Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1976, p. 13

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Mâlàrd ,el vs The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ma 5ý 1976 13 DEADLINE EFOR CLA:SSIFIED Tues., 12 noon 12 o * s ANNAERT- Luke and Pat are proud to annaunce the arrivai of their son, Karel Sandy, born in Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, April 27, 1976 weig hing 6 lb., 15 oz. A baby brother for Charlene and Sherry Lyn. Proud grandpar- etits are Mr. and Mrs. Karel Annaert and Mr. and Mrs. Lea Audenaert, great grand- pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Piatteeuw. Special thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and nursing staff on mnaternity. 18-1 x BALSON - Phiiip, Marilyn (nee Yel lowleps> and Todd are pleased ta announce the saf e arrivai of Mark Neil, born Sunday, April 18, 1976, weigh- itng 6 ibs. Il azs. Proud g randparents are Ethel and Graid Balson, and Aima Rowan. 18-1ix LOYST - Lesiey is happy ta announce the arrivai of a new baby sister, Michelle Marie, born April 29, 1976 at Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud parents are Dawn and Reg. 18-1 MARSHALL - Murray and Shirley (nee Avery) R.R. 1, Bartan, Nova Scatia thank God for the safe arrivai of their daughter Cheryl Suzanne. Cheryl was born an April 27, 1976 and weîghed 7 ibs. 1 oz. Her twa big sisters are Andrea and Caria. Proud grandparents are Clarence and M erle Avery, R.R. 2, Blackstock and Gu y and Lorraine Marshall, Barton, Nova Scotia. 18-1 x Mr. and Mrs. William Jury, Newcastle, announce the engagement of their daughter Dariene Ann ta Harold Manns son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwaad Manins, Raglan. The marriage will take place in Octaber. 18-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Merril Henry are pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda G race ta Randail William Norrish, son of Mr. , and Mrs. Stanley Norrish. The marriage ta take place at the Salvation Army Citadel, June 12, 1976, at 4 'cdock. -1 18-1ix Mr. and Mrs. Eari Masters and Mrs. Patricia Conahan are pleased ta announce the forthcgming marriage of their children, Cindy and Thomas. The marriage will take place in Trinity United Church on J une 19, 1976 at 4: 00 p. m. 18-If BOOKER -At AAemarial Haspital , Bowmanville an Monday, May 3, 1976, Stella Walton, age 89 years. Wife of the late George Booker, dear mather of Violet (Mrs. D.W. Frick), Lakefield and Walton, Aylmer, Quebec. Resting ai the Morris Funeral L.fapei, Bowmanville, for service on- Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Cre- matian. ,18-1 SCOTT -At Memariai Hospi- tai, Bowmanville on Monday, May 3, 1976. Lillian Scott agod 92 yoars, wifo of the late William Scott, dear mothor af Agnes (Mrs. Philli Cyr), Vancouver and CÊra nstan Scott, Bawmanviie, grand- mathor of Judy Hall ,Orano, - Cheryjl Smith, Bill and Dean, Bowmanvilie and six groat gr andchiîdren. Rosting at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manvilie for service on Friday at 3 'ciack. Intermont Bethosda Cemetery. (Visiting tram 2 o'cîack Thursday). 18-1 WAITES - Thomas. At Momorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Manday, May 3, 1976. Thomas- Waites of R.R. 2, Pantypoal in his, 76th yoar. Dear brother of Hazel Nugent, friond of James Robins. Rest- ing at the Northcutt Eliiot Funerai Home. Funerai ser- vice 10 o'ciock Thursday morn ing. Informent St. Johns Cemetery, Biackstock. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jaseph H. Drew, Hamptan are pieased ta announce the forthcoming marragof their anly daught- er, Deoah Lynn ta Robert James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas of Brusseis, Ontario. The marriage ta take place, Saturday, June 12, 1976 at Eldad United Church, Satina. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Ronald Powell wish ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda Ann, ta Wil- liam Harold Couch, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Couch. The marriage ta take place on Saturday, June 5, 1976 in Newcastle United Church at 3 o'clock. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rahm are proud ta announce the forthcaming marriage of their daughter Vicki Bernice ta Mr. Mïchael Anthony Wa y burn Adams. The marriage ta take place Saturday, June 19, 1976, Salvation Army Citadel, Bowmanviiie, at 3 o'clack. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid are pleased ta announce the forthcomineg marriage of their daughter Eizabeth Mae ta William Bruce son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid, aillof Bawmanviile. The marriage ta take place Juiy l7th, at 4 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowmanvilie. 18-ix Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Sherk, of Sherkston, Ontario are pleased ta announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter Diane Louise ta Thomas Albert Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Janes of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May22, 1976 at 2:00 p.m. at Ail Saints Anglican Church, Ridgeway, Ontario. 18-1 HERRON -- In ioving mem- ary of a dear mather, Alice Ruth Herron, who passed away May 4, 1974. Though her smiie is gone farever And her hand we cannot touch Stili we have so many memories Of the one we oved sa much. Her memory is aur keepsake With which we'ii nover part God has her in His keeping, He have her in aur hearts. -Lovingîy remembered and sadiy missed by sans, Lintan and Grant, and families. 18-1 x HERRON - In iaving mem- ory Of my dear wife, Alice. TwO years have passed since that sad day, The one i loved was caiied away; God toak her home; it was His wiii, But in my heart sho iveth sti l. -Husband, Harry. 18-1ix HERRON - In iaving mem- ory of a dear sister, Alice Ruth. A page in the book of memories Is.9ently turned taday. -earice, Edna and Vera. 18-1 x DONOGHUE- in loving memory of a dear son and brother, Bill, who passed away May 5, 1971. We cannot have the aid days back, When we were aitogether, But secret tears and iaoving thoughts Wiii be with us forever. -Sadiy missed by Dad and fa miiy. 18- lx WESTLAKE - In ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Percy Westiake, who passedi away on May 9, 1975. As time unfoids another year Memnories keep you ever near, Silent thoughts of times tagether Hoid memories that will last farever. Mr. and Mrs. Dean West, -Lovingiy remembered by Orano, 'are pieased ta an- wife Iva and famiiy. nounce the torthcom ing mar- 18-ix riage eof their daughter Terry ta rank Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Cook, Bowman- BOTHWELL - In iaving ville. The marriage ta take memnory of a dear mother, place in Orono United Church grandmnother and great grand- on Saturday, June 12, 1976. mather Elizabeth who passed 18-1 >, away May 2, 1964. Yoq-oie ohard for those you ioved Yau said gaodbye ta none, - *r~iiYour spirit f iew before we knew Your work on earth was done WINTER - Clittard N. At God's golden gates staod open Momoriai Hospitai, Bowman- me saw you needed rest ville on Tuesday, April 27, His gardon must be beautiful 1976, Clifford Winter, Orano, Ho only takes the best. Ontario, beîoved husband of - Lavingily remembered by Elva Ashton, dear father of Dave, 3ernice and family. Dareen of Toronto and Elean- 18-1 or Williams, Comox, B.C. Grandfather of Wendy and ELLIS - In laving memary of Sharron. Service was heid a dear wife, mother, mather- tram the Barlow Funeral in-iaw, and grandmother, Home, Orono, Wednesday Robena, who passed away April 28. Interment Orona May 2, 1975. Cemetery. 18-1 You 'nover faiied ta do yaur best, Your heart was warm and tender You livedj'Our lif e for thase F lowers And those yau laved remem- ' I SaylIt ber. Best" - Lovingly remembered by Gord, Keith and Lynn, Brenda VAN BELLE and Don, Pat and Fred and DAILY Deliveryt1... O&halwa - 8Simanvile ria Phone 623-4441 43-tf CARNATION f For AIl Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEYIRE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 tf $inco 1912 e,,:Flowers JACKMAN ... ...say.it best! PIHON E 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 45-tf Durham County's Oldest Funeral1 Serv ,ce MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PÏARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day «r Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home Your thoughtfuîness for others is our f irst concern. We wiII arrange for charitable foundations donafions such as Heart or Cancer Society) ta be acknowîedged anywhere in Canada with rhe appropriafe acknowîedgemnent card present on t he samne Jay, wîth the other tributes. This is parf of our service fa the communitv. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLF 623-5668 18-1 BECKETT - ln iaving mom- ory of aur dear father Oliver who passed away May 5, 1971. Nothing could be mare beauti- fui Than the memory we have of you, To us you were s0 very special And God thought s0 too. - Lavingly remembered by the famiiy. 18-lx SMITH = In iaving memory of our dear father, George M., diod Juiy 28th, 1956, and aur dear mother Matilda, died' May lth, 1960, and aur dear brothers William G., died October 23rd, 1970 and Sidney N., died April 19, 1935. Athaugh we smiie and make no fuss, Na one misses them maore than And when aid times weofaf recail, That's when we miss them most of ail. -Lovingly remembored and sadiy missed by the famiiy. 18-1 x WESTLAKE - FICE. In tond and loving memory of a dear brother and wondertui uncle Percival Avery (Porc) who passod away May 9th, '1975 and a boioved sister and aunt, Elsa Mae (Westiake) Fice who passed away May 2th, 1970. Sometimes it's hard ta understand Why some things have-ta be, But in his wisdam, God has pianned, Beyond aur power ta see A day of remembranco sadiy rocaiied Without fareweii they left us al Ta be with us in the same aid way God wiiiod if not ta be. Lite goos on, we know that's tr ue But it's not the same, since we iost you bath. - -Sady m issed and aiways remembered by yaur brother Frank and his wife Doreen and famiiy. 18-1 ARMISTEAD - JONE.S. In iaving memory of dad, moth- er, brothers and sister. Just a thaught of sweet remembrance, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection And a heartache stili for you. - Annie and Wiii 18-lx i wish ta express my thanks ta Joe and Annie Bradburn, Merril and 'Giadys Henry, relatives and friends for their heip and inquiries during my iliness. Arvilla Henry 18-1 x i wouid like ta take this apportunity ta sincerely thank ail my wonderful famiiy and friends 'for the beautitul flawers, help and best wishes durîng my stay in the hospitai. Aiso words could nover ex- press my sincere a pprociation ta Drs. Ewert and Sproull and nurses an suirgery. Thank yau. Mrs. Sylvia Palak 18-1 I wouid like ta thank my family, neighbours, friends and Lodges for cards, gîfts and fiowers whiie I was a Patient in the Memorial Hospi- tal. A special thanks ta Dr FergiJson and nurses on lst floor for their excellent care. Leslie Brooks 18-1 i wish ta thank my famiiy and triends for tlowers, cards and gitts and visits while in Oshawa General Hospital, aisa the nurses on the Sth floar and Drs. Hayes and Woodali. Wiltred Wood 18-1 We wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta those who visited and assisted aur wife and mother Pearl Randie, during her long term iiiness, also those who expressed their sympathy, donations ta the Cancer Society and floral tributes on her passing April 22, 1976. Special thanks ta Dr. J. Rundle, Nursing Staff Memorial 'Hospitai, Bowman- ville, Casuaity Care Atten- dants of the Bowmanviile Ambulance Service, U.C.W."i Service Club, Rev. Erb of Hampton and Morris Funeral Chapel. Our sincere apprecia- tian. Alired Randle and diughters, Evelyn, Eunice and Marlene. 18-ix i wi 'sh ta thank my famiiy and friends for their visits, cards, fiowers and gifts during my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. t wish ta thank the nurses and staff an the third floar, alsa the student nurse who stayed with me befare, during and after My surgery. A speciai thankyou for Drs. H.C.1 Anfossi, E L. Ewert and J. Cunningham and staff of O.R. Judy Burdett 18-1 My sincere thanks ta Drs. Singal, Sleman, nurses and staff on the 3rd floor for their wanderful care. Also Beehive Rebekah Lodge, Club 59, Trinity U.C.W., noighbors, relatives and friends for gifts, tlowers, cards and visits. A speciai thanks ta Mrs. Marvin Allen for her thaughtfulness ta my family while i was in the hopta.Elva Leach 18-lx i woutd like ta express my gratitude toalal thase who visited me and sent cheerful and ridiculous cards while i was in the hospital, and a fspeciai thanks ta ýhase who helped the family n other 1ways. i wautd also tike ta mention the high ýuaîity of care and attention ý received an the 7th floor jt Oshawa General Hospital. Wallace Pascoe 18-1 x GÔreat Canao1 ian Race Contest Submit an es say, dr' wing, or a smaii model of yaur idea for a method of tran portation (land, water or air, matorized or non-motorized) in ho Great Canadian Race froî Toronto ta Montreai in J ne 1976. Prizes wiii be awarded on the basis of ingenuity anlid origin- aiity. Contest, is open ta ail students, Kindergarten ta Grade 13 in the Town of Newcastle. Deadiin o for en- tries is 4 p.m., Satur4ay, May 29, 1976. For furthelr details contact: Bawmanviîle Public Library 62 Temperance'St. 623-7322 18-4, Mother's Day CRAFTS Friday, May 7 at 4:QO p.m. BOWMANVIL 1,E PUBLIC LIBRA RY 62 Temperance st. 623-7322 18-1, Basement Sale od dresser, chest drawers, night lables, beds, head boards aniy, odd dresser mrirrars, armiess davenports,- swivel rockers, 2 doz. ta choose f rom. One 2-piece used che$terfield gocodtion. Basemont, 37 Kid ng S. .,Bowmanýiilie. 18-2 Fish and Chips, ail you can eat, every Saturday, aniy $1.49. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Rd., East. Antiques bought and sotd. Hey, there is a Country and Western Dance in the Janet- ville Cammunity Hall. Sat., May th with, Fay Adams and The Country Hits. Last dance for The Country Hits until Sept. Sa "Ciimb on yaur wheeis and kick up your heels" in Janetviile Sat. night. 18. lx UNATTACHED ADULTS CLUB DANCE Club Annrene Scugog Ilsand Every Saturday Nighf For information Phone 725-4344 15-8 ATTENTION Ail Single, Separated Divorced, Unattached Aduits Asuper new club forming, ottering a dance every Saturday night Weekend bus and Air trips once every month Formed sailely for the enjaymnent of single 1 persans We own aur own dance hall and travel agency Membership $5.00 yearly For information Cali 725-4344 Sunshine Tours .Escorted Victoria Weekend Rochester, May 21 - 24 Nashville Grand OIe Opry (no overnight travel) May 21 - 24 Colonial Virginia May 29 -June 5 Niaciara Falls Sunday, May 9 Ottawa Tuîip Festival May 16 For information phone or write: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope, Ontario or Phono 372-9961 17-3 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Timle THURSDAY -7.30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Sot tball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50t WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO, NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA, Ctub Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your graup's' fund raising activities. Book yaur next year's dates now whiie chaîce dates are still available. Contact Don Armstrong, at 576-5522 or 576-6599. .48-tf MAPLE GROVE EAST P.S. Bazaar & Tea Bake table, handicraft, games, white elephant etc. Playground Equipment. Came and have an enlayablo Saturday afternoan. May 8. 1976 i - 4p.m., 1 16-3 EXHIBITION Spring showing of original oil paintings by Canadian Artist MAUREEN of Oshawa at the Fîying Dutchman .Motor Hotel Liberty and 401, Bowmanville on Mother's Day Weekend May 7th from 7:30 p.m. May 8th and 9th from ll:OOa.m. Admission FREE AIl paintings wiII be for sale. 17-2 Women's Hospita'i Auxiliary Donations Coff ee Pa rty a nd Ba ke Sale Friday, May 7, 1976 Trinity United Church 10: 00 a. m. - 12 Noon Babysiffing Available 17-2 Social evening ot Euchre and ather activities an May 8, 1976 in Tyrone (aid) Hall at 8 p..Spansored by L.O.L.764. $1.00 admission.' BI NGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY MALI Tuesday, May 1 Eariy Bird Games 7:, Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PL US $500 J AC KPO- Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LION DANCE Solina Hall. Saturday, May8 Last dance of seasan. Music by Ray Avery's Orchestra APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle New Town Rebel Friday - Saturda, May 7 &8 Dancing 9 - 1 COMPR ESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. B SelI. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 18-1 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 Is y CANADIAN CANCER SOCI ETY MONTHLY MEETING Monday, May 10 8 p. m. Comm ittee Room, Old Town Hait, Temperance St., Bawmanviiie 18-1 Hadassah Bazaar Befh Zion Congregatian 144 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Tuesday, May 11, 1976 1 p.m. Good select ion of fabrics. 18-1 TOP sait1, Leiand Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf FILM CHILDREN'S pl PHOTOS Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmianville 623-2404 10-l0t Oshaý,aT S NSALE UHF:*HF- Clrd eii G SW IMM ING W--Vfor's'a[e:- Moving- will seil you 16 x 32 abave ground Modular Red-, waod Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of, $2100. 1975 madel, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, caiiect. 1l-tf SWIMMING Pool Iess than one year aid. Fanta Sea above graund redwood 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must seil immediateiy, wiii sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cati Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings coiiect. il-tf ""Mag Wheels"', Suzes ta fit mosf cars. $35. each PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 Fuller -Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A saiesman in Dariingtan Township. 15-tf SPY and deliciaus appies, first and second grade. $2 and up. Phone 263-8430. 17-2 Swimming Pool 1Sacrifice Lea'ding Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aîumïnumn pools left over fromn 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms, Cai Credif Manager, colîect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evonings. 5-tf LIKE NEW 24,000-. B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Cal 1728-1122. 12-tf TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroam, compiete; dininq roam, 9 piece; living roam; walI unit, cottee lames, new furnitu ,re, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf 18-tf PADDY'S Market now haE new furniture, appliances. T.V.s and storeos and aisc used furniture and appliances Wiii accept trade-ins. Paddy'! "Market, Hampton, phono 263 2241. 33-t, USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,. Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials,,Rotors& Repairs t Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Gua.rantea Phone 576-5606 SEED FOR SALE Certif ied Oats, Barley and White Beans, PEDIGREED SEED DOESN'T COST IT PAYS. Ceresmore Farms Mt. 623-3552 or 623-7233 16-6 CARPETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flaaring, professianal- ly instailed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Furniture, Car- pet andDrapes. 113t YAMAHA Electron B K7 eiect- ricaorgan'with auto bass chord systemn, eight months aid. ýPhone 621~5477 or 623-333H17- Pioneer & Stewart Seecis Wo stilî have some ta, performers available for grain or silage. We also have ALFALFA, SORGHUM and TREFOILin stock, Cali John Baumchen BLACKSTOCK 986-4774 15-5x ROYAL typewritor and table. $35. Phone 263-8421. 18-1 x HOOVER spin washer. Phono 623-6551 or 623-3447., 18-1 NI NE piece diningraamn suite. Phono 987-4364. 18-1 NEW, nover used Admirai 30" ?oaid stove and matching 14 cu. t. refrigerator. Cast $800., seli1ing for $700. for bath. White 30_ stavo and 10 cu. ft. retrigerator $125. for bath. Phono 623-4632. 18-1 KAWASAKI 100, 2,000 miles, excellent condition. Asking $475. Phone 987-4760. 18-1 WESTERN saddie, bridie and breast cailar, black, asking $175. Aiso horse buggy usabie condition $100. Phone 263-2969. 18-1 MAC RAME plant hangers and owi for sale. $2.50 and up. Proceeds ta charity. Phono 623-2358 or 623-6051. 18-1 BUNK beds, 100 sots, brand riew, choap. Cali Harr 488- 7911, 3368 Yange Street, Toronta. 16-4x STRAWBERRY plants red coat, dag hause large sizo, Dominion .pump argan, antique treadie sowing ma- chine. Cali 987-4321. 18-1 x RODNEY aats, gaad' quaity, aiso some straw. Phono 987-4243. 18-1 MASSEY Fergusan, 25 diesel, John Deere AR gas. Phono Newtonvi lie 786-2650. 18-1 MAMIYA22O TLR 21/4 Square 80 m m, f2.'8, sporfsfînder, copal leaf shutter synchsl ail speeds, spotîess. Cai lein Days 623-3365, eveni ngs 623-4884. 18-1 OS HAWA $MND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENEO SAND 18-ix GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOUCTS ALL SiZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FIL L -TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RE N SNOW REMOVAL 1lth 30 Phone Oshawa IT 725-0232 is SOLINA RD. N.' 18-1 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. "«RADIALS-" Sizes to fit most cars. $160. Per Set of 4 PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 - 13-tf ALUMINUM sheets 24 x 36. Quantities 20c each. Single sheets 25c each. Statesman Office, 66 King St. W. CHESTERFIELD suites, dressers, chests of drawers, ceda r chests, coffee and 'enid tables, occasionai chairs, buffets, diningroom tables, hiqh chairs, baby carriaie, aiso other good used furniture. Towne Used Furni- ture, 19 Temperance St., BowmanviiIe. 18-1 SHEEP manure, weli rotted, three bushel $1.00. Haif ton truckIoad $10.00. Phone 623- 5817. 18-2 TANNED sheepskin rugs trom $15. Naturai wooi color. Phone 623-5817. 18-2 POTATOES, table stock and smnaii for seed or table, Sebago's and small q uantity of Cobbliers, excellent quaiity. Joe Bouma 623-2847. 18-2 22 CAL. seml-automaTlc, double action revolver. Approx. 200 rounds fired, $45.00. Please cali after 5:00 p. m. 623-7896. 18-1 RUBBER-tired wagon with rack. International tractar mawer. Side del'ivery hay rake, Massey Harris. Phone 623-5994. 18-1 DAHLIA bulbs, beautiful dis- play of calaur, mostly large size, 5 for $1. Phane 623-5898. 18-1 '72 YAMAHA Endura, excel- lent condition, with extras. $650. certif ied. Phone 623-7811. 18-ix USED piano for sale. Best offer. Phone 728-1675. 14-tf SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. aid. Repossessed byý bank, sacrifice ý/2 -price. Cali Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf ALLIS Chaimers 5, sickle bar. Phone 1-705-277-2512. 18-3 ONE G.E. clothes dryer, like new.,$80. One chrome table, no chairs. Phone 263-8051. 18-1 AQUAR IAN Hause Antiques 'n' Things Hwy. 115 sauth of Orano is naw open for busin- ess. 18-2x WOODS tent trailer, 1970, sieeps six, large canopy, brand new spare tire, good condition. Asking $350. 623- 7078 after 5. 18-tf SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools ieft over, from 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Cai coiiect days or evenings 1-416-481-8802. 18-tf MOFFAT fridge, 13 cu. ft., in good condition. Phone 623- 2050. 18-1 SWIMMING pool wholesaier must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperateiy needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include waik-around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $10 *88 cash or terms. Calil Gord coiiect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18-tf ASPARAGUS at Ted Barn- owski Farms. Far pick-up orders phono Newtonviiie 786- 2202. 18-tf VIKING automatic 12 eiect- ric typewriter, portable, ex- cellent condition, six manths aid. Phone 623-3687 after 4 p.m. 18-1ix ONE aimost new pressure pump, one-third horse motor. Phone 263-841.1 I ROQUOIS conquest tent trait- er, excellent condition. $575. Phone 987-4511. 18-1 BOY'S 3 speed bîke, like new. Phone 623-5215. 18-1 '74 HONDA 550-4. Driven one season, only 2,700 miles, like now. Phone 623-2712. ____________ 18-1 x BROWN waliet, faund Satur- day night April 24 at South Pacific in B.H.S. auditorium. Owner contact J. Campbell 728-5146. 18-1 FREE removai of fresh, deaa or disabiod large animais. There wiii be a, $5 charge on smaii caives and pigs. Cali Margwiii Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721.- 46-tf GERMAN short hair pointer (haund pup), maie, three months aid, brown spots with beige. Lost Waverley Road area Tuesday night. Reward. Cal 1623-7182. 18-1 REWARD LOST - Bulova Ambassador watch in the vicinity of Bowmanville Restaurant 2lst Birthday Present. Please Cail Jim Robinson 623-4970 or drop at Police Station. 18-1 X TWO Brittany spanieis, orange and white, maie and femaie. Ororna area. Phone 983-5664. 18-1 Female Siamese, aost north end of town, April llth. Answers ta "Sing". Reward offered. Phane 623-7454. 18-1 Grey and black cat with red coliar. Prospect St. area. Phone 623-5958. 18-1 Tendier Roof ing Contractors Roof repairs and revisions f0 six portable classroom build- ings at the Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontario. TENDER NO. LIN-76-023 SEALED TENDERS will be received UNTIL 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME, MAY 19, 1976. Tender Documents may be -obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Lindsay Regional Office 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please caîl Mrs. E.M. Nea le at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of SG overn ment naroServices. L.C. Mason, Q.C. Law Office ciosed in month of May 1976; but wiii be in office Monday afternoons 3-5 p.m. for at- tention ta current matters. 17-5x Any graup interested in catering ta the Bowmanviiie Lions Club for the period f rom Jluiy 1976 ta Juiy 1978, please have a representative at the Lions Centre on Thursday. May 6, 1976 at 7: 00 p. m. 7-2 TENNIS ANYONE? The Port of Newcastle Tennis 1Club is now open. We welcome anyane who would wish fa join. For furthor information please contact: Rod McArthur 1-983-9539 or Dennis Schmiegelow 987-4856 18-1 The Bawmanvilte Minor Hockey Assac. heid their $1,000. draw at their dance In Newcastle, Saturda y, Apr il 17. The iucky numberwa 3779 heid by Cari E. Thompson, Hampton. Mr. Thompson re- ceived his cheque from draw chairman Dick Dennis. 18-1 'emorials lot us hoip you make the selectian SIMPSON MEMORIALS 49 Lavinia St., Port Hope, Ont. 416-885-6434 Evenings Caîl, Mauri Simpson, (416) 885-4443 1 1

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