Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Slatesman, Bowmanville, January 5. 1977 Section Two Intended for last week Church< services were held as u1sual. Rev. R. Bartlett spoke on, "Neyer the samne Again", The choir sang. A letter of appreciation from Mr. J. Ramjit was read by Rev. Bartlett.» Next Sunday'is Communion and the follIowing Sunday there wiil be Baptismal ser- vices. During the icy speil last week several were at home, no buses were running. Mrs. W. Lewko who was in the hospital has been able to spend a few days at home over Christmas, but expects to return. They spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Sui, Bowmanville. Mr. Tom Wood is in Port Hope Hospital and spent Christmas there. Mr. H. Thickson came home from Peterborough Hospital on Friday. Mr. V. Peacock and Mr. C. Bell visited Mrs. W. Honey, Lindsay, recently. Miss Mary Alice White is spendîng a few days at home. She is living in Ottawa while taking somesubjects on ber course. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Palmer had dinner Friday nfght with Mr. and Mrs.' D. Clow, Bewdley. They and Mr. S. Palmer spent Christmas with Mr. Fred Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyko and Michael, Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deremo and Ben, ELIZABETH VILLE uîwono, Mrs. I)eremo, Port Ilope. Mr. and Mrs. A. Trew and Rickard, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Toronto on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew had Mr. and Mrs. R. Averys and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Muldrew and girls, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs.' B. Mclntosh and boys, Cold- spring, and Mrs. M. Trew on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. M. McAllister spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S. MacLean and family. Mrs. B. Wheeler was with Mr. and Mrs., W. Cook, Campbellcroft. Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock, were wjth Mr. and Mrs. M. Badgley and family, Cobourg, They also called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili had Mr. and Mrs. J. Currier and family, Port Hope, Mr., and -Mrs. J. Quantrill and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Quantrili, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Holden, Guelph on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs.. Holden stayed until Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. R. Quantriliý tili Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mercer had Mr. and Mrs. Pattison, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crombie and boys, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Crombie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer and'Philip on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty had Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Burton and Jeffery, Mr. and MrÉ. 'J. Jarema, Mr. and Mrs. Austin, Port Hope, Misses Diane and Doris Beatty, Toronto on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins were at home on Christmas WESLEY VILLE but had their company on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Toronto are home for a week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson had Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sevenhuysen, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Raymond Fowler, Bruce Fowler, Miss M. Bivi, Miss S. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Westheuser and girls, Mr. and Mrs. K. Fowler on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. H. White and girls spent Christmas at home but visited Mrs. Ella Strong, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sheppard held Christmas and had Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheppard and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Davis' and family and Mrs. C. Sheppard,'Port Hope. 1Mr. and Mrs. A. Chamber- lain spent Christmas at home. lntended for'last week The weather for the Christ- mas holiday weekend put no obstacles in the way of travellers in this area at least. Families gathered together for the usual festivities, to keep this aniniverayof Jesus' birth, and to sar nce again the joys and sorrows of the past year. There are always some homes saddened by the l.oss of a loved one and the Nichols family have the sympathy of their friends for the loss of Mrs. Marjorie Nichois who passed away in, Peterborough Hospital Iast week. She had suffered for many weeks following an accident and was improving slightly when complications developed suddenly. Just last members of the family, Mr. May ber husband Roy' s death occurred after a sudden heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford's three children were all home, for Christmas with their families. Wanda- from Osha- wa, -Gwen, from Ottawa and Leslie from Welcome. The Carroll Nichols were together. for the weekend, Gloria at home, Joan and husband Garth Jiggins from Chatham with children Mich- ael and Patrick, Marylin and husband John McGuirk from Toronto and Donald from Guelph. Mr.,and Mrs. Arnold Austin were with daughter Marie and husband Jack Fraser for the day following Christmas, and the other km is spending part of this and Mrs. Ross Cornelius, Annette and Neal were there also. Harold Barrowclo-ugh was in Peterborough Saturday wîth Bih and family and Mrs. E. Barrowclough in Scarbor- ough. 1Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin and Mrs. George Stapleton were in Fenelon FaJIs last Thursday, Dec. 23rd to attend the funeral of a cousin, Mr. Charles Shankland. A few birds are stili around the feeders to eat suet or any other delicacy not found in the fields, but they do- seemn scarce. Some stili fly against the large paned windows with force enough to kili them- selves as a littie chickadee did the other day.' The Thorndyke family held Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Eydey in Bowmanville and Peter Hos- BECOME A RED CROSS VOLUNTEER The Expropriations Act, NOTICE 0OF EXPROPRIATION TO: Queenie Tower Agnes Hayes Edward A. Gardner William Allen Albert Barker, Walter Miller Caherine Thorogood Walter W. Miller William Simmonds Louis Arbour Mary Wilson Timothy Kenny Albert Teece E. Howard Baker Forence Helsdowne James W. Ryan Mary Matilda Truscott Henry Butler Maude Sarge Lucy E. Reilly Annie Hunsley Ruth Turner Eva Hunsley Grace, Turner Florence Taylor Hermian A. Hartwîg Samuel Hanna Christina Davies Thomas Buckley Charlotte Nolan Elsie May Jamieson And to aIl and any other persons witb interests in the property noted herein. TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The lands shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 6th day of October 1975 as Number 74387 have been expropriated and are now vested in the expropriating authority.. 2. The naine and address of the expropriating authority for service and further communication is: Ontario Hydro, Property Division, 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X6. 3. Atached hereto is a descr4ption of the expropriated land. 4. Under the Act ypti may elect, by -notice in writing served uponi the expropriating authority within thirty days after the service of thîs notice epon you, to have the compensation to wvhich >-ou are entitled assessed. (a) Where <ber,: bas been an inquiry, as of the date of notice of hearinig before the inquiry officer was sers ed. (b) as of the date of the registration o f the plan; or (c) as of the date on whîch you were served wiîh <is notice. And where the election is not made within the prescribed time, you shall be deemed to have elected to have the compensation assessed as of the date of the registration of the plan. 5. For your convenience a copy of a Notice of lection is furnished herewith. 6. Under the Act, the expropriating authority will be notifying you of the amount of compensation it is willing to pay you for your interest in the land. 7. If you are not satisfied wth the offer you are entitled <o have the compensation negotiated by the board of negotiation estabiished under the Act by applying <o the board at 505 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Room 225, M5G 1X4, or to have the compensa. tion determined by the Land Compensation Board, if an agreement with respect <o compensation cannot be reached by negotiation. 8. Notwithstanding paragraph 7, you may by agreement witb the expropriating authority dispense with the negotiation procedures and refer the matter directly <o the Land Compensation Board at 10 King StreetEaqs,Toronto, Ontario, M5C 1C3,to have the compen- saindetermnined by arbitration. 9. For your ifrainand convenience, certain ýprovisions of the Act that- apply to, (a) negotiation and arbitration procedures; and (b) the payment of your legal and appraisai costs, are set out as follows: 26. Where the statutory auhority and the owner have not agreed upon the compensation payable under bis Act and in the case of injurious affection, Section 22 bas been compiied with, or, in thec case of expropriation, Section 2 5-has been complied with o)r the time for compiying therewiîh bas expired, (a) thec statutory authority or the owner may serve notice of negotiation upon the other of them and upon tbe board of niegotiation statinig ibat it or hie, as the case may be, requires the compensation to be negotiated under Section 27, or (b) where the statutory authority and the owner have agreed <o dispense with negotiation proceedings, the statutory authority or the owner may serve notice of arbitration uipon the other of them and upon the Board <o bave the compensation determiîied by arbitration. 33. (1) Where the amount <o wbich an owner is entitied upon an expropriation or ciaim for injurious affection is determined by the Board and the amnount awarded by the Board is 85 per cent, or more, of the amount offered by the statutory authority, the Board shaîl make an order directing the statutory authority to psy the reasonable legal, appraisal and other costs actualiy incurred by the owner for the purposes of determining the compensation payable, and may fix the costs in a lump sum or may order that the determination of the amount of such costs be referred to a taxing officer of the Supreme Court who shal tax and shlow the costs in accordance with <is subsection and the tariffs and rules prescribed under Clause (d) of Section 45. (2) Where the amount <o which an owner is enîitled upon an expropriation or dlaim for injurious a.fection is determined by the Board and the amount awarded Ly the Board is iess <han 85 per cent of the amount offered by the statuîory authority, the Board may make such order if any, for the payment of costs as it considers appropriate and may fix the costs in a lump sum or may order that the det criination of the amount of such costs be' referred to a taxing officer of the Supreme Court who shahl tax and ailow the couss in accordance with the order and the tariffs and rules prescribed under Clause (d) of Section 45 in like manner to the taxation of costs awarded on a party and party basis. DATED at Toronto this l7th day of December 1976. ONTARIO HYDRO W. E. Raney Secretary This Notice first published on the 5th day of January 1977. SCHEDULE AIl right, titie and interest in the following lands: IN THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE (formeriy in the Township of Dariington), IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, BEING (i) Those portions of Lots 157 to 182 inclusive, Registered Plan 97, lying south of the Southerly limait of Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan No. P-2695-57-B, which said plan is regisîered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as No. 10360; (2) AIl of Lots 183 <o 754 inclusive, Registered Plan 97; (3) Those portions of Lots911 and 912, Registered Plan 97, lying south of the Snutherly limit of Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan, No. P-2695-57-C, wbich s'aid plan is registered in the aforementioned Land Registry Office as No. 10370; (4) Ail of Lots 913 to 1741 inclusive, Registered Plan 97. The Expropriations Act iNTICE 0F lECTrION-,X The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F POSSESSION TO: Queenie Tower Edward A. Gardner Albert Barker Catherine Thorogood William Simmonds Mary Wilson Albert Teece Florence Helsdowne Mary Matilda Truscott Maude Sarge Annie Hunsley Eva Hunsley Florence Taylor Samuel Hanna Thomas Buckley Elsie May Jamieson Agnes Hayes William Allen Walter Miller Walter W. Miller Louis Arbour Timnothy Kenny E. Howard Baker J'aines W. Ryan HenryButier Lucy E. Reiliy Ruth Turner Grace Turner Herman A. Harîwig Christina Davies Charlotte Nolan And to aIl and any other persons with interests in the property noted herein. TAKE NOTICE 1. That Ontario Hydro requires possession on the l9îh day of April 1977 of the lands expropriated from you and defined on the plan of expropriation registered on the 6th day of October, 1975 as No. 74387 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10). 2. That yotI or the expropriating authority mnay, upon such notice as the Iudge directs, appiy tb a judge for an adju"stmient of the date oIf possession specift ed in this notice, and the judge, if he considlers that under ail the circunistances the application shoîuld he granted, mnay order that the date for possession shall be on such earlier or later date as is specified i0 the order. 1)ATED at Toronto this 1 7th day of Decemiber 1976. Ontario Hydro W. E. Raney Secretary 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 OFFERS OF COMPENSATION UNDER SECTION 25 OF THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1970, CHAPTER 154. A Plan of Expropriation was registered by Ontario Hydro pursuant to Section 9 of The Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1.970), Chapter 154, in the Land Registry Office for the Regîstry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 6th day of October, 1975 as Plan Number 74387 thereby vesring, together with other lands, the foiowing lands shown as Lots 442, 547, 548, 549, 550, 699, ý1041, 1092, 1093, 1144, 1535, 1536, 1539, 1573, 1574, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1599, 1602, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1663, 1689, 1693, 1694, 1695,:1697,:1703, 1706, 1707, 1709, 1710),1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1722, 1723i,1724, 1732, 1735, 1737, 1738 and 1740) on the said Plan No. 74î387. The following offers are made pursuant to'Section 25 of The Expro- priations Act, R.S.O. 1970 and amiendments thereto. TO : QUENI!E TOWFR and those ciaiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Exprtopriation of Lt 442, Plan 74,187 (2 1 3T1)- 22737Z) being ail of Lot -442, Registered Plan 97, Township of Dariington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro herehy offers 10 you as fu compensation for your interest inthe lands expropriated as indicated above the suir of $760.00, the said sumn being the total compensation offered for al interests in th~e sai(l lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers 10 psy you imamediately the sumi of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 1<1< per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: EDWARD A. GARDNER and those claiming legaily thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 547, 548, 549 and 550), Plan 74387 (2 13TD22737Z) being all of Lots 547, 548, 549 and 5 5<), Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlingît>n, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers 10 you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumn of $ 1,990.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers t0 psy you immediately the sumi of $1,640).<0 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 10<) per cent of the market value of your interest in the lands. TO: ALBERT BARKFR and those ciaiming Iegally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 699, Plan 7 4387 (2 1 TD- 22737Z) being aIl of Lot 699, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle., 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers 10 you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated ahove the sum Of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail inîerest in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers 10 psy you immediately the sum of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: CATHERINE THOROGOOD and those,cîaiming legaiîy there- under. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1041, 1092, 1093 and 1144, Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 10)41, 1092, 1093 and 1144, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darling- ton', now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumn of $2,75 5.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for aIl interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to psy you immediateiy the sum of $2,405.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 10)0 per cent o the market value of your interest in the lands. TO: WILLIAM SIMMONDS and those claiming iegaily thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 153 5 and 1536 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1535 and 1536, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers <o you a s fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated abtîve the sum of $1,22 5.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interesta in the lands. 2, Ontario Hydro hereby offers <o psy you immediately the sum o>f $87 5.00 whicb is Ontario Hydro's estimate of i0<> per cent of the market value of your interest in the lands. TO: MARY WILSON and those ciaiming legaliy thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 15 39 plan 74 387 (2 1 3TD- 22737Z) being aIl of Lot 1 539, Registered Plan 97, Township of Dariington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensatioîn for your interest in the lands expropriatcd as indicated above the sumn of $840.00<, the said sum being the total comlpensatioîn offered for ail interesîs in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers b play you immi-ediately the sum of $490.0)0 which is Ontario I ydros estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of yotir interest in the land. TO: ALB3ERT TEý,CE and thtîse t.Iaiming legally thereuinder. RF:. Ontario Hydro Expropriation o>f Lots i1573 and 1574, Plan 74387 (213TD22737Zýbeing ail of Lots 1573 and 1574, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicaîed above the sumn of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interesîs in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers <o psy you immediately the sum of $820.00 which is Ontario Hydros estimate of 100 per cent of the TO: FLORENCE HELSDOWNE and'those claiming legally there- under. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1590 Plan 74387 (213TD71- 22737Z) beiîng ail of Lot 1590, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1., Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.0(>, the said sum being the total compensation offéed for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $410.00 whÎch is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent.of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: MARY MATILDA TRUSCOTT and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1591 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 15S91, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. L. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760-00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. '.Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: MAUDE SARGE and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1 592, 1633, 1634, 1635 and 1636, Plan 74387 (2 13-TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1592, 1633, 1634, 1635 and 1636, Registered Plan 97, Township of l)arlington. niow Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontaioi Hydro hereby offers to you as fully compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumn of $2,40 5.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the suri of $2,05 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per'cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: ANNIE HUNSLEY and those claiming legally-thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro-Expropriation of Lot 1594 Plan 74387 (213TD. 2273 7Z) being ail of Lot 1594, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1.1 Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $76 )00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to psy you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: EVA HU~NSLEY and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1595 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1595, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Towný of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro bereby offers to you alisfol unopensation for your interest inj the lands expropriated1 as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the saidý suin hbeing the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby (>ffers to pay you immediately the sum of $.410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the mnarket value of your interest in the land. TO: FLORENCE TAYLOR and those claiming legally thereunder. R E: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1596 and 1597 Plan 74387 (213ïTD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1596 and 1597, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $82000 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: SAMUEL HANNA and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1598 and 1599 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1598 and 1599, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offersto pay you immediateiy the sum of $82000 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: THOMAS BUC,,lýLEY and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1602- Plan 74387 (213TD- 22 7 37Z) being ail of Lot 1602, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darliigtuu, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sumn being the total compensation offered for ail interesta in the lands. 2. Ontar io Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: ELSIE MAY JAMIESON and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1663 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22 7 37Z) being ail of Lot 166 3, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumn of $92 5.00, the said sumn being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2.Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $ 57 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: AGNES HAYES and those claiming legaiiy thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1689 Plan 74387 (213TD3- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1689, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the landsexpropriated as indicated above the sum of $760-00, the said sumn being the total -compensationt offered for ail interests in the lands., 2. Ontaro Hydro hereby 011 ers to pay you immediately the sumn of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of yt>ur interest in the land. TO: WILLIAM ALLEN and those claiming legaliy thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1093 Plan 74387 (213TD. 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1693, Registered Plan 97, Township of Dariington, now Town of Newcastle. TO. WALTER W. MILLER and those claiming legally thereunder. RI:E: Ontario, Hydru Expropriation of Lot 1695 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) heing ail of Lot 1695, Registered Plan 97, Township of- l)ariington, nt)w Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indjcated above the sum of S$1, 170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay, you immediately the sum of $82 0.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: LOUIS ARBOUR and those claiming iegally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expr&priation of Lot 1697 Plan 74387 (213TDe 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1697, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your nerest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for al interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 whîch is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: TIMOTHY KENNY and those claiming legaily thereunder. RE: Ontario, Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1703 Plan 74387 (2!13TD- 22737Z) being aIl of Lot 1703, Registered Plan 97, Township of Dariington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the suri of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO:. E. HOWARD BAKER and those claîming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1706 and 1707 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1706 and 1707, Rekistered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compengation for your intereat in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumi of $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for aIl interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers tco psy you im mediately the sum of $820.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate' of 100 per cent of the market value of your intereat in the land. TO: JAMES W. RYAN and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, and 1714 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being aIl of Lots 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713 and 1714, Regist 'ered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for youir interest in t-he 1ans epropriated as iîdcae hIov~e -he sinm of $S2,975.00, the said sumi being the total compensation offered for aIl intereats in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to psy you immediately the sumi of $2,62 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interesit in the land. TO: HENRY BUTLER and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1717, 1718 and 1719 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) heing aIl of Lots 1717, 1718 and 1719, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensationý for your interest in the lands, expropriated as indicated above the sum of $1,5 75.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for aIl interests in the lands. 2. 'Ontario Hydro hereby offers to psy you immediately the sum of $1,22 5.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: LUCY E. REILLY and those claiming legaliy thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1l721, 1722, 1723 and 1724 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being all of Lots 1721, 1722, 1723 and 1724, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fu compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $ 1,990.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail intereats in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to psy you immiediately the sum of $ ,640.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: RUTH TURNER AND GýRACE TURNER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1732 Plan 74387 (213TD- 2 2 737Z) being ail of Lot 17 32, Registered Plan 9 7, Township of Dariington, now Town of Newcastle. 1 . Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumn of e760.00, the said sumn being the total compensation offered for aIl interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to psy you îmmediately the sumn of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cenat of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: HERMAN A. HARTWIG and those claiming legaliy thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1735 Plan 74387-(213TD- 22737Z) being alI of Lot 1735, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington. now Town of Newcastle. i1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumi of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offeredl for aIl interests ijn the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers 10 pay you immediately the sumn of $4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: CHRISTINA DAVIES and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1737 and 1738 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being aIl of Lots 1737 and 1738, Registeredi Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for y our interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumn of $ 1,1)70.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers 10 pay you immediately the sumn of $820.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimatý of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: CHARLOTTE NOLAN and those claiming legally thereunder. RF:ý Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1740 Plan 74387 (213TD- 2277Z bengaIlofLot170,R>egisîered Pln97, Townshipof week's holiday with his grand- parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke. Murray Payne and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Payne's sister in Oshawa and since, junior members have spent several days of the holiday week with different friends.ý Mr. and Mrs. John Tufford, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Tufford and family of Port Hope had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George.Y. Tufford. 1

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