4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 16. 1976 PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stanley and boys lef t for Shawville, Quebec, on Monday morning following word of the sudden passing of Heather's father. To tbem we extend our sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McKay S visited with their son, Bryan, YP k ktin Owen Sound from Friday tili Sunday. Several~ foxes have been shot in the vicinityrecently. One fo x walked boldly up our main street. Mr. and Mrs. Beaulieu of -'p Oshawa took over the Stew- 4 arts' Grocery Store on Mon- day. We welcome themn and their cbildren to our village. In local bail action this week, Cathmar Well Driiling finally started piaying bal typical of last season as they defeated Kedron on Tues. nigbt by a score of 8-O and edged Scugog Island 2-1 on Wed. night. Richardson Farms' offensive uneffective- ness was the main concern as they iost to Milbrook on Sunday night by a score of 6 to ~ 4 in a high spirited game. Pontypool Midgets tied Ops on Tuesday night -0 in a tight defensive battle in which Kelly Neals pitcbed exception- ai ball for tbe local tearn. On Friday they defeated Mill- brook 6-2. The Pontypool Ladies lost to Janetviiie on Thursday 26-23 and on Monday were overwhelmed by Yelver- ton 29-0. Pontypool Junior Girls defeated Janetville 36-12 and lost to Milbrook 25-16. On Monday night 35 boys turned up for a practice with Bobr Bolton and Wiif. Richardson as coaches. A Tyke team wili be formed to replace the Bailieboro team which bas dropped out of the league. Several from this area attended the Diamond Wed- ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston in Beth- any on-Saturday night. -Con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. à Preston and aiso to their son, Charlie and bis bride-to-be whose engagement was an- nouneed during the evening. Rodney Finney attended a Judo Tournament in Nortb Bay over the weekend. Wiie there he enjoyed camping out." On June 11, 12 andl13 our local cubs joined with 400 or so more cubs at tbe West Durham District 1976 Cubaree heid at Marydale Park near j Newtonville. Representing Pontypool were 20 cubs, 5 leaders and 4, cooks. Leaders J were Vern and Collette Kish Y Kirk Giiland, Ted Henry and Pat O'Neill. Cooks were Lor- raine Cballice, Lynn Gililand, Mora Howard and Terry Fisk. An Athletic Day was beld with most boys getting ribbons.4 Over-ali winners for our group V for medaliions were: God- Tima DesGroseilliers, Silver- Taidbg Howard and Bronze - Mark Henry. Each one par- ticipating. in the, Cubaree received a crest. Cub meet- ings are now finished for the season. The Brownies ended their season with a social evening on Monday witb leaders Marg Murphy and Collette Kish. The U.C.W. was very dis-, appointed witb tbe turnout for "Tbe Gospel Road" on Satur- day evening and on Sunday afternoon. Those' who did attend were most apprecia- tive. Wes McMahon very kindiy operated tbe projector for botb sbowings. A very pretty wedding was soiemnized in Pontypool United Cburch on Saturday afternoon when Katie Faliow# and Mark McMilan, both of Oshawa,' were married, by i Rev. Gordon Ficko. Tbe newiyweds have purcbased a home in Pinewood Estates. We weicome themn to Ponty- pool - also Mark's parents,' wbo are also now residing in NOWI THE PEAK 0OF FRESHNESS, UUAUITY, & SELECTION IS YDURS ATi CT FROM CANADAGRADE "A" BIEF ROA3 m SHORT RIB blbe0 manville, andt a former mem- ber of Hampton United ALL VEGETABLE Cburcb and a member of the Canadian Order of Forresters É for 73 years. H1e was prede- C I C ceased by is wife Oct. 12, 1971 and is survived by two sons, Laverne of Hampton and >flUKTEl Norman of Scarborough, four- grandchildren and seven great KRAFT SALAD DRESSING grandchildren. Tbe service was held fromn M iracle W h! the Morris Funeral Chapel DETERGE-NT with interment in Bowman- ville Cemetery. Rev. Arthur ie P 'd Amacher officiated. Smo, ia d Palîbearers were Messrs. MARTIN'S ORANGE-Gi Carence Bell, Ral ip on FRUIT PUNCH Lewis Rundle, Glen Hughson, Bruce Eagleson, and David FR UIT Hall. There were many floral tributes and donations to DR N charities attesting to the DR N esteem in which the deceased was held. 1- JANE PARKER si 1-LB PKG 5n ANGEL NING' J 7CAKE hjp4 GRAPE-APPLE 48 fi-oz tin SAVE 3 D 30C .ARGEI SIZE CAKE ACTION PRICEO' 8 VARIETIES-INCLUDING CHOCOLATE CHIP 48-fl-oz j ar $ 7 a ' okies 1-lb tin REGULAR-POWDER-SUPER DRY--OEODORANT 5-lb bag $1.99q Soft 'N Dry 5-oz aeroscl JIOHNSON & JOHNSON Baby Shampoo 1.4-zlsf SJOHNSON & JOHNSON 3 9 Bby Pwde 14-oz plastic GREAT VALUE! i90 ACTION PRICEDI i ie bag 8% SAVE 20c, 1tin $1 .2 icbtIsL 2 .19 ctnr $1.39 VEGETABLE 48-FL-OZ TIN SUPER-RIGHT OR TOWN CLUB-SLICED SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY-SLICED Side B5acon 1-lbVac Pac$.58 Beef Liver lb 4451 1AIL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., JUNE,19, 1976