Studeiif-ts TooFig1ôF-sore- thing to do this summer can attend an intensive six-week course in learning a second language, French or English, through a Federal-Provincial Bursary Programme being offered by York University's Centre for Continuing Educa- tion, June 28 to August 6. The Summer Language Pro- gramme has been designed primarily for students inter-, ested In learning to speak French orEnglish. The bur- saries, which provide pay- ment of tuition and room and board, are awarded only to persons who were fuil-time students the previous year or to teachers who quaiify for financiai assistance. A non- bursary programme is aiso available for other interested persons. For information tele- phone (416) 667-2504. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and family, Kingston, and Mr. TODAYS BIBLE But there were false pro. phets also arnong the people even as there shall be faîse feachers arnong you, who priviîy shail bring indam- nable heresles even denying theLORD that bought them, and bring upon thernselves swift distruction. I1 P E TE R2:1, Hereby know ye the S PI RI1T of GOD: every spirit thaf confesseth that JESUS ,CHRIST is corne in the fîesh. is of GOD: *. And every spirit thaf confes- seth ,,of thaf JESUS CHRIST is corne in the fîesh is nof of GOD: and this is the spirif of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard thaf if shouîd corne; and even now aîready is if in the worîd. I JOHN 4:2-3 THE WORD 0F GOD, IN THE BIBLE MUST BE FOL- LOWED AS WRITTEN. IF NOT YOU ARE FOL-, LOWING ONE 0F THE DEV- ILS DOCTRINES. Please Write Box 1U1, Bîackstock Items of Interest Phone '623-3303 manager of Cloudfoam Ltd. The Waverly Community Association will hold a generai membership meeting next, Tuesday in the auditorium of Bowmanvilie High School, and will cover the foilow-up to the p resentation made to the Board of Education regarding school facilities in the area. oeaU iter. Easter Seals help crippled-children, Celebrated Her First Birthday and Mris. Lau-rieSatn and family, Ajax, were home on Sunday and visited their father, Mr. George Stapieton, who is a patient in Memoriai Hospital. Mrs. Eiieen Gatche-il was the winner of the Cream of Barley Miii painting by Eileen Van Nest, at the Rotary Bazaar on Saturday. Mrs. A. Moffatt, town, Mrs. V. Milison, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Milson and Cathy, Orono, have returned from a trip to the Maritimes. They visited Mr. Paul Moore in Moncton, New, Brunswick. A dozen World Paintings and fourteen related water- colours by Canadian artist Ron Martin will be shown at the Art Gallery of Ontario from May 13 through June 13. On opening night, May 13, The Eric Stach New Art Ensemble wiii perform free improvisa- tinnal jazz starting at 7 p.m. Mr. Ross Metcaif has re- cently been attending the New Liskeard Kiwanis Music Fest- ival, where he served as an adjudicator. Congratulations to Mrs. Ami Rivers, of 4 Nelson St., who recently'celebrated her 84th birthday. Present for the happy occasion was her son Frank of Winnipeg. An enjoy- able evening was spent with Ann and Tom Smith providing the music for the pleasure of those present. A iovely lunch was served durîng the even- ing. Best wishes to the guest of honor and many more birth- days. Mr. Robert Noble bas just returned frpm St. Petersburg, Fiorida. Whiie there he visited Fort Myers, Bradenton, Busch Gardens, and the Kopok Tree Restaurant in Clearwater. Mrs. Ann Rivers, son Frank of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Giadys Rahme, spent Tuesday, after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread, Tyrone. Adrienne Weish of 4 Bar- bara St. placed first in the 12 and under vocal class at the Oshawa Kiwanis Festival. She is a pupil of Mr. 'Gerald Burgess, St. Paul's Choir Director and Organist. The second annual Level 4 Seminar for hockey coaches will be held June 4-11 at the University of Waterloo. Mrs. C.W. Siemon, Niagara Falls visited her sîster, Mrs. -A .E. Biilett last week. Mrs. Siemon was accompanied by Mrs. F.O. Mcllveen, Osbawa. Other visitors, with Mrs. Billett last week were Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, Sutton, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Biliett, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Crombie attended the Rotary Bazaar on Saturday and with their six months oid daughter, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. James Crombie. The Robert McLaughlin 'Gallery, Oshawa, recently purchased from Neil Newton The Studio, 1974, Black-and- white photographie contact print, 27.7 x 35.2 cm. In- scribed, initialled and dated in plate (bottom left): the Studio - NN - 74. Neil Newton, Ann Asleep in the Living Roomf, 1974. Black-and-white photo- graphic contact print. Impres- sion: 20.1 x 25.1 cm. Paper: 27.7 x 35,.2 cm. Initialled and dated in plate (bottom right): NN - 74. At the Kiwanis Music Festi- val in the Band Competitions event, Oshawa placed first, Courtice High School second and Bowmanviilie High School third. Looking for a new recipe? Perhaps you'Il enjoy the following one. Peanut Butter Old Fashionfs, 1 cup butter or margarine, 1 cup creamy or super chunk peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup firmiy Scked brown sugar, 2 eggs, aten, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 212 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tea- spoon sait. Blend butter, peanut butter and sugars. Mix in eggs and vanilla. Sîft flour, baking powder, baki4g. soda and sait together over nlix- ture. Stir until well blended. Chili until dough can be easily handled. Shape into 1-inch bails. Place about 2 inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Flatten with floured fork. Bake in 350 degree oven 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Makes about 6 dozen. Transmission of regularly scheduled FM radio and television programming from the CN Tower will begin Monday, May 3lst. Television stations will commence at their normal sign-on times. FM radio stations, most of which are 24 hour operations, will switch over to the'tower one minute' past midnight. Those stations mfoving to the tower are radio stations CHFI- FM, CKFM-FM, CHIN-FM, CHUM-FM, and CBC-FM: The television stations are CITY, CFTO, CBLT, CBLFT AND Channel 19 (TV Ontario). The annual Hospital Auxil-' iary Marathon Party took place at the Lions Centre on Wednesday evening, April 28th> with 24 tables playing bridge, euchre, five hundred, canasta, whatever they wished. This was the wind-up of the winter's Marathon games, in which there were three groups, two ladies' and one, mixed. The winners of Group 1 were Anne Berry and Una. Miller; of Group 2 Marjorie Boyntonland Made- leine Benson; of the Mixed Group Bud and Marie Moses. Anyone wishing to play in the Marathon next season,'please phone 623-3598 or 623-5493. .Sunday, April 25th, St. Joseph's C.W.L. held their executive breakfast, guest speaker was Diocesan Presi- dent Mrs. Doris Birck. Slides During 1975, the hospital budget rose'approximately 21 per cent over the 1974 figure, from $2,880,000 to $3,490,000. While higher wage settie- ments and generai inflation caused most of this increase part of it was attributabie to 'lie installation of a niew gas-fired houler system, which replaced the older, soot pro- ducing oul burners at a cost of $142,110 late iast year. The Ministry of Health shared the cost of this new system on a two thirds-one third basis with the hospitai. According to Mr. Cowan, the hospital will recoup its portion of the expenditure through the automation of the boilers, which will require iess man- power to maintain than the former system. Special Care Unit While 1976 costs wiil be cut hy staff members taking voluntary leaves of absence during the third floor shut- down this summer, expend- itures will increase as a result of a new service which has been impiemented at the hospital in recent months. Last November, the hospitai temporarily set up a $150,000 intensive care unit, where al seriously ili patients can be monitored 24 hours per day, on a four month trial basis. Previousiy, Memnoriai's re- quest for this special unit had been stymied for three years because of MOH budget ne- straints and the lack of a resident internist in Bowman- ville. With the addition of Dr.ý Edward Long to the Memorial staff, the unit was organized "to develop firmn recomrmen- dations concerning a perma- nent unit," Mr. Cowan said. This feasibility study, which is now'completed, "has clear- ly indicated to the hospitai board that this type of unit is needed in order to provide the requirements for the type of patient now being cared for at the hospital," according to Mr. Cowan. He added that the unit is now being used on a full time basis and in about a month, another presentation will be made to the Ministry of Health to request financiai support for the venture. Hospital Foundation Mr. Cowan also announced that one of the hospital's future projects is the estab- lishment of a hospital found- ation. 1At the time of the meeting, he said that the incorporation of The Bowmanviile Memoriai Hospital Foundation "would likely be effective in three or four weeks time." Other changes include the restructuring of the board of directors' committees from five bodies to three. These are the Executi:ve Committee. the Finance Audit Committee and the Internal Relations Com- mittee. Mr. Cowan, who has served as the chairman of the Memoriai Hospital board for The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 5, 1976' 7 the past five years, was Four new board of directors presented with an engraved were elected by acclamation silver tray on behaif of the at the meeting. They are hospital board by James Stutt, Harry Locke, John Pogue, who succeeds him as the new Howard Sturrock and Wayne chairman. Simpson., Perfume -61FAC Eau de Toilette - rFRArN1E Eau Fraîche tmzr Prices Ranging f rom $ 15.00 and Up. Perfect, Gift for Mother's Day Exclusively in Bowmanville at D rugfis YORLOCAL I.D.A. DRUG STORE 5 King St. West 623-5792 Bowmanvîie Hi! My name is Sherry Lee Wright. I was one-year-old on April 20, 1976. My mommy -and daddy are Don and Karen. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright, ail of Newcastle. Restraints F"orce Hospital To Close Enire 3rdFlo F'or Six Weeks in Summer 7 Bowmanville iPentecostal Church I ý iB7 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55 ....... 1... SundaySchoot 1: 00 a.m..... Worship Service I :0p.m. ..Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. I eBible Study AWelcome for You in a, Friendly Church M E b St, Paul's tUnited Chureh Minister:, Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div Organist: Gerald K. Burgess ll:00 a.m. JJtktk9 (Day eq with Special Music by' THE CHANCEL CHOIR 1and THE SENIOR CHOIR Sermon - Modemn Marriage and Famiîy Life in the Twentieth Century SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wiIl attend first part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45a.M. SENIO R CLASSES (9 VEARS AND Up> NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their pre-schooî chiîdren te our play and Iearn nursery whiîê they attend Church. IDCURI SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m. -Aduît, un Upper Room 10:Oa.n. - Classes forail ages, 9and up 11:00 a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddîersand 1Kindergarten il: 15 a.n. - Primary Dept., ages 4 to8 Sunday, May 9, il a.m. MOTHER'S DAY WORSHIP SERVICE ANDl SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM Rev. Wm. K. Pace wilI be preaching. Me will meet the parents of children to be baptized on Saturday, May 8, 3: 30 p.m. in thelChurch Parlor. A Warrn WeICome for Everyone Wednesday, 10 a.m., bible Study Group in Church Parlor. Have you sent in your Observer renewaî? 1Please doit this week. U.C.W. Bake Sale, May 20 Nov. th, U.C.W. Casserole Supper and Country Store. Contributions ta the Shingles Fund are still being, received and the Stewards say "thank you" to those: who have returned the special envelopes. Unit 2 of U.C.W. wiII take your order for the smaîî size new hymnary. Please caîl Mrs. Mason 1- 623-5553 or Mrs. James 623-5493. TELEPHONE 623-6555 IOHN MANUEL., C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC N4 CHARGEX MASTER CHARGE 7 King St.- West 623-5854 Bowmanville by Luz Armstron'g Ministry of Health cutbacks will force Memoriai Hospital to close its third floor for a period of up to six weeks this summer, according to retiring Board Chairman Tom Cowan. Speaking to the annual meeting of the Memorial Hospital Corporation on Wed. nesday, April 2lst, Mr, Cowan added that ý-itmay aiso be necessary to extend the closure during the Christ- mas hoidays" in order to produce the required savings of $16,069 dictated for Mem- orial by the Ministry earlier, this year. Last year, a similar ciosure reduced the hospital's costs by $20,500 foliowîng a four week shutdown of the hospitai's third floor betxveen -Juiy 28th and August 24th. ~W St. PauI's United Church Women Easter Meeting St. Paui's U.C.W. heid their Easter meeting on April 2th in the Fellowship Room. The president Mrs. A. Dâi- rymple opened the meeting with an article by Buzz Aidrin entitied "Communion in Space". On July 2th, 1969, this L.M. pilot took the communion elements, wrap- ped as regular infiight food and as he and Neil Armstrong landed on the surface of the moon, he gave thanks by taking communion and read- ing the scriptural passage fromn John 15 verse 5. The Rev. E. Schamerhorn assisted by Rev. G. Mont- gomery served Hoiy Com- munion to each member of the U.C.W. During the business, reports were given by Mrs. G. Bowman, Mrs. R. Abernethy and Mrs. D. Girardi. Mrs. O. Daîrymple reported briefiy on the Presbyterial held in Harmony United Churcb in March and urged more members to attend these ,meetings. Mrs. E. Twist introduced Rev. and Mrs. G.R. Mont- gomery from Newtonvilie. We heard music and saw pictures of their ministry at Cauglina- waga with the Mohawk Indians. They displayed severai articles made by these Indians. Mrs' J. Coombes thanked the Mongomerys for sharing with us some of their experiences during their years at Caughnawaga. Mrs. Dairymple ciosed with prayer and Mrs. S. Tripp's unit served lunch .- - 1 ti" ý V., 1