Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1976, p. 9

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Just a little over one more week te go before the doors of the local educational institu- tions will once again_ begin te function for the faîl term. The date is Sept. 7th, the day after Labon Day. Shortly after, the higlier education facilities will be open for the faîl term. Should any area young people be lea ving for that great excursion te uiversities or community colleges outside the town's bordens, we would be happy te have their najnes and where they are planning te spend the next few years, gaining knowledge. Mns. Harry Sutton and Mrs. Hazel Brown, King St. East, St. Paul's United, Church Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess St. Pau's and Trinity combined Summer Services wiII be held at St. Pau's Church. 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY Parents are invited tu bring their pre;school children te our play and learn nursery whi le th y attend Church. Bowmanville Pentlecostal Chu 75 L113ERTY STREET SOI Sunday Service 9:55 a. m. 11: 00 a. m. 7: 00 p. m. ....1..Sundaý ....Worship Evangelistic Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesctay, 7:30 pan Bible Study A Welcome for Y, in a Friendly Chu irch LJTH y' School Service Service ou rch - - - - Items of Interest, I Phone 623-3303 p ets... Blis and Ber Fashions for Back-to-School! for Little Ladies: Dresses *Jumpers 'JSkirts and Blouses Pants and Jump Suits Puflovers and Cardigans Pant Suits Ladybird Underwear and Hose Good Selection of Vînyl Raincoats Cords-Denims-Brushed Denim Dress Pants T-Shirts and Shirts Pullovers and'Cardigans *« Ladybilrd Underwear and Socks Jump Suits Good Selection of Vinyl Raincoats "We Can Outfit Them from the Skin ... Out"I at THE JOHN& UDY SHOPPE 15 King St. E. ""Fash ions for Little People'- 623-3293 Use Your Chargex or Master charge Bowma nvillie Van Belle'Gardens Has Attractive Display at CNE attended the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Edward Swanson te Miss Dale Stewart in Cobourg United Church on Saturday, August 2lst at 7 P.m. Personal items for this column are a bit short this week for two reasons, few have been sent in and the staff member in charge of the column bas -been under the weather, So, let's get it back on the rails next week. Send in those personal items concern-, ing visitors, trips or anything else that you think might be of interest to readers. Blackstock's Annual Fair wilget underway this Satur- day, with a parade at il a.m. followed by an interesting and exciting program of events. The current edition of Good- year's Wingfoot Clan features a picture and story about Bowmanville native Don Mas- ters who last year marked his 25th year of employment with the company and also won the Canadian Goodyear Spirit A- ward for Canada. He was manager ofGoodyear's Quebec plant at that time. In the same edition, there are several other local items. W. Blackburn marks his 30 year milestone with the company, P. Noules, 15 years. R.W. Cameron retired after 30 years,' and, there was an In Memoriam note for the late J.H. Levett who had worked at Goodyear bere for 38 years, prier te his death. Don't forget to purchase a copy of "Out of the Mists", the history of Clarke Township authored by Helen Schmid and Sid Rutherford. t is filled with interesting stories and items about people and places throughout the former town- ship. There will be a special signing day Sunday, Sept. 5th, in, the Odd Fellows Hall; Orono, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.mh. where copies will be available, signed by the authors. Refreshments will be served. JYou may recaîl a story we ran some time ago about a Nova Setia Publisher named Cecil Day who retired from the newspaper business and took up painting as a hobby. Mr. Day attended the recent convention in Halifax held by the Canïad- Ian Community Newspapers Association where lie was honored forhis many contri- butions to weekly newspâpers. Word came this week that Mr. Day suffered a heart attack on Celebrated lst B'irthdav Hi! My name is Carl. 1 just turned one on Aug. 3rd, 1976. My ud parents are Joe and Sheryl Bonura, Oshiawa. Grandparenta are Mvr. and Mrs. Robert D. Whillanis and Mr. and Mrs.' Carlo Bonura. Saturday and died ast week- end. His loss will be mourned by many colleagues in the field who had great respect for bis talents. 1 Allan Lawrence, the popular MP for Northumberland and Durham, is apparently plan- ning te continue the tradition carried on for many years by former MPP Alex Carruthers. He is planning an annual barbecue and corn reast on Sept. lst, for aIl frîends and neighbors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster six miles east of Kirby and 11/2 miles north on county roari 9. The big get-together will start at 4 p.m. and continue until 8. Frankly, we recaîl that these events in the past bave continued long past that heur because they usually become almest an eld home week. We've just received the first indication that the new 1977 cars are on the way. General Motors are planning their annual Press Preview and Demenstration Drive, at Cherry Downs Golf Club on Tuesday, Sept. l4th. These are always pheasant events when: we net enly have an opportun- ity te renew friendsbipswîth the GM people in charge but aise meet many of our celleagues in the media. As well, we learn about the features of the new vehicles and have an opportunity te your deeds. Prove your- self worthy of trust and confidence." - Baha'u'iIah. If interested, please cai623-483 drive the eues we ve always dreamed of owning. Better, keep in mind that postal rates for first chass mail increase from 8 cents te 10 cents on Sept. lst. Next Mardi it will cest 12 cents te mail a letter and sadly, the cost of mailing newspapers is geing te increase by about 20 per cent then unless those in charge bave mercy and with- draw their present plans". A-news release advises tbat we now have a fifth political party registéred in Ontario. t is called tie Ontario Libertar- ian Party, stressing the im- portance ef individual free- dem in both the economic and civil spheres. They oppose suchl egislation as the land speculation tax, rent controls, compulsory use of seat beits and Sunday closing heurs. No deubt more will be beard of them in the months ahead. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Elwoed Shackelton and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Shackelton hosted a famihy reunion for about 50 relatives of the "Wright" Chah. During the day there was swimming, fun ,and games at the Frank Street home of Ron and Brenda, then ail gatiered on Higli St. for supper on the lawn with Rae and Elwood. Those who had te werk popped in at spare moments te say hello, and have pictures taken. Later, while the kids romped, the gnown-ups were content te sit quietly recalling old times and happy memories, "Good night and God Bless" ended a beautiful day whose sunshine was exceeded only by' the happiness of being together. Relatives attended from Perth, Brockville, Trenton, Codrington, Oshawa, New- castle, Newmarket and Bow- manville. Next year, God willing, another get-together, STA RKVI LLE daughter Jan ýSilvik and son Brandt, Waterloo, Iowa, had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd. A Tupperware Party was held recently at Mrs. Edna Dobson with 25 ladies attend- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and son of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Layng and Dyana. Mrs. Ada Hallowell visited recently with Mrs. Audrey Turner, Bowmanville. Rev. and Mrs. R.C. White, Oshawa, Mrs. Gor.don Fair- bank and Cathy, Mr. Jack Walker and Mr. Ken Haw, Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr.'and Mrs. Orme Falls visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallow- eil and Jim visited with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell ,and family, Canton, for a barbeque supper on Sunday. The. U.C.W. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Doug Lynn with 21 ladies present. On August l4th, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair, Todd and Tara and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mn. and Mrs. Glen Farrow. and Mr. Stan Bowen attended the Found Reunion in Lindsay. Relatives came from five States of the U.S., England and Ontario witb 160 people attending. The following Monday, August lSth, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fenton, grand- more happy and new mem- ories. Mr. and Mrs. Byers were Monday evening guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock for a lovely dinner te c elebrate Mr. Byers birthday. In the evening, at the Byers' home, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Oshawa and Mrs. Finley Sutherland, Bancroft, arrived with birthday cake and ail the trimmings te celebrate again with Mr. and Mrs. Byers and Mr. and Mrs. Sturrock. A happy evening was enjoyed by aIl. 1I The Can adian Statesman, Bom The Pres. Mrs. Brian Caswell opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Tizzard read a prayer and devotional. Re- ports were given and thank you notes were read. Business was conducted and plans were made for the bus trip on Sept. 21. Bazaar will be in the latter part of October. Mrs. Dawn Erb gave an interesting talk on the 4-H Club and she is an assisting leader at Newcastle. The September meeting wîll be held at Mrs. Orme Falls, Bowmanville. Mrs. Lynn and Mrs. Mary Caswell served a delicious lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. Sunday supper guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd and boys were, Mr. and Mns. Arnold Scott, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Willie MacFarlane, Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sin- r TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 1 N4 STUDm"ENTS!b Grade 13 Texts for- B3owmanvllle-Clarke- Court ice Iiig h Schools Avai lable at Saywell's Book Store )wmanville, August 25, 1976 7 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood of Oshawa Sunday evening. Mrs. Inez Todd passed away on Sunday after a short ilness. Funeral service was on Tuesday at Ross Funeral Home ini Port Hope. The community was saddened to hear of her death as she spent many years of ber life in this community. TODAYS BIBLE FOR man a Iso knoweth net his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so ARE the SONS'0F MEN snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon themn. Ecclesiastes 9:12 Please Write Box il 1 Blackstock, Ont. 16 Simcoe! st. S. 1 - Phone 728-8821 Oshawa Il o____Sale ~1 G U ~ E S Ends "WeJI Worth Looking For" _ SPTç I Many favorable comments have been heard,from visitors to the Canadian National Exhibition about the colorful display Van Belle Gardens has in the Horticultural Building. It is located at the southeast corner of the building and is one of the first to be seen by visitors entering from that side of the structure. Oshawa Free Methodist Church TruI's Rd. (Darlington 15, South of No. 21 Highway) 725-3606 Pastor: DAVID A. DYER 725-3872 SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1976 Il a.m, - Sunday School Il a.m. - Morning Worship Service 7 p.ni. - Union Service Final Service of Summer Series at the Rossland Rd. Church. Special Service of Fellowship and Blessing. A hh-momil.-

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