Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1976, Section 2, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, dune 23, 1976 Section Two N EWTON VI LLE Last Monday eveniag the Couples Club lield a-barbecue and pot-luck lunch at Jack Staplefon's farmn at Kendal, wifli about 55 adults iin atendance. Gifts were pre- sented f0 Rev. and Mrs. Montgomery, Sorry to 'hear Mlrs. Doris Chrysler is back inu M'emorial Hospital again. We hope sie is improving and wisli er al fie best. Local people attendîng the Barber Shoçp Show - -Pine Ridge Chor-us Charter Niglt" lield in Port Hope Higli Sciool1, Friday evening, included IMr. and Mý,rs. CM, loues, Mrs. Bea Joues, MUrs. Lenia Clys- dale, Mrs. Irene Burley, Mrs. L eone Lane, Mr. and Mlrs. Charles Gray and girls, MJr. and Mrrs. Wallace Bougien, Mrs. Queenie Fletcher, Miss Kim Gilmer and NMr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Weekend visitors wif i Mrs. va Farrow, were Mîr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow and Karen, of Gatineau, Quebec. Ou Safurdiay, MNr. and M.rs. Carl Farrow of Toro-nfo were visitors there, and ont Suuday, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Brignal and Melissa of Bowmaaville. Mr. and Mlrs. Clint on Bur- ley, Newcastle were recent 'isitors with Mrs. Agues Burley. Mrs. Amena Richards and Mrs. Winnie Ellioft attended the 50fh Golden Aniversary celebrafion for Mr. and Mrs. John Bird, ield la Scarbor- ough Masonic Temple, on Saturday eveniag, which also was the occasion of Mr. Bird's birthday. Congratulations to ail! Gary Stapleton of Hamilton wifli Mr. Wm. Staplefon and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton were dianer guesfs, last Sun- day, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordoa Morton of' Kendal, celebrating son Kevin's second birthday. Later la fie week Mr. an d Mrs. Bert Staplefon of Bow- manville wifh Mr. and Mrs. Don- Stapleton visifed the lafter's son, Neil, la Toronto General ýHospital, wiere he lias undergone surgery. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Amnie Selvig of Port Hope aadthe Don Stapletons visited Neil in hospital, where lie is expecfed to be for some time. Best wislies for his full recovery. Mr. Raymond Bruce witli Mrs. Isabel Waters and Mrs. Marlon Gibson atfended the Bruce family reunion, lasf Safurday, held at MacArtiur's Milîs, Bancroft. They also called on several ýrelatives coming and going, as this was. anafternoon and evening affair. Congratulations f0 Mrs. Hiram MNilîson wliose birthday parfty was held in Orono Oddfellows' Hall, Saturday evening. Greefers af our churcli door Sunday morning were Erma Wood and Elleen Stapleton. In fie absence 'of Rev. Mont- gomnery, Rev. Roland Hopkins of Bowmanville was our speaker and lis topic, "To everyfhing there is a lime and a season," stressing the importance of having a true faitli and trust la God. Prior to thie sermon, Mrs. Bea Jones read a letter fromn Mr. Jim Adams, expressing lis deep appreciation to everyone for their sympafhy, and acts of kindness, recently, during the final illness and passing of lis dear wife. The choir's offering Sunday was an enjoyable solo by Evelyn Stacey, 'I Found the Answr." The yearly Certificates and Pins were given out to members of the Sunday Sdiool by Marlene Stacey assisted by Mary Vinkie and if was eacouraging to hear of the substantial increase in attendance, since last year. Following the ser- vice tlie annual Sunday School picnic was held on lie churcli grounds. Next Suuday, June 27, will be tlie farewell service for Rev. Montgomery, wlio will be moviug to Peter- boroughi on July 2nd. Our uew minister, Rev. Aubrey Tizzard will be moving into tlie Manse some- timne in JuJy during whicli moatl ino churcli services will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Joues of Edmonton are visitors liere wiîth Mrs. Bea Jones, this week. Visitors witli Mr. and MUrs. F. Glmer iuclucled Mr. Ray- mond Gilmner of Tslington and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmier, Port Hope, on Saturday even- ing and ou Suniday, Mr. and Mlrs. Phil Gilmer andi family. Mr. and Mrs. Y-en Fletcher and Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Gilmer were aniong the C-0 or so Senior Ci Uzens wlo accept- ed the invitation extended by Brandi 178, Canadian Legion, Bowmnanville, to attend tieir Sunday afternoon entertain- ment. There was a double film sliowing of "Tlie Great Ad- venture," quite iateresting and later, an enjoyable lunch- eon was served by tlie Ladies Auxiliary. Appreciation of their kifldness and liospitality was expressed by Mrs. Fletcher to those in charge, before we left. Througli the kindness of President Stan Duan, three new flags for our Cenotapli were -presented!to Comrade Frank Gilmer. It is hoped that parents will tell tlieir children, large or small, -not to swing on the poles and, to try to keep things lookiag lice at our Cenotaph. Please, have some respect for what it and these flags represent, in our coin- munity! Newtonville Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs. May Burley, Newcastle, on dune 16 and President Amelia Lancaster opened with tlie singing of the Ode, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect, then two minutes of silence in memory of our two departed members, LorchenAdams and Lottie McCullough. Secre- tary-Treasurer Madeline Buckley read tie financial report including the Special Account. Violet Glmer show- ed the Trophies which will lie awarded this week at our local school to the two pupils, selected by the teaching staff, on their pasf year's achieve- ments. Sympafhy was expressed to Jean O'Neill on the deatli of ber littie grandson, siace our Iast meeting. A motion was passed to- remember with a personal giff, one of our former members wlio has now moved away. As this is our lasf meeting untilfaîl it was decided that our picnic be lield at thie Birds* Sanctuary, Aug. 18, with supper at 5 p.m. and familles will be welcome. Bernice Milligan agreed to make the necessary arrangements be- foreliand. Coavenor May Burley pre- sent ed the program. The Rol Caîl - "One subject 1 disliked la school, and wliy,' , was answered by all but one of the twenfv members preseat. The Motto - "Put your talent la the WLI. and watch it grow," written by Mrs. Agnes Burley, was read by Violet Gilmer. A member who recently moved away, Isabel Allia, was presenfed with a cup and saucer. Our July Bus Trip was nexf discussed wif h Mr. Warner of Trenfways, our speaker, giv- iag us general information. t was finally decided thaf July 28fh will be the date, leaving Newcastle at 9 a.m. and heading east f0 various places including the chocolate factory (a very popular place) as well as somie others, lunch f0 be lad at Camplielîford. A reading hy Florence Ferguson finished the pro- gram and lunchi was served by fie group. The usual appre- ciation was expressed to the hosfess. Senior Citizens are invifed, to attend a Bazaar aud Tea af Strafiaven Rest Home, Wed., dune 23, froma 2 to 4 p.m. The U.C.W. ield their dune meeting af the home of Mrs. Carl Todd last Wed. evening. There were 18 members and two guesf s present. Pres., Mms. Mary Caswell opened the meeting wifl a prayer. Mrs. Gloria Todd gave fie devotional. The minutes of last monti's meeting were read by fie Secrefary - Mrs. Jim Stark and Treasurem's report by Mrs. Carl Todd. Plans were made for fie Annivesary Service on Sua- day wifh Mrs. Janet Lyna as lunch convenor. Af fer fie ,business, Mrs. Sid Lancaster gave a falk on their trip f0 England witi pictures fo show off fie beaufiful places fliey visited. Mrs. Ross Todd and Mrs. Carl Todd served a -delicious lunch af 'close- of "Walch for niy Safety Contesr iii this newsýpaper" meeting. Mrs. John Layag invited fhe ladies f0 lier home for fie July meeting. The Sui Anniversary Ser- vice was held on Suaday witi fhe Rev. Paul Erb of Hampton United Church. Rev. Erb's message was "What is fie Ciurch supposed f0 be do- ing?" We also thank fhe Welcome Jr. Choir for their excellent singing. A lunch was,. served in the churci basementi following fie service. Tiere will be no church until fie 1sf of August. A number of fie Sfarkville mothers accompanied the sciool children f0' Toronto sland today (Monday). Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin-1' son attended fie 25fli Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler of Bowmaaville. Mrs. Bill Reid and Mrs. R. Kennedy of California, Norma and Beulal Hallowell, Mrs. Austin Turner and Mrs. Rus- sel Savery were recent guests wif h Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. John Layng and Dyana were supper guests Tuesday wifli Mr, and Mrs. Ross Todd And family. Mrs. Brown of Port Hope stayed tie weekend wifh Mrs. Ellen Farrow. Mrs. Sid Hallowell spent a few days witi Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gray and family of Toront o. Master Jeffrey Caswell.was a dinner guest with his grandparenfs, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. Larry Sinclair, Todd and Tara visifed Mr. and Mrs. Frma Wood, Newfonville. ScholOffiâciail Claims Misquote An officiai with fie North- "Some day, the Guide wîll umberland and Newcastle have a reporter who will take Board of Educafion saîd la a notes correctiy, stafe f rutiful- letter f0 the edif or appearing ly who says what," fie letter in the Port Hope Eveniag began. Guide lasf week fiat sie lias However an edifor's note been misquofed. maintained fiat the sf ory was Harriett Reisier said she/ accurafe. The note said fiat neyer quofed salary rates of Guide reporters pride tlem- school caretakers or eventhe selves on being abieto write, cost of reuting scliool space af and take notes correcfly. If a dune 10 meeting of fie added fiat notes takea at the board. school board meeting show fie story is correct. Aecording to that dune story, Mrs. Reisler said it would cost two dollars per hour to rent school space but $11 per hour to provide csoilcare to a group renting school facilities. Although Mrs. Reisier said she neyer quoted those fi- gures, lier letter to the Guide said she dîd suggest responsi- ble groups renting the sehools should take care of cleaning up because caretaking means extra costs. She said the discussion was ail about increasing the commuuity use o ýbe the cause of bringing some child's sumlmer vacation 10 a screeching hait. ýTHIS SAFETY REMINDER HAS BEE PRESENTED BY THE FOLLOWINO MERCHANTS MalcDONALD FORD Bowma nvi.lie Phone 623-4481 Schwarz Bros. Livestock R.R. 6 Bowmanville PHONE 623-2895 James Insurance Agency Ltd KOOL ENTERPRISES 24 King St. E. Bowmanville Refrigeration, Air-Condiiîonung, Sales & Service DLJlME ARL24 Division St. o RO Y C. L'uNN14 P 1E Y Insurance 48 King St. W. Bowmanville PH ON E 623-5565 County Chrysler-Dodge Ltd, Hwy. 2 and Maple Grove PH ONE 623-2586i B ROCK'S Service Centre Lt. 20 King St. E. Bowmanville PI-ION FEL62-547 PHONE 623-3221 Port Darlington Marina Hotel Wharf Rdl. off Liberty South, Bowmanville PHON E 623-3501 - 623-4925 ]Bowmanville Travel Centre 47 King St. W. Bowmanville P HON E 623-3182 Charterways Co. Ltd., Simpson Avenue Bowmanville P HON E 623-3811 ROYAL BANK 0F CANADABOMNILZO 21 King St. W. Bowmanville LIBERTY ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 62La471 MOTORSLD BOWMANVILLE COURTICE C~~) CATE RING- R WEDDINGS AND BANQUETS 122 Waverly Road, Bcwmanville Phone 623-6511 of schoois without higlier costs. Early last week, the presi- dent of CUPE local 1206 asked for a retraction on the figures allegedly quoted by Mrs. Reisier. Ron Wilde was asked on behaîf of the board's 160 custodians who are members of the local. Mr. Wilde said that even the highest paid custodian, work- ing at double lis hourly wages wouldn't miake $11 per hour and lie said Mrs. Reisier wasn't using lier figures correctly. He added tliat it was possible to rent sehool space LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert for two dollars per hour but it was likely that a group renting space, for a dance would want a gymnasium. Rental on sucli a facility would be $20 per hour. As for the idea of volunteers from groups wlio use scliools doîng their own cleanups, Mr. Wilde said tliat'only school custodians liave a contract to dlean the buildings. Cleaaups witli voluateer lielp would be contrary to, the CUPE local's contract. Vandyk, Barrie on Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Allan Baker, Burlington were weekend callers of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. A speedy recovery is the wish of the commun ity to Mrs. Bert Johnson in, Port Peirry Hospital, Mr. Fred Partner. Orono and Mr. Jim Wloodley la Memorial Hospital, Bowmnan- ville. Mrs. Ted Hall and bisa Anne, Dunsford spent Satutr- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Miss Grace Smith was last Monday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Webb, Pontypool. r SAFETY RULES 1. Pay special attention to al traffie signs., 2. Look before you back out of a driveway. 3. Maintain y our car the best you can mechanically. 4. Observe ail speed limits. 5. Neyer'drive when overtired or below-par. 6, Keep 'your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road- at al l imes. STARKVI LLE ýi

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