Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, p. 7

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Items of Int Remember, Saturday is Carlisle Ave. in Bowmanvill Valentine's Day and time to planned to celebrate her 85t remember her or him with irthday on Feb. 3rd, secretl tokens of your affection. and within the confines of he Mrs. Russell Gilbert of 37 home. Then ber daughter St. Paul's United Chu~rch - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A.,M.Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sixth in a Series on "MAN AND HIS RELIGION" Sermon "THE CHALLENGE OF OTHER FAITHS" 7:00p.m. COUPLES CLUB MEETING SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children will attend first part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45 a.m. Senior Classes (9 Years and Up) NURSERY Parents are invited to bringtheir pre-school chiIdren to our play and learn nursery while they attend Church. Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. Sunday, February 15 9:55 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00a.m. -"'TheMinistryof the Holy Spirit" 7:00 p.m. - Film Presentation "THE GOSPEL ROAD" A Friendly Family Church SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for all ages, 9 and up 11:00Oa.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11:15 a.m. - Primary Dept.,ages 4 to8 lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Topic: "God's Masterpiece" A WARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE Wednesday, 10 a.m., Bible Study Group in Church Parlour CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS Feb. 15,3 p.m., Church Hall THE FRIENDSHIP CLUs will hold first meeting of year at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 13, in Church Hall. Rev. WM. K. Pace of Weston will be preaching at Trinity from March 7, until Pastoral Relations Committee decide on a new Senior Minister. lerest e Mrs. Velma Johnston from h Toronto surprised her with a Y visit at about 4 p.m. Befor she took off her coat, Mrs Johnston asked her mother t( drive over with her to Mrs Gilbert's sister-in-law, Miss Ethel Gilbert, for a cup of tea Innocently, Mrs. Gilbert weni along an received the second surprise of the afternoon About 10 friends had gathered to share her 85th birthday with ber. Congratulations to Douglas Simpson who was elected chairman of the Orono Hydro Commission at a recent meet- ing, a position held by Harvey Partner for the past three years. A happy event took place recently when at the Centen- nial Hall, a delicious dinner was held by the members of Memorial Hospital Staff of "Area C" to honour the retirement of Mrs. Mary Cann. The guests included past, as well as present personnel of the Hospital. After the dinner, Mr. Dennis Pickard, acting as Master of Ceremonies, called on Mrs. Cann to accept the gifts of a fine piece of Samsonite lug- gage, and money, on behalf of those with whom she had worked. Mrs. Cann has been a valued member of the Hospit- al Staff for many years, and now that her well-earned retirement years have begun, she will be missed greatly. Another art for Mary was held at the shawa home of her daughter and son-in-law, Retta and Roy Hartley. A second daughter, Mrs. Joan Sissons of Waterloo was pre- sent. Other guests included Mary's brothers and sisters, with their spouses, a number of the young people of the families, and a few close friends. Goodyear Canada, Bow- manville Plant recently an- nounced the retirement of K. Porter with 34 years service, W. Park with 30 years, A.E. Mavin 29 years, and R.E. Richards with 36 years. Agriculture and Food Min- ister William Newman, MPP for Durham North, announced that grants totalling $15,000 have been given to three community groups in the Durham area through pro- erams of the Ministry of ulture and Recreation. A 9 rant of $6,081 goes to the ount Zion Community Hall for development of recreation- al facilities. A $5,000 grant has Vaords For The World True religion avoids magic and trappings. Too much stress on images and rituals has sapped- the vitality of ,i Man's faith in God. BA HA'IWritings eFurther information P.O. Box 36 that won Delicious Chocolates in heart-shaped boxes by Moirs and Smiles 'n- Chuckles Ranging In price from $3.95 and up valentines da- y ~Alex McGregor Drugs I. 5King St. W., D.A. Drug Store 623-5792 Bowmanvie been sent to the Georgina Historical Society for estab- lishment of a historical museum. A $4,853 grant goes a to the Uxbridge Scott Histor- aical Society to belp in the econstruction of a newý display ;. building at its' historical omuseum, part of a $9,705 ;. project to iluprove facilities f (or the storage and display of -large agricultural artifacts ýt and vehicles. J Monday morning seemed to ibe the centre of- a disaster 1area when the staff began 1 reporting in at the Statesman. One employee had a window Sfail on bier band while tryîng to 1 close the window wbich was ifrozen. Another employee *while Cross Country skiing was in a collision witb two other skiers, injuring bier back. The daugbter of an employee fell on some stairs, *spraining a foot and had to attend a wedding as -brides- fmaid, on crutches. Vet an- fother employee and bis *brother feli through ice into 15 7feet of water, dropping the ski- doos to the bottom of the lake. Hopefuliy, the paper will be out on time. Mr. Larry Holland, Account Manager of tbe Bank of Montreal branch, here, bas been promoted to a more Senior Account manager posi- tion in the Brockville main office. He will, be repiaced on February 23rd by Mr. ave MacDonald wbo will be trans- ferring from the Athens, Ontario branch.. The Annual Meeting of the Womens Hospital Auxiiary took place on January 9th, 1976, at wbich the election of officers took place. Incoming Officers are - Past President Mrs. M. James, President Mrs. I. Down, lst Vice Pres. 1Mrs. A. Strike, 2nd Vice Pres. and Treasurer Mrs. N. Hoop- er, Recording Secretary Mrs. M. Hoar, Corresponding Sec- retary Mrs. D. Weisb, Direct- or of Volunteers Mrs.- D. Cbîlds. Committees for -the year are as follows - Marathon Bridge Committee Mrs. S. James, Chairman; Mrs. V. ThomsonMrs. L. Dippe, e ip Mr. angs, Mrs. E.V. Hoar. Layettes - Mrs. A. Sylvester. .Bursaries Mrs. L. Ayre. Tray Favours'Mrs. F. Griffin and Mrs. H., Henning. Social Con- venors Mrs. D.S. Ferguson, Mrs. D. Park. Finance Comn- mittee Mrs. A. Strike, Mrs, N. Hooper, Mrs. M. Morris, Mrs. H. Trewin. Nominating Comn- mittee Mrs. M. James, Mrs. A. Strike, Mrs. E. Jackson. Executive Members Mrs. F. Cowie, Mrs. E.V. Hoar. Gift ShopPurchasing Mrs. A. Hooey, Treasurer Miss E. Huges, Magazines Mrs. T.H. Smith, Volunteers Mrs. H. Coiiacutt. Library Cart Mrs.' V. Thompson. The March meeting will be held in the Library of the Hospital on March llth when Mr. Innis will be the guest speaker. New members will be welcomed. The Waverly Community ýeneral miem-bersh-ip meeting in the Council Chambers, Church Street, next Wednes- day. Plan nowto attend and new members are welcome. We have bad waik-a-thons, bike-a-thons, dance-a-thons, etc but what about holding an oldtÊashioned winter carnival? Taylor's rink drew huge crowds when they held their annuai carnival with prizes for best dressed, best comie costumes, speed races, handi- cap races, barrel jumping etc., Would be fun. The'Royal Commission, on Violence in the communica- tions industry, witb comn- missioners Judy La Marsh Judge Lucien Beaulieu and Scott Young, will be in Peterborough on Friday, Feb- ruary 27th, starting a hearing at 7:30 in Central Public School. Briefs are invited from gro ups and individuals in the area, which may be mailed to the commission at isiBloor St. W., Room 810, Toronto. Two Cobourg lawyers, Jim Clarke and Dae Stewart, assisted in the work of Kingston Penitentiary person- ne. nte3 orhotg captiv aet tohe eoina HstoricalT Societyfr etab reismentof asss becaseofa mseum. Ai$4,853egnt wits touire inxbreige ScttrHisor al tety anthep invter 30bursdintat te reieseoia rthe hstage adi yo plar eac rcltra aracts .ite the Cntre oadisatein iae bye the sare segan reepori in sawa the Browsmn newl empete hadgaindowh Cubs on Febrary wh tyn te whiawa Ceross Cuntesirn The iactoisio Park twcond otry sicrlinring wier represe dnaughte if tan Canadyen sceolloy camptars ispann to beo nd nauto kattn, arc 14-ig9 ries Comadn wasthes uest a- feet tofwater, dropi tski- U.C.W. meeting held at the manse where they were wel- comed by Rev. and Mrs. L. Bigby. n auction sale will be held in Donevan Collegiate this Friday by the Donevan music booster club. Door prize for a dance to be held on Feb. 27th is a trip for two to Grand Bahamas. The events are being staged to raise funds to send music students to Ohio. Poor eating habits of stu- dents is an increasin concern among teachers an parents, and to learn about the subject and explore avenues of im- proving the situation, the teachers of Family Studies in Durham are hosting a meeting during the Professional Activities Day on Friday, February 13, 1976 at Anderson C.V.I., 400 Anderson Street, Whitby beginning at 1 p.m. The meeting speaker wifl be Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery were over-night visitors, last Monday, with their daughter, Mrs. R. Falla- hay and family in Peterbor- ough. and also visited their friend Mrs. McInnis, while there. Mrs. Leone Lane spent last week in Orono, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Gray, while the latter was in Bowmanville Hospital, where she underwent surgery. Mrs Margaret Burley, of Newcastle, was a supper guest Tuesday with Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Mrs. Bea Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow were supper guests Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley in Newcastle. The Senior Citizens Group met, as usual, Thursday afternoon, in the Librar Room at Newtonville Schoo. Speaker Mrs. Murphy told of the forming of the Library Board, which was set up three years ago by the Regional Government. The appointees from the Board of Education are: Roy Forrester, Bruce Lush, and Garth Gilpin, Orono, Mrs. Judy Miklos, Mrs. Pat Best and Mr. Hugh Laing of the Town of Newcastle, and Mrs. Margaret Shea and Mrs. Joan Murphy are the repre- sentatives of the Separate School Board. Mayor Rickard attends Z.L Sabry, President of Nutri- tion Research Consultants of Toronto and formerly Nation- al Coordinator of Nutrition' Canada. Mr. Sabry said that the eating habits of some students has an effect on their physical and mental develop- ment and on their school performance. Eating habits ormed in the early years of life reflect both home and school influences and have an im act on eating habits and health status in later life. nearly every meeting. The members are very dedicated and anxious for the public to avail themselves of all the facilities. It is worth notin that this Library Boar , under the Regional Control set-up, operates under the lowest per capita budget in Ontario. This one, here, in F articular, operates more or ess like a satellite entirely voluntary assistance in pro- cess. Librarv hours here in New- tonville are: Monda y even- ings - 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon - 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. An invitation has been received to our Senior Citi- zen's group to help fil! the bus taking the school children to Queen's Park in Toronto. Another invitationis to join a bus load going from Kendal- to visit the sugar bush, next month. We are to supply our own transportation in sap- runnmng time. The usual "Coffee and Cookie Break" fifiished off the afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. G. Montgom- ery were dinner guests Thurs- day with Mrs. Thos. Stevens, Kendal. There were seven and a half tables in play at the Friday night Card Party in Commun- ity Hall with these winners: High Lady - Lavina Downes, Low Lady - Jean O'Neill, High Man - Don Hillis. ,Low Man - Leland Millson, 50-50 Draw - Jean O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maindonald in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lan- caster attended the recent Memorial Service for the late Mrs. June McMuljen in Wash- ington Church, Scarborough. Mrs. Bea Jones, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey atten- ded the funeral of the late Mrs. Bob CarlaW, at Warkworth on Saturday. Mrs. Mary Wade and son, Grant, were home from Barrie over the weekend. Glad to hear Mrs. Frank Ovens is able to be home again from Bowmanville Hospital. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams, were Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, and Tina, of Bramalea. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Adams and family of Toronto spent the weekend here with his parents celebra- ting Gerry's birthday. Mrs. Doris Lunman of Gananoque was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Leone Lane. Sandra McInnis and Sidney Lancaster welcomed the con- gregation at the church door unday morning, handing out the Bulletins. Rev. Mont- gomery's message was "The Book that Talks" and the choir sang "What a Friend We Have In Jesus". The Manse Com- mittee of this charge is asked to attend a meeting at the Manse Tuesday Feb. 10th at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Bill Clark, Michael and Lori of Paisley have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mary- Fae Gilmer of Toronto, spent the weekend with the Vin kles, while Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer of Cameron were Saturday supper guests and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark of Bethan ywere over-night guests due to weather condi- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lenty of Port Hope were Sunday sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ogden and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray of Orono were Monday morn- ing callers with Mrs. Leone Lane. Newtonville Women's Insti- tute will meet at the home of N EWTON VI LLE Prices do not necessarily apply to patterns shown. PRE-PASTED, WASHABLE WALLPAPER Maker's Book Price 2.99 St. Clair's Everyday Low Price 1.99 PRE-PASTED, DRY- PRE-PASTED, DRY- STRIPPABLE, SCRUBBABLE STRIPPABLE, SCRUBBABLE VINYL VINYL Maker's Book Price 6.50 Maker's Book Price 7.95 St. Clairs Everyday Low Price 3.99 St. Clair's Everyday Low Price 5.95 Sinele Roll Midtown Mal Single-Rill The paint and paper people Tel. 576-2431 Oshawa The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 11, 1976 7 Mrs. Iva Farrow on Wed. Feb. the Rol Call "Name an article 18 at 2:30 p.m. The topie is that we use every day, and tell "Canadian Industries" and where it is made." TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 1N3 The Salvation Army Bowmanville 35 Division Street Sunday Services 9:45a.m............SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:ooa.m............HOLINESS WORSHIP 7:00 p.m.........SALVATION MEETING Bus Service provided for Sunday School WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Scouts - Monday; Guides - Tuesday; Cubs - Wednesday; Brownies - Thursday. Plus many other activities. For further information: 623-5857. Februaryl15th DIVINE SERVICE Scouts, Cubs, Guides (5th Bow.) Brownies (4th. Bow.) Capt. J. Carew Guest Speaker SPECIAL FILM: Gospel Road (Johnny Cash) February 22, 7:00p.m.

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