.~ 1 The Caneî d((rnn, Bowmanville, Januarv 12. 1977 New nagement Group Headirîg Up Jensen Steel JensenStee i(, . rna Service entre lowI mentgrou, tht bastsi perincen te s elindustry Frak MwatîP side-nt) Bud orby ( c Pesîden - (Jpraiions> i v Nont By eeain ( rg) Stouffille i lc a Januar 4t~î nci ( tS Mary Cer rn ~, cs ap tuedth Lkc c Pg Juveile l arp«î te~ recrdfo0 h sli incluedia~ r2 for a tot uu Jo Harnp ce Ja "Personal Service" approach intend, to gîve the kind of Rd. E., Bowmanville, 0Ontario. to the business, concentrating personalized service that cus- Ail three men are making on offerîng real flexibility in tomers in- this business themiselves available for cus- all areas of the company's require. " tomer contact, at (416) fuli-line steel service capa- Jensen Steel Ltd. has a 623-3317, or (416) 36!-1909 bîlities. According to market- 25,000 sq. ft. plant in Bowman- (toll-free fromTont) ing man Don North, "We are ville, and additional -façilities in the rather favourable in Oshawa. The company is ___ position of being big enough to geared to service the completeTono) offer a full range of pre- Southern Ontarlo market. production processing ser- The new management group vices, and a full-line inven- will be located at company tory, yet we are ,able, and headquarters, 222 Basplinp' CerentJuven îles id Leddy and Sero. Cobourg es s 'ored once more before the t. cnd of the game to complete pi- the scoring. Final score 4-2. e This game had relatively few r penalties with Bowmanville ,h receiving only three minors. -4 The final game of the schedule was played in Stouff- i- ville on Thursday, January 6th ie with Bowmanville emerging bo the victors by a 3-1 count. The I.score could have been higher, nbut the narrow ice surface and s tealmost square corners hindered Bowmanville's game vplan. Dan Wilcox kept Stouff- ville off the score sheet until sthe third period when a good 7-drive from just inside the p lueline eluded him for Stouff- y vile's only score. Action The first period went score- less. Chris Marchant opened the scoring at the 5:16 mark of the second period., Lavigne assisted on, the goal. At 10: 16 of the period Cryderman, set up by Tim Buttonshaw, scored on a wrist shot fromn the siot. Stouffvîlle scored first in the third to make the game interesting but at 2:20 of the final frame Jim Maquire notched the insurance marker with assists going to Neil Ryan and Lavigne. Congratulations are extend- ed to the players of the St. Marys Juveniles and coaching staff Dave "Lefty" Wright, Byron "Duke" Brunt and H. E. "Red" Scott for winning the league championship. Letter Dear Editor:v Now that the federal govern-p ment has given the green light for a new uranium refinery atP Port Granby, subject to sub-a jective lower government P body's approvals, the protest S' over the Port Grandy dump H. have become even more i academic. We will not only b have a dump at that site for 0 years to corne, but also a new h refinery, producing even more p dangerous waste products. rr What will our stand be as local citizens? 01 Do we welcome another 150 P permanent jobs, with a steady boost to our local taxes from the 80 million dollar plant? ai If someone could guaranteeh that this plant and its dump would be safe for ail concern- g1 ed, there would be little te say th against it, however from past di experience, this type of plant St and its waste-products have i not been properly assessed. t Just recently we were.inform- S ed that literally millions of gallons of highly dangerous w material has been flowing into g Lake Ontario. This is officially di recognizeéd. What we are net ar told, is where did ail that di poison go? Is it still laying off Bi Port Granby along the shor,,e- w line or on the bottom, of thieW lake, and how much has gene s by the intake pipe of Bowman,- T orcan.ete Save on this baseboard heater!1 1500 watts. Fan-forced heat wlth thermostat control. Model 88. , Ediotor 1wher-e and is still dangerous Thle Tonra Meeting will give yoii an Opportunity to help us a&sk some questions from those >responsible for this situation. As to further protest against establishment of the new refinery, we had better ask ôùrselves, does Canada really need such a plant, don't we have better products to export than eniriehed uranium? Should wè not consider'this matter on a broader scale? Jtist having others. some- where else getting the .pro- blem doesn't, solve mhuch, we should beour brothers' keeper in thý at respect. The earth is the Lord's andl the fuilness-thereof, we are told in the-Bible, we are also told to subdue that earth, but not to destroy it. Nuelear power promises an awful lot more destruction thari enrichment. As loncrg as mhankind cannot respoisibly handle the know- ledge gained about the atom ,ehould we not leave that tree of knowledge elone? D. Brinkmaù, Dir. Tonra. Be a R ED C RO"tS Blood -'Donor Snow' c 4 for 0m'y Dêluxe Snow B. rush the hünde Iength ïs 24"'/61 cm Mike Knight Leads Mary Brown's Novices to 6-1 Win Over Pickering Team On Saturday, January 8yh, the Mary Brown's Novices were hosted, by Pickering Village and came up with a 6-1 win . The first goal was scored with the game less than a minute old, by Mike Knight who played his best game of Showdown House League Titie The bouse League Finals of Showdown will be held at the Darlington Sports Centre on Sunday, January 23rd, begin- ning at 3:00 p.m. This will consist of the top two shooters fromn each team that entered and the top two goaltenders from each teamn which took part. There will be approximately 12 shooters and 2 goaltenders from the Atomn League, 8 shooters and 3 goaltenders from the Pee Wee League and 10 shooters and,3 eoaltenders from the Iýantamn League. The Atoms will begi at 3:00o p.m. followed by the Pee Wees at approximately 3:45 p.m. followed by the Bantams at 4:15 p.m. Please be there early in case we should run, ahead of time. the season and was ranked as number 1 stir. The second period was a big one for the~ Toros as they scored 4 more goals. The first goal of the second period was scored by Kelly Balson, assist- ed by Mike Knight. The second goal went té Mike Knight, being assisted by linemates Kelly Balson and Hickey. Fourteen seconds later, Mick Knight got his hat trick, again being assisted by Kelly Balson' and Mark Hlickey. The next goal for the Toros was scored by their captain, Kelly Balson with assists going to Mike Knight and ShawnRekker. Pickering Village scored their only goal at the end of the second period.' The third period went score- less until 8.58 when Mark Hickey scored the 6th goal for the Toro's, assisted by Kelly Balson. DIRK BRINKMAN Scugog St., Bowmumali Po %lystyrene Handie Scraper with resistant molded polystrene scraper 3 9eCk IEcono Polystyrene Snow Brush 3 "/Y5 cm resistant polystyrene ice-scraper adapted to a- plain sanded' hardwood handie ta which one row of tufts, of stiff bristies, is securely stapled. Overail length: 26"/66cmn ON24Y uD Handie Shovele NOW ONLY $ 3.99 Car -Butler great for the trunk NOW 88 Ibs. ONLY 24"f $2 -69 Snow Pusher steel 112 Ibse ONLY 30"à STORE HOURS: Fr.. DeIivery on Orders MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ?am~to6p.m. over ~2OOO FRIDAY 9a.m.to9pm. SATURDAY8:30a.m.tosp.m. 246 KINO LIEUT BOWMANVILLE mi, tdieB k for Service oen and ridy Night le i BowanvlIe and area sinco, 1857. ~* t t mefl tho hn gin needs of this groingco i nty nd sere HAilte new residents I ~ ~ ~)Id fr ends, IN HýI TURDAY BANKIN HOURS Monda-dnosday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday-Frday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wl 11, -1- - -- 1 j Il hc- te dý In n- )y 's Is y- ip 'y ýýlb 1, 0 99,