o CHOOSE FROM il VARIETIES Kerr's Candies Loz '<$s Potatoe. io- 20Z Poo BAG h h LLi PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. 77 King Street East B unmch Bowmanvil-le I Carrots PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. TangerinesAi Values Effective ot BOWMANVILLE STORE LCANADA NO. 1 GRADE Rutabagas L DOZ.9 SIZE 176'S SYLVANIA, FROSIFO, 15, 25, 40, 60 OR 10'0 WATT Light SBulbs ]GA. SOARBRITE SWAN SLEEVE 0F$ Liquid Detergent PLSTI B I Proof Toothpaste S2LEEVE OF SANDWICH 50OS, UTILI1Y SO OR OFCHEN GARBAGE 12S Quikki Plastic Bags 2 PKGý$ 1 PIES EFFECTIVE WEO. JAN. 12 TO SAT. JAN. 15, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 2 ON ITHIE PURCASEIOF A g 3 OZ, Box 0F MONARCH * ASSORTE0 VAR!ETIES : Snack : I Cake : I PRIC ES E7FCTIVE UNIILCLOSiNG SATURDAT JANUARST15 1717 m -m- m - ---m-m-»MI * WýiTN HH5COUÙPON I ON TH7E TU79UEASE O UP FNÎ .à. O0F 200 SCOTTI E A5500150 C LORES PKGS. 0F 2 Facial , ' 64-Ft U $ FRIPES EFFECTIVE tINIICEU0SING PLASTIC SATSUAY JANUARE 15 1971 OUN CHES FOR POUCE 0F MEXICO CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ucumbers 2 . . . , e . , ION TH1E PURCHASE 0F A 00 mi * BOL. OF COLGATE 100RED a Mouthwashl PI. EFFECtIVE UNTIL CLSSS I SA ULS .JANAAT15, 1977 L - - -- - M Rosemilk PR(e EscIE1EUNLSNGI SATUROV JANUARVI15 911 WITH THtIS COUPON * ON THE PUACHASE OP A 2I ZPGO Clorox 2'I Dry Bleach 11-C ES EFFECYIV AM'IL USSING, 5 S AnIU A ANIA A Il 7' -6 M' * -m -m - - - , m -au MIL ÊV

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