Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1976, p. 15

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RlSSI1FIE DRlDS I ...... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . R R M., M". nuwàuomm - :<~ M ~ Fl i rSaler Saturday, Oct.2 r7a 1:3 a.m. - contents of older home in Brooklîin, featuring mainiy intique furniture, old cutter, c--grocks, ou! lamps, etc. - The property of Mm. and Mrs. Ray Harriesy- located on 60 Cassels Rd. East, in Village of Brookiin. Some highlights include: pine flatback cup- board with muiti glass panes, pine drop leaf ýtables, pine chests of drawers, pine drop front desk, pine bake table, ine chairs, Jacques and layes G uelph organ (mint condition), J &H armchairs, oak moll top desk (a beauty), 8 pc. mahog. dining suite, antique mahog. tilt-top table, Victorian tables and chairs, iron and brass bed, washstands, grand- mother dlock, Westminister chime doàck, oak hall stand, oak record and dispiay cabi- nets, mapie harvest table (refin.) oid kitchen cupboard, antique chi lds' buggy, grama- phone, rockers, 1857 parlour stove (very onate), old iron cook stove, old box stove, McLaughiin cutter (mint con- dition), Tiffany type iamp, oul I amps, varlous toilet sets, stained ilass windows, mir- rors, oi paintîngs, crocks, trunks, 12 x 12 wooi rug, quantity of colectabie glass and china, belis, and much much more! P.S. This sale offers many ovtstanding antiques and colectables, as *he Harries have been coliec- tors for many years. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch~ available, Kahn Auction Ser- vices. Ph, 985-8161. 38-2 Annual Fali Stocker Sales - Tuesday, October l9th and Tuesday, October 26th at 1. 00 t p.m. at Lindsay Community Sale Barn R.R.2 Lindsay, Ont. (Little Britain Road). Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots or to your satisfaction. Always a top quaiity sale of local farmers' stock, Our egular weekly sales -are Mondays and Fi- days at 1:00 p.m. Lindsay Community Sale Barn - The oldest established Livestock Auction Market in Eastern Ontario. Carl Hickson, Pro- g rietor and Auctioneer, Rea- oro, Ont., 705-324-9959 -324- 2774. 38-5 Saturday, October 2nd. Farm Sold - Auction Sale of livestock, impiemnents and househoid funture. The property of George and Loret- ta Pearson, Lot 18 Con. 4 Ops. mo. 157 Angeline St. S., ,dsay. 1 mile south of i Ùidsay Hospital or 1 mile north on County Rd. 4 - Angeline St. 57 head of Charolais and Charalais - Hereford Catie will be sold at Lindsay'at apprax. 3:00 p.m.. 23 Charolais and Charalais Hereford cows with 23 calves by side. 10 Charolais steers 'd heifers 1 yr. old. Hereford ;II, Charolais Bull. John. dé~ere 60 gas tractor - power steering, hydraulic with John Deere manure loader, snow bucket and chains. Nuftieid 10-42 diesel tractor 3 pt-good. New Hoiiand 65 Baler PTO.' 1973 John Deere 7' snow blower 3 pt. PTO. John Deere 3-12's trail plaugh, John Deere 10' trail cuitivatar hydrauiic lift, John Deere 7' trail type power mower. M.H. il side rake, John Deere 4 ton roller bearîng wagon with rack 8'x16'. 20' hay elevator with motor, Int. tractor manure spreader, 16 grain auger with motor, full i me of modern machinery. Approx. 3000 bailes miixed hay. Coldspot refrîger- ator, Int. deep freeze, chester- field, dresser, chairs, chrome suite, .antique .cupboard, trunk, coal oui amps, Ian- terrns, dishes, oil stove, many other items. Terms cash, No Reserve. Funiture Sale at 12:30 p.m. Machine Sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattie Sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay at approximately 3:00 p. M. Cari and Greg Hickson Auction- neers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 38-2 Fali Horse Sale to beheld at COLBORNE LIVESTOCK SALES BARN (on Hwy. 2) Saturday, Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. Auction Sale, property of Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Raglan Village, across tram gas tion (watch for signs) an ka ,Sept. 25, 1 p.m. Modemn dià antique furniture plus lumber. G.E. refrigeratar, Viking electric stove, Beatty deep freeze (ail appliances like new), automatic washer and dryer, antique kitchen cupboardi granny couch, -.ti que chest of drawers with Son, Philco black and '-..iite TV., sewing machine, record player, arm chair, baok shelves, antique hall stand, pine desk, dolis car- niage, guitar, set of six chairs, Norris chairs, rug 9 x 12, space heater, 1"' thick pine stair- case, power awnmawer, books, sealers, eiectric heat- er, concrete blocks (new), large quantity of lumber (2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, 2 x 10 plus sheeting), ail tank (200 gal- ions), electrical wire, storm windows, fireplace wood. Terms cash. House for sale. This is a large sale, plan ta attend. M yles King, Auction- eer and Cartage. Office 725- 5751. Home 723-0501. 38-1 Saturday, September 25th Farm Sold- Auction Sale of Livestock, Implements, Some Furniture. The propertv of Ernest Telford, Lot 32, Con. 9, Verulamr Twp. 6 miles north of Bobcaygeon on Hwy. 649 and 1 mile west or 5 miles north of Fenelon Falls on Hw y. 121 and 7lmiles east on County Rd. 36. 38 head of Hereford Cttle. 17 mature Hereford cows with 17 calves by side. Hereford heifer due sale time. 2 Hereford heilfers 2 yrs. old, bred. Purebred Hereford Bull 3 yrs. nid. M.H. tractor for parts, Cockshutt 415 trait type 7'power mower, 1int. 3 bar side rake, Int. 3 - 11's ace bottom plough, Int. 18 tooth trait cutivator, Cockshutt 4 wheel- ed manure spreader, rubber tred wagon. A.C. 28-42 thresh- ing machine with shredder and grain thrower, cutter, set of sleighs, fanning miii, 1962 Farg o 11/2 ton truck with r latform, 1963 Chev. car, full m e of machinery. Iron sap ketti1e, separator, square extension table, chairs, wash stand, rocker, antique chest of drawers, antique cupboard, dash churn, butter bowl, coal oul lamps, gas lanterns, alad- din lamp, toilet set, crocks, iron pots, many other items. Terms Cash No Reserve. Furniture Sale at 1:00 p.m. Machine Sale at 2:00 p.m. Cattie Sale 3:00 p.m. Cari Hickson, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 37-2 Auction Sale. Selling by Public Auction for Clare Cha pman, second farm west ofK irby tore, off 115 and 35 highway,- Clarke Township. Farm machinery and house- hold effects on Thursday, Sept. 30 at 1 p.m. Horse drawn implements, spreader, plow, mower, disc, wagon, old iron, ladder, (30Oft.) cutter, parts of toilet sets, butter bowl, jars, desk, washstand, saddle, brass bed, green garden gate, fence, rope, dishes, two old cradies, large quantity of small articles. Lots of these things are oid antiques. First sale in 6 generations. Barns are going down. No reserve. Terms cash. Look at the day and date again. Hope to see you there. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Cliff Pethick auc- tioneer. 37-3 Saturday, September 25 12 Noon Farm Sald Auction sale including 25 Head of cattie, 22 steers, charolais Hereford (1-2 yr. oids).- Hostein Heifer due in October, MF 165 Diesel Trac- for with cab and power steering (goodi), 467 Haybine 7' (like new), N-H 273 Hay baler, Oliver side rake, Int. 36 3 f urrow T- B piow, Int. 10' No. 45 Vibra-Shank Cutivator (3 pt. hitch) JD No. 34 Manure Spreader - 2 yrs., Wagon and Rack, MH 15 run seed drill, Sedor Snow Biower (like new), Int. Side Rake, Gehi Hammer Miii, and Beit, 5 sections of harrows, 32' hay elevator on carria9ge, grain augers, land roi [er, hay buncher, cockshutt mountied mower 7', grain dryer, JD riding lawn mower (good), cattie clippers and dehorners, 2 farrowing crates, single pl'ow, AC No. 66 Combine, Int. insilage Cutter set of sleighs, extension ladder, pile of rails, minerai feeder, electric fence posts, wagon load, 2500 bales of hay. Furniture: Heintzman Piano and Bench (excellent condi- tion), organ stool, wicker fern stand, 2 dressers, Moffatt 30" stove, kitchen cupboard, tables, bath tub, laundry tubs, washing machine, 2 large crocks, windows and doors, jars, fruit jars and numerous other items. The property of lrwin Kydd, R. R. 1, Uxbridge, Lot. 9, Con. 4, 1/2 mile north of Sandford. Owner and Auctioneers not responsible for accidents or pubic iability. Lunch avait- able. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 37-2 Wednesday, September 29th. Giving up farming. Auctian sale of ivestock, implements and furniture. The praperty of David Ness north hait Lot 3 west Commu- nicator Road, Smith Twp. 12 mile north of Brookdale Plaza on Chemong Roaad at Peter- borough (west side). 13 head of Purebred and Recorded Charolais Cattie, catalogues availabie on request. 1975 M.F. 265 diesel tractor, com- letely equipped, approx. 400 Srs. with 1975 M.F. 235 manure loader, heavy duty bucket, lift forks. 1975 M. F No. 84 4-16's trip beam piough 3 pt., 1976 M.F. 124 Bal er P70 - floatation tires - baied T000 baies. Triple K type 12' cultivator 34 tooth 3 pt., Horst 8 ton rouier bearing wagon, with new rack 8'X20' floatation tires. 1973 New Idea 9' mower conditioner PTO, 4 Star post haie digger, Nelson heated water bowl, 2 cattie ailers, tandum trailer, ferti- lizer spreader, fertilizer, 20' George White hay elevator - nlew mator, 12 iaying hens, fuil mie of machinemy. Appmax. 7000 bales mixed hay. Same baîed straw. 1973 Keivinatar 21 du. ft. deep freeze, 2 chesterfieids, GE. colour television, colonial couch and chair, square dining room table, buffet, 6 chairs, queen size bed, glass coffee and end fable,-wing back chair, brass amp, kitchen table and chairs, many ather items. Terms Cash. No Reserve., Furniture'at 12:30 p.m. Ma- chinery at 1: 30 p.m. Cattie at 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson' Auc- fioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 37-2 Auction sale. Private estate. Property of Mrs. Gilmore, 605 Gilbert St., Whitby, ta be helci at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa on Thursday, Sept. 23, 6 p.m. Bedroom suite (5 pcs.), kitchen suite, electric stove, dressers, night tables, color T.V., chairs, vacuum cleaner, floor polish- er, step ladder, trunk, blank- ets, pillows, rug, power lawn mower, lumber, tools, wheel- barrow, pictures, electricai appliances, portable T. V., sewing machine, drop leaf table, wardrobe, chest of drawers, chesterfield suite, antique org an, centre tables, iaundr y tubs, coffee and end tables, boak sheif, bicycles, eiectric broom. List not compiete. Terms cash. No reserve. This is a large sale. Plan to attend. Al furniture welcome. Sales every Tues- day and Thursday at 6 p.m. Myles King, Auctioneer and Cartage. Office 725-5751. Home 723-0501. 38-1 Farm Auction Sale, Lîve- stock, Machinery, Antiques for Ron Robinson, Lot 11, C on. 4, Cavan, 1 mile south of Mil1brook, on Ga rden H il1 Rd., 12 mile west. Thursday, Sept. 23, 1:00 pm. LIVESTOCK: i purebred Hereford with Sim- mental caif, 1 purebred Here- fard with Hereford caif, 1 grade Hereford with Sim- mental caîf, 1 grade Angus with Charolais caif, 1 grade Angus with Hereford caîf, 1 ?rade Hereford due in Nov. Charolais bull), 1 grade Angus with Angus caif, 1 two year Holstein cow, 2 Hereford caifs, il yearlings - 6 steers and five heifers, 7 geese, 25 Spring white Mountain mixed. FARM IMPLEMENTS: Mas- se y Ferguson tractor with AIliîed loader, 2 bucket, 165-M- Power, 1 Massey Harris 44, 1 Cultivator-lInternational, 1 plow MF 3F-12, Disk-tiller 6 biades, 2 hay elevators, Hay mower M.F. new, Harrows, Post Hale Auger, Manure spreader, John Deere No. 5 Mower-new bar and guards, old hav rake. 2 hay wagons (sïngle wheel) HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: . .. ANTIQUES .. . parlor table, hall table, 1899 Pot belly parlor stove, 2 pine cupbaards, pine table, rocking chair, 1 pressback chair, 2 washstands, potato bowl, larae Piatter, butter press, crock, chamber pot, 2 old couches, Finlay, wood stove, Piano (EVANS) (recondition- ed, new feits and straps... beautiful tone). MISCELLAN- EOUS: 1972 1/2 ton Chev.-. 70,000 miles certîfied, s tock racks, 3500 baies of hay, grain, roller, sump pump, 2 large tables, scales, cedar posts, cedar rails, old lumber, sleigh, brand new C.C.M. bike, sad- dies and bridies, variaus harness, other misc. Sale conducted by Liptay Auction- eers Ltd., Steve Liptay, Auctioneer. No reserve. U~I., rnr Asking anly $42,500.00. Com- fortable 3 bedroomn bungalow. Ideai location in Bowmanvile. Private drive, bordered with mature cedar hedge. For viewing cali Jean Orton 623- 9159. Three Bedroom home with' attached garage. Paved drive- way combinat ion living- diînin room. Asking $57,900. CaillRichard Orton 623-9159. Immaculate Semi $46,900.00. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single attached garage, walk out from livýing, room to baicony, move righ in. Cali Darryl Somerscaies 623-4214. Newcastle - The weil kept appearance of the exterior justly su9gests the immacu- late interior of this 3 bedroomn back-spiit, with spadiaus kitchen, large combined living and dining with siiding glass doors to patia, family roomn with firepiace and attached garage. Price reduced ta $58,900.00. Cali Ed Jeans 623-7152. N ewcastle - 3 bedroom back- split with separate dining room, water tountain in living roam, finished rec. room with builf in bar. Terms $58,500.00. Cali Shirley Hogg 623-3500. $4,300.00 Down - 3 bedroom, 2 storey semi, family size kitchen with walkout ta fuiiy fenced yard, recreation raom, immediate possession. Listed at $43,000.00. Cail Darryl Somerscales at 623-4214. 38-1 137 King Sf. E., Bowmanviiie 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR Brand New 3 bedroom brick bungalow With dining room, wine cellar, fireplace flu and attached garage. Many extras included. Bowmanville: 4 bedroom, 2 sforey fwin home with beauti- fui finished rec room, bar and fridge, lots of cupbaards with 2 baths. Centraliy located, near school and shopping. Priced ta sel. Rea Ifor Bus. 623-6121 Little Avenue, BowmanVille, 4 bedroom brick family home, rec-room with bar, games room. Listed at $46,900.00. Paf Marjerrison 623-4115 Doîlie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonvi île) Newtonville Area 2 acre wooded residentiai lot, iuxury 4 bedroom home, 2 car attached garage, family roomn with tireplace -569,900. Cottage Lot Rice Lake, north shore, high wooded 1lot, 100 1la ke ftrontag e $ 15,900. Garden Hill 13 wooded acres with stream, ideal home site or investmenf $27,500. 1 38-1 3 Units,.. A large 3 apartment home on a large lot very centraly located in Boviman- ville. Each unit is self- confained and has ifs own turnace and service. Paved drive and parking area. In very gaad condition. Asking $79,900. Terms. 3 Bedrooms.. Split level on corner lot in Pontypool. Has separate dining room; extra goad quality broadloom; walk oufta opafio tram future rec. roam ;1 roughed-in firepiace; 2 car garage and paved drive. Priced ta seli. Commercial... 2 storey build- ing on a chaice corner lot. Has store, warkshop, small office and large apartment. Ideal location for many types of business. Cali for details. Affer Hours: S. Annis P. Kowa J r. 623-7664 623-5868 38-1 623-3911 PONTY POOL - 2 storey 4 bedroomn house with separate D.R. and small barn on lot 52 x 262, 'ail in good repair. Excellent family home, right in the village. Asking $38,900, vendors anxious. BOWMANVILLE- 4 bedroom multi-level semi, 11/2 baths and 4 appliances, asking $44,700. Vendors anxious. BOWMANVILLE - 2 bedroom 11/2 storey semi with separate DR., aiuminumn siding, paved drive and 8' x 12' sundeck. Very central, asking $31,500. BOWMANVILLE - aider 2 storey aluminumr siding home with 3 bedrooms, separate DR., newly decorated. Close ta school, asking $46,000. Niceiy iandscaped. BOWMANVILLE - 112 storev 3 bedroom brick home, separate DR., 2 tireplaces, 112 baths, Rec roomn with walkout to the patio area. Beautitul decor, Broadloom and hardwood throughout, cali for more information. ORONO AREA - 108 acres facing on 2 roads. Large Lshaped barn, drilled and unlimited water supply. Cali for information. OSHAWA- lovely 2 bedroom brick bungalow with separate DR., paved drive and finished Rec room. Good area close ta school, shopping and hospital. Reduced ta $42,500 with a 91/2 per cent mortgage. Vendors anxious., Cali today. i38-1 Privafe Sale. Bungalow, large living room, tire place, picture wi1ndows, dinin9 raom, 2 bedrooms, near school, stores and hospital.. Phone 623 3052. 38-1 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Septem ber 26, 1976 2 - 5 p.m. 14 WELLINGTON ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Directions: Highway No. 2 to Liberty St. North, 2 blocks to Welington St. and foilow signs. Cozy 2 bedroom brick bunga- low with dining-raom, garage. Must be soldl 38-1 Bowmanvilîe Lakefront 77' x 200' lot, 3 bedroom Bungalow, fenced patio, suni- deck, trees. Asking $31,500. Terms. Cail Bill Turansky. Orono Loveiy 3 bedroom brick home on beautitul lot with mature tfrees, dens, rec-roo m, gara,.9e. Large, bright kitchen. Asking $49,900. Bill Turansky. Bowmanville - Try an Offer On this centre hall plan, 5 bedroom older stucco-brick home.'Open beamed 24' x 14' living room with fireplace, 2 full baths. Fenced and hedged lot. Askin g $58.000. Terms. Phyllis Mc Robbie. 2 Acres - Osh awa Area Home arnd shop, century centre hall plan, soiid brick 4 bedroom home. Mostly pine f loors sifuated on 1 acre niceiy treed lot, 1000 feet of commer- cial raspberries etc. PLUS adjoining 1 acre commercial C.1 zaned with 24' x 36" shap. Ideai for smaii motors, antiques, body shop etc. Alil foronly$79,900. Terms. Phyllis Mckobbie. Lot Size 112' x 186' Lovely 2 year oid Back-spiit Bungalow with plaster waiis, taxes anly $554.00, good 103/4 per cent mort ae, upgraded broadioam, doube gara ge, Iust fo mention a few of fhe extras at $59,900. Try yaur offer. Caîl Kay Brown. Bowma nvi île 1 year oid 3 bedroomn home on pie-shaped lot. 10 per cent mortgage, nice quiet Court and handy double garage. Vendors have offer on another home in Toronto. Asking oniy $55,900 for quick sale. Calil Kay Brown. Super Starter - Bowmanville This 3 bedroom Semi is immaculate and weil located near schoois and shopping. Ideal for yaung family. Asking $35,500. We can arrange financing. Cali Tony Kîomp- maker. Courtice Area - Executive Home 1400 sq. ft. Bungalow featuring 3 bedrooms, family room, 2 tîrepiaces, pool and much. more. $76,500. Cali Tony Klom pm aker. Bowmanville'. 9 per cent Martgage Exceptionaliy nice brick and aluminum Side.spiit. Spa- ciaus, bright, deluxe interior, 3 bedrooms plus den, large kitchen, fireplace in living ., dining raom, attached garage. Selling at beiow replacement, cost at $61,500. Owner trans- terred and open ta affers. Cali Elfie Jost to inspect this beautitul home. 11/4 Acre Lot - Oshawa 8 year aid Ranch style brick Johansen-buiit 6 roomn bunga- low, double garage, large unfinished rec-room. Nicely landscaped, many extras. Asking $89,500. Clame McCui- lough. 38-1 Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped f0 handle your home needs anywhere in ,Canada and U.S.A. SCoast to Coast Real Estate Service Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Newcastle names fromn the news last week of being Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Club 50 ladies resumed their fail meetings Tuesday evening Sept. 14 with 9 members present at the home of Mrs. SREAL ÉS1ATE LIM 47,7 Ritson R 576-079 $1500 Down - 4 Bec Lovely 4 bedrooi The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 22, 1976 15 U.C. was in charge with a fine attendarîce from Oshawa Preshytery, Rev. D)avid Burns (Ehenezer and Maple (Grove C'harge) gave the Induction sermon. Jacqueline Vaneyk was pianist. (hairman of Presbytery Stephen Saywel conducted the nduction of A delicious lunch and social ENNISIKILLEN houre fosaoAilee Vour faithfVI~ reporter is MeLaughlin's mother's death, back fromn her vacation and at the late Mrs. George Rahm ber reporter's desk again. occurred last week. Our News wiIl improve now. deepest sympathy is extended Sundayï was a "red letter' to hier sorrowîng family. day in aur cburch as our qýd. I S minister gave bis introductory A vertising 91 sermon on Sunday morning and was inducted at the helps you ceremony in Tyrone Cburch cm ae ,msmin on Sunday evening. Cu INAVETSN DVSR ORDI 12,. 1174.,t- Not,.T.,.4,.,,,1..,,. CNADA ADERTSI RE ALTORS REAL ESTATE LIMI14TEDà 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC MT 623-4428 Newcastle Bungalow - A very dlean 3 bedroomn brick home with a huge f inished rec. room with Franklin fireplace. Large backyard. Located on a quiet court. Price to seil at $49,900.00 Country Acreage- 27 acres with some woods and a nice view. Ail permits, available. $35,000.00. V ery easy terms. 220 Acres - Darlington Twsp. $120,000.00 with terms. Downtown Newcastle - Large brick house and former ser- vice station ln p rime commer- cial location. Many possibili- ties. Phone for further infor- miation. 38-1 R. "BUD" GVirtue 118 King Street East, Bowrnanville <_623-2967 Hetherington Drive - Owner anxious to sell, 4 bedroom, large L.R. and D.R. Family Roomn with fi!replace for enter- taining. Rec and gamnes room in completely finished base- ment. Asking only $64,700. Good terms, early possession. Caîllto-day to inspect. Lake Scugog Cottage Price reduced, owner wants it sold. 2 bedrooms, fully fur- nished. Quiet treed street, overlooking the lake, close to store. Port Hope - No. 28 Highway Real handyman deal, 3 bed- room brick and frame bunga- low. Lot 122 X 264. Needs finishing. Price reduced to $25,900. Try you r 0ffer. 38-1 Rea Itor, " MIACLE01 Oshawa 579-5497 Orona 983-9133 ANTIQUE LOVERS 100 year oîd brick home, Newcastle, 36 x 18 inground pool, 1/2 acre, very private, excellent financing, $55,900. Joanne Swadron. OS HA WA Three bedroom, brick 2 storey, semi. Single attached garage, fuIl1 basement, 91/4 per cent mortgage. Reduced. to $56,900. Jim Harbinson. il ACRES - KENDAL Three bedroom' cedar home, finished rec room, 2 walkouts, inground pool, bordering on the Ganaraska Forest. Asking $85,000. Jim Harbinson. BOWMANVI LLE Four bedroom sidesplit family room with f ireplace and walkout. Single attached gar- age. 93/ per cent f irst mort- gage. $62,0M. Iris Fowler. 3.5 ACRES - ORONO Century insulbrick home, 2 bedrooms, ail modern con- veniences, smaîl barn, needs $ear 34,500. Joanne ORONOCOUNTRY LIVING Three bedroom brick bunga- low on one acre with panor- amic view of Lake Ontario and the Ganaraska Forest. Rec room with brick fireplace, games room, double garage, $59,900. QUIET COURT N EWCASTLE -Three bedroom brick bunga- than" shaulder cas Com mission on Election Contributions& Expenses Summary of Candidate's Receipts, Expenses & Subsidy- Published in accordance with Section 4 (1) (k) of The Electian Finances Reform Acf, 1975 E lectian Date - Septemnber 18, 1975 ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM EAST Candidate Campaign Receipts Before Subsidy Doug Moffat (N DP) Charles Mc lîveen (PC) Kirk Entwisle WL Ray Beacock (SC) $16,288. 27,642. 10,987. 125, Subsidly Ca mpaign Paid to Paiedto Expetpses Candidate Audifor $22,852. 27,814. 14,770. 115. $6,608. 6,608. 6,608. *Note: The information shown above has been faken fram financial statemeants filed * with the Commission by Chief Financial Officers for the candidates, copiesf, hc * may be obtained from the Commission upon paymenf of 51.00 per copy.1 IA.A. Wishart, Chairman,, p for the Commission. Knmount, only $45,500 wîtfl partiy furnished rec room. 2 piece and 4 piece bath, large f ist mortgage of $41 ,500, carrylng for $414. See, if now. Pleasingly Plush - Bowmanvil le Nice newly broadloomed, 4 bedroom semi, with large finished rec room and work area in basement. Large lot, 37' x 100' with too1 shed. Only $42,900. Incarne Home 3 bedroom bungalow, j.ust off Phiîlip Murray with broad- loom throughout. 2 refriger- ators, 2 stoves, drapes and an above ground pool. Apartment rents for $160 per month. Homey ou may be proud of. Separate entrances, double driveway with fenced back- yard. Phone now. Home is vacant. Incarne Homes We have .2 other excellent opportuni«ies for you to own your own home with an apartment in basement to get, youonyourfeet. Cail for more information. 38-1 Joe Leavens, Haydon. Pres. Mrs. Kovacs opened the meeting and conducted the busigess. adDvtoa Scripture adDvtoa were ably taken by Mrs. Leavens. Cards were read from the sick and4 shut mns and Treasurer gave' her report. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Dennis, October 12. Miss Linda Leavens favoured us with piano solos and the meeting wàs had by ail. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Jne Leavens. Mr. and Mrs. Harold De- Mille and Carol, Bowmanville were Sunday afternoon visît- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. GIad to report Mrs. H. Barter, living on the townline north ini the old -Manversý township was released from Oshawa General Hospital Fni- day evening after being rush- ed t0 the hospital by ambul- ance Friday afternoon follow- ing the accident on County Road 14 just north of the 8th concession when her car was hit by a van. No report on the other lady from the van who was also taken to the hospital. SA goodly number from both churches along with members from the Oshawa Presbytery were present Sunday evening for the Induction Service of our new Minister, Rev. Harold Kempling B.Sc. in Tyrone Church. Mn. Ross White, from Northminster U. Church, Oshawa led' in the Worship Service with Rev. David H. Burns, B.A. from Ebenezen - Maple Grove charge, deliven- ing a splendid sermon on "Little Beginning" Mn. Bob Heayn, Prince Albert, brother of Mns. D. Southwell sang two solos, "How Great Thou Art" and "The Old Rugged Cross" accompanied by Mrs. John Vaneyk at the organ. Mr. Stephen G. Saywell chairman of Oshawa Presbytery led in the Induction Service. At the close of the service a reception was held in the Educational Wing of the church for Rev. and Mrs. H. Kempling and a social hour was spent by all. When buying lamb chops remember that ribs chops are likely ta be mnore tender This Week's County Courier circulation is 8,083copies. Along with The Canadian'Statesman L"The Best Adverti'sing Bargain in the Area" "The World of' F-oods" FROM OUR DELI COUNTER MAPLE LEAF DELICATESSEN Mý,E>lKATS PEPPERONI Stýore Sliced KIEL BASSA JAGDWURST$q o SUMMER SALAMI A Lb BEERWURSTL. SWIFT PREMIUM LEAN BONL ESS BACON BRSNGSEK FRICO BRAND DUTC-H 5 EDAM CHEESE I Lb "Try a Sample", Fresh Produce-Arrivinqi Daily APPLES-PEA.RS- TOMATOES POTATOES C CAULIFLOWER- ETC, CHAPMANI'S Asst* ICE CREAM Faor 9jr Pack MONARCH'(100 PER CENT PURE VEGETABLE OIL) MARGARIN "LARGEST SELECTION" of EXOTIC AND ORIENTAL 6 FOODS Indonesian Foods West Indies Tropical Foods German Style Rye Bread Fancy Butter Creamn Cake from Rudolph'sor Dimpflmeier Bakeries l"Corne in and browse around."1 DYKST RA 'S Delicatessen Food Market "Home of Quality" 73-77 King St. W., Bowmnanville, noss vvnite, iNorunminster

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