28, 1976 13 ELLIS - Don and Marg (Comber) are pleased ta annaunce the birth of their daughter, Bobbi Lynn, 9 lbs. 5 ozs. on Tuesday, January 20, 1976. First grandchild for Mr. andMrs. L. Ellis, Oshawa and, faurth for Mrs. G. Comber, Bowmfanviiie. Thanks to Dr. J. Rundle and Maternity Staff at Memorial MHospital, Bow- manville. 4-1 HNATIUK' - Nickolas an u Jeanette (nee Boe) are pleas- ed ta announce the birth of a daug hter Nicole Elaine on Friday, January 9, 1976 at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, Ontario. A sister for Van Paul. 4-1 SIMPSON- Gary and Gay are delighted ta announce the sate arrivai of a baby sister for Jason. M-eather Andrea ýwas bamn Januar y 18, 1976 at Oshawa General ospital and weighed 7 lbs. Pmoud grand- parents are Doug and Barb Simpson and Jim and Gay Quintan al of Orono. 41 SOMERSCALES - Leeann happily announces the arrivai of her bay sister, Laura Lee - 6 lbs. 15 ozs. on Jan. 18. Proud p arents are Leigh and Gwen. Than ks ta Drs. H. C. Antossi and Dr. Ewert and maternity staff. 4-1ix z=. Mr. and Mrs. James Ruddy, Hampton are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of- their daughter, Beveriy Di- anne to William James Fair son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fair, Bowmanville.4 TILLSON-I-(ICKS - After many years and four sons, Mrs. Florence Tilson praudly annaunces she now has a daughter, (in-law). Linda Eileen, youngest daughter of Dave and Eileen Kilpatrick, Orono was married Friday evening January 23, 1976 in OronoUnited Church to Nor- man Bruce, eidest son of Florence and the Iate Bruce Tilîson. We happily welcome Lion into aur family and wish she and Norman continued love and happiness tagether. CH-ANTi - Mary Helen. At Memoriai Mospital Bowman- ville, on Thursday, January 22, 1976, Mary (Moiiy) Smit ot Hampton, in ber 83rd year. Wife 0f the lafe Joseph Chant. Dear mather of Paul, Gardon, and Lawrence. Rested at the Northcutt Eliott Funerai Momne. Service 3 o'ciock, Saturday affernoon. Crema- fion. 4-1 HILL, Olga - At Hilisdale Manor, Oshawa, on Sunday, January 25, 1976, Olga Fefgu- son (hate of biackstock). Qeloved wife of the late Cecli iii, dear mather of Marion (Mrs. Stan Rahm) of Black- stock; grandmother of Paul of Ottawa and Camai (Mrs. C. Porter of Blackstock) ; aiso six great gandchildren. Dear sister of Carence, Toronto, Merrili of 'Oshawa and the Late Roy and Girvin Fergu- son-. Resting'af the chapel of McDermott Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Wednes- day af 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemefery, Cadmus. 41 ROY- Suddenly at R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Tbursday, Jan- uary 22nd, 1976, Robert Lionel Roy, aged 81 years, beloved husband of Charlotte Roy, dear tather of William and Mary (Mrs. William Hender- son). ýService was heid in the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manvihie, on Monday atter-, noan. Spring interment Beth- esdla Cemetery. 4-1 'ce- GRIFFIN - Murray Robert. Suddenly at Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, Jan. 22, 1976, Murray Griffin of R.R.6, Bowman- ville, in his 551h year. Beloved husband of Glenna Gould. Dear father of Mrs. J. Coyle (Sandra), Mrs. D. Sharpe (Margaret). Rested at the Northcutt Eliiott Funeral Home. Funeral service Il o'clock, Saturday morning. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1 HARDCASTLE- At Memor- lai Hospital, Bowmanviile, Thursday, January 22nd, 1976, Lawrence Hardcastle, aged 64 years, beloved husband of Georgette Hardcastle, dear father of Lise (Mrs. Earl Barbeau>, Suzanne, Law- rence, Dennis, Manique and Guy. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manvilie, on Saturday after- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1 OGDEN - At Oshawa Hospi- tai, Friday , January 23rd, 1976, Helen Stone, 23 Central Park Bivd., Oshawa, beioved wife of Douglas Ogden, dear mother of Ruth (Mrs. Herbert Waite), grandmother o' Doug- las, sister of Lewis, Peterbor- ough, and the late George Stone. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manvilie, on Monday after- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1 KNAP - Henry Beemn'er. At Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, Jan. 23, 1976. Hai Knap of R.R.5, Bowmanville, n his 67th year, husband of Muriel Bengry. Rested at the Ncrthcutt Eiliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 2 o'clock Monday affernoon. Cremation. Donations ta the charity of your choice or the Hal Knap Memoriai Fund wouid be appreciated. 4-1 WADDELL, Gladys M. - Af the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Sunda y, January 25, 1976, Gladys M. Ande rson, beloved wife of George Wad- cleli of Greenbank formerly of OCrono and Bethany. Dear mother of Agnes (Mrs. E. R. Woodyard), Margaret (Mrs. Bruce Mancock) bath of Orono, Eunice (Mrs. Wm. G. Smith) of Coîborne; Betty (Mrs. Mel McGee) of Green- bank and the late Afred Waddleii (F.O.-R.C.A.F.).Also survived by 15 grandchihdren and 31 great grandchildren. In hem 85th year. Funeral service was beld af the Chapel of McDermott Panabaker, Port Perry on Tuesday, January 27, 1976. Interment Orano Cemetery. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. 4-1 WILLAN, Anne Ma y -At Memorial Mo'ptal, Bawman- ville, on Saturday, Jan. 24, 1976, Annie May English, in ber 93rd year. Wife of the late Frederick F. Wilian. Dear aunt of Mrs. M. M. Smith, Marguerite, Bram ptan, Arn- old W. and Fred T. Stinson, botb of Toronto and the late Sqd. Ldr. Harold K. Stinson, D.F.C. (R.C.A.F.). Rested af the Northcutt Eliiott Funerali Home witb funeral service at1 il o'clock, Tuesday morning, St. John's Church, Bowman-_ ville. Spring interment St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. Donations to the Hospital for Sick Children, Tarontopor the charity of your choice would be aooreciated. JACKMAN ... ..say it best! PHONE 623-3365 162 King Sf. E., Bowmanville CARNATION ~"FI owers ~ For Al Vour Say it Fîower Needs Best"0 STOP IN AND SEE VAN ELLEOUR WEEKEND SPECIALS DAILY Deîivery to..-. Carnation Fîower Shop Oshawa - BawmanvihIe Aron 33 Division St. Phone 623-4441 623-7141 43-tf tt Durham County's OîdestFuneral Service MORR IS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serv iriq th is d istr ict f or 96 yea rs. 41 Funeral Home Thoughtfulness - Service - Concern Service te vour needs o. ur first cencern. Sa that you wiIl be relieved freim worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREETr, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 ARCHER - In loving mem- amy of a kind husband and father, Wilbert, who passed away Jan. 30, 1974. Sadly missed along life's way Quietly remembered every day No longer in Our lives to share But in aur hearts he's always there. - Wife and famiiy 4-1 x RICHARDS - nloving mem- ory of a dear mother and grandmothem Rachel Rich- ards who passed away sud- denly Jan. 30, 1956. Gods Golden Gates stood open Twenty yeams ago today. With tarewells lett unspoken. You quietly slipped away. - Aiways [oved and sadly missed b y daughter Gertrude, grandchi Idren, Gertrude, Wil- liam and Mary. 4-1 STANLEY - n loving mem- ory of a dear daughtem Pamela Rose who died on January 27th, 1975. You are flot forgatten Pamela, Nom everyau will be As long as lite and memory last We will remember thee. - Sadly missed by Mom, Dad and Darlene. 4-1 POTIER- In loving memomy of my deari husband, KarI, who passed away suddenly Jan. 28th, 1975. If is sad f0 walk the road alone lnstead of side by side, But to ail there cames a moment When the ways of life divide. You gave me years of happiness Then came sorraw and tears But yau left me beautiful memar ies h wiil tre.asume through the years. -Loving wife Doiena Belle, son KamI Henry, grandsonVsý Mark and Kari Jr. 4-1 IThe family of the late Bertha Best wisb ta express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown during mother's stay at Memorial Hospital. A special tbank you to Dr. A.B. Sylves- ter and niirýPe' nf Memorial Hospital, To Revemend B. Lopng forhisc!DMfortin.9 wards in the loss of a. dear mother and to -the Morris Funeral Chapel for their thoughtful assistance. To relatives, friends and neighbors for fowers, dards, and donations ta Memomial Hospital, pease accept aour gratitude. To Orana U.C.W., Unit 1, for lunch served foihowing the funeral, aur grateful thanks. Ç7eorge and Stella Carson 4-1 Specilal tbanks to Rev. Smith for coming ouf each Friday ta the Drap-In Centre. Membes of the Youth Club Jenny Adams, Jennifer Jones and Annette Rowe. À-l x Many thanks to everyone v aftended the surprise birtbci party held for me Saturday, the Le gin Mail and aisof the gift.o Speciai thanks Judy Bragg and all v heiped witbý the arrangemen to make lif the great evening was. Gary (Ticker) Crombie .'ho ay (at for ta vho nts g it 4-1 i would like ta expr ess my sincere thanks to relatives and friends for cards, gifts and flowers sent to me whihe in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special thanks ta Dr. H. B. Rundle nurses and-staff. Miarg King 4-1 Many thanks ta the nurses and staff on the 1lst f loor of the Memorial Mospital, Bowman- ville, also Dr. Anfossi, friends and neighbors who visited and sent cards and aiso Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion for fvisits and fruit received. Best wishes to ail for a happy 1976. Reg Harding ' 4-1 Wednesday, Februa-ry 4, 1976, 2 p.m. Senior Citizens Meeting in the New Tymone Community Hall., Everyone 55 years and over welcome. Lunch wiIi be served. Come ouf and heip get going. 4-1 x Dance in Solina Community Hall Saturday, January 3lst. Ray Avery's Orchestra. 4-1 Two-cday Rummage Sale at the Salvation Army, January 30, 10:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. and January 31, 10:00 a.m. S p.m. 4-1 -Newcastle Social Planning Council meeting,, Thursday, January 22, 8 p.m., Court Room No. 2, Police Building, Bowmanville. 1-3 Morse drawn sleigh rides by the hour by appointment. Phone 728-8090. 3-6 Plan now ta attend the Disney World Concert on February 1sf at 8 p.m. in the B.H.S. Auditorium, sponsored by the Band Parents Associa- tion. Ross Metcalf and his Associates1 will feaiure Tommy Cinnamon, Canada's Outstanding Ban joist. Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall' available for your group's fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates now white choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tt Florida Tour Mar. 1 - 20 ESCORTED BUS TOUR We have a number of people planning ta go on fhis,4eur but need more to filI1 the bus. Why net loin us for 20 days? Side tours and places of interest are included. For further information: Phone Nance Col mer 623-3265 4-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTL E COUNTRY GOLD Friday - Saturday .January 30 -31 Dancing 9-1 4-1 BOWMANVILLE EAGLES JR.* C DANCE Port Darîington Marina Hotel Feb. 7 8:30 - 1 a.m. $5 per couple Plan ta attend. 4-1 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Feb. 3rd' Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes P L US $500 J AC KPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 41 DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL Sat., Feb..lth 9 - 1 p.m. TED KOSS& THE CAVALIERS Admission $4.00 per Couple' 4-2 Amnesty Week, February 2 - February 7, 1976 Retumn Overdue Books, No Fines Charged BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 3-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time TMURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Sottball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNIT'Y CENTRE MONSTER, BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA, 21-tf Orono Amateur Athletic Association, Winter' Dance, Newcastle Town Hall, Satur- day, January 31, 1976. Music by Ted Koss and the Cava- liers. $7 a couple. Refresh-, ments and lunch availabie. 2-3 Reserve April 2 for Beebive Lodge Flea Market. For pickup cail 623 3508. 4-1 x Daytona Beach BUS TOUR FEBRUARY 14-29 $299.00 Per Persan Sharing Twin 10 Days of Fun & Sun af a New Ocea n Front Motel Sighfseeing Tours te Disney- world, Cypress Gdns., and Historic Sf. Augustine. For Information.and Local Baarding Point BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 47 King St. W. or DENURE TOURS LTD. Lindsay, Ont. 705-324-9161 PUPPI ES, border collie type. Phone 623-2730. 1 tf REGISTERED maie afghan to a good country home. Reasonable. Owner moving. Phone 623-5820. 4-1 MàKýýI FEMALE German S'hepherd, 8 months old, lost in Orono on January l9th. Phone 623-2003. 4-1 Kut 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop - attention Senior Cifizens - 10 percent off ail hair-do's (perms, colors, etc.) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday anly. Open 6 days a week. Thurs. and Fmi. evenings by appoint- ment. "Appointment hlot ai- ways necessary". Cali APPLE Speciai - 2 weeks oniy. Macs - seconds, $2 bushel. Bring own container. Phone Bill Feddema 263-2074. No Sund ay sales. 3-2 COMPR ESSORS, generators, electric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws sharpened.,We seil, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace, Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti. que dlocks, packet watches and modern watches and 1 cocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Poe623-5747 34-tf, INSTALL, AN D FURNACE BO IL ER HUMIDIFIER HEATER AIR CONDITIONER 1AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLI CY CALL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service-Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orano 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 48-tf COLD STORAGE APPLES AqcitnToýh, béiîffo and Spy Frank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260 G RAI N ted beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512. 44-tf HAY - horse hay. Ph one 263-2650. 3-tf PADDY'S Market now ha$ new furniturel appIiancesý T.V.'s and stereos and aise used furniture and appliancesý Wil11 accept trade-ins. Paddy'ý, Market, Hampton, phone 263,2 2241. 33-tf USED Fumniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf ONE aul metal office desk. Phone 987-5156 4-1 NEW, R.C.M.P. Centennial rifle. Phone 623-3986. 4-1 GOOD quality hay. Phone 987-4865. - 41i NEARLY new Mediterranean dinina room table and six chairs, $950. new, askinca $500. Quegn size mattress, box sping and trame, used 3 months only, new $295. asking $100. Excellent condition. Phone 623-6304. 4-1 FRENCM provincial living room suite, excellent condi- tion. Phone 623-5336 TWENTY twa du. ft. freezer, $175, excellent condition. Caîll after 8 p.m. 725-6004 4-lx 1973 MERCURY snowmobile with caver, electric start, speedometer, $550. 1-885-5908 or 1-786-2209. 4-1 OIL space heater. Phone 1-983-5033 '4-1 '69 NORDIC skidoo, 24 M.P. twin eiectric start, cover. Excellent condition. Best of- fer. 623-5179. -4-ix ALUMINUM siding, doars, awnings, railings. main carry- ing systems. Lomne Aluin, 1 Prince Street. Phone 623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Co. 4-1 OSHAWA SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LîMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FORi DRIVEWAYS & PARKtNG LOTS TQPSOîL, & DIliT FILI DELIERE ORIiEOVEO TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RE T' SNOW REMOVAL CALL 725-0232- SOLINA RD. N. 1MILE NORTH OF HIWAY 2. FREE removal of tresh, dead or disabled large animais. There will be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Cal Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263 2721. -46tf USE D piano, best offer. Phc 728-1675. T.V. TOWERS 1 Towers, UHF, VHF epaiRtrs AerialsRtrs& Aparf ment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our W Guarantee 1970 CHEV. Impala, 2 door hardtop, V-8, automatic, pow- er steering, brakes and win- dows and radio. $1000. or best offer. Phone 623-2624. 4-1 I 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury, cust- om fine passenger station- wagon, power steering and brakes, excellent condition, 10 equipped with Michelin radial one tires. Phone Newtonviile 786- 3 f2596 after 7p.m. '70 VOLKSWAGON goad con- dition,g as heater, good tires. As is. B est offer. 623-7692., 4-1 1972 VEGA GT 4-speed, mag wheels, low mileage, excellent condition. Will certify. Phone 623-5427. 4-1 1966, ULDS F85automalic, Phone perfect, running condition, as is, best offer over $225. Phone 1-983-9344. 4-1 576-5606 cnmv * ON EY, unpasturized, white in standard containers. Edgar James, 2 miles east of Liberty Street on Taunton Road. Phone 983-5827. 4-2f Oshawa TV, Antennas RTowRS TOwRS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired, REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl priced te SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf Fuller Brush Productsý CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A sahesman in Darlington Township. 1-_tf FILM PROC-ESSI-NG- CHILDREN'S p PHOTOS Cameras and Photogra phic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404' 51-10 1970 NORD IC, nat driven for 4 years, asking $350. Phone 263-2089. 4-1 MESM playpen and pad. 36" square. $20 firmf. Phone 623- 7324. 14-1 VIKING agitator -washing machine, $40. good condition. Phone 623-2624. 4-1 BUFFET $40., .piatform rock- er, $12., trunk $8., buffet $50., rail-a-way bed $12., hi-fi sets $60. captain's bed $90., chrome bighcbairs $6., ehect- ric heater $15., china cabinet $170., books 6 for $1.00. January sale at Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperence St., Bowmanville. 4-1 WRINGER washing machine, square tub, 3 years aid, asking $50. Phone 623-6183. 4-1 OLDER style diningrfoom suite, buffet, table and four chairs. $275. Cahl 1-786-2156. 4-1 TEAK Wood, Scandinavian Danish, bedroom, camplete; diningroam. 9 piece; living raom; waih unit; brand new turnitre, vej-y reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 4-tf MOUSE of Amber, Antique and Gift Sho p north end of MHampton Village, wishes ta remind you that we have plenty of gift ite ms et fine quality on band for ail occasions, with gift wrapping available. Spring stock wilh soan be here and alang witb that a change ta longer shop boums for spring and summer. Cali 263-2981. 4-1 1973 MOTOS KI 28 h.p., slders and shocks. $625. 2 snow and 2 summer tires for Vlkswagen, excellent condition. Phone 576-3231 aftem 4 o'clack. 4-1 COMPLETE aduit's dawnhi ski set <boots size 9) in excellent condition, usecl one season. Phone 623-3609. 4-lx SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY The Durham Women'.s Movement will start a Con- sciausness Raising Group in your, area. If interesfed oir'for more information caîl 728- 2111. 46-tf If you have a drinking problem, please cali A.A. 728-1020. 45-tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewelîers 1Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduct ion on first purchase of earrings - with the release farm. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf ANN BRADL EY Permanent Mair Removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682. CHARGEX 44 tf, Gene ral Ma na ge r POSITION WANTED Qualitied manager with 17 years business experience seeks G.M. position in smaI h ta medium sized company in local area. Write Advertiser 597, c-e Canadian Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilîe. 3-4x APARTMENT. approx. $150. for mother and baby. Phone 623-5741. 4-1ix FARM with good bouse and barn or house and barn only, within 10 miles, 0f Bowman- ville. Phone 623-5674. 4-2x Workabhe land by responsible farmer. Write Advertiser 594, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvî île, onTar- io, LlC 3K9. 2-4x TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Sale of Surplus Equipment Sealed Tenders clearly mark- ed as to contents wilI be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p .m. E. S. T. Tuesday, February lth, 1976. For the Sale of: Where is, as is ONE: King Seagrave Sait Sand Spreader Model H D62 ONE. King Seagrave SaIt' Sand Spreader Model HD69 ONE: one-way Snow PIow complete with push frame The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms - certif ied cheque. J. Dunham, Director Public Works Department Hampton, Onta rie, USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf GOOD used furniture, baby articles, other articles. Phone Towne Used Fumniture 623-4681 Bowmanville for in- stant cash and service. TIRED of staying in the house? Would yau liketo nmake full time money at a p art timi job? No investment. Oniy time with Sarah Coventry Jeweliry Co. 623-3686. 4-1 CLEANING lady required. Phone 623-4950. 2-tf FULL time help wanted for 11:30 p.m. ta 7:30 a.m. shift. Sunday midnight ta Friday morning. No weekends or holidays. Must have own transportation. Na cails after 9: 00 p. m. Pl ease cal11 623-7058. 4-1 x BABYSITTER in Enfieîd, En- niskillen area, iight house- work Wmcluded, haurs ta be negotiated. Phone 263-8052. 4-1 WATKINS Praducts need dealers, men, women, full or part time. Cal Peter Mac Eachern, Sales Manager, 623-4894, write 48 Lawrence Cres., Bowmanviile. 4tf RELIABLE persan needed ta came ta aur home ta babysit one child during the week. Evenings. 623-4577. .i 4-1 71 Year Old INTERNATIONAL FIRM Seeks Experienced, Sincere Sales Representation Are you tired of: Seliing door-to-door? Working every night? Tripping aver campetition from yaur own organization? Being treated like anather computer number? If you have direct sales experience, we offer yau a truly professional-type sales job, which eliminates these problemns listed above -- and gives you these beneits. Work for an internatioi aIIy known and respected firml Seil pratective caatings, blacktop seaiers, chemicals and cleaners directly ta institutional and industrial accounts (no small residen- tial canvasing) Repeat type of business! Migh commission rate! Potential for advancement - especiaîîy for men experi- enced In this particular field! If you have direct sellig ,experience -- and-especial y in this par'ticular field -- wNe're anxious ta hear from you. Air Mail name and address ta: Consolidated'Protective Coat- ings, Ltd., Dept. C14, 2300 Sc henker Street, Ville LaSalle, Quebec, Canada M8N 1 A2. 4-1 CARETAKERS, Applications will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, February l2th, 1976 for the positions of caretaker at the following schools: -Courtice Secandary School R.R. 3, Bowmanvil le 40 hours per week -The Pines Senior Public Schaal R. R. 2, Newcastle 40 hours per week -Clarke Migh School, R. R. 2, Newcastle 40 hours per week Good knowledge of school caretaking pracedures and cleaning methods. Abilîty ta work tram verbal and written instructions and ta get alang with people. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and teiephone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, 834 D'arcy St. North Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 41-2 4-3 WAITRESS, e-xpemience necessary, full finie.- Phone' 623-3223. 4-1 OLDýER woman ta lîve-in and babysit. Cali 623-6212. _______________ 4-1 TWO bedroomf apartment, Marianna Villa, 206 Simpson Ave., $240. per monfh inchud- ing heat, hydro-, cable T.V. and two parking spots. Avail- able March 1. Phone 623-4697 or 623-5573. 4-2 FURNISMED, one bedroom apartment, $150. plus .hydro. Possession Feb. 1sf. Phone 623-7264. 4-1 CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, cloce s, jeweilry, dishes, tumniture, crocks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendiy Flea Market, ,23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles. Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGMEST PRICE PAID ACKE'.IMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 62-5756 Residence -6371 i r' r-ir ,45tff Furnished Bedrooms by manth, week or day, shower and bath, Iicenced premnises, reasonable rates, CASTLE MOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1-tf ENNISKILLEN Vill age, two bedroom apartment, second floor, self-contained, private entrance, aduits preferred. Phone 263-8868. 3-2 THREEi bedroom Ihouse in Newtonville, $225 per month, plus heat and hydro. Available February 1. Phone Trenton 1-613-394-3023. 3-2 BOWMANVILLE Area three bedroom bungalow, attached garage, 21/2 acres of land, property ieased by year, available February 6, 1976. $350. per month. 4-1 ONE large furnished bed- room, kitchen rivileges, cen- tral location. ehone 623-5527. 4-1 TWO bedroom apartment on Lambs Lane, $170, includes, heat, hydro, fridge and stove. Phone 623-5888. 3-tf IN THE ESTATE 0F PAUL BRUNNER, deceased 'Ail persans having dlaims against the estate of Paul, Brunner, liate of the Town -of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipaiity of Dur- ham, who died on the 26th day of October, 1975, are required- ta file proof of same with the undersigned on orbefore the 2nd day 0f February, 1976, affer which date the estate will bedlistributedi with regard only ta the dlaims of which the undersigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned will not be hiable ta any persan, of whose dlaim they shahl not then have notice. DATED at Bowman-' ville, Ontario, this 7th day of January, 1976. John Brunner, Executor by his solicitors, Strike, Strike & Van Nest Box 7, Bowma-vlle, 2-3 EQU ESTR IAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR' ARENA BOAR DING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage 4~~ Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & SoId R3 BOWMANVI.LE 623-7336 Buy direct tram Manufac- turer - Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd. has a huge.selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small ta fit any need. Came by our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that, endures. 35tf m4emorials et us help you make the.selection SIMPSON 49 Lavinia St., Port Hope, Ont.- 416-885-6434 Evenings Cal, Mauri Simpson, (416) 885-4443 Auction sale at Pethick'5 Auction Shed, M aydan, on, Satumday evening, January 31sf. Smalil fridge, 24" eîectric stove, chesterfield, couch' table, chairs, iumber, many useful articles. Sale at 7:00 p.m. Cliff Pethick,,auctioneer, 4-1 Auction sale of garden equipment and househald items for Mm. and Mrs. Maroldt Hibbin, Highway 2 and Solina, Road, northeast, corner oný Saturday, February 7th at, 1:00 p.m. A list of articles inf next weeks paper. Cliff Pefh ick, auctioneer. Lawrence Marris. cherk. GET CASI ODA Y FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGII STATESMAN CLASSIFIED 1.11 ýl rc Car tf