Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 3

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The number of clients registered for empioymeat at the Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa, Whitby and AMa for the month of December totalled 5,265, con- sisting of 2,556 maie and 2,709 female clients. This figure also includes 574 students comprised of 356 maie and 218 female clients Who are seek- ing part-time employment. December's figures are down signîficantly from Novem- ber's totals - 6,282 registered clients made up of 3,014 maie and 3,268 female registrants. However, December 1975 totals were marginally above those of the comparable month in 1974 wbea 2,464 maie and 2,462 female clients were registered for work. Agrowing number of people living in the Oshawa-Whitby- Ajax area but working in outside areas 'are seekiag employment la this locality. The incoaveaiences of comn- muting combiaed with rising transportation costs, appear to be the major reasons for this development. A total of 166 employed maie and 210 employed female clients are now registered la the three offices la this area. Atotal of 275 persons were placed la employmeat during December. This figure does not include the usual Decem- ber placements at area post offices, a figure which whould exceed 300. The majority of placements, exclu ding the post office, were made in mnanufacturing, community, business and personal ser- vices and wholesale and retail trade. The majorîty of clients were registered in the following occupations: Cierical, sales, services - - încludiag waitresses, security guards and janitors, product fabricat- ing,,assembling and repair-' ing, construction labour, truck driving. material handliniz and students seeking part- tîme employment.. Shortages of qualified clients were noted in the following areas: a surveyer worth !oo1king into Complete eyeglasses Single Vision $3 1. 00 Bifocals 43. 00 Corne loto King Optical and discover the outstanding values in price, quality and setection. The low price nct udes: o.choice of 65 tramestyles, shapes and colours oyour prescription in white, rose or green tenses *one year replacement vvarranty against breakage *your choice of case ftrom wvire selection *4-oz. botte of eyeglass - cteanjng solution, *bifocals in KRYPTOK, FLAT-TOP or ULTEX styles Latest mod and metal styles for onlv $13.00 more. Lowvest prices on special types of tenses & tints Chargex accepted. King 23 BondStI East %Oshawa Phone: 0728-1261 Beach Area Reacts ta -20 Below Zero Weather These two rather bleak pictures were taken at Bowrnanville- Beach unaym'orning, following the record breaking 20 below zero temperatures on Saturdaythat covered breakwaters with ice and lef t the lake water steaming. The pier was even frozen over almost out as far as the lighthouse, quite an unusual occurrence. supervisor, salespersoas for life insurance and real estate, cooks, waitresses, liceaced hairdressers with ciientele, live-in housekeepers, licenced auto mechahics, architectural or mechanical draftspersons welders, machinists, a metai patteramaker, a carpet layer, and a maintenance mecbaaic. -At the end of December, Question MPP About House Being Board ed Up Durham East MPP Doug Moffatt plans ta look into the reason why a bouse la the orchard area at Martin Road and Highway 2 is boarded up. He was questioned on the matter Jan. 14 at the Men's Canadian Club meeting by Clifford Pethick. Mr. Petbick, didn't under- stand why, wîth s0 many people o welfare faced witb hlhrents, the provinciaily owned bouse is closed. According ta Mr. Petbick, the bouse was rented up ta about three manths ago. Feliow Canadian Clubber Carson Eiiiott added tbe fact that it was a joint Federai- Provincial undertaking. "To close it?" Mr. Moffatt asked. "To do aaytbing with it", Mr. Eiliott repiied. Further on the tapie of there were 90 people receiviag academie upgrading at Dur- ham Colege in preparation ta enter skili training courses. There were 196 people under- Soing skiii training courses uriag the montb. During the montb of Decem- ber there were eigbt Canada signed agreements approvea under the Canada Manpower Iadustrial TraiagProgram. The year ta date figure from April ta December 1975 for signed agreements is 150, involvîng a total of 234 trainees. Looking abead for, 1976, economic conditions appear ta be improving gradualiy from the sium p of 1974-75. The recent announcement that Generai Motors of Canada in Oshawa wil bire an additioaal 200 fiaurly rated empiayees is an eacouraging start f or the new year. Based upon record sales performance for Generai Motors la the last quarter of 1975 and projected production scbedules for 1976, the local economy should receive a welcome impetus. Increased production at (ieneral Motors wîll hopefuliy stimulate feeder industries as weli. DurhamRegian wili aiso be an area of industrial expan- sion la 1976. Although details bave not been finaiized as yet, some local companies wil] be expanding existing operations and a number of new comn- panies will be expaading existing aperatians and a number of new companies will be establisisng themseives la aur area as well. An upswfng ln consumer spending la the final quarter of 1975 coupled with plans for increased industrial activity la this area are encauragiag signs for 1976. J. David Roote, Public Relations Officer. welfare, Mr. Eliiott had another matter to report to Mr. Moffatt. He advised the MPP that a man la Oshawa who has for the past 14 years run a' fish store is now out of business. The reason why be's out of business, according to Mr. Elliott, is that the tenants in the apartmeats above the store, most of wbom are supposed to be on welfare complained to the landiord' about the smeil, and the landiord evicted hlm. The smeli apparently camne from a once a week session of cookiag shrimp to seil wbole- sale or retail, PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chal- lice and Denise mnoved on Friday to their new residence on Wel..ingtaa Street la Bow- manville. Prize wianers at the local card party on Thursday night were Leta Ford, Randy Leth- angue, Bruce McGill, Ross Woods and Alan Fallis. Eigbt tables were piayed. The ympathy of the Poaty- pool community is conve{ed to the family of the fate Ronald Jackson of, Betbany. Funeral service, was heid on' Sunday at 3:30 p.m. from the Comstock Funeral Home in, Peterborough. The Teen Dance on Frîday night was weli attended la spîte of the heavy snowfaIL. Music was supplied by D. J. Barrie Huron of Brooklila Roy Gayaaor and Raiph Wood were la charge. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Propp motored to' Wakefield, Que- bec, on Saturday to attend the funerai of Norine's grand- mother, Mrs. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Houston of Toronto are the very proud parents of twin boys bora last Wednesday. The Houstons have built a loveiy new home west of Pontypool and wsll be moving into it la the near future, Mrs. Bey. Nichais of Ajax is spaiga week with hier mother, Mrs. Leta Ford, and the Baîley famiiy. Miss Debbie Richardson is empioyed in a Travel Agency office ia Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 'Rai ph Hyiand returned to OBrockvile on Sunday and Ralph resumres bis former work on Monday., We are happy that Ralph has made sucb a gaod recovery from bis serîous illness and that hie is able ta return to bis work. A Sîlver Wedding Anniver- sary party for Mr. and Mrs. Mel Cliagmnan of Omemee was held la the Pontypool Coin- munity Centre on Saturday night. A weddiag reception was held at the home of George and Fay VanDam on Friday eveaîng for aewlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Teasdale (nee Patty Buck). Mr. and rs. George Van- Dam, Sr., speat Friday night la Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Empuloyment' Condiions The Ca2nadian Statesman. Bowmanville, January,21, 1976 3 Section Two Gary VanDamn and Tammy. Rev. Fieko was unable to get bis car started on Sunday morning in the sub-sub zero cold so in bis absence Mr. Frank Stacey carried on withý the service and did remark- ably xxell in supplying in the IlCo.ngratulations to Mr. and Mrs. P, Dillon, who were the proud grandparents of the, first New Year's baby born in Bowmanville Memoriai Hos- pital. Hampton Womens Institute Ms. Bryant, our president, 0Fend the j anuary meeting Hamptona Women's and wecomèd Our guests, the ladies of the U.C.W. The Instîtute Ode was suag and the Mary Stewart Collect repent- ed in unison. The minutes were read and approved and a number of thank you cards were read. The roll cail "What I like or dislike about our community" was well answer- ed and everyone agreed Hampton was a friendiy placeï in which to live, Mrs. Bryant read a poem 'Conservation', and then turned the meeting over to the South Group. Mrs. Allia took the chair and called on Mrs. Caverly to introduce the speaker for the afternoon, Mr. Bob Allun, Supervisor of Conservation for this area. Mr. Allia spke, on Conservation and the pi ans for the present Hampton Mili. The Mill was purchased in 1974 and possession obtained in 1975. While the foundation is good, the exterior needs somne repairs. It is hoped in future to have the Mil in working order and opened at certain tîmes for the public to see. Improvements have to be made before the fire marshall wouid approve of it being opened to the public.' There was a great deai of discussion about the pond and Mr. Allia said the pond was to be left as it is and t h dam w Iii be maintained. Mrs. Allun thanked the speaker and then called on ers. Mountenay for the mottio - Snowmobile Safety. We were favôred with two solos by Mr. 1 Bruce Hurst, accompanied by Rev. Erb. The Offering was taken and the meeting was closed by repeatîng the Lord's Prayer. 1 publicly proclaim this weekas Kick The Habit Week in Durham as proposed and supported by Durham Reg ion Tuberculosis and kespiratory Disease Association relate to SMOKING AND HEALTH This 15 actually a'three (3) point program: 1) Presentation of the Kick the Habit message. 2) Taking registrations for Smoking Withdrawal Course commencing Febru- ary 9th at F. J. Donovan Collegiate. 3) Pubjicize and distribute upon request, f ree Kick The Habit, Kits for those unable or reluctant to attend a No Smoking Clinic. 1 practise non-smoking 1 encourage you to participate 1 ask you to support this worthwhÎle, benteficial practise which can make YoU considerably heaithier, somewhat wealth- ier, and thereby a littie wiser. (Sgd) Walter Beath, Ca irman Regional Municipality of Durham JanaryandFebruaýýry SPEIAL M YOPU JST CAN'T AFFORD TO COOK AT HOME! $ Presetths cuo adreev any purchase of $5.00 or More a,%Ury Brown's Fried Chicken 751/2 King St.E. Bowmanville, OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY 29, 197

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