Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, p. 7

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--Following the carnival dress rehearsal at Bowmanville Arena, on April 29th, about 25 older members of Bowanville Figure Skating Club enjoyed a buffet dinner at the home of Katherine Netten, 21 Cole Ave. Several parents also attended. Ontario Street School came up wîth a delightful idea for a Mother's Day gift made by the pupils in Grade One. A cook book with the pupils contri- buting. their favorite recipe. Resuits. in,. they made a booket which contains prîce- less recipes. (1) "Ahi Kinds of Vegetables" - Put sahad, 2 onions, eut up, 1 cup up pepper (because they are big), i-ad- ishes in ittle bits and lots of meats in dish. Put in 20 degree oven. Take it out at 5 o'clock. Then you eat it. Our dog ikes it too." Another recipe (2) "Cholcolate Cake" - Grease the pan. Put in 3 cups water. Stirso ahi the bumps go out, then pour it into the pan. Cook it at low 10 minutes. Then make icing, and put icing on cake. (3) "Weiner Wrap" - Get some dough. Put the weiner in the middle. Put it in 200 degree oven. Cook untîl it is ail puffed up and sort of brown. Just get your foi-k and start eating. Beautîful!!! One of the world's largest and oldest women's organiza-, tions, is the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. With head- quarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, Relief Society has been growing constantly, since its organization in March,17, 1842. There were 18 women at the Bowma Pentecosti 75 LIBERTY ST] Sunday S 9:'55 a. m....... 11:00 a.m....... 7:00 p.m. . .. Evai MidV W Tuesday, 7 Youth M Wednesda y, Bible S A WeIcomE in a Friend OSHAWA FREE METHODIST CHU RCH TruII's Rd. (a New Church - first road west of Courtice Rd., south of No. 2 Highway) 725-3606 Pastor: Rev. David Dyer 725-3872 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Morning Worship Service This week we are participating in the DURHAM CRUSADE FOR CHRIST With Barry Moore at the Civic Auditorium, Oshawa Each Evening at 8 p.m. May 9 -16 A Great Choir and Music by the Baers, and Dave Edwards SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10: 00 a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9 and up 11:O00a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11: 15 a.m. - Primary Dept., ageS 4to 8 lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Rev. W. K. Pace will be preaching. Wednesday, 10 a.m., bible Study Group in Church Parlor. A Warm Welcome for Everyone U.C.W. Bake Sale, May 20 in Church Hall Ail items of baking for the sale wiII be thankfully received. Please bring items to the Hall May 19, 6:30 to 9Yp.m. Have you contri buted to special fund for retiri"1g bank lban and shingling expense? The Stewards welcome al donations. st. Paul's United Church Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 11:0a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE geRv. Lloyd Somervil1le wil11 preach. SUNDAY SCI40L. Primary Children will attend f irst part of Church Services with their parents.' t:4Sa.m. SENIOR CLASSES, 19 YEARS AND Up) NUR SER Nveots am hWttd ta bring th MpeschQQ1 chllIdren to Mrw py and Im.rn nursery whllqe they attend Church. Tricyclists Do 15 Laps in Kinsmen'Trikathon first meeting and there are now approximately 900,000, in 65 countries around the globe, who meet weekly -for lessons and activities. Classes include religion, child development, social relations, family health' care, homemaking arts, crafts and skills, home manage- ment, leadership skihls and the appreciation of literature and art. The President of the local society in this area is Mrs. Glenn Lander of Bowmanville, and Mrs. Lander with her two counsellors outline the needs and interests of their associ- ates. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty have returned from a pleasant six weeks vacation in the U.S.A. Two weeks were spent touring through the States and four weeks at the Cairo Hotel, Daytona Beach. Miss Leslie Lawinger of London, Ont., has returned home, spending a week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, Silver St. Leslie, being assigned to Oshawa CKLB radio station for a week. At the eighteenth annual meeting of the Ontario Asso- ciation of the Registered Nursing Assistants held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on May 6th and 7th, Mrs. Margaret McDavid of 47 Thorncroft Crescent, Ajax, was elected President for the Province of Ontario for a two year term. Robert Butler and his wife Theresa, of 48 Third Street, are vacationing on the French Riveria for 10 days. Mr. Butler mnille al Church REET SOUTH eèrvices .Sunday School Worship Service rgelistic Service :30 p. m. eeti ng , 7:30 p. m. tudy e for You 11y Church Although no total has been announced yet by the Kinsmen for their May 2nd bikathon, with approximately 2500 sponsors supporting about 400 bicyclists and tricyclists, their expectations are highK The first bicyclist to, finish the 30 mile course was 12-year-old Greg Martin from Newcastle. Leaving Memorial Park at about 9:30 a.m., Greg pedaled back into the park for the second time at about 1l a.m. looking as if he could do another couple of laps. won the trip in a 15 week sales contest conducted by the Singer company. Close to 1,000 dump truck' owners from ail sections of Ontario will be "'going to college" on May 14 and 15 to participate in the 3rd Annual Dump Truck Owners' Seminar and' Trade Show at York University, York Campus, Downsview (Toronto). The Seminar will be held in the ice arena. For Mother's Day Mrs. Irene Aldworth, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, (Solina Road), re- ceived a bouquet of flowers which contained a single stemmed tulip with five buds and a single stemmed tulip with two buds., M. Russell Ballard Jr. of Brampton has been given the assignment as a member of the newly formed First Quorum of Seventy, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. This Quorum will assist the council of Twelve Apostles in super- vising the Church's expanding missionary work and growth.. Specifically this group work with 142 missions and 23,000 missionaries. Due to the co-operation of the "Silver Threads" senior cîtizens, a government grant, and a great deal of work by the members, the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club has been re-juvenated. The club house has been completely reno- vated and is very comfortable for card parties etc. The greens are showing the results of much loving care, the ditches are being replaced, two shelters are being erected and there are new lights for nigbt bowling. Membership is expanding nicely: This year the ladies are forming their own section and will rua their own tournaments. Lawn bowl- ing is a great game and so far has not been affected by inflation. We welcome new members and direct your attention to our ad in this issue. Rev. Wm. K. Pace admin- istered the Sacrament of Baptism during the special Mother's Day service in Trinity United Church on May, 9th when the following child- i-en were received into the fellowship of Christ'schurch and Trinity congregatiori: James Bradford, son-of*Mr. and Mrs. Williem,Jmnes Crombie; Darla Leigh, daugh. ter of Mr-. and Mrs. Norman Ray Kichko; Scott Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lamont; Jamie Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lloyd McRobbie; Becky Ann, daughter of Mi-. and Mrs. Br-adley Irwîn Jacob; Angela Yvonne, daughtei- of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Douglas Paeden; Brandie Dawn, daughter of Mi-. and Mrs. Donald Lloyd Smith; Dana Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lloyd Smith. Rev. Pace was assisted by Thomas Rehder, Mrs. Earl Thompson, Howýard Anyan. The choir under direction of John Crookshank, had per- formed special music for the service. Rowland Coombes took the solo part in the anthemn "The Lord is My Shepherd". Rudy Hartmann sang a solo "Alleluia" and John Semjon favored with a violin solo 'Sonata in B Fiat Major" (Arne). John, a student at M.J. Hobbs Senior School, competed in the Oshawa Kiwanis Music Festi- val held recently and won fi-st prize in the two classes which he entered. The Primai-y Dept. teachers brought their young pupils into the ga]lery area to see the Sacrament of Baptism administered. Those celebrating Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bowmanvilhe, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Don Forder, Joey, Dana and Chris, Port Perry, Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hancock, Doug and Annette, Orono. Also Mother's Day remembrance from Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Forder, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Don Wright, Patricia, Jeffery, London, Ont.; great granddaughters Tonya, Gale, Megan, Nicole Ballard, Scu- gog Island, also Mr. and Mrs. Andy Reinsîna, Jamie, Rachelle, Brampton. Plan to attend the Catholic Women's League meeting in St. Joseph's Church on Tues- day, May lBth, when Bonnie Morrison of the Bowmanville Travel Agency will speak on air, train, travel, etc. for- possible family vacations. Everyone is welcome. At the recent Science Fair held in Bowmanvilhe Senior Public School, in the Junior Division, Kyle McLean placed li-st with his project on "Fish", Michael Fairey, sec- ond with a project on "Space" and Deanna Knight, third with a project on "Pioneer Vil- lage." Many housewives wonder how safe it is to store, canned foods in their containers after opening. Aylmer Food have sent the column a booklet in which it states, "Yes, the can is dlean and sterile, and is safer than many containers in the home." Cover the can snugly wîth foil or plastic wrap and store in refrigera- toi-. The food should be used within a few days. It has also been proven that Vitamin C has been retained almost 100 per cent eight days after opening the can. O'Neill Collegiate will pi-e- sent Russia's answer to "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with a presentation of "Wa d Six" by the "Bear Theatre Company of Toronto" on Friday and Saturday even- ings. In "Ward Six", those who have been arbitrarily labelled mad and shut off in the confines of an insane asylumn are contrasted with the generally apathetic and ambitious townsmen who lib- erally use one another in their quest for material gains and social favour. Chekov beieve in the potential of man's dignity to change the world. Bei-e in Ward Six, he shows us the struggle to maintain this human dignity amidst suffer- ing. For information phone 728-9931. y*44 5 King St. W. The Canadian'Statesman. Bowmanvilhe. May 12, 1976 7 A cmepaat $ 3 ,27,3wr90 à%Tender For Ne W 1Bridge on Baseline Items. of Interest Phone 623-3303 .by Shawn Marshall After considering the tend- ers of eight different construc- tion firms, the Newcastle Public Works Committee has accepted a $139,927.90 tender from the Ganaraska Bridge Co. Ltd. to build a new bridge over the Bowmanville Creek along the Baseline Rd. Applications tor the building of the bridge were closed at noon hour on May 5th. Two categories are available: 1) "community musîcians," who will stay for one year or two; and 2) "visiting music- ians," who may receive up to $500 a week (including fees and per diem allowances), to work on projects, such as summer camps, schools and workshops. Scheduled to begin in the fail of 1976, and an explana tory brochure and ap- plication forms will be avail- able shortly. Artists who may be interested in this type of work and organizations that. may wish to apply for .a community musician are in- vited to get in touch with the Music Section of Canada Council, Box 1058, Ottawa K1P 5V8. 1Opposition Leader Stephen Lewis wilI speak in Oshawa on Thursday, May l3th on the "government cutbacks -and their effect on mental health services", in the main lecture hall of Durham College. Congratulations to Mrs. Ernest Foly, who on May lOth celebrated her 92nd birthday with numerous friends and relatives calling on her,, in- cluding her cousin, Mr. Frank Sager, from Sterling, Ontario who remained for a couple of days. On Sunday, May 9th, Rev. and, Mrs. E.S. Colwell and family, Hastings, Ont. had dinner in hier honour. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foley and Donald Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Melntyre and Brenda Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Colwell and Kim- berley Ann, and Mrs. Bei-t Colwell. We were sûrry Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley and Mrs. Pearl Hockin, due to sickness, were unable to be with us. N ONARO&UEBEONtyI MeGregor Drugs 623-5792 ) Mr. Rickard said the bridge wrould have to be built according to high standards and still be in good shape after 10 years because of its importance to industries in the area. The proposed bridge will span 54 f t. across the Bow- manville Creek and have a roadway width of 30 ft. A cheque for $14,o00, 10 per cent of Ganaraska's bid, was included in the offer to build, the bridge. The company that came closest to matching Ganar- aska's bid was Bowman Construction from Bowman- ville with a tender of $142,496. Two consulting. engineers from the firm of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Ltd., Ted Sims and Bob Jones recom- mended that the bid of Ganaraskai Ltd. be accepted after briefly considering the seven other applications at a committee meeting in Hamp- ton on May 6tbi. The consulting engineering firm hired by the Town of Newcastle originally esti- mated that the bridge would cost approximately $150,000 to build. On a question concerning the strength and suitability of the proposed bridge by com- mittee memnber, Mayor Gar- net Rickard, the engineers said the bridge would be capable of holding heavy industrial traffie for a long time after it was completed. TELEPHONE,623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 1N4 CO RRECTI11ON 1I 11/4,1 Aluminum Door in the paper and Flyer reads Sliding Lower Glass and Screen does flot have Lower Glass and Screen which sldes. Beaver Lumber 246 King St. E. Bowmanville REDýKE N Acîd Balanced Orgonic Protein - Products for Heaithier Hair ond Skin "Exclosively at your 4 Beauty Salon" TH E 37 King St. West 623-5455 JFeture Product of the Week: There is no doubt as to who the leader of the pack is among this group of trikers. When he is not racing around on the family's new Harley Davidson sized tricycle, Garth Gilpin (centre) teaches at Courtice Secondary School. Although he missed the Kinsmen's Tri-Kin-Along Trikathon held on May 2nd in the parking lot of the IGA on King St., Mr. Gilpin plans on entering next year's event. -Photo by Shawn Marshall Mr. Glen Brooks, Ottawa; First One Back In Bi-Kîn-Along r ilBoosadMs " 0 Louise Sheldrick, Coiborne; Y Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bland, West ~"" ~ Hill; Mrs. Frank Stacey, S Michelle and Wendy, Orono Svisited with Mr. and Mrs. L es1je Brooks on Mother's Day and father's birthday. A The Winter Games from ~ ~ 1924-1976 will be telecast >~~Sunday, May 3that 9p.m. on ,\~.' ~The Canada Council has announced a new program to help small communities ac- quire the services of a resident professional musîcian. A specially chosen "community musician" will receive a grant in the order of $10,000 to $15,000 for one year (with possible extension to two years), as benefitting flot only the communities but also the artists themselves. "We think they will find their work rewarding," he said, "both in artistic and personal terms." mý op,

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