4 The Canadian'Statesman, Un the Edtor's Mail B3owmçinille, Ont,~ February 23, 1976. Dear Editor: Do We Have a Leonardo de Vinci in Town If 'we do now is the time for him to corne forward. Leonar- do was an Italian painter, sulptor, poet, scientist and musician. One of the most acomplished and colorful of the figures of The Rennais- sance period. He was one of the gieatest geniuses (genii?) of ail time. He apprenticed seen years, from age eight v th Andrea del Verrocchio, a Florentine painter. The Mona bisa was the most fmous and well preserved of hi.s paintings. (Maybe it is stili in the Louvre, tbough I think it ws purloinied while on exhi- tinsomewhere, and I'm flot e:adly sure of its where- au uts or state of preservation î' the moment) -'-is, painting of The Last Supper, after Jesus said, "One of you will betray me"', was nüt done in oils but in contempra color. The wall cit,ý,ning it was bombed ditring world war II and exposed to the elements for theyears, so it is not in the fr st of conditions. In- 1447 hie left Verrocchio's studio to study under 'Lorenzo 'The Magnificent". His interest in social, phenomena, sciences and engineering in anyone less 'rtistic, would have, been Music and poetry as well as sports were hobbies of his. He otten didn't finish projects hie c*:d started; even so, his work r outdistanced that of any of lscontemporaries. From do -uments and draw- imgs by some of his pupils, he seems to have been a very strong, handsome man. As a , atter of personal and civic i 'feres, couldn't we do with un of his i1k here and now? ight help keep some of the beautiful-intelligent young women here when they return fom College. In Milan, at the court of Ludovica Sforza hie began to v rk on an-équestrian statue, known as "The Sforza Mon- ument." He submitted plans for the rebuilding of the city of, M ilan on..an improved sanîta- t, on system after the plague struck the city. We could do i,ýth hlm to do such building L El' ORE a plague strikes C ,rs! 0f course hie would have ta w ork for little or nothing as then, because our supply'of rmoney to do much needed hings community-wise, is running low almost to the point of being stopped.! Leonardo, drew architect- u.-al models for Milan Cath- ù1ral; continuing meanwhile usstuedies in geometrËy, ai tmy, botany, grammar a Md engineering., In 1493 'The'Sforza Monu- ment", was completed. Though it had been acclaimed the greatest piece of scuiptor in the world, it was destroyed in the year 1500 when French soldiers use the monument for tr\ get practice with their bows. Only seven year's to enjoy such great artistry.. and we think we have pro- biems! Ail that is left of that glorous work now are bis preliminary sketches. t was at the court of Cesare Borgia hie painted bisa del (.ioconda. It was complete in 1505. Though little is known t s 4ually, of bis love affairs, x um or has it that Le Gioconda was the great passion of bis Etce. (No wonder The Mona Lasa grips our hearts.) After 1506 lie went to Rome whcre hie directed bis work on the Sistine Chapel. He stayed hiere two years,, retiring to 'u mbroise, France, where he diied. He lived only 67 years arm 1452-1519, accomplishing iore in that one life span than n ost men in five centuries. (Oh, how we could wo with i.uch a one among us.) A notebook containing bis lhasnds oAf pages.of m- CRIME PREVENTION TIP Security of Vour Home Since many families will be taking a briefholiday during the annual school break it is worthwhiie considering the security of your home. Ask yourself -- - Does your home always appear lived in?' - Do you have good locks? -Do you keep good contro' of yor r bouse keys and neyer leave tbem hidden outside your home?, - Do you bave good locks or latches on ahl your windows? - Do you stop deliveries? -Does your neighbour have the description of your car, licence number, your route and destination? An emer-, gency may arise when you h ave to be contacted. I 'v We Redeem Ail Food Store Coupons- 6 VARIETIES 0F LAYER iCAKE MIXES' BETTY (ROCKER MIXES Look for the Man in Red at A&P The bright new jacket worn by our store manager is a symbol of his renewed com- mitment tobe more responsive to you, You can go to him if youhave a question, if you have a problem, or if you have a special need. Our manager can do a lot to help make your shopping easier and more satisfying. And he will. We're proud of him. I If We Can't Do It, Nobody Can. 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