Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 9

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Out of By E. P. Chant Once upon a timre-there was a littie boy named Johnny Flag. For some reason, Y-Johnny was always very popular with ail the people around him. He told them about al the nice things he couid, get for them and, natura ily, these promises made everyone think that Johniny was 'the-bee's knees." Johnny was liked so well that hie was eiected president of the litti .e nefighboihood club by al his chums. A cou ple months after hie had established his office in the ciub's tree-house, Johnny drafted his plan for what his club should do to honor his town that was celebrating its f-wentieth anniversary. He didn't want a parade. He didn't want a big party. He didn't want an airpiane to fly through the air and speil out the namne of his town. Johnny wanted a carnival - a circus. Obviously, even after taking ail the money hie could from the poor people in his neigh- bourhlod, there wold'tbne enough money to have a really big cîrcug. Undaunted, Johnny went to the town council and outiined his plans. The council was overwhelmed and gave Johnny a whole sack of money to s en- They gave him a copemore too, as Johnny seemed to have a great knack for spending- a lot of money' (especiaily when, it wasn t his). At last, however, the fair was completed and towns from ail over came to set up booths and pay tribute to Johnny's town.- People from "WHAT DID 1 SAY WRONG"F Don't argue with the other driver in an auto collision - but do get his auto license number, his name, address, and drivers license number, plus the name and address of any passengers and witnesses to the. accident. Notify the police and your insurance ~AgencqLimnited DOUGL;AS S. JAMES 24 KING ST. E, BOX 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. OFFICE 613-4406 RES.,623-5023 the Mouths of Babes, ail over came also to join iii the festive mood. The carnival was a great success and Johnny got a lot of credit for it, but, even with ail the money that came in the people in Johnny's neighbouoodi were still poor. No one seemed to mnd, though, because Johnny was re-elected as president of the neighbourhood club at the next election and the one after that Durnghisimein office, J nnme moe and more promises and learned more and moretricks on how to get his way without throwing tantrums.- Well, the chance arose again to have another big circus. The International Tiddlyýwinks Championship was coming up and Johnny thought it woul be fun to have another fair and hle got permission to have the championship in his neighbor- hood. 0f course, his area didn't have any good tiddly- wink tables or buildings, but hie had a cou ple months to build tham so Johnny was not worried about the situation. Johnny started off saying that hie wouldn't need the help of the town council this time - that hie could get the money himseif. However, Johnny didn't take into consideration the moody and delaying tiddly- wink tablemakes or t he inflat- ed costs of everything needed in the construction. At the time of this publication, the championship is only a few weeks away and t he town council.will probably end up Salem News The Salem Branch of Paul's U.C.W. met in t] church on January the l3th 81.m Unit leader Mrs. Ru] Shackleton opened the deri fional with a New Yeai poem, affer whicb a hyma w sung. Mrs. Iva Twist rez several shortpassages fro the Bible about new begi nings and Mrs. Helen Jac( had the meditation on fl samne theme. Mrs. Shacklef( cbosed the devofional wi prayer. Mrs. Twist and Mr Audrey Shirk favored with duet "Take fime f0 be holy af fer which Mrs. Sirk gave reading entified "I haver time", pointing ouf how bu we ail are wifh non-essenfial Mrs. Twist then foldi about a church project Costa Rica called "Puebif4 meaning "smal fown". Tih roect is under the directiî of Peter Tacon, a Canadhý Anglican, and funded in go< p art by Canadian churche Mr. Bruce Mcbeod «of fI United Church is a volunt e worker there. If is a vîllaî being builif f0 ake carei abandoned cbiidren, of whic there are up f0 10 000 in Cost -Rca resuit of thecountry prevailing attitudes and irri ponibefatherhood. Mrs. Doris Craig closed fi p rogram 'witb a poem. Mn Shackleton conducted the bi siness, Mrs. Shirk read fh minutes of the iast meetir and aiso some fhank YOU notE for -Christmas remembrancei affer which a delîcious lun was served by the groupi chuarge. We closed eariier tha uulon account of the heav snowstorm. St. the, at iby 70- r's las ýad Lan- ýob le 'on th rs. 1a isy Is. uis in O'l is B.. rie ýer of ;ta j"s' ,e- rie s. rie giving Johnny a tew more sacks of money. 0f course, you ask, the profits from the championship weill be able to pay back ail the funds that were dipped into, won't they? Weii, at the start of if al Johnny said that the Interna- tional Tiddlywinks Champion- ship couldh ave a deficit as easiy as his pet kitty-cat couidlay an egg. 0f course, Johnny said this jokingly, but we wonder if hewiil be laughing when hears his egg meowing. Kr9ENDAL The community was sad- dened with the sudden passing of Mr, Thos. Stevens ýoný Saturday morning at their farm home. Mr. Stevens had been a Secondary Schooi teacher in Toronto and sonie years a go bought a farm north west of Kend ai. Where they have been living most of the time since his retirement ait hough they stili retainec their home in Toronto, Our deepest sympathygoesf Mrs. Stevens and thirfoamily. They have been faithful atten- ders of Kendal Church. The funeral service was from the Memorial Bedford Foundation in Toronto. This being the Week of Prayer for Unity the Rev. G. Montgorner 's morning mes- art ne. The secnd a er'1 ge heard next Sunday, the end of Week of Prayer. The Sunday Sehool pupils were each presented with a Bible during the church service. High words of appreciation were extended f0, the superin- tendent Mr. Mark Wagar who has built up a good Sunday School with his staff of teachers. Wîth regret we learn of -bis decision to resiga from the position. The winning people at the card parfy held iast Friday evening in Kendal Hall were as follows: Lady's high - Mrs. Lavina Downes, lady's low - Mrs. Jili Hancock. T he gent's high went f0 Bruce Robinson and gent's iow f0 Roger Downes. The 50-50 draw was won by Reg Eiliott. The next ,card Party is f0 be in two weeks time , Jan. 3th. A ~British economnist con- trasfed Ja pan's dynamic 4conomy, subject to minimal government interference, with Britain's stagnation under highly intervenfionist governments. In Japan, 73 per cent of the work force is em ployed by' small and medium enterprises -- the truiy competifive market sec- for -- in Brîtain only 20 per cent. Canada, with 55 er cent, is at the cr-oss-roadsetween these two extremes. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS in Chartered Accountant in 115 Liberty Street South rn Bowmanville 'y Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King, St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNQDDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residen ce: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202,, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours:, 9:30 a.mn. to 9p. m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street'East, Professional BIdg. Office Hours: 1Weekdays 9-5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D. S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanvil le Office Hours:, CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FT E RNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'til 5 Wednesday - 9 'til,2 Friday -9'tiI 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 1-Honor L eRoy Brown wîth Banquet and Open House LeRoy Brown, the recently retired Vicforia and Halibur- fon Counties agriculfural represenfafive for 27 years was honored by close f0 300 at a banquet Wednesday night and an open house in the affernoon at Ops Community Cenfre. The tribute f0 Mr. Brown was the effort of severai county farming organizations, junior farmners, borticuitural society, Lindsay F ir Board and local Women's Institutes. A color television was pre- sented f0 him by recept ion and banquet member Cameron Kennedy on behaîf of ail the groups taking part. Head table guests for the evening included Gordon Ben- nett, Ontario deputy minister of agriculture and food; Vie- toria-Haliburton MP, Bill Scott; MPP John Eakins Reverend borne Dorsch and their wives, including Mrs. Aili Brown. During 27 years in Victoria County Mr. Brown wrote over 1,000 weekly news releases. In ail he spent over 33 years with the ministry of agriculture and food, with frevious jobs held in the same ieid in Huron County, Ontari , County and Grey and Middlesex Counties. Mr. Brown retired Jan. , and wilI be succeeded Feb. 1 by Carm Hamilton, suipervisor of the 4-H1 agricultural pro-, grami and secretary-treasurer of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario., Rezonîng Bld Sta lied For Works 1Unfîl the Newcastle Works Deparfment conduct an in- spection of an access road, the Planning Advisory Commiffee bave put a stali on the application f0 bave the site of the Durham County Senior Cifizen's Lodge in Orono rezoned. The rezoning bid, requesfing 6.6 acres, immediafely wesf of the Orono Creek Valley be desi.ýnated as urban res- identiai, was madle f0 permit the construction of 40 smail cottages. Planning Direct or George Howden explained fhat the works depart ment wili see whaf improvements are nec- essary to, Station Street and estimafe the cosf. Mr. Howden advised that no other means of access f0 the site would be acceptable. At ifs narrowest point, the Dépt. Study streef whîch formerly was a rail uine, is 18, feet across. MIr. Howden believes tbi's coul creafe serious problems for the majorify of senior citizens who couid depend on waiking as a mode of trans- F orfafion aiong fhe streef, travelling fo and from Orono, parficularly af nighf. Speaking 'for the iodge, solicitor Ricard Lovekin took the opposite view f0 Mr. Howden and mainfained thaf the streef could be used as an access f0 the site in ifs present stafe with a few imýprove-I meaf s. Mr. Howden recommended in addition thaf, the solicit or begi-n action f0 acquire the deeds of the access road from the province and Canadian National Râilway. T he majority of the road is apparently owned by fhe -ScinTwo The Cana dian Stafesmnan, Bowmanville, January 2,17 Minisfry of Nafural Hesources &ý while t heraly stili RA% onrhpto a s mail section ar ïiTo fial close f0 &rono. mmes uaraTp~casIvle As omeof ademted-rof Informallon Course on Wucatîrjn ly unfaâmiliar withi the lo- Those who enirol la the to learn more about our cation, Chairman Kirk Ent- "Know Your Board of Educa- tunot ouîd yenou rgehe wisle arranged thaft to get a fion- information course' will Burordt oulebrncoethe better idea they wudmeet hea teborocarmarte difeettyes of pubLzic in-r with Mr. oei at the site educafion director and senior ifrntyeofpbei- this Suniday. morning at 9 a.m., superintendents iaik about the frainpoet. G.M. Boosts Prod uction A production sc'hedule in- crease bas been sannounced by General Mlotors of Canada In order f0 meet Norfh Amnerican market requirement s and wili resuif la production lune rate increases af the Oshawa car assembly plant, the comipany announiceday. SStarfing February 2, the assembly uine producing inter- mediafe-sized cars -- Chevelles, Monte Carlos and Pontiac LeMans -- will be increased fromn 32 uits per hour fe 37 per hour. To accommodate the five- unit-per-hour increase in pro- duction, appruximately 200 new- employees will be added f0 thre company payroll, bring- ing houri y an d salaried empioyment figures f0 nearly 15,000 at the Oshawa plants. Hiring of' the new, empioyees wili be completed by Januaryv 19, 1976. mnany areas of education and educ'ationial financing in Dur- ham Region. The course wili be heid on Tuaesdays, January 20 and 27, at 7: 30 p .m. in P.S. MclLaugh- lin C. VI., Stevenson Road North, Oshawa. There is no charge f0 enrol, simpiy phone 576-4600. Extension 318 to register. The emphasis durinig the discussions wiii be to respond f0 any concerais fhe public- might have. The officials wiii first describe the operations of their individuai deparfments, following which ample time wiii be allowed for comments and quesfions. Yvonne Christie, niewiy elected Board Chairmian, said: "the object of the course is communication with the public. I hope the public responds f0 our efforts f0 communicate with them by enrolliîng in the course. Everyone seemns f0 be in.- terested in education these days, and I sincerely hope fhat a Io, of people wili avail themseives of this opportunity Courage without conscience isý a wvild bat DeWitt Mobile Weldinrg 46 Liberty St. N. 423-5701 Bcwmanville I CIILVERRUECOC Cream Style Corn O.TN 39t: PIlReant Butter îJARZ IGA FANCV Peach Hialves IGA ýaisin Bre4d 19-FL A l' oz. L~ TIN - 9 SHORTCAKE, DIGESTIVE OR CHIPN' CEIOCOLATE Dad's Cookies IGA CHICKEN NOODIE, CHICKEN WITH RICE, OR CREAM 0F Mushroom lF SoU2 TINS Soup FOR MOTHER FARKERS Instant Coffee MILE MATE INSTANT Chocolate Syrup R.Dz. $1~ JAR 1.59 20-FL Dz. flflb PLASTIC Ij' RTL. :1 DETERGENT Palmolive 32.F1 q Liquiîd PASICT PRODUCE 0F USA P lSUNKIST Navel Oranges DOZ7, CANADA FANCY GR~ADE 3L 1MclntoshApples'B'AG59,~ PRODUCE 0F MEXICO Brussels Sprouts LB CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cello Carrots CANADA FANCY GRADE Anjou Pears 39,: BAGs ILI FORiTw 3 8s. à%9à Zip Dog Food, 15-OZCarnation 1AR. 09 TIN 15 cof eMate $ MARTIN'S UNSWEETENEO GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE (FROM CONCENTRATE) 1-i Juices o HUMPTY DUMPTV REGULAR RIMPE SAIT & VI1NEIIAR OR BARBECUIE FIAVORED Potato Chips BASSETT s Licorice Allsarts HIOPINER FROZEN Perch Fillets FRQZ E N Rich's Coffee Rich BLACK DIAMOND SINGLE THIN PROCES Cheese Sluces TiN 45e pK' 791: PEG 791 iZ 1.29 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT., JAN. 21-24 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 77 KNing St. East, Bowmanvîlle .........,'J .. .... .. Get ýq,ýÈ%ur Free Bïngo ad ad ul ines dtal foi M. G Goinrg to the Airport? Ta ke Trentway Bus Lines Limited Daily Limousine Service and Air Express Service Serving Bowmanville and Newcastle Area For Further Information and ReservationsCali BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 623-182or985-8166 1rnW4t MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL 011 and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia 11-668-3381 CALLUSD tîEL I TODAVUYD UEO FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS ___s E RVICIE Do You Need Money? $2,OOO - $50MOOO - 15?t, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages - Cut Your Paymentsin Haif - Consolidate Ail Your Loans Pay Off an Existing Mortgage - Combine 2 Mortgages into One - Purchase or Improve Property 1Any Worthwhkle Purpose ~arms- Commercial - Residential Mike Coughfin Tel. 705-743-2501 Great NorthernFinancial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS -

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