acres of land. Construction on the building that will house the faucet-making machines aiready has begun.' Delta Faucet officials de- scribed the product that will be manufactured in the new plant as a faucet as innovative now as indoor plumbing was at the turn of the century. The new line of Delta's faucets have been in the American Market since 1971. Officiais for the company (Turn to page two) Oprposing View to be Hleard on1 Nuelear Plant Take your calendar for the month'of February and circle the l6th daynow. This is the tentative date set by the i{atepayers Association of the town of Newcastle to hear an opposing view to the establishment of the pro- posed Nuclear Power Sta- tion near Bowmanville. Considerable interest has been generated in this éon- nection to date, and repre- sentations have been made on the part of Ontario Hydro favouring this project., It is claimed by other authorities that there are great dangers involved. This is the first opportunity for the public to hear these views expressed. Further details regarding time and place will appear later as advertised in this, paper. Hobbs, Feels Milani and Hydro Should, Çoun. Ivan Hobbs is of th- opinion, that prior to counc agreeingý to an off er from Car Milani and Milani Holdings t g ive the town a grantc $3-million, more informnatia is needed from others, part: cularly Ontario Hydro. The type of informnatie. Coun. H-obbs is looking fo CPE' Reach A tnaiecontrfact settle- miei has be-en rahdbe- tween the Nrthiumbeland and Newcastle Boýard of Educationr and, Local 1206, CUPE, representing bus dri- vers, cafeteria wojrkers, main-, tenance people and custo- dianS. Inaccu"rate Coun. Ai-nn Cowmnan expres- sed the opiïnioni Monday at Committee of the Whole that if Ontarjoi Hydro use the same maps a,,nd peettion at the Régional Planning and Deve- lopment commrittee Feb. 3, as they did at a Ratepayers meeting she attended, it will essentially be another snow- bal job.1 Coun-'-Cowman, considers the maps used at the rate- payers meeting to create an inaccurate imnpressioný of, the (Turn to page two> Co-osrdi'naote Development e would pertain to Hlydmo's need with ail of the proposai, bis i foWater and Sewer Services, desire for more infraio 'sOSSTF BACKS BOARD'S in as he feels that soîne arrange- not intended to condemn the DEMANDS o ment might be worked ont Propsai. ln a January l3th letter to of between the -Bo%ým anv ille M7r. Milani cautionedcoun- Frank Thom, the Ontario n West Community Pkoject and cil on following with Coun. Secondary Schooi Teachers i- Hydro on the development of Hobbs trend of thought as he Federation came out in full the whole West area. reminded them' they have a support of the saiary, de- n He assured Mr. Miliani that period of 60 days to make a mands for administrators of r aithough he does not, agree (Turn to page two) the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion. In the letter, L. A. Beck, h o o lPresident of OSSTF District mechoo1 Workers r-nin the dminstraorssalary demandswhen the present Be n u * .board was conceived was "n antenriier deciîsion, raises ha(î been axed b, the The union bargc mnittee, under the SipoOf Ron Wild a.m,, Thursday n-, then met with mriani 10:00 a.m. A governiment W.J. McGuire was from the Departme and at 11:40 p.m. night, tentativee was reached witha per cent in favor oi aining corn- by' the memer S. Acmito charmn- (T.urn to )page wo) e metý at 9 orning and CHURCH DESTROYED iagemrent at Cause of an early morning blaze at Christ Anglican mediator, Church ia Oshawa tliis mor- 3brought in ning, nor the amount of the nt of Labor ioss have not yet been'deter- - Thursday mined but fire officiais re- agreement port the building was heavi- a vote of 91 ly gutted with extensive )n Saturday structurai damage. Council Briefs An effort at co-operating with the Long Sauît Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club by Coun. Ken Lyaii at the Committee of the Whoie Monday was lost on a 4-3 ecorded vote. Coun. Lyall, moved that pendin5 the agreement being reachec between the club, the town and the Beaucage fami- ly, the unopened road ailow- ance in question be available to the club for their use. The concern of Coun. Lyail in making the- suggestion, which was quickiy- seconded by Coun. Kirk Entwisie, was that it bas been hanging fire now for some consîderable iength of time and the winter season during which the club would use the road aiiowance may easiiy be over again for another year befome the agree- ment is reached. Coun. LyalI noted that the (Turn to page two) Let's Get it Straightened Qut Fo r several years, many people have been wondering when the authorities are going toget together to straighten out the confused situation shown above. The signs erected by the Highways Dept. list thé name of the street at the west end of the town as Waverley Road, but as soon as you leave the highway and enter the town limits, the signs change it to Waverly Road. Surely, in this' age of rapid communication someone should be able to decide that it should be one or the other, ýnot both. Photos by Liz Armstrong Officiai Plan Howden.Ciiclo SI Durham's Officiai Plan is back in the nature of the document, Mr. Howden the draft. spotlight again. declared that many of the specific restraint Members of the Newcastle Planning recommendations in the paper were achieve, th Advisory Committee met with plan- too vague or arbitra ry to be accepted Though ning director George Howden on as they stood. that he isr Monday night to hear his criticisms of The plan adopts a population figure that he W(, proposais affecting Newcastle in of 30,000 for Bowmanville in the year behind tt Discussion Paper No. 4 of the draft for 2000, yet assumes that population will pointed ou the official plan. increase pro portionately to employ- gain credi After three and a haîf hours of work ment opportunîties in the region.. That regionalj and plenty of crit.ical comment, outcome will 'not take place without show hov several contentious issues had been "considerable positive effort" accord- conclusion aired. While approving the general ing to Mr. H-owden's cornmentary on Volume, 122, 15e~ Per Copy BOWMANVýïILLE, ON',TARTO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1976 Canadians toHave- New T-1ype of Faucet LlIade,,by Delta Here Turn to page two) Elctd harmnLyall 100% A gainmst Tal7'.ks About Law to t 7in Dairlington Plant Althoughter as indica- opposition of the proposed tion that Coun. Ken Lyall was Nuclear plant in Darlington greatly impressed on a recent townshipý trip which councîl took to the Coun. Lyall's stern opinion, Bruce Generatîng Station, he which hie expressed Monday at now states he is 1(00 per cent in (Turn to page two) % owWould You FeelI If(Ou Needed- Blo od Maurice1E. iProut, Former member of Bow- manville council and retired longtime employee of Good- year, Maurice E. Prout was recently elected Chairman of the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education's Recreation Committee that will be working in conjunction with the municipalities in Northumberland and New- castle. He also serves on the Non-Teaching Personnel Com- mittee and the Closed, Schools Properties Committee of the Board, And.There -Did you ever stop to think what it would be like if you were in hospitai, sorely needing a blood transfusion to save your life . . . and there was none avaîlable? Or if there was blood but the cost was so ont of reach that you couldn't afford it? <, We're iucky in Canada where the Red Cross holds regular clinics so that do- noms may corne and give their blood that will be pro- vided free of charge to those Defer Dec»is ion ,,,on UkM7ini* N'ext Wednesday, Feb. 4th, a Red,,Cross Donor clinic is being held at the Lions Centre, Beech Ave., from 1:30 to 9 p.m. to build up those free blood supplies in our hospitaIs. You can help save a life and you'l feel better after you have made that donation. You'l meet some nice people too. Give it a try. Who knows, you may need some of that precious blood 'yoursell some day. Offe r toi ' By Doug Taylor Newcastle Council have fur- ther deiayed any vf irm ndeci- sion on theý offer of a $3-miliion BITS & PIECES LEADERS DONATE - The Boys andGil Club has plenty of- members but is suffering from'the same complaînt as many other organizations, it needs leaders. Persons able, to donate some of their time te work with these youngsters 9 to 14 years of age, helping with sports, games, crafts, etc., would be most welcome for whatever amount of time they can spare. Anyone interested should contact Myno Van Dyke 623-2358. CRAZY WEATHIER - It's no wonder there are so many people with the flu these days. One day it's down to 20 below zero and everybody is checking te sec what water pipes are frozen,, the next it jumps to 40 above and there's water ail over the place as the melting snow tries to find somewhere to go. How anybody's con- stitution is supposed to adjust so rapidly wer don't know. It certainly is a weird winter. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT - Next Thurs- day, Feb. sth,' the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce will be holding its annual, dinner meeting at The Flying Dutchman. In the past, the guest speakers at these affairs have included business tycoons, C of C free enterprise exponents and other similar types. The ecumenical idea must be catching on because the speaker this year will be none other than Stephen Lewis, the leader of the socialist New Democratic party in Ontario. Should be interesting. Get your tickets today at any chartered bank in town. GM BLOOD CLINIC- General Motors Supervis ors' Council is holding a Blood Donor clinie for ahl GM employees in the Parts Department cafeteria on Park Road South fromn 12 until 4 p.m. and 6:30 until 8. Ahl GM people who work in the Parts and Service build- ing are invited to attend. A worthwhile effort. BUSY GROUP - You have to hand it to those, eager beaverls who are promoting the Waverly Community Association, they really are interested intheir community and in trying to make it even a better place. A release has just corne in mentioning their next general membership meeting Feb. l8th, 8 p.m. în the council chambers over the fire hall. They also remind everyone to attend the meeting this Thursday in the Bowmanville, High School where the region's Stage Four Official Plan will be aired. That starts at 7:30 p.m.- BANJOIST P1ETURNS - The second concert sponsored by the BHS Band Parents will be held this Sunday, Feb. lst with Ross Meteaif and Associates in charge, featuring outstanding banjoist Tommy Cinnamon., Information came in this week that Tommy used to playý his banjo at Bowmanville Beach, so some may remember him, He's had quite a career. Now at the Skyline Hotel,.Toronto, he was with Moxie Whitney at the Royal York, has bee n in movies with Alan Ladd a nd Shelley Il Winters.,ail of which is quite a jump from the e old pavilion at Bowmanville Beach. Tickets are still available. Don't miss it! Holdings on, approvai of thir 711meeting.,-( cmmttefthe Bowmani;-îviýle West IndUstriaI vwhfoie se'ssion) ,vas made as and Residentiai deveiopment ani addition by Coun. Hobbs to proposai to go iahlead. a -Pn iiialfmoti n o ao onl the offer iit miteof M PyorRckaýÏrd ovdthat, the WVhole AMonday the dc- thfe delegation of Mm. Milani sionr 4as'o refer the matter to' and several members of his a mreeting on; Feb. 7i at 9 a.m. staff be thanked for tÉheir in Court Rtoom 2 of the presentation to the committee Bowmanviiie Police-Fire meeting and the proposai Building on Church Street. received for information. The decisior, tu hold the Feb. Coun. Bruce Tink seconded -(Turnto page two) ~rrcicby Lar The saddest part of the Young Canada Day hockey competitions at the Bowman- ville Arena Saturday, was not that the Toi-os won only five out of the 10 games played, but rather the injury of one player outside the arena when struck hy a car. Division 16, Durham Re- ~jnal Police report that eonard Robert Dyck, age 12, of Saunders Avenue was running south on the east sidewalk of Temperance Street about 4:55 p.m. when he crossed the path of a west- hound car and was struck. The vehicie, a 1967 Ford, operated by Frederick Clark of 9 Duke Street apparently sustained no damage in the (Turn to page two) lNecasle ilige~lawerSam Curea:ýtz« gave local Botry lucmmbers an isiçe lo ilathis prQfiession on Thursday, January th At the close of bis. xemnarks, CMr. Curatz noted that 'there bas býeeni a tendency towv-ard ve-rguainnthe past few years, and unlewedo ,somrethinig about these infringemients on our r-igbts, then. we're head-ed toward revolution in afe years time. MayRise32eret The Region of Durham's financial budget for 1976 may increase an estimated 32 per cent accordinq to regional finance commissioner, Jack Gartley. Mr. GartIey announced the estîmated figure at a re ional finance committee meetîig on Jan. 22. The estimate was taken from a preliminary review of the 1976 budget, he saîd. The' increase after provin- cial grants are considered was brought down to 16.8 per cent, but could have been lower than that "ià the province had not opted ont on some otý,her payments," he saiîd. Aithough the Ontario gov- ernment was asking the region to provîde more ser- vices itself, they were de- creasing the grants to assist in the cost of providing those services, he said. The finance department's budget has estinîated $2,889,512 to cover the net cost for opemations in 1976, a net increase of 22 per cent from 1975.1 "The region has been doing its job because even though there is a 32 per cent increase w-e are showing no increase in our levels of service ... we're (Turn to page two) ORONO ORPHAN HOCKEY CLUB REUNION A reunion of former mem-ý bers of the Orono Orphian Hockey Clb is being plan- ned for March 13th in the Oronô Oddlfelloiws' Hall. In-, vitationshave bheen mailedý out and about 159 former membei-s are expectved to Down Memory Lane With Collection of OId New% Stories Mrs. Babe Brown of Courtice bas a large co llection of newspaper and scrap -bonks- dating back to the 1940"s. She began. saving personal items for her cbildren, and then the collection, simply grew to enconmpass local and world events. Here, Mrs. Brown is shown holding the May Bth, 1945 eclîtion of the Toronto Star, which tells of the total surrender of the Germans to the Allied Forces in France. Photo by Liz Armstrong t"It may be necessary to the overaîl growth rate, to ffs". ithe planni -ng director said n't against growth, he stated )uld like to know the rationale the decision. Mr. Howden )ut that if the proposai is to planners should be able to )w they arrived at their ms and.prove them. By Shawn Marshall A new faucet-manufactur- ing plant that is scheduled to begin operations here in May will be one of the most modern plants of its kind in Canada, company officials ,have an- nounced. An initial investment of $2-million bas been made in the plant located in 'the Bowmanville Industrial Park, officiais for Delta Faucet of Canada Ltd. have sai. The plant is situate d on 81/2 24 Pages Number 4 L , , ý ýý W, -%-ý