Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1976, Section 2, p. 3

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. October 6. 197C 3 NEWTON VILLE On Monday afternoon, Mrs. ,.ea Jones met with an Orono Ladies group for a "Dessert Bridge" at t he home of Mrs. Rena Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Stapleton and Marvin were among those attending the Ploughing Match at Walkerton on Tues- day and on the way home they called in at Clinton for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Willem van der Werf, who were former. residents of this locality. Mrs. Jack Glover and Mrs. iFRANCHISE I AVAILABLE I Get into business with a prven Hann igans f ran- chse. No restaurant experlence necessary. We wiII train and work with you through the 1ife of your franchise to make your business profitable. Low invest- ment re9uired. Excel- lent locatrons available. En loy the satisfaction and financial indepen- dence of bwning your own business. Apply glving full par- ticulars and we will send you our brochure. HBK FOOD SYSTEMS LTQ). Suite 200 200 Consumners Rd. Willowdale, Ont. M2J 4R4 Bill Gibbie, of Oshawa, were Tuesday luncheon guests, here, with Mrs. Mary Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Castie, of Port Hope, entertained Mrs. Wnnifred Elliott with a drive through the country in the Norwood area, one afternoon last week, followed by dinner at Havelock. Glad to report Mrs. Mary Smith and Mrs. Inez Boughen are both able to be home again, from Memorial Hospit- al. Callers with Mr. F. Gilmer at Memnoriai Hospital, last week, included: Charlie Cow- an, Mary Jones, Laurence and Margaret Gilmer, of Tona- wanda, N.Y., Mary Worrall, Anthony Ton, Marg. Rudman, Bea Jones, Gordon Martin, Orme Falls, Hazel Irwin, Jim and Dorothy Gilmer, Phil Gilmer and daughter Kim. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Chrys- er and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimbail and Vicki were among those attending the Roseneath Fair on Satur- day. Members of our U.C.W. catered for the annual Mason- je Banquet held in Newcastle Community Hall, Saturday, evening and by ail reports, it was quite a successful even- ing, over 150 being served Plenty of food and good service including help by several gentlemen, of various ages, made the affair one to be remembered- in fa et several requests for, a repeat per- formance niext year, have already been received we hear! Sorry to hear Mrs. Amelia Lancaster suffered a faîl, at her home, on Saturday, but, fortunately, there doesn't seem to have been ahy serious damage done, after having had a chat with her. Remem- ber the old saying: "You can't keep a good mian (or woman) down! Mrs. Mary Wade of Barrie wa s an overnight guest, Satur- day with Mrs. Leone Lane and on Sunday visited Mrs. Amelia Lancaster. C'40Rk '9ho Phone 623-7312 UN ISEX Tricho-Ana lysis Facials and Make-up Redken Hair and Skmn Products The Office oDR. R.K. MACARTHUR is pleased to announce that Dr-usanne Grennel WiII be joining în the practice r-, of For Appoi:,ntment Please Call 73 King St. Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, parents of Mrs. G. McOuat, have gone to Florida, for the winter. On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Leone Lane, with Mr, and Mrs. Melville Samis, of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. O. Edgerton attended the recept- ion and dinner, in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Woodham at the latter's home, in Toronto, about 50 relatives and friends were there. Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Winnie Elliott included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Christopher, Jeffrey and Joanne and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliott, the occasion celebrating Wayne's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Layng, of Oshawa, were also recent callers with Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. F. Gilmei was a supper guest, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, and family, Port Hope. Congratulations to Mrs. Tva Farrow, Mrs. Agnes Burley, Miss Karen Giliner of Port Hope, and Mr. Wayne Elliott, celebrating birthdays the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were among those attending the 5th annversary reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Gibson, Sunday after- noon, ini St. George's Anglican Parish Hall, Newcastle. Newtonville U.C.W. met in the Sunday School Hall, Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 29 and Vice-president Carole Gard- ner welcomed everyone, and opened with the singing of "An Evening Prayer", followed by the Lord's Prayer, in unison. Secretary Shirley Stapleton gave the report of last meeting, Treasurer Sandra Mclnnes, the financial state- ment, and Violet -Gilmer, the amount of the Special Account. Expressions of thanks were read from those remembered hy the Sunshine Committee for cards, flowers and a baby's gift. An invitation was read, from Canton U.C.W. to joîn them at their meeting, Tues-, day, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m. to help celebrate the 1Oth anniver- sary of their church. Also an invitation from Orono U.C.W. to meet with them, Thurs., Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Answers are to be sent, acknowledging both these kind invitations and it is hoped that a car load or two, at least, may be able to attend. An interesting letter was read from Jean and Roy Bickell, describing their re- cent vsit to Jerusalem and other places abroad.* There has been no6 furtherý meeting, yet, in regard to the proposed storm windows for the church. Regional U.C.W. meetings will be held at Port Perry, on Oct. 18, and at Ebenezer, Oct. 19, with Mrs.. Marilyn Marty the speaker at both places, "The Festival of Faith" is to be held at King Edward Hotel, Nov. 4th to 7th. The date for our Bazaar was set for Saturday, Nov. 20 and members are reminded to save ahl Styro foam trays and baking boxes, as well as Canada Packer Labels, Do- minion Store Tapes, Used postage stamps, old nylons, balls of wool, etc. There will be a truck making a collection of good used clothing and toys UT '77's rehoers! *Corne over aend take a Iook ut the complet e * of gorgeous iautomobiles from Chrysler of Canada. Chrysi;,er - Plymouth Dodge TrucksI *See them now at * Chrysler-Pelymaouth CRSE CH IYE *331 Park Roaîd, South Oshawa I Northf of Hwy 401i *Telephone 728-4638 S/EICE I They may cati judo the 'gentie way',,but for an uninitiated spectator, it seems to involve a lot of pretty rugged tussling. This photo shows some of the action at the South Eastern Ontario regional tournament held at Pine Ridge Sehool on September 26th. t was the first of four annual competitions which help to determine which regional fighters will proceed to Ontario finals. More than 100 male and female competitors took part in the ail day event, which was chaired by Peter Croxail of Bowmanvilie. and notice of the date for this pick-up, will be given later. Discussion on the arrange- ments for catering to the Masonic Banquet, Oct. 2, was next on the agenda, namnes of those helping checked, etc. The church chimes was the next thing mentioned, and a motion was passed to draw the amount needed to purchase a turn table, records, etc. from the special account. Special appreciation was expressed to Mrs. Bea Jones, and Mrs. Dora DeSmît, for organizing the cleaning up of Sunday School and Church. The usual donation of $200 to the annual Church Thankof- fering was voted on and carrîed. Unit leader Doris Chrysler opened the program with a reading, followed by the singing of "Bringing In The Sheaves." Bible reading was givenri ly Bernice Henderson, and the "Meditation" by Barbara Shetier, after which an enjoy- able solo from Mrs. Tizzard was heard, "Hark The Voice of Jesus Crying', with Violet Gilmer at the piano. Prayer and the Benediction followed. Two contests were given by Doris Chrysler, with Val Zietsma the winner of the first one and Shirley Martell, the winner of the second. Lunch was served by the group to the 25 ladies present. Greeters at the church door, Sunday mornîng, were Carole and Pat Gardner and the choir sang "Ring The Belîs of Heaven". The sacrament of Hoiy Baptism was administer- ed with EIders Bea Jones, Iva Farrow, Wallace Boughen, Clinton Farrow and Sidney Lancaster assisting Rev. Tiz- zard. Baskets of flowers, at the altar, were in memory of the late Gordon Burley, whose funeral was held from the M orris Chapel, last week. The Brownies meet in the Sunday School hall on Wednes- day nights at 6:30 p.m. and the Girl Guides meet there on Thursday nights at 6:,30.i Rem em bran ce Day Contes t The Royal Canadian Legion will be holding, its annual Rememhrance Day Lterary Contest again this year. All the schools have been furnish- ed with a complote kit of information. Last year, we had a good response f rom the sehools and if you remember, many of the students won awards in the Zone and District levels of the compet- ition, besides at the Branch level. Remembrance Day has a special meaning for all the veterans and the Royal Can- adian Legion is endeaývouring to try and bring this meaning to the students. The closing date for entries from the sehools for Branch level is November sth, 1976 and entries must, come through the schools. If a school is not willing to participate and a student wishes to enter his or hier entry thon please contact me at 623-4573. Public Speaking will be held on March 6th, 1977 at the Bowmanvillo Logion Hall commencing at 1 p.m. Thero wîil be more informa- tion on this competîtion early in 1977. Bob Brown, Community Programs Chairman Be a RED CGROSS Blood Dwuonor' GAS FOR THE FUTURE Weekdayýs .--8:30 am. - 430 p.m. -Saturday - 10:00a.m. - 3:00 p. Oshàwa . Whîtby . Aîax - 668-9341 - Orono ZE7-6900 Pickering & Dunbarton 839-4496 Bowmanville & Port Perry 728-7367 T vice ft.~ Cate, F~e.wy 4 Aj*~ Pc~,,,,n9

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