Mary Brown's; Novices Retain Their 175 Titie Victory came easily for the Mary Brown's Novice Toros at the Saturday contest with Oshawa, in the Bowmanville Arena Young Canada Day competitions. The Mary Brown's retained their title [rom last year with a 2-0 victory to again receive the Peter Kowal trophy. Whether superb goaltending, or poor attacking efforts were r es0nsible, for the first perlod remained scoreless as did the opening minutes of the second until Greg Watson tallied the opening point at 6:03. Glen Duncan and Pat St. Amand picked up the assists. While keeping the Oshawa Club off the scoreboard, the Taras managed a second goal in the first half of the third period insurance for the victory.1 Jeff Dawson scored the insurance point at 4:45 with an assist on the play fromn Kevin Clark. Bath clubs were well be- haved in the infraction depart- ment,' Bowmanville gaing ta the sin bin once in the second for holding and once in the third for interference. Lamne Whitmarsh received the hold- ing penalty while Brian Grab- ko sat out thetwo minutes in the third period for, interfer- ence. Only one penalty was meted oufta the Oshawa club, that being an interference cal on the second period, ta David Tuepah. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 28, 1976 i Knapp' s Majorsl" Markham came to town last second place finish for Knapps Wednesday and emerged with in Lakeshore League action as first place on the stren¶,th of a they compiled a 13 win, thr- welI deserved 5-0 drubbing of tie and five loss record. the Major'Bantams. Port HopFe were drubbe Scoring single markers in 10-3 by Bowmanville le. each of the first two periods Saturday in an, exhibition t-li Markham sealed the win wîth which saw Dean Holmes three in the third. The Toro Wayde Preston notching L~. attack was kept completely off tricks. Paul Reid added apa balance by Markhams fierce while Steve Frank and Jr -checking and excellent puck Hogarth potted singles inth control. scoring spree. Greg Brunt was Losing the game méant a the leading'setup man SHUTOUT - Apparently maie ehauvinisni stili thrives in Oshawa despite gains for Women's Lib and Equal Rights in other quarters. On Thursday evening, the Molson' s brewery people are hosting a, reception for Maple Leaf Captain Darryl Sittier, and have_ invited members of the, press to join themn for a buffet and a littie chit-chat about. the Molson Cup. Alas, no women, so our female reporter is staying home to do-some sewing and mending. Maybe the boys are holding forth in the loceker room .... Foresters Hall '22-11968, Rogers 21- 11686, Luffman 21-11469, Van Goor 21-11308, Pollard 17- 11849, Shetier 14-10770, War 12-11291, Prout 11-10510, G. ?~i~4 Smith 9-10948, B. Smith 9- <" / 10658, C. Duguay 7-10971, Rozemna 4-10433- Legion Team atandings ;~~ y</ Joan Sutcliffe 6-8237, Mary '~~ /F~ < Gray 5-8372, Diane Howarthl 4-8358, Nyhi Sheehan 3-7782. High Single - Diane Howarth 3031 High Triple - iane Howarth 708.' Top 10 Averages An e Plazek 215, Joan Sut- cliffe 213, Nyhi Sheehan 214, Diane Howarth 208, Mary Gray 200, Denise Annaert 201. Bernice Partner 198, Virginia Fairey 192, Mary Bates- 184, Jean Burton 184. Beers Plumbing captain Jay Sweet disp1ays the Minor Atom division trophy which his team secured Saturday in a Young Canada Day game against the Markham Millionaires. Markham captain Paul Noad, MVP Donny Ritchie and Toros MVP Scott Masters looked on. WadePresrton VteM.V.P. a OakviIIe Downs Knapps 6-4 ~Sunnyside U Oakville's Triple "A" Major Bantams were the guests of Knapps Towing during Yaung Canada Day and lef t with a well played 6-4 victory. The hard fought contest had Oakville leading 4-2 after twa periods of play. In the third, Knapps drew even early but any hapes of a camebackç win were dispelled as Oakvîlle pumnped in two more. Wayde Preston was the top Toru sharpshooter with a pair of markers while Bihl Wright and Paul Reid added singles. Jahn Stewart, Jim Hogarth, Steve Frank and Reid assisted. Bowmanville's Preston and Steve Worlidge of Oakville were presented medallians after being selected the most valuable players of their respective teams. All players takîng part in the contest were given a Bowmanville Toro D&R Sports Down rank's By L. Burns D & R Sparts maved inta first place ahl alone by defeating W. Frank Real Estate in a close match ast Sunday. Franks started the scoring with the only goal in the first period by Paul Forsey ~with Kim Rogers gett[ng the assist. D & R tied the game with the anly goal la the second by Joe Balson with George Sainsbury setting Bal- son up. The third period was close and rough with D &-fi coming out on top witn two goals fromn Tom Conoghan an unassisted'effort and George Sainsbury glettîng the final goal with Elray Trimble and Doug Crough picking up the assists. The second match saw Brooks B.P. become the, spoilers by edging out Spencer Real Estate 4-3. Brooks jump- ed into the lead early in the first on a goal by BobHowes with Rick Wolner assisting. Spencers tied the game before the first ended on a goal by Bob Hellam with Irv Gili and John Vance -assisting. Bath teams went scoreless in the second. In the third it was Brooks with three goals in a row by Bob Howes with Rick Woolner assisting, Wayne Sey- mour with Rick Woohner and Wray Rendeli assisting, and Rick Woolner with Wayne Seymour getting, the assist. Spencers tried ta came back with two goals from Dave- Green with Bob Hellam get- ting two assists and Irv Gil pic king Up tw70 assists.. Next week D & R meet Spencers in the ýfirst match and Brooks take on Franks in the second. Night Hawks Bowling High Single Alice Larusso 313. High Triple Alice Larusso 749. S Team Standings 1. Wright 8212-9, B. Wilbur 8526. -7, M. Bates 7870-6, K. Raîston 8263-5, A. Burgess 7714-5, M. Trimble 7878-4. Young Canada Day penant, as with the second gamne of the a momnento of the accasion. best of five set for Saturday at ýKnapps start the playotis 7 at the local Queen Street this Thursday in Markhamr Gardens. LABATTSO SKI TEST CLINIC- will be held at Oshawa Ski Club January 25th, Fébruary 2lst and Marc h Ith. At Devil's Elbow, January 3lst February 22nd and March 2th. At Bethany Ski Club on February lst, February 28th and March 2lst.ý A computerized ski accident study done by the Canadian Ski Patrol System shows that in 41 per cent of al Ontario Skiing accidents, ski bindlings failed to release properly. Recent pilot tests conduct- ed at ski resorts showed that 83 per cent of al tested equipment was in potentially dangerous condition. Ten separate units will be staffed by a inimum of three highly quaiified members of the Canadian Ski Patrol. The skier simply' skis into the unit, which will then measure both heel and toc, for' the required lateral and vertical force. This measurement is then analyzed against the skier's, weight and skiing ability, to determine if the release bindings are opergting and adjusted correctly>. Should a defect be detected at any stage, the Ski Patrol will advise the skier to take the mnalfunctioning bindings to an accredited ski shop for repairs. QUALIFYING ROUNDS - Get a sneak preview of the Canadian Men's and Womnen's Gymnastic Teams destined for the Olymnpics. Canada's top gymnasts will take part in an international gymnastic competition at York University, February 7 and 8. The Canadian National Men's and Women's teams will compete against respective U.S. teams-in an effort to determine the Olympic qualification of the U.S. teams. Interna- tional officiais will judge the competition. ON SUNDAY - February 1lst ahl players and fans ofthe Electrons are asked to attend the election of this year's executive of the Bow- manville Electrons Senior Basebali Team, in the Po1iee Station at 2 p.m. WINTER CAMPING - Groups are enjoying the fun of a winter campout. There are 7 Metro Region Conservation Areas that offer facilities for group camping during the winter months. These areas are: Alibion Hilis Conservation Area, five miles north of Bolton on Highway. No. 50; Boyd Conservation Area, two miles north of Woodbridge on Islington Avenue North; Bruce's Miii Conserva- tion Area, two miles east of Don Milîs Road on the Gormley-Stouffville Road; Claireville Conserva- tion Area, one mile west of Highway No. 50 on Highway No. 7; Greenwood Conservation Area, approximately four miles north of the Village of Pickering off the Westney Road; Heart Lake Conservation Area, four miles north of Highway No. 7 on the Heart Lake Road. The Heart Lake Road is just w est of Dixie Road; Cold Creek Conservation Area, between Bolton and Nobleton, two miles north of the King Sideroad on Concession No. il. Group camping 15 by permit only and open to ail origanized youth groups with a leader and-or affiliation with a recognized club or association. For further 'information on group camping and other acîtvities of Metro Region Conservation cal 661-6600. Rqec reation Cable TV - 7 - Brian' Greenwood 3. Doug Logan 2. Scott Barclay 2, Shut oufta Phillip Bird. 1 Bon Rae Develapment - 1 - Paul Robichaud. Creative Fun - 1 - Bobby Gili. Bantamn Kiwamis Huskies- 3 - Jeff Edmondson, Pat Reynolds, William Smit. Kiwanis Cubs- 1 - Brian Canfield. Midget Gilis Texaca Jets - 8- - Ron Lockyer 5, John Crossey, Dave Down, Romea Zippier. Pitts Nursing Home E agies - 2 - Leanard White. Pee Wee Jan. 14 Nichais Motars - 5 - Marc Richards, 3, Mark Long, Dar- reli Engley, Shut oufta John Rines. Franks Variety - 0 - Bantam Jan. 14 Hires Roat Beer - 4 - Billy Lambert, Randy Crossey, Chris Willoughby, Stanley Maquire. Hackin Real Estate - 4 - Randy Praut 2, Anthony Clief f 2. Mid g t Pitts NursingUHome Eagles - 4 - Leonard White1 2, Joe Nowland, Russell Greenham. Voyageurs - 3 - Steve Cole Larry Burgess, Richard Stacey. Tyke Jan. 15 Hires Root Beer - 2 - Joey Kelly, Bruce Coake Bon Rae - 2 - Andrew Davey. Atom Jan. 15 Orange Crush -2- David West 2. Grape Crush-1- Roland Powles 1. Atomn Jan. 16 Kinsman - 8 - Chris Mann 2, Edward Bird 2, Mark Morgan 2, David Hancock, Mike Tidd. Lime Crush-1- Bobby McCullough. LarrlySparts -7 -Bobby Canfield 2, Ron Grobka 2, Arran DaSilva. Kenny Kelsh, Bradley Munro. Kirkup Real Estate - 1- Drew Filiatrault. Atom Jan. 17 Franks Variety - 6 - ,Mark Rupa 4, Terry Rigby, Dana Ruraa IGA - 3 - Tim Childs 2,' Gregory Bell. Pee Wee Jan. 17 Goodyear Rangers- 8 - Danny McMullen 2, Kevin Anderson 2, Sc ott Michelson 2, Henry Rosma, Kevin Taylor. Rotary Kings - 2 - Greg Langfard, Ted Witherspoon. Cable T.V. - 1 - Allen Mailey, Shutout ta Scott O'Neil. Rice Bowl -,0 - Metro Nationals - 7 - Steve Wood 5, Mark Bandstra, Drew Kearney, Randy Burns, Ryan Kearney. Nichols Motors - 6 - Robert Thompson 3, Ste ve Thompson, Scott Patterson, Mark Rich- ards. Pee Wee Jan, 19 Hires Root Beer - 2 - Derek Lamant, Jeff Martin. Lime Crush - 1 - Don King. Bantam Franks Variety - 8 - Mark Luxton 3, Neil Osborne 2, Jeff Down 2, Paul Cornish 1. Brocks BP - 2 - Jeff Sallaws 2 BY LAASANEN 0F FINLAND - Multi- Laminated with hickory edges - Brand New - Good'selection of colors available Sizes to f it 5 yea rs to adu it This is a very high quality ski Retail Va lue $52.90 Now OnIy $39-90 while supplies Iast SkiBoots starting as low as AIlso ... Poles and Bindings' expert-installation available REPAIRS MADE TO ALL SKI EQUIPMENT F RE E! Burning Tar (Va lue $7.00) with any purchiase Oshawa Art, House 53-595,Wentworth St. E., Oshawa Chargex Yel. 579-2253 or 728-5719 Central Marine IE lectronies * Pierce Simpsn * SnarRadio Corporation * Andrea Radio Corporation * Gam 'Electronics *:Cush Craft *Vibratrol' *U. S. Fibreglass *Scotcommf Mo-bile Telephone Central Marine Electronies R.R.1, Bowmanville 263-2918 OWA SCO0 VOLKSWAGEN LTD. Porsche tAudi Presents 'The Player of the Week7,' ~Qûci~by 9jicMan