16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Februarv 11. 1976 In the Editor's Mail Mr. Howden and Associates of Planning Board: I attended my first meeting of any kind for our town on Mday, Feb. 9, 1976, and was a littie shocked and surprised at the attitudes taken by men I have known and respected al Mlife. oVu ail seem to have no interest in this town's proper development, or of the people who live here and have aiways paid their taxes. We ail have a right to bie concerned over what is to be bulit in our back y ards, and wheny ou see what has happened in t east when' homes of this type h ave been, constructed, the final resuits. CAN YOU BLAME US FOR BEING WORRIED When you consider the restrictions made on WE the Tax Payers, when it comes to keeping our homes in good repaior, with Building Permits, etc. o this that and the other ite hariy seems right that peopi ie Cean Investments can come into our town and do as they want. We only need look at Deveiopments like Lover's Lane as one exampie, and I wonder if that had been a PriVate Individuai if he wouid. have been PERMITTED to do the samne. L am a Life Long Resident of Bowmanviile, and we own our own home and are interested what is to be done in our town, and from what I have seen, someone needs to let you know. Though from what 1 heard on Monday evening it will flot make the slightest difference, you wili do as the Planner wishes, and then in turn hie will do as hie wishes. WHERE ARE OUR RIGHTS! Res pectfully, Mrs. Do1n Rundie. 71 Alonna Street Bowmanville, Ontario 6th, February 1976, Dear Editor, Our son, who is almost three years old, is enrolled in the Edna Thomson' Day Care Centre in Bowmanville, Ont- ario. Yesterday evening, it was brought to our attention that Durham Regional Council is considering a staff cutback in ail of the Regional Day Care Centres. The Edna Thomson Centre, when enrolîment is complete, has a capacity of 45 children. Originally eight staff members were to be empioyed to handie this number of children, which seems to be a reasonable ratio. Council is considering cutting this to only five staff for 45 children. Obviously, the standard of care will suffer drasticaily. We pay.$8.OO per day, ($40.00 per week)' fees at the centre, and we expect a reasonable standard of care to be maintained.' We are very satisfied with the present standard of care. WVe feel- that there is a g enuine need forDay Care Centres in the region, but staff cutbacks of this magnitude may make it impossible for them to keep operatîng. There are many parents who depend on these centres and if any of them are forced to close down, these parents wili be placed in a very difficuit situation. In many cases, if is essenitial for bot h parents to workl, especially if they are young and not as financially established. as many others are. We would therefore, strong- Iy1urge Durham Regional Concil to reconsider their position in this matter. There are surely many other areas where savings could be effect- ed without reducing the stand- ard of care that our chiidren receive. Yours sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. David B. Smith. OBITUÙARY» ETHEL, MAY MARIJNG A resident of Bowmanville for 65 years Ethel May Marling, aged 73, died in Memorsal Hositai, Bowman- ville, on Sunday December Bth, 1975 . She haci been iii one vice held Tuesday at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Pali-bearers were Messrs. Robert Carruthers, Sam But- tery, Ralph Simpson, Merle Henry, William Barber, and James Ambrose. Among the many floral tributes received were tri- butes from neighbours, friends, the Canadian Tire Stores Ltd., and the Toronto- Peterborough Transport. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. ri-eart Fund gins have speeded virtually every ad- vance in cardiovascular med- icine in recent years, prolong- ing thousands of lives. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF SHORT CUT PRIME RIB ROAST LB. MEATY PORK SHOULDER ROAST SPCAL!Ç LB. THICK AND JUICY POIRIKBUTT CHOPS .28 LB. EASY TO CARVE PORK BUTT ROAST- SPECIAL!I MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS Previously Frozerg 1.2e i H !±~ I ~'p :1 g±U.~1 4.] à :1 I ~ I ~ MAPLE LEAF ANO MEATY SPECIAL! BRAISING RIBS' LB. 88C SWIFT'S PREMIUM SEIA!LB. FULLY COOKED SEIL DINNER HAMS 2.28 SWIFT'S PREMIUM AND MAPLE LEAF LB. FULLY COOKED, VACUUM PACKED,/2 BONE IN a HAMS, SPECIÂL! 1.49 SWIFT'S AND CANADA PACKERS 6 OZ. PKG. MACARONI & CHEESE, BOLOGNA, MEAT & OLIVE, P&P AND CHIOKEN ROLL COOKED MEATS 52C BITTNERSTRAY PACK, SPECIAL! LB. ENGLISH STYLE SAUSAGE 1.59 BITTNER'S, COOKED SPECIAL! 4 OPG CORNED BEEF 88C BITTNER'S SPECIAL! 6O.PG BOLOGNA 48c SWIFT'S COOKED HAM 60 O.PKG. 1.18 PRODUCE 0F MEXICO FRESH Bt5*RU S SEL SPROUTS 27ç, -K'à LB. DOMINION WIENERS SPECIAL! 1 LB. PKG 78C MAPLE LEAF GOLDEN FRY 1 LB. PKG. SAUSAGE- SPECIAL! 1.28 SWIFTS PREMIUM, LB. MILD CURED COTTAGE ROLLS 15 CANADA PACKERS POLISH 8 OZ. CHUBS PEPPERONI, SALAMI, SEEF SALAMI, BAVARIAN AND JAGDWURSTc SAUSAGE 98c MAPLE LEAF 1 LB. PKG. BOLOGNA 98C SWIFTS, OVEN ROASTING LB. CORNED BEEF SPECIAL! 1.78 SHOPSY CORNED BEEF OR 4x2OZ KS PASTRAMI- ,1.28 SHOPSY OLD VIENNA SPECIAL! SALAMI CHUBS 180 O.SIZE 1,.88 CANADA FANCY GRADE B.C. GROWN SPA RTAN APPLES6 Ç 3 LB. BAG ASST'D VARIETIES PRIMO PASTAS SPECIAL!1 2 LB. PKG. ASST'D VARIETIES DAD'S COOKIES SPECIAL! 79 16 OZ. BAG c1A REGULAR OR SUPER ABSORBANT, BABY SCOTT Reg. Pkg. of 30 or Super Pkg. of 24 DISPOSABL Eq~~ D lAP ERS ' ASST'D VARIETIES FROZEN SAVARIN dclM il OZ. PKG. SPECIAL! RICHMELLO SLICED HOT DOG ROILS Pkg. of 8 TIN I I DOMINION, FROZEN CONCENTRATED U NS W EETEN ED O"RANGE JUICE 95 LOTION SPECIAL! 300 ML. CONT. DESITIN SKIN CARE 1 3 FRESHMINT, SPEARMINT 100 ML. TUBE OR FLUORIDE10 MacL-EAMS TOOTHPASTE 9f REGULAR, LIGHT POWDER SPEC.%IALI. 142g AFROSOL OR SUPER DRY, SPRAY, SOFT & DRI CONTý ANTI-PERSPIRANt 1.09 198 ML, CONT. & JOHNSON'S, NO MORE TANGLES 225 ML. CONT. FOR BOTH CREAM RINSE AND% BABY SHAMPOO spç-ç,l'2.1 v9 RAYETTE AQUANET lOOZ. AEROSOL CONT. HAIR SPRAY SPECIAL! 59c CONFIDETS PGCF& SANITARY NAPKINS 23 WHITE, PRINTED PKG. 0F 180 OR RAINBOW aà# SCOTT SERVIETTES 1 a Ue JIFFY PKG.0F20 LUNCH BAGS 2%7c OUIKKI, PLASTIC SPECIALI PKG. OFl1O GARBAGE BAGS ASSTDCOLOURS 144OZ. PKG OF 3 DIAL DEODORANT BAR SOAP 9 "VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME -TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1976 Dominion Home Economist,,Joan Fielden, has prepared this informative bookiet for Senior Citizens. Inside you'Il tind important information concerning your health and suggestions on how to maintain a welI balanced daily diet. There are medItime hints for senîor citizens who ive alone, dinner suggestions for one or two persons, shopping lips and many more he1pful facts. Ask your Dominion Store Manager for yourFREEcopy today. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANYTIES TO NORMAL FAMILYREOUIREMENTS, SPECIAL! 61/4 FL. OZ. CONT. 32 OZ. PKG. I I ORANGE FLAVOUR SPECIAL! 4 x31/4OZ. PKG. TANG CRYSTALS99 PLAIN, RIPPLE OR BAR-B-O 8.8 OZ. BAG HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS 87C ALL PURPOSE GRIND 16OZ. BAG MAXWELLHOUISE COFFEEl .67 RICHMEL LO il OZ.JAR COFFEE CREAMER 0 INSTANT SPECIAL! 6OZ. JAR DOMINO COFFEE 1 .39 ORANGE PEKOE SPECIAL!. 200OZ PKG. 0F 180 TETLEY TEA BAGS 2.49 ASST'DVARIETIES 6OZ. PKG. JELLO 0 JELLY POWDERS51 CHEESE, DOUBLE SPECIAL! 30OZ. PKG. KRAFT PIZZA MIX 1.19 CANADA NO. 1 WHITE 2 LB. CONT. BILLY BEE CREAMED HONEY 1.85 ASST' F FLAVOURS SPECIAL! 6 x 6 FL. OZ. BTLý F.B.I. FRUIT JUICES68 CANAA FNCY28 FL. OZ. TIN LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT 51%) WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 19 FL. OZ. TIN OR WITHOUT MEAT, DEEP BROWN LIBBY'S BEANS SPECIA-1 '40 BURN'S ROY-ALL MEAT - U c 12 OZ. PKG. SPECIAL! GREEN GIANT, CUT GREEN BEANS, GIANT PEAS OR SUMMER SWEET PEAS SPECIAL! 10 FL. OZ. IMcCAIN'S FROZEN, CANADA FANCY,, j STRAIGHT CUT I SUPER FRIES le SPEClAL! E. D.SMITH19 FL. OZ. TIN APPLE PIE FILLING t SOFT, COLOURED' SPECIAL! 1 LBý CONT. IMPERIAL MARGARINE '79c HIGH LINER, FROZEN, BOSTON 16OZ. PKG. BLUE FISH & CHIPS OR BOSTON 10 BLUEFISH FILLETS SPECIL!uâ ASST O VARIETIES SEIA!12.5 OZ- PKG BETTY CROCKER ,EIL MUFFIN MIXES59 CANADA FANCY, FROZEN 32 OZ, PKG. DOMINION RHUBARB -6 9c DOMINION, FROZEN 320OZ PKG. CANADA FANCY d SL'ICED CARROTS 65C- DOMINION 32 FL OZ.BTL. TOMATO KETCHUP 10 ENCHANTMENTCANDY 14OZ, PKG. PARTY MIX 1.19 ASST'DFLAVOURS SEIA!40OZ. CONT. GAY LEA SEIL CHEESECAKE DESSERT £ _ TOWN TALK 1 LB. PKG. CHOCOLATES 1.99 WITH BITS 14FOL OZ. TIN HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE 51C SMEDLEYS,ÇCHOICE 19 FL. OZ. TIN WHOLE CARROTS 0 . Support the HeartFn GivelsOao m YOc DOMINION STORES LIMITEO. anus. - ------------- r-- 27, k 0