Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1976, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesmian, Bowmanville. Mamch 31. 1976 7 A tea was heid on Sunday at .-ehome of Mr. and Ms. Harold DeMille in honor of the Chistening of Steven William DeMille, son of Mr., and Mms. William DeMilte. Present were grandiparents, Mm. and Mrs. George Beliman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille and families, ail of Bowmanvilie;ý great grandparents, Mm. and Mrs. Walter Va-.jý k Tyrone. Great gradparent, Mrs. Lauma Skelly, Oshawa xvas 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 unable te attend due te illniess. Godparents Mm. and Mrs. John Vaneyk, aise Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and M. and Mrs. Charles Penwarden, ail of Tymene. Mm. and Mrs. Eari Themp- son, Mm. and Mrs. Si. Trewin, retumned recently from a two week's vacation in'Hawaii. Senator Jim Coyie and tie Cable TV Boys are about te premete a series of Satumday evening Famiiy Jamborees in Evangelist: Ross Metcalf Pilate: Rudy Hartmann Soprano: Rosemary Merkley Items of Interest Phone 623-33C 3 Jesus: Ross Cotton Malefactors: Rowland Coombes Mark Munday Prophecy Week in Bowmanville. St. Paul's Ulnited Chureh Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div, Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 11:0'0a. m. Sacramnentof HoIy Communion 1:00 p. m. Couples Club Meets i n Fellowship Room SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wiII attend first part of 1Church Services with theirparents. 9:45 a.m., SENIOR CLASSES (9 YEARS AND UP) NURSERY Parents are invited ta bring their pre-school children to aur play and Iearn nursery while they attend Church. Bewmanvïlle. Senater Ceyle is ne stranger te such promno- tiens in Bewmanville area. The program wiil include net only the Cable TV Boys but aise a number of gnest artists. The Family Jamboree is being sponsored by the Durham East NDP. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Locke, recentiy returned from a pleasant vacatien in the Bar- bados. The Ontario Yonth Secre- tariat, Qneen's Park, Toronto, responsible for co-ordinating the provincial government's special $10.3 million summer employment pregram, Ontario Experience '76, is now extending the losing date for pest-secondary applicants. The final date for the receipt ef post-secondary applications was originally advertised as Menday, April 5, 1976. How- ever, in an effort te ensure that ail the prevince's youth have ample epportnnity te appiy for one of the 7,800 positions offered by this pre- gram, the Expeience '76 Co-ordination Unit will extend the closing date te Monday, April 12, 1976. Quite a few Bewmanviiie people, holidaying in Fiorida. met the BHS band at several locations during their recent trip. At Disney World they met K. Sloos and family, Don Morris and family, Jim Frank and family, Bill Brunt and family, Ai Woodlock and family, Principal Earl Wolff and family who they also encountered at, Atanta, Georgia, on the way down. At Daytona Shopping Mail, they were welcomed by Clama Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Muihol- land (Mrs. AI Sylvester's parents) aise hem daughter Verity, Don and Porothy Morris, Kelly TMiggs-Bowen and the Arnod . Sieeps, The Maurice Prout family and the Wolffs were at Silver Springs. Ken and Dorothy Kelly, Grant and Jane Thompson, Art Stackaruk, Dave and Peggy MacIntosh were at the Orlan- do Hotel. Supporters who went included Mr. and Mrs. Royce Sarginson, Mrs. Green, Jackie Oliver, Susan Couch and Mrs. Jack Dunn. The trip chaper- ones included Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anyan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munday, Mrs. Verna Kennedy, Mrs. Eleanor Schultz, Mrs. Florence Man- tde, Mrs. Mary Lou Townsley, Mrs. M. Killeen and Mr. and Mrs. E. Tremeer. 1Master Paul Renghley ac- companied M. and Mrs. A. Kerry and Regan on a most enjoyabie skiing holiday at Grey Rocks, Quebec., The memnbers and adherents of Tr inity United Church on Sunday, Marche28 unanimous- iy approved the recommenda- tien from the Pastoral Rela- tions Committee te issue a cali te the Rev_ John Peters, B.A, B.D., of Marmora, te assume the duties of senior minister at Trinity, effective Juiy 1, 1976, subject te approval by the membems of Presbytery Pas- tomai Relations Board. Mrs. A. Strike, chairman, made the presentation and ontlined the reasons fer the committee's choice of a new minister. Rev. Basil Long of Oreno, a member of Presbytery Pas- toral Relations, expiained the obligations of a congregatien te their ministem as contained in the church mannai. The service was conducted by Rev. Arthur Amacher with Robert Robinson assisting in Wrdes.frh BA tmeHAs oWriting Fnn urer nformatio P.O. Boxveald 36 Pentecostal Church4 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH 4 Sunday Services 9:55' a. m........ Sunday School 11:OCa.m. ....Worship Service 7:00 pi... Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting4 Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Chud-Ch cent of ail disease is directiy eated te mental stmain; Lewes sees this week's look into the future net only a priviiege, but for some a necessity. H1e daimis that the book of Revelation can bring peace and assurance te the Christian that cannot be obtained anywheme else How te Undemstand Prephe- tic Symbols is the opening topic for Pmephecy Week, beginning at 7.30 this Satur- day night. Sunday night, April 4, wiii be the highlight of the week wben The Mystemy Number 666 will be amazingiy evealed. Becanse of the seiousness of thîs nîght's topic, aiong with the expected ovemflow cmowd, tickets are required for this one meeting. The tickets are free and available by calling 725-3709 or 725-5038. Menday night Where WiIl You Suend the Bible Millemium? wiil be the pre- sentation te be revealed. Tuesday is a eai shocker - When Sunday was Thmee Days Late. Yen wiil net want te miss any of these amazing presen- tatiens. If yen haven't been able te attend any in the seies te this date make sure you den't miss Prophecy Week. Admission is free as a community service of the It Is Written televisien program, and there is a speciai programn each evening for the childmen. These meetings have demon- stmated that denomination and religions background is net a barrier te cemmunity re- ligions study. demn the hun- dmeds of others and see for yourseif, this Satnmday night at 7:30 at the Bowmanville High Schoel auditorium. Come eariy te assure a goed seat. POý,NTYPOOL Ten tables of euchre were played in Pontypeol. Commun ity Centre on Thursday night with winners Margaret Wright, Dorothy Lethangue, Bruce McGill and Paul Mucha. Another euchre will be held on Thurs. April th at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs were guests on Saturday at the wedding of Marilyn Heeringa and Andy Demmer in the Rehoboh Christian Reformed Church,, Bowmanville, with ing- Ladies Auxiliary Bingo. The, men served coffee and doughnuts to al 139 attending. Thusda evnin -Western Night Ron Luxton's Blue River Boys entertained. Fr1- day evening - Com. Norm Woodcock provided- taped music for danîcing. Former members of the Midland Regiment were shocked to hear that Frank Long of Port Hope died suddenly last week with burial on Saturday. He is survived by his wife Jean, two children Robin and Kathy (Mrs. Nor- man Dobney) and a brother, Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Etcher have returned from Regina, Saskatchewan where Mrs. Etcher spent a month with her daughter' and family, Susan and Jim Amundrud, and grandsons Trevor and new- hemn Cory Jon. At the recent Science Fair held at Ontario Street school lst place winner was Leora Nelson, 2nd Karen Tremblay, and third place went to Suzanne Stainton, Kim DeSousa and Scott Milner. On April 8th at the Senior Public School, ail public schools in the town will be competi ng. Be sure to attend as the exhibits are most interesting. ru-ception in Knox Christian bcnool. The hall was filied tu capacity on Saturday rigbt for the Chamber of Commerce dance with music by Gary Bistow. Committee in charge were Mm. and Mrs. Jim Propp and Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Brown. Pontypool U.C.W. is plan- ning a bake and craft sale te be held in the church ealy in April. Donations weuld be geatly appreciated. Get-well wishes are extend- ed te ail those local citizens wbo have been iii with severe colds and the fin. Several local residents at- tended the Spetsmen's Show in Toronto this past week. Mm. and Mms. Ken Halfyard and family and Michel Mic- baud of Iroquois Falls were visitors dnring the schoi break with Mm. and Mrs. Bernard Neals and Mr. and Mrs. Ciiff Failis. Ron and Camol Sntch spent the past week in Floida. Mm. and Mrs. Harold (Shorty) Moore of Bowman- ville weme Snnday callers with Mm. and Mrs. Perey Beggs and Mm. and Mrs. Rebt. Pfeiffer. Mm. and Mrs. Bill Brown and family cf Richmond Hill were visitors this past week with Mm. and Mrs. Herb Curtis and Mm. and Mms. Ralph Hey. Mm. and Mms. George Van- Dam Sm. motored te Brantford on Snnday te visit Bessie's mother, Mrs. Fajt. Mm. and Mrs. Dean Fisk of Ottawa were Thursday over- night gnests with Mm. and Mrs. Gerald Fisk on their way te London te enroîl in the teaching course at Western UJniversity. Ail proceeds fmom the Tim- my-Tyke Novice hockey game between Omemee and Miii- brook in Omenîce Amena on Satumday at 2:00 p.m. were given te Hiie Crippled Child- ren's Fund. Local youngsters participating were Danny Bazinet and Doug Bowîns of the Millbmook team. Score was Mil]bmook 3- Omemee 1.; Richard Rusk is on crutches aftem falling and pulling the ligaments in one of his legs. Miss Kathy Hyland spent several days last week wvith the Jim McKee family iri Oshawa. Mrs. Curtis McKay spent the weekend with relatives in Peterborough. Saturday night guests with Mr, and Mrs. Keith, Dewar were Gary Sîguin and Bil McCurdy of Scarborough and Thos. Donohue of. Pinewood Estates. On Sunday, Capt. H.L. Frape of Toronto, was a visiter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kerr, Judy and Peter of Bethany were Sunday visiters with Mrs. Dorothy Lethangue. Several local young men were at Maple Leaf.Gardens on Monday night for the game with Toronto vs. Pittsburg. We understand that Orvilie and Isabelle Challice will be meving shortiy fmom Bow- manville to Orono. Waverley Ass ociof ion Plans Dance The Waverley Commnnity Association will be holding a Sprîng Dance late in April at the Newcastle Town Hall. It wiii be open te the public and fnrthem details will be given at a future date. A Enebre Night will be heid on the evening of April l4th. Watch for details in next week's paper. The Association plans te distribute a newsletter in the very near future te the Waverley Commnnity. Watch for it! TODAYS BIBLE For they being ignor- ant of Gad's righteeus- ness, and going about ta establish their own righteausness, have net submitted them selves unto the righteousness of GOD. For CHRIST is the end, cf the law for right- eousness ta every one that believeth. ROMANS 10:3 & 4 How can yau know God's righteousness, if you knew not the word of Gad. His word is in the Bible. Please Write To Box 86, West Hill, Ont. PROP'HECY WEEK IN BOWMANVILLE Beginning Sat. Night 7:030 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Saturday, April 3 - PROPHETUC SYMBOLS. Sunday, April 4 - Mystery No. 666 Tickets required for this one meeting. For f ree tickets phone 725-3709 or 725-5038 Monday April 4 - The Bible Millenniumn Tuesday April 5 - When Sunday was three days late. NO ADMISSION CHARGE PLAN NOW TO ATTEND Beginning this coming Saturday night the it Is Written Television program presents 'Prophecy Week in Bowmanville'. Crowds of Up to 500 have been filling the Bowmanville High School Auditorium for the past two weeks to listen to Biblical.presentations on relevant issues for today. Beginning Saturday 'night the fecus wiii turn te Bible Prophecy. Lawton Lowe the speaker for the It Is Written seies, dlaims that Biblicai Pmephecy does net have te remain a mystery. In bold temms, Lowe states that every Christian should - and must - understand the books of Daniel and Revelation. Those who have heard Lawten Lowe present these topiîLs bel ore in cities ail across Canada, dlaim- that this One Week on Bible Pmophecy can change ones entire attitude toward scip- tome and their reiationship te future events. Lawton Lowe points eut that it is obvieus man is concerned about the future. With heart attacks the number one kîller in Canada, suicide statistics ising al eut cf proportion te population growth, and dec- tors cilaiming that over 85 per ~w. . w w - TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 1N4 4 - I time with the chiidmen. The trip to Disneyland by the B.H.S. band bas te be censidemed, frerin ail reports, highly successfni. The trip was completed without mis- hap and we congratulate evemyone on the terrific job that has been done. The drivers of the two Charter- ways bus es. had stated they would be home at 6:30 Satrirday, and pomptly, at that time they olied into tewn, completing an exciting and thriliing expeience for those participating. Mrs. Lemne McQuamie and Laurie have retumned from a pleasant and enjoyable holi- day in Aruha, NA. The pubii.c art aieyi Cobourg, 18 Chapei Street, faced with expenses of pre- paring new quarters in Ce- boumg's famous Victoria Hall by this autumn, is holding a consignment sale on April 1.ý 2, 3 and 4. Anyone wishing te seli an item of art work has been invited te submit it te the sale on a 50 per cent commission basis. "The response,' says Gallery Director John Taylor, "bas been enormons. Nealy 200 pieces have amrived, and more are on their way. ' The sale wiii offer a wide variety. The eamliest item consigned se far is by Anton Altmann, a Viennese watem colour painter whe lived from 1808 te 1871. Dated 1835, this is a smali painting of the lîd cf a lacquer ware box. M. Wright, Bowmanviile, was a $1,000 dollar winnem in the Mamch 4th lottery held in Barrie. Ivan Wm. Davie, Customs Broker, for the ports cf Oshawa and Bowmanviile an- nounces the new teiephone number for Bowmanville is 416-655-4352, and the mailing address, Box 61, Bowmanviiie. Clients for Bowmanviile, New- castle and Orono may phone collect. On the weekend cf May 15, a speciai applique wokshop wiil be heid at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa under the direction cf Marion Spanjerdt. Mms. Spanjemdt who gaduated frein the Royal Academy cf Art and Design in the Netheriands, bas been in Canada since 1970, where she completed sncb commissions as the design for the cover cf the Canadian textbook "Com- parative Mytholiogy" and a 4' x 5' vertical hanging for the main lobby cf the Laurentian Hospital in Sudbury. The womkshop te be heid on Saturday, May 15 at 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, May 16 fmom 1 p.m. te 5 p.m. wiii concentrate on design and colour and the use of varions mateiais te create a fabric collage. Congratulations te Mary Bates, Ada Butler, Annie Clapp and Nance Coimer who placed 3md in Zone Euchre, and te D. Annaemt, J. Burton, M. Gray and J. Sutcliffe who piaced lOth. These teams wiii play in the Regional Euchme in Bowmanviile, on November 2th. Open House at the Legion Hall the week of March 8th swa good tumnout every night. Events inciuded on Monday evening an English Pub night- a singalong evening with Pat Prout, at the piano. Tuesday evening - Scottisb Nîght- the Pipe Band and the Golden Legionnaimes, diected by John Crookshank, entetained. Wednesday eveni- SUNDAY SCI,-IOOL CLASSES 10:00 a. m. -AduIt,in Upper Room Io0.00 aim. - Classes fer ai l ages, 9 and Up 11.00 a. m. - Nursery Ba by Ca re, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11: 15a. n. rimary Dept., ageS 4to 8 lla.m.-W--. SHIP SERVICE Came ta Church and bring a f riend. Wednesday, 10Oa.m., Bible Study Group in Church Parleur HELP! HELPI HELP! Men of the cangregatian are urgently needed ta help with Spmeing cleanup af the Church property an Saturday morning, April 3rd. Bring maintenance tools, rake, shovel, paint brush, etc. Work schedule provided. WiIl you help in the maintenance of God's house? EUCHRE PARTY sponsored by Hi-C Saturday, April 3, 7:30 p.m., Church Hall Ail Welcamne- Ref reshments Served SPAGHETTI SUPPER spansared by Jack & Jili Club in Church Hall, Saturday, April 10, 5ta 6:30 p.m. THE ST. LUKE PASSION will be presented by Senior Chir Sunday, April il, 8p.m. The soloists will be Rosemary Merkley, Rowland Coombes, Ross Cotton, Rudy Hartmann, Ross Metca If, Mark Munday. Holy Communion, il a.m. Pa lm Sunday, April il Good Friday Service in Trinity, April 16, 11 a.m. Rev. Schamerho rii wll preacfl. Uuke 9aggtoll J. S. BACH TRUITYUNITED -CHURCH CHOIR Conducted by John Crookshank TRENT UNIVERSITY Summer Session 1976 Trent's 1,500 acre campus at the norfhern edge of Peterborough affers summer session students a superb vacationland setting combined with small- graup teaching. Tutorials and seminars camplement lectures and provide the oppartunity for individual participation. Summer courses for 1976 are offered in: Anthropalogy (61/2); Bialagy (31/2), Classical Studies (1), Computer Science (1), Econamics (3), English (5), Environmental and Resaurce Studies (1), French (3), Geography (21/2), German (2), History (3), Mathema- tics (3), Native Studies (4), Philosophy (3), Politics (2), Psychology (2), Sociology (7), SPaniSh (1). Among courses which will be of special interest are a, field course at Midland in Anthropalogy, an intensive course in French, and several courses related to the Canadian Studies program. Same courses will be offered in evenings from May 25 until August 13, most in the regular summer day session from July 5 ta August 13. Deadlines for applications are April 16 for tIening courses and May 14 for daytime courses. Enquiries will be welcomed bY: Marian E. Hlickey, Julian Blackburn College, Trent University, Peterborough. K9J 7B8 SUNDAY, APRIL Illh 8:00 pm Trinity United, Church Celebrate the Lenten season with an hour of fine Choral, mus ic. a man wants to look and feel his best for his lady and McGregor Drug Store has aIl the grooming aids thatany man cou Id want. McGregor Drug Store carry, a complete Une of top quality products by ....... *Yardley Black Label *OId Spice *Yu -~ *Chanel for Men *Jadle East *Hai Karate *Brut eTrouble Complete Line of Shaving Needs from Gillette-Mennen-Palmolive Alex McGregor Drug-,s YOUR LOCAL I.D.A. DRUG STORE 5 King St. W. 623-5792

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