Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman. Bowrnanvïlle, Mav 12. iQàï6 *5* '.LEMENS - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Tuesday, May il, 1976, Ain Henry Clemens, aged 91 years. Husband ot the late Agnes Taylor, dear father of Laverne, Hampton and Nor- man, Scarborough. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville for service on Friday at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanvilte Cemetery. Chapel visiting trom Thurs- day at 2 pm. 19-1 FLOWERS o DftIED a FRESH - TROPICAL =GREEN PLANTS '13STORES: Hlighway Na. 2 Oshawa SSi mcoe St. N., O3shawa 339 Units of Blood Collected A most successful Bleedc Donor Clinic was held by thed Durham East Branch of thea Canadian Red Cross Seciety ats the Liens Centre on Wed., Mayp 5th when 339 units were PREPARE FOR MAY 24TH c The Village cf Bethany a will a gain hold Friday te Monday celebrations over P the 24th cf May- holiday weekend as it bas been doing for a-numnber cf years. On- Friday, starting at 8 p.m. v there will be a family fun 1 night at the park with fire- t werks and refreshments. 1 There is a dance on Satur- 9 day, a Variety Concert on d Sunday and a big parade starting at noon on Monday, followed by bail gaines, and c races. at Clinic collected. There were aise 22 deferrals makzing a total attendance of 361 people. Our sincere thanks te ail the people. 0f special note was the presentatien cf 5Oth donation citations and pins te Ed Leslie and N. Hennessey. 35th don- ation pins and citations were presenti-4 te R. Luxton, G. Richaruzw;n, P. Buma. J. Aibers and 1. Pfeiffer. Receiving 2Oth donation pins were L. Morris and R. Stork, lOth donation pins were given te L. Gessen, M. Zoleinan, J. Tompkins, R. Perry, K. Fitz- gerald and J. Lowery and 5th donation pins went te B. Van Dyke, S. Cole, M. Morris, F. Louws, J. Wheeler, C. Aibin, C. Woods and V. Williams. Once again we say "thank you" te Phil Haymen and the boys from Pine Ridge Schoel for unieading and te the Kinsmen for that much need- ed help at the end ef a long day, by ioading the trucks. Aise, te the Legien for previding drivers in the per- sons ef Bill Bate, Oscar Pingle, Maurice Cenway and Stan Dunn. Nurs 'es on duty en the Rest Beds were K. Rehder,« L. Buttery, E. Lucyk, G. Clarke, I. Murray, Z. Diiling, J. Houper, E. Deveau, G. Davey, G. Watson, S. Coyle, K. Milliken, P. Eldridge and K. Walters. The B. &P. Club very capabiy looked after the Tea Reem. These busy ladies were R. Wideman, M. Jeffery, J. Hagerman, A. Plummer, G. Brown, T. Gay, Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Quinney. Fer the first time, two members cf the lst Bewman- ville Scout Troop aided at the clinic. These two young gentlemen were Randy Hen- ning and Larry Griffin. Clericai staff were E. Liv- ing, W. Wallis, P. Fallis, S. Dadson, D. Hopkins, P. Frank, D. Deweii, MH. Sturreck, B. Cenneli, L. Hooper, D. Nea- mthu and H. Dunn. Branch members on hand were Betty Spry, Jean Brewn- lee, Irla Living, Mrs. Lowrie, Jim Roughiey, Andy Devries, Ann Parks. and Pat Griffin. There will be a ciinic at Courtice Secondary School on F'ri., May 28th, frem 12:30 p.m. -3:30 p.m. for students and area residents. The next regular clinic wiil be at the Lions Centre, Wed., Aug. 4th from 1:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Hiope to~ see you ail then. fighter. 'Mary C Shoppe' Opens in New Location Pictured above are Mary Connors, owner of "The Mary C Shoppe", and to, her lef t Marie Dunlop, during the re-opening of the Shoppe recently in its new location at 80 King St. W., in the Statesman Centre. Mary is the sister of Tom Cowan, Marie the sister of Don Gilhooly, ail well known residents of the town. -Photo by Liz Armstrong Lawrence Blasts Govt. for Failing To Give Assurances that Dump at Port G'"ranby, WiII Not Be Used for Dîisposing9 of Radioactive Waste 's Alian Lawrence, M.P. and the Minister of the should give a complete (Northumberland-Durham) Environment, Honourable planation cf its plans for today said the federai govern- Jean Marchand. "Instead, use ef the dump, and ment shouid be ashamed of both ministers gave non- complete description cf itself for net giving immediate commital and evasive re- probable impact on the assurances that its proposed plies", he said. vironment. 470-acre dump site, nedr Port 'It is unbelîevable that in Residents of the area t Granby, will flot be used for such an important matter as would know what te exi radioactive wastes until full this, and particuiarly in the and would have the epport public hearings have been iight of recent experience in ity te' express theirC conducted into its impact on the Port Hope area, that such opinions for or against the local environment. guarantees would net be given proposai. In the House of Commons automaticaliy." "That is the very least Thursday, May 6th, Mr. Law- Mr. Lawrence said it'should government ceuid do ir rence sought such assurance be a fuandamental require- much as the dump area wc frmChe federai insero men-t,ibefore the dumipis.used, have te be sterilized for ni Energy, Mines and Resources,- that a ful. open public înquiry generations te corne",S Honourable Alastair Gillespie, be heId. The government Mr. Lawrence. PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM There have been a number of citizens who have expressed concern regarding the action they should take as individuals to reduce the possibility of the virus of St. Louis Encephalitis bei'ng transmitted from infected birds ta man by Culex mosquitoes during the sum mer months. An effective means of reducing Culex 1mrosquito breeding indoors and outdoors is set out hereunder for the guidance of citizens in the Town of Newcastle. Town of Newcastle CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME -~' ~AGAINST THE CULEX MOSQU ITO which can transmit the virus of ST. LOUIS ENCEPHALITIS f rom infected birds to man by its bite 1during the summer months. The numbers of this potential disease-carrying type of mosquito can be effectively reduced by eliminating its breeding place which is stagnant water in anything from small pools ta larger ponds. From May ta September each citizen is asked, wherever possible, ta rid his property of such possible hazards as: 1stagnant pools of ground water through drainage and filI 2. ground depressions thraugh fMI and levelling 3, stagnant water coîîected on fIat roofs and in eavestroug hs through sweeping or flushing, 4. stagnation in wading pools, ornamental ponds and bi rdbaths through emptying or flushing every three days 5. refuse and debris (e.g. aid cans, pots, tires, etc.) that may collect even the SMAL- LEST AMOUNTS 0F STAGNANT WVAT E R it is stressed that the mGsquito commnonlyi bitirg man is not the Cuplex but t he Aedes variety which is net knaw4n ta carry dîisease and is cansidered a nuisance o)nly. Nevértheless, citizens should be aware of the patential danger of the Culex mosquito and reduce its numnbers through such measures as suggested. If further information is required, telephone the DURHAM REGIONAL HEALTH UNIT, 723-8521 in Oshawa or 623-2501 in Bowmanville. I ïEff -I. .Originally the meeting had been pianned for Tuesday, May il but the Town cf Newcastle has delayed the meeting in order te give the parties involved in the shop- ping centre discussion more time to get ready. Representatives fromn both the shopping centre develop- ers and the Chambers of Commerce in the Town of Newcastle have been asked te attend. Although members of councîl wili aise be attending the meeting, ne decision on the shopping centre will be taken May 26. The meeting will be for public information only. Tests For Fire men In 1Scugog10 Applicants te the Scugog fire department wili now have to pass both an aptitude test and a training test before being accepted into the de- partment. Fîre Chief Jim Cook says the new aptitude test wiil help sharpen the applicant's mind. It wiil be a test of grammar and arithmetic and it is aise intended te help discover the observation powers of a pro- spective fireman-woman. Having passed preliminary tests, the new fireperson wili aise face a six month proba- tien period. The 55 volunteer firemen, already, with the Scugog fire department in Caesarea and Port Perry wili net have te pass the aptitude test.> Eldorado Talks Beàgin A meeting te discuss the feasibility of locating a $50. million Eldorado production facility in southeast New- castle has been scheduled fer Thursday morning. At that time, representatives cf Eld- orado Nuclear Limited wiil be meeting with the tewn of Newcastle Industrial commit- tee. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard said Monday that the meetings will be held openly rather than in camera and that council members who are net on the industrial commit- tee may attend.. Last week, the rnayor had asked the regienal planning and develeprncnt cemmittee te designate approximately 600 acres in Southeast New- castle as a special study area. The land is located near Port Granhy and currently control- led by Eldorado Nuclear Lirnited of Port Hope. cex- ýthe ida ýfits en- then pect, wtun- own tthe ;the inas- ould iany said Vitamin 'E' Protein Perm 30.00 125000 2.5.50 $20.50 WIN BULLETIN AWARD Jack Meachin, Bulletin Editor for Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion, was pre- sentedl with a General Ex- cellence Award at an Awards dinner in Lindsay on Saturday night. This was for bulletins published during 1975 by Class C branches Jaycees Ready (From Page One) For its annual -Sdewalk Sale, the C of C has invited Festival Ontario te bring severai cultural displays to Bowmanville to augment the traditional festivities. Festival Ontario Ce-ordina- tor Andrew Shapiro outlined. several options for the Cham- ber of Commerce last week. Many of the displays are housed in vans which could be located in several spots in the downtown area. These could include a 'museumnobile', shows fromn the Ontario Sci- ence Center and a display of reproduction paintings fromn the McMichael Canadian Col- lection. Attempts to host the Win- tarie Draw in Bowmanville during the week of July, l7th-25th were unsuccessful because the show is fully booked until the faîl. The C cf C has applied to have the draw here during Family Week in late November or early De- cemnber. No Insurance (From Page Onie) municipality's new insurance cpa. They should have benrgton the job January 1 and picked that policy up," he said.' Councillor Cowman said ceuncil has been trying toecut corners and this time, when it tried te ceut corners in in- surance, it got itself into trouble. She added that you only get what yeu pay for. Councillor Lyall said in- surance is the "cup of tea" cf the finance department and suggested that the department take a f ew days every year te loek at town insurance pol- icies. Councillor Entwisie said the insurance problems are "as much our fault as somne- body, else's. He pointed eut that it was council that had appreved the tender cf the present insurance company in the first place. Tender on the tewn insur- ance polîcies is up for renewal July 1. award wiII be passed along te the general membership at-their next meeting May 27th. Bill Rose and Bob Brown accompanied Mr., Meachin te the dinner. ThisI' is the third year in a row that Bowmanville bas won the award in the Provincial Awards Contest. with the collection. Allgarbage 7: 00 a. m. regular Tuesday,'s to be at the curb by J. Dunham Director of Public Works ZAMBIA STUDENTS COMING Two students from Zam- bia will be visiting this area on the weekend and taking part in a Youth Rally to be held ut Orono United Church on Saturday. They are part cf the 90 student group from six countries who are visiting Canada on the Youth Ex- change program sponsored by the 'United Church cf Canada. A public meeting will be held in Orono United Church on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. speciolizing in MODERN HAIRSTYLING TECHNIQUES FOR MEN AND WOMEN inclu ding razor cuts m afros - rouler sets- I perms - colors and hai.r'relaxing.I Help Us Celebrate. .It's Our l3rd Anniversairy! 623-4191 Bowmanvillie Town of Newcastle ST- LOUIS ENCEPHALITIS A meeting to discuss the two $7 million shopping cen- tres proposed for southwest Bowmanville bas been re- scheduled for May 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bowmanville council chambers. Local Hos pifai (From Page One) ers at hospitals in the pro- vince. While workers in the Ajax- Pickering General Hospital and Port Perry Conïmunity Memorial Hospital will vote on the strike soon, the 850 members of CUPE local 45 at the Oshawa General Hospital have already voted in favor of the strike. The one day strike is illegal under legislation that was passed in 1965 and could bring fines of $1000 to each worker who participates, and an overail fine of- $10,000 to CUPE. TODAYS BIBLE But the hour cometh, and haw is, when the true worship- pers shaîl warship the FATHER in spirit and in truth: for the FATHER seek- eth such ta warship him. GOD is a spirit- and they that worship HlM must wor- ship HlM in spirit and in truth. ST, JOHN 4:23-24 JESUS SPOKE 0F NOW TIME WHICH IS ALREADY H E RE. Serving L people is what we do best Irwîin Sargent &LaeLmieRato MILLBROOK 932-2132 DIRECT TORONTO UNE 368-9298 SPRING "76 REAL ESTATE GUIDE Naw available at ail ISL offices. A comprehensive tabloid newspaper of properties isted for sale with ISL. Drap in or phone the ISL office nearest you for your capy. SEE AND COMPARE NEW HOMES IN MILLBROOK by Marianna Developments -5 NEW HOMES 111/4 PER CENT tO 12 PER CENT FINANCING -PRICES FROMV $44,900OO to $48,900.00 -FLEXIBLE DOWN- PAYMENTS -LOW TAXES -QUIET VILLAGE WITH ALL SERVICES AVAILABLE ONLY 25 MINUTES FROM BOWMANVILLE OPEN HOUSE 00MILLBROOK SATU RDAYS Ln~2-4 p.m. m Lu - o, SALES PERSON NO.4x ON SITE We welcome yOU to experience the precision perming system The UNIPERMI for Men and Women Annivers ary_ýpeeia1s Reg. SPECIAL Uniperm 25.00 $20*00 Senior Citizens 25% Off evory MondaylTuesday-Wednesdau %t,21 Temperance St. S. il Iuay 14, IZI(o DELOITTEr HASKINS &SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building I OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA 1E Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phape 728-7527 -839-7764 TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE WARD 2 (BOWMANVILLE) Holilday Garbage which would norma IIy be picked up onl Monday, May 24th (Victoria Day) wiII be picked up on TUESDAY, MAY 25th

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