Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1976, p. 16

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16 The Canadi an SaeIaisn, Iwialc~e'îh'91971; Provincial Court Septeniber 21, 1976; Judge R. B. Baxter presided wiîh Assistant Crown At- torney Mr. Sosna and duty counsel M. Walters. Mervyn L. Farrell, age 49, 44 Parkway Cres., Bowman- ville, was charged with driv- ing after consuming over .08 on August 28. He pleaded 'guilty'. He was observed by' Const. Schumacher at Liberty and Parkway. He had pre- viously made a wide turn. The tests were .17. The fine was $200 and costs, 'n default 10 days ,wth license suspension three months. 1Mrs. Lillian Baldwin, 34, R. R. 2 Cavan, represented by Mr. Greer, was charged with an April first offense of false pretense by issuing a worth.- iess cheque-to a local store in the amount of $23674. She pleaded 'guilty'. Counsel said she is making an attempt at restitution. She was placed on probation for three years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. Restitution is to be madeat $40 per month.ý Dr. Edward Long, age 31, 76 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville, ,was charged August 14 did drive after consuming over .08. He was observed driving on King Street with no head lights and swerving from side to side. Tests were .17 and .16. The fine was $200 and costs, in default 10 days with license suspension for three months. Samuel George Brown,. 150 DivisionSt.. Oshawa, received a 45 day jail sentence for driving while disqualified July 10. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. Pre- vious convictions were read out. P. C. Ferguson investigat- ed a car making a loud noise. Timnothy Jones, 18, 291 Sim-coe St. S., Apt. 15, Osha- w a, pleaded 'guilty' to taking a car from County Chrysier on Mlav 2. H1e was also charged with failing to appear on July 13 and pleaded 'guilty'. He was on probation at the time. On the first charge he was, given a 60 day jail sentence to be served intermittently from each day at 7 p.m. until 6 a.m. each morning until sentence is served. In addition he was put on probation for 2 years to report to off icer once a month. He is to present himself at the iail each day in a sober condition. On the failure to appear charge he was given 15 days to be served intermit-, tently and run concurrent to the above sentence. He is not to asso'ýciat e wth any.ýone know to have aciia record. enhwarrants were issued for_ Gar Va Dine ReZo Hfmnand Deninis Tik Wýellin1gton st-, Apt. 4, Bo\h manville, was charged Sep- tember 21 of driving after cnmigover .08. He plead- ed 'guity. P. C. Wood observed hlmn weaving on several occasions. Tests were .15. The fine was $150 and costs, indfut 7 days with three monthsý license suspen- sion. Paul A. Jones,, 21, 48 Hunt St., Bowmanville,' was charg-1 ed August 29 did drive after consuming over .08. He olead- ed 'guilty'. P. C. Bevan obberved hlm on Liberty St. 11e refused to stop for the of ficer during the chase. Tests were .20 and .19. The fine was $200 and costs,în default 10 days.,Three months license suspension. Gordon M. Matthews, 17, Newcastle, was charged with being in the area of the Ne wcastle post office 'did have liquor and was a minor'. P. C. Foreman was the inv2stigating officer. Mat- thews had a part bottie of beer and a summons was issued. The judige to ld him 'withhqlak beach home, damaging the door on July 8. H1e was observed beating his wife wbile in a drunken state on April 22. On the second charge be had followed his wife to a home where she had sought refuge. Counsel Van Nest said be has -a serious alcoholic prohlem. He was put on suspended sentence for two years,, he is to attend A.A. once a week unless employ- ment makes it impossible. île is to who]lv abstain from alcohol, he is to attend Pnewood Alcoholic Centre and comply wîth their pro- gýram. Ile is to keep away f'rom thr'ý next dooc neigbbours, he s to epsî a mioney order witb the oca police office f'or dîam3ge to nCighbour's door, b e is to give paY cheque to bis crean fth rp FRESH PO.RK SHOvULDER ROAST SPECIAL! FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS c LB. D4 c 4LB. =BOZEN NEW ZEALAND WHOLE LAMB LEGS 10e'1 LB. CUT FROM CANADA SPECIALi- GRADE 'A' BEEF SIRLOIN STEAKS LB1 8 SPECIAL! FROZEN NEW ZEALAND LB LOIN LAMB CHOPS LBÎ148 SPECIAL! BITTNER'S SMOKED PORK SHOULDE'RS LB l1IAV SCHNEIDER'S RED HOT & DUTCH TREAT 1ILB.XX WIENERS .G SCI-NEIDERS 1z HEAD CHEESE SZ i COORSH TASTY, PARFAIT STYLE 1 o. c WHIPPED DESSERTS SIZE 49 IFE ARMAN'S IDEAL FOR BARBECUE BEFSTEAKETTES 1.*38 COORSH FAMOUS Corned Beef Rolis McQUAIDE'S BEEF PIES CHICKEN PIES TOURTIERE PIE TEA FOR 1VVO HUNDRED TEA BAGS PKG. 0F 100 1,48 2 PIES'59 PER PKG FRESH VEAL SpECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS FRFESH iSHOULDER VEAL CHOPS CUIT FROM CANADA FORME RLY T-BON E, LOIN STEAK FROZEN NEW ZEý Shoulder Lai SHOPSY S POTAT( COLE SLA% MAPLE LEAF SLICE BOLOGNA MAPLE LEAF MAC &C MEAT &OLIVE, DUT( COOKED !V FEARMAN'S MAC8 CHICKFN I F EARMAN'S Farmner Jol FEARMAN'S MA R INDL ESS BREAKFAI CANADIAN QUI SMALL LINK FROZEN S, QUARTERS,( IMPERIA MARGAI 2 LB. LB., u5L. GRADE 'A' BEEF SPECIAL! WING AND PORTERHOUSE Cs L.168 ALAND SPECIAL' j 'nb Chops 80c O SALAO OR 1 i f w CONT 0 CHEESE, CHICKEN, CH OR P & P LOAF 0 c AEATS 60 c4 & CHEESE OR 16OZ Mac LOAF PG Ihn Linkies 80z' 39c ARY MILES LB ST BACON 18 EEN iAUSAGE LB- 9 COLOURED RINE 169 3 LB. PKG M CANADA CHOICE MARTIN'S RECONSTITUTED APPLE J UCE SPECIAPLl c - Nq 48FL. OZ. TIN ASST'D VARIETIES MONARCH POUCH P.AC CAKEqia, MIXES 2 . BRAVO, PLAI SPAG-HETTI SAUCE 28 FL. OZ. TIN CORONATION SPECIAL! BREAD & BUTTER OR 24 ,L c BABY DILL PICKLES OZ JAR SPECIAL! LONG GRAIN CON VERTEO Dff UNCLE BEN'S RICE PKGI1.0 STOKELY VAN CAMP'S 2 Z SPECIAL! PUMPKIN 28TIN 45C SPECIAL! POST CEREAL 10% O SUGAR CRISP PKG.UMC SPECIAL! 100% PURE, UNICO 3 L VEGETABLE vIL OýBL 2 ASST'D VARIETIES LANCIA SEIL EGG NOODLES PKG.2169~ UN <00 CHOICE ITALIAN STYLE 28F.mc PLUM TOMMTES OZ. TIN %59 REGULAR OR SLÎGAR FREE DIET SPECIAL' THE UNCOLA RE. TL 207c 7 U P DEPOSI T SPECIALI LANCA 1 B. 49c HEAVY DU1Y QUIKKI, PLASTIC GARBAG E BAGS NO.c PKG. OF 1e8e Fresh Produce ONTARIO GROWN POT A TOeeES 10 LB. BAG CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SMALL C SPINACH 10OZ BAG INSTANT COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE JA LRa CRISCO, ALL VEGETABLE SHORTENING CHOCOLATE SYRUP MI LK MATE ASST'D FLAVOURS V-H RIB SAUCE 3 LB CONT ý SPECIAL' 1.T. l83 SPECIAL! 120OZ. ' c JAR 8 DOMINION FROZEN, SPECIAL! CONCENTRATED. UNSWEETENED 1 2'/2 FL. 2fQly ORANGE JUICE OZ. CONT.VI9 CANADA NO. 1 WHITE CREAMED 2 LB-. BILLY BEE HONEYCONT. DEBBIE, PINK OR LEMON LIQUID DETERGENT OZ~. CN.6 c WITH PECTIN AND COLOUR DOMINION STRAWBERRY OR o RASPBERRY JAM 24FL.OZI2s CHUNK LIGHT- STARKIST TUNA TINf ASST'D COLOUR PRINTS ROYALE, TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. e C CANADA NO. 1 GRADE U.S.A. OR B.C. GROWN BARTLETT PEARS CANADA FANCY GRADE ONTARIO GROWN McINTOSH APPLES, 3 LB. BAG 7 ASSRTE VRIE-8 POTTED FERNS 6" PASTEURIZED, HOMO)GENIýZED PARTIALLY SKi,"IMED r3- 2 PER CENT MLKI BAGORU <N TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY'S BEANS PANTRY SHELF SMALL SHRIMP SPECIAL' 19 FLA c OZ, TIN4 4114 OZ.1O TIN ASST'D VARIETIES FROZEN ROBIN HOOD EASY MAKE 20FL.OZ. Pancake Batter Mix CN CANADA FANCY HONEY POO STOIffLY'S PEAS CANADA FANCY DOMINION FROZEN GREEN PEAS HIGH LINER FROZEN, FILLETS 0F O'ýCEAN PERCH 1 SPECIALI 14 FL '~c OZ, TIN37 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMAiTED. Uca edonus i1 93 c E6 OZ. PKG. 16 OZ. PKG. ASST'D COLOURS, ROYALLE BATH ROOM TISSUE lmad 2 ROLL PKG. VAILUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 97 1

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