Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanviile, Sent. 1, 1976 13 I ~,IV:3*uJ-I4~ -u -- -- -- MONTGOMERY, Clara A. - At the Extendicare Nursing Home, Scarborough, on Satur- day, August 28th, 1976, Clara Nichais. Beioved wife of John Mont gomery. Dear mother of Lloyd, Gladys (Mrs. R. Mac- Farlane), Toronto;- Alice (Mrs. W. Crosgrey), Peter- borough; Muriel (Mrs. J. McCready), Toronto and Phyllis (Mrs. D. Fields), New Brunswick. Dear sister of Addie Snîder of Oshawa and the late Herb and Sid Nichois. Service was heid on August 31 in Scarborough. Int erment was in St. Margaret's In-The- Pines. 35 -1 lE 137 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR REDUCED. 1 acre of land near Leskard Road. Alil per- mits available. COUNTRY LIVING. Older 3 bedroom, 11,2 storey home with large lot 108' x 126'. Many mature trees . Must be seen . Caîl now. $35,000. LIMIEU REALTOR 147 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7461 - 623-2492 Bowmnanville - $4.000 down, 3 bedroom bungalow on 83' lot, insulated gara ge, newiy dec- orated, broadi oom through- out. Full price $39,900. Easy terms. Newcastle - 2 bedroom cozy bungalow, large lot, immac- ulate throughout. Full price on ly $36,900. Bowmanville - 4 becroom, 2 storey home, quiet area, great for a large famiiy. Priced at onily $35,900. 3- CLEANING lady, office house. Phone 623-4428. Pontypool - Beautiful spiit level home on a haîf acre lot. Extra quality broadloom. Nicely decorated. 2 car gar- age. Paved drive. Waikout from future rec. room f0 large patio. Owner anxious. Wiil accept trade in or near Bow- manville. Cail for details. Three Apts. - Large 3 bedroom, home for yourseif with 2 totaliy seif-contained apart- ments for rentai purposes. Building in a very good state of repair. Has severai f ire- places, some broadloom, 2 car carport, paved drive and many oCher features. Askinýg $79,900. Terms. S Commercial - On, choice and corner location in Bowmnan- ville. 2-storey brick and tramne h .udn,, with store, smail mu DYKSTRA'fS DELUCATESSEN "The World of Foods" FROM OURMEAT DEPARTMENT SWlIFT BON ELESS Store$l 99 DINNER HAMS SIiced Lb. MA&PLE LEAF »TOASTMASTER WIE NERS Wiener Buns c ~Savec L.14c Doz. FRESH MEATY PORK *9 SPARE RiBs L1,4 "Ideal for the Bar-B-Q" FRESHI PRODUCE DEPARTMENT DIRECT FROM "NIAGARA" Ideal for Canning FREE STONE PEACHES 4 Qt. Basket Heaping 6Qt. Basket Fresh Local Produce Arriving Da ily TOMATOES - POTATOES CAUIFOWR BAN CHMN ICE CREAM For .Asst'd F/ J Pack Mix or Match '"WHIîLE THEY LAST"I OLD SOUTH FROZEN A C12 Oz. ORAt.NG r Ejui CE 49 Tin SAVE!! DEEP CUT SPECIAL!! SAVE!! PENNY WORTH M TOIlLET TISSUE l y4Rl i Pa ck SAVE!! SAVE!! TOASTMASTER RED BAND WHITE SLICED PEPPERMINT> BREAD mROLLS 24 Oz' ,c 1O/99C 1 '...While They Last MONARCH (100 PER CENT PURE VEGETABLEOIL) À9 MARGARINE4 L. "ILARGEST SELECTION" of EXOTIC A ND ORIENTAL FOODS Indonesian Foods West Indies Tropical Foods German Style Rye Bread Fancy Butter Creamn Cake from Rudolph's or Dimpflmeier Bakeries "Corne in and browse around." 1 DYKSTv&âr RA101S M World Champion Auctioneer Enjoys Tour of South Dakota Steve Liptay, The 1976 World Champion Livestock Auctioneer bas just returned from a four day tour of the State of South Dakota, U.S.A. On special invitation from the Lîvestock Marketing Yards there. Steve began the tour on Monday evening, with a ývisit ta the Aberdeen Livestock Sales Ca. Tac., Aberdeen, South, Dakota. This market, located in the northern part of the state operates tWo days a week, for cattie marketing, and daiiy as a hog selling yard. The Tuesday livestock sale was sald by the Worid Champion as a special promo- tional sale. There were ap- proxîmately 1400 caws and as many calves soid at this sale wbîcb was well attended by the public as weil as press, radio and T.V. Prom Aber- deen, Steve proceeded soutb ta Brookings, South Dakota ap- proximateiy 220 miles. Here, as in most of that state, there has been an extremely dry seasôn this year. With mnany ranchers cutting their cow- calf herd ta one tenth it's size due ta the lack of feed fram the drought -- Many ranchers mentioned the fact that the calves up ta 4 months aid sQld that day had neyer seen a drap of main. Once again Steve soid this sale of approximateiy 1000 cows and their caives. The price of cows, ail going for butcher, was very much in line with aur market condi- tions here in Ontario. Calves however, sold ta, a high of 55 cents per hundredwcight. On Thursday Steve travel- led westward 200 miles ta Huren. Here Cobbie Magness bas deveioped an excellent marketing yard -- and in the auctianeers opinion one of'the mast efficient anywhere. The Huron Livestock Sales aper- ates three days per week, m du Swim Meet aut Memorial Park Finishes Proaram office, work area and large The August session of the ,apartment. Excellent value at Red Cross swimming pro- $75,000. Termns. gram came ta a conclusion at After ours:Memorial Park on Friday, J. A. Barton 623-3098 u.2twibasimetl S. Annis 623-7664 which the children were able P. Kowal Jr. 623-5868 ta put ta use skills iearned 35-1 during the four-week instruc- Chart-er Members 0f iwanis Cl* ub The former Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville had 38t charter members when it began in 1963, not a highest member- sbip of 25 as an eariier story in The Statesman'stated. The 38 founding members of the Club inciuded Cecil Ail- dread, George Beebee, Gar- don Beech, Charles Biekie, Ron Brooks, Geraid Brown, W.H. "Mickey" Brown, Bill Cameron,. Bob Carruthers, Gardon Clark, N.J. "Bil" ORO M.and Mrs, Wallace Mc- Knight and Ran of Caurtice, Mr. Clarence Gibson/of Bow- manville, and Mr. and Mrs. Prench of Trenton were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford. Mms. Wm. P. Irwin has been a patient in the Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Mrs. E. L. Gilbank and ber mother, Mrs. Harry Freeman of Maple Grave, have retuma- ed home fromn visiting Dr. and Mrs. Rager Nagarajan and daughter Delphine at Scott- dale, Penn., U.S.A. Mr. Clifford Bruton is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. .The Omono Senior Citizens meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 2nd at 6 p.m. in the f orm af a Pot Luck Supper. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hird of Witby were Saturday evening dinner guests 'of ber parents Mm. and Mrs. Law- rence Harris and sons. Mrs. Nieva Rainey Snod- grass - born 1908, wife of Paul Snodgrass passed away on Thursday, August 26th at the Cobban, Jim Coliiss, Casey Denhertog, Daniel Dudley, Clifford Evans, Peter Fed- dema, LeVerne Firth, John Hendry, Derry Hubbard, Ted Hutton, Ross Jackman, Henry Janzen, Peter Kowal, Harryi Locke, Terry McCauley, Floyd McKinley, Terry Mas- ters, Neil Meteaif, John Mor- ton,, Don Mountjoy, Terry Price, Cliffard Purdy, Cran- stan Scott, Evert Smit, Harold, Stevens, Robert Taft, Graham Terhune and Ian Turner. NO,-1 Ross Memoriai Hospital, Lindsay, aftem a long illness. Rested at the Mackey Fu- neral Home, Lindsay, with service on, Saturday aft'ernüon, from the Calvamy Pentecostal Church, Lindsay. Interment Orono Cemetery. Mn. Wm. P. Irwin attended the funeral of his brother, Norman Irwin, in Orangeville on Satunday. Mrs. Olga Hoaper Barstead, age 85, wif e af the late Beniamin Barstead, passed away on Thursday, August 26th at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto. Rested at the Marris Funer- al Chapel, Bowmanville. service at il a.m. Saturday in the Orona Lang Chapel. Interment Orono Cemetery. .Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther- fond visited their son Douglas at Willowdaie, bef are their motar trip ta western Ontario. Mm. and Mrs., Ron Hamris, Richard, Kim and Glen visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford and family at Meaford this week. Kevin Fulford returned ta bis home after spending hast week visiting at bis grandparents. Mens Major Teams Team 1 - Darlington Auto Centre - Capt. Larny Piper, Howard Bromeil, H-ector Bal- lantine, Ray Van Meer, Ted Hahiman, Harold Bennett. Team 2 - Frank's Variety - Capt. Dale Temmy, Randy Beauprie, Ross Wrigbt, Bob Wiliams, Gien Edmondson, Garf Clarke. 1Teamn 3 - Dykstra's Food - Capt. Bob Buriey, Bud Hen- ning, Gary Carter, Ab Saman, Don Ellis, Dave Reynolds. Teamn 4 - I.GA. - 'Capt. Rager Davies, Pat Murphy, John Carter, Bill Westiake, Harold Michelson, Randy Van Meer. Team 5 - Cowan Pontiac Buick - Capt. Ron Good,' John Pearson, Bill Holroyd, Geo. Piper, Arnold VanGoor, Gond Simpson. Teamn 6 - Jury and LavelI - Capt. John Luffman, Duug Carter, Jim Brutan, Dennis Smale, Jim McKnigbt, Hap Palmer. Team 7 - Rice Bowl - Gord Wiieox, Ed Leslie, Walt Rat- ely, Bob Smitb,,Cînyton Mon- gan, Ted Bagneil. Team 8 - Coiiiss Eiectric - Capt. Ron Etcher, Les Smaie, Bob Laird. KarI Piper, Gnre2 Couch, Bill Luxtan, Team 9 - Pepusi Cola - Capt.' AI ýOsborne, Rus Oke, Bert Engléy, Carence Oke, Mike Murphy, Steve Oke. Team 10 - Lander Hardware - Capt. 'Elton Brock, Ron Seileck, Jack Lander, Loweii' MacDougai, Rolly -Coombes, Les Coombes. Team il - Ken's Men's Wear - Capt. Dr. H.B. Rundie, Dick Perfect, Moe Richards, Bill Oke,' Gerry Masterson, Bob Kent. Teamn 12 - Brock's Service Centre - Capt. Jack Bond, Morley Etcher, Jîm Murphy, Don Oke, Gea. BeBee, !)on Bradley. The Mens Major League stamts Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1976 at 7 p.m. sharp. The sponsors and members of eacb team are listed. The scbedule is posted at Liberty Bowl. Educaution Board Avpproves and administrative regula- tions weme appmoved for the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education at their meeting on Aug. 27tb. The mules aihaw for tbe board ta meet regularly on the second and faurth Thursdays every month at 7:30 in their office la Cobourg. Ia the case of a regular meeting faling on a holiday, board members will gather aday earlier. A meeting wiil remain open ta the public "except wbere atberwise ordemed by the boamd's bylaws or. by resolu- tian of the board." The reguhations caîl for board meetings ta end no later than il p.m. "unless otherwise detemmined befome said time by a vote of the majority of members present." No exten- sion is aiiowed ta go beyand 30 minutes in length. First adapted in 1968, the mules of order were amended on March 25, 1976. tionai pragram. Ail of the children wbo participated enjoyed them- selves as did the instructors, who served as the meet officiais. The cbildren were divided into four categaries; Boys 12 and over, Boys under 12, Girls 12 and over, and Girls under 12. The winners were presented with Gold, Siiver and Bronze mnedals wbich were made by Connie Knight, one of the Junior swimmers. The top winners in each selling up ta 12,000 head af livestock, including lambs, hogs and cattie per week. A significant fact noted by the world champion is the professional attitude of the ljvestack auctianeers and op- eratars at the marketing yards, with masIt using mod- ern techniques and facilities in the marketing of iivestock. This tour for Steve Liptay resulted fromn his capturingý the title of 1976 World Champ- ion Livestock Auctioneer at the annual Warld Champion Livestock Auctioneers Contest in New Hôlland, Pennsylvan- ia. Steve is the first Canadian auctioneer ta achieve the stature. Just recently, Liptay Auctionerrs, Mt., owned by Steve and his brother John, purchased the Peterborough Livestock Sales Barn and will be operating under the name of the Liptay Livestock Auc- tian Centre, with regular sales every Wednesday. categary were: Boys 12 and over - Doug Dilling- 4 gold and 2 silver; Girls 12 and over - Anne Woolger - 6 gold;' Boys under 12 - Scott Richards - 3 gold; Girls under 12 - Kari Reay - 2 gold and 2 silver. The meet was very success- fui due to flull participation of the children andable assis- tapce of the instructional staff. Joan Santomero served as the organizer and score keeper; Gail Caveriy, Sheliy Fry and Val Sloos served as timekeepers with assistance from some of the Senior class. Jo-Anne Dilling and Susan Gatcheli ably assisted in organizing the children for each Évent. Rick Santomero served as the starter for the races, and Cheryl, Anyon helped as a runner for the scorer and timiers. The followîng are the com- plete resuits: Boys 12 And Over 25 Metre Freestyle: 1. Mark Richards 19.5 sec., 2. Doug Diiling, 3. Fred Curson and Owen Bandstra. 25 Metre Backstroke: 1.» Doug Dilling 21.95, 2. Mark Richards, 3. John Wesselius. 25 Metre Breaststroke: 1. Doug Dilling 25.4 sec., 2. Mark Richards,3. Fred Curson. 50 Metre F~reestyle: 1. Mark Richards 46.0 sec., 2. Doug Diiling, 3. Robert Kennett. 50 Metre Breaststroke: 1. Doug Diliing 55.05 sec., 2. Kevin Sloos, 3. Owen Band- stra. ,Girls 12 And Over 25 Metre Freestyle: 1. Anne Woolger 20.4 sec., 2. Cheryl Anyan, 3. Connie Knight. 25 Metre Backstroke: 1. Anne Wooiger 24.5, 2. Betty Snyder, 3. Julie Sandisan., 25 Metre Breaststroke: 1. Anne Woolger 25.4, 2. Cheryl Anyan, 3. Henriette Vanden- Wildenberg. 50 Metre Freestyle: 1. Anne Woolger 47.2, 2. Cheryl Anyan. 50 Metre Breaststroke: 1. Anne Waolger 1:00.9 sec., 2. Cheryl Anyan, 3. Henriette VandenWildenberg. Boys Under 12 25 Metre Freestyle: 1. Scott Richards 20.4, 2. Rob Siggins, 3. John Swanberg. 25 Metre Backstroke: 1. Scott Richards 25.5, 2. Allan Canrinus, 3. Mike Cancilla. 25 Metre Breaststroke:, 1. John Swanberg 25.1, 2. Rab Siggins, 3. Bruce Austin. 50 Metre Freestyle: 1. Scott Richards 44.9, 2. John Swan- berg, 3. Rab Siggins. SGirls Under 12 25 Metre Freestyle: 1. Jili Combes 21.0, 2. Kari Reay, 3. Ja-Anne Latter. 25 Metre Backstoke: 1. Kari Reay,24.0, 2 . Jili Coombes, 3. Brenda Mclntyre. 25 Metre Breaststrake: 1. Kari Reay 32.4, 2. Pam Sully, 3. Evelyn Kennett. 50 Metre Freestyle: 1. Jill Combes 54.7,'2. Kari Reay, 3. Darla Cameron. 100 Metre Medley - Boys Open Class: 1. Daug Dilling 1:50.0 sec., 2. John Swanberg, 3. Kelvin Sloos. 100 Metre Medley - Girls Open Ciass: 1. Anne Waolger 2:08.4, ý2. Connie Knight, 3. Evelyn Kennett. - Submitted by Rick and Joan Santomero. COUNT DOWN Ew LA1EA 30 DAYS IN SEPTEMBER April, June and November ail the rest have 31 except at Macdonald"'s where, there are only 25. e25 SELLING DAYS IN SEPTEMBER (We're open Saturdays) 478 1976 CARS and TRUCKS TO GO At our 3 locations, BIG INVENTORY Ail stops pulled to mo ve this before September 3Oth Every car and truck has been DRASTICALLY REDUCED to Macdonald's count down price Buy now while we have Save by buying at the se DISCOUNTED 1976 PRICES P.S. HOT COFFEE WILL BE SERVED TO KEEP YOU WARM 623-4481 21 9 KING ST. E. BOWMA NVILLE ALL VEHICLES LISTED ARE M9 MODEL PIN TO "OY 2 door 3 door wagon, SQUtR-E- MAVERICK 2do 2 door MUSTANG 2 door 3 door GHIA2door MACH 1 GRANADA 2 door 4 door GHlA2door GHIA4door TORINO 2 door 4 door "G RAN" 2 door 4 door "BROUGHAM" 2 door 4 door WAGONS 4 door SQU 1R E WAGONS 4 door ELITE 2 door hdtp. FORO' S LI ST PRICE $3,305 $3,487 $3,677 $3,862 $4, 149 $3,660 $3,729 $4,057 $4,279 $4,460 $4,840 $4,408 $4,5 13 $4,98 1 $5,087 $4,871 $4,909 $5,230 $5,270 $5,825 $5,842 $5,582 $5,949 $5,787 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 door $5,338- 4 door $5,26 1 LTD LTD BROUGHi LTD LANDAU w'A LTD WA SQUIRE WA TRUNDERBIRE 2 door $5,652 4dcoor $5,624 2 door $6,266 4 door $6,187 2 door $6,683 4 door $6,616 ýGONS $5,925 'GONS $6,156 ýGONS $6,502 's TRUCKS $9,329 PICKUP $4,278 s HOW TO USE MACDONALD'S COU NT 1. Choose the model you want and select t from this advertîsement. 2. Add the options. Our salesmen ail have oi anxious to heip. 3. Deduct the allowance for your trade-in. will provide an evaluation to heip your c 4. Add charge for: predelivery inspection, 1Sales Tax and license. N-'CI ý76 MODE LS ACDONALD'S QUANTITY iALE PRICE IN STOCK $3043 $3113 $3299 $3495 64 $3266 $3327 38 $3612 $3808 $ 3 969 $4305 4 $3891 $3982 $4388, $4480 67 $4202 $4235 $4510 $4540, $5010 $5072 $4809 $5116 91 $4980 - 32 $4548 $4485 $4809 $4783 $5309 $5244 $5650 $5596 $5030 $5220 $5503 $8039 10 $3780 57 TOTAL 478 DOWN PRICE LIST he basic discount price )ptîon price iists'and are Our used car appraiser deai. freîght, and'Provincial O'BITUÀRY DAVID McREELIS SR. Retired' from farming for aven 12 years, David McReeiis Sm., died in Memonial Hospi- tal,' Wed., Aug. l8th, following six months of ponr heahth. He was 78. Bora in Ireland where he received bis early education, be was the son of the late Mi. andMrs. James McReelis and, was married ta Ida Savinnc on June 28, 1941. Prior ta residing at 2 Nelson St. E. in Bowmanville for thmee years, hiý ived at 123 King St. E. He was a member of the Salvatian Army Church. Surviving are bis wife, Ida, daughter Marlon (Mrs. Fred Sneed) of Bowmanville, sans, David and Samuel, 10 grand- chiidren and brother, Samuel of Oshawa.. The funeral service was held on Saturday, Aug. 2lst at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Capt. R. Permy of the Salva- -tlan .Ammy, Bowmanville,' officîating.e Palibeaners weme nepbews, Robent and Harry MeReelis, foster son, Ray Kichko, Dick Biersteker, Art Beduin and Frank Hale. Interment 'Bowmanville Cemètery.

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