ETIJ RI1$08 ROATlb - DETERGENT-"½ MORE FREE 32-FL-OZ PLASTIC BOTTLE 79 MONTHLY FEATURE MARGARINE BLUE BONNET SOPT WHIPPED 1-LB TUB OR SOFT, TWIN PACK 0F 2-8mOZ TUBS C UT FROM CA NADA BLADEROAST GRADE ""A" BEEF Il You can put your trust in A&P Meat!e SCHNEIDERS - RED MOTS - DUTCH TREAT - ALL BEEF OR SKINLESS 1-LB VAC PA( BONELESS SUPER RIGHT-SLICED Cross'Rib Steaks. lb $138 Side Bacon i Ib vac pac$-' .6 BONELESS MAPLE LEAF-RANCH STYLE Cross Rib Roast Ib1.8 Blga BytePeel 9 BONELESS-STRIP OR CUBED COORSH-SMtheOKED l 4 9 Stewing Beef b$1 .18 Corned Beef pkg of 4, 2-oz pkgs la1 HNEIDERS-SLICED-8 VARIETIES SG$IE-FOENI BTE Cooked meats 6-oz vac pac 8 otnBufs 4oP99 BARN STORPAC GOLDEN SKI LLETr-FROZEN--HE&T & SERVE Sausalges Beef & Pork lb 78& Chicken Ctutiets lb 88< GRADE'IAi <PREPRICED) MONTHLY FEATURE ORANGE FLAVOURED PKG 0F 2-61/2OZ ENVS ANN PAGE 2-LB JAR KRAFT ACTION PRICEDI SALAD DRESSING 48-FL-OZ JARý MIRACLE $7 WHIP 1I VALLEY FARM-FROZEN ACTION PRICEDI CH-OICE-SHOESTRING 2-LB PKG h f Monday-Tuesday-Il 9:00 a.m.-6:04 Thursday-Fril 9:000.m.-9:00 Saturday 9:-OOam.. AMBROSIA BRAND CREAMED RICE PUDDING TAPIOCA PUDDING PREVIOIJSLY FROZEN--ýSLICED BEEF LIlb4 NEW ZEALANDi-SHOULDER TOMA-î-TO I LUXURY-4 VARIETIES MONTHLY FEATURE (SUPER-PKG 0F 24) DR. BALLARDS 15-OZ TIN REGULAR I GSCOTWI FAIR LADY 1-LB TUB NORDICA 1 SOFI 23 COTTfm'AGE 6 MARGARUNE -Jý CHEESE, 15 oz 15 oz ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS'AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MAI ACTIN PRCED!the Highwey Traffic Act ard ACTIN PRCHU!two persans being charged PKG 0F 30 witb driving affences under the Criminel Code. The generel occurrences invcstigeted includcd offence, 29 ~such as break end enter, wilful. deamage, and asseuits. Seven persans have been -charged with impaired driving and four persans bave -3.2 OZ "FREE" been charged with offences .2 OZ CONTAINER under the Liauor Contral Act "Don't C ossrA Solid Line" The driver of a motor vehicle who crosses the solid line ta pass when going uphill or ona curve is often a killer. Facts prove tbis ta be truc.' The solid line, whcn it's on your side of the centre of the road, means you haven't sufficient'view ahead ta sec what's carning an the ather side of the road. Be on the safe side - stay on Your side of tbe eV CUT FRO)M CANlADA GRADE "A" BEEF EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING 32 FL-01 BIL PARTLY$ SKIMMED 3 QUARTS omumagum ikaummugaum o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 3, 1976 5 We are pieaseu ta ireport that Bob Gilkcs bas beec released from Oshawa Ge i- eral Hospital and is progress- ing well aftcr bis recent bac surgery. We wisb bim con- tinued improvement. Russell Dow, Garnet Rick- ard and Howard Wood wcre among tbose attending the- Good Roads Convention in Toronto last week. Tbey wcre quick to notice evidence of tbhe governent's decision ta trim. tbe budget for many areas of spending were lacking. Won't it be great wben the Road Commissioners of Ontario suggest that we ail "Geta horse! " Tbat would save some for tbe Department of Hig i- ways. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Bragg and Barry, Miss Anna'Donn, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wigbt and Mr. and RCH 6TH, 1976 Mrs. Carl Zinn cnjoyed the annual dinner and dance of the Ontario Beef Improvçcn Association at tbe Skyline Hotel i Toronto lest Tbursday eveninig. Tbe speaker at tbis dinner was the Minister of VednsdoyAgriculture the Han. Wîin. Newman wbo outlined plans whereby tbe meat producers wauld be protected in tbe case of bankruptcies occurring in 'day tbe meat processing industry. Executive of B.H.S. Band Meets The executive of BH.S. Band Association met lest i-6:OOP.m. ,1 Monday night et tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simpson witb reports from ail commit- tees. President Jim Schultz gave the treasurer's report, due ta bier absence. Jean Stevens, 4-9e] Fund-raising Convenor gave an excellent report which ~suggests that because of the wonderful cornmunity support : 4 9 l' the Disneyworld Trip is at the desired,,stage, financiaily, witb the Marcb Fasbion Show still to take place.. Howard Anyon reported on the fine donations frorntbhe local Service Clubs, the Cbambcr of Commerce, the Wornen's Institute and several private donations and Secre- tary Shirley Frank stated that, these donations will all be 9ratefully acknowledged. Margaret Munday told, of tbe success of the Concert Series and mentioned tbat tbis is a way 'tbat our Association can repay the citizens of our community for, sncb good support, by providing interest- ing programs locally. Tickets: are still available, in limited quantities, for tbe Londo Brass Quintette on Marcb 8th Suitable guest artists for ncxt year's series were discussed. Mr. Tremeer gave 'a fi ai - cial- statement for the Band wbicb sbowed a substantial balance. Tbe Dance Marathon was a great idea and one more project amongthe students is yet ta corne - on Pancake De', when a fine group of students entirely outside of the Bend Members, will be making and sclling pancakes at the school. He also reported on the neW uniforms and shoes wbicb wiîl be ready before tbe deadliî e. He announced tbat both buses arc full and ail arrangements bave been finalized for the, trip. President 'Scbultz asked if tbe 10 cbaperones could meet the students at tbe final practice session before 'the, trip- and also stated t r t ' 19 7parents wisbing to rneet thé chaperanes could do so at thc ýwf next Géneral Meeting of the Band Association, on Tues., evening, Marcb 9tb. Marg Killeen as publicity' chairman had prepared a folder of information on the Band and bas senit it abead tW anewspaper 1man in* Florida' RI RII 'eHORT RIB ROAST HOW i Should,, lb TEWING BEEF Cuts 69- 1