Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 8

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a '1-e Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, January 7, 1976 FLASHBACK-25 VEARS AGO - At the annual meeting of the Bowmanville Recreation Commis- sion Bill Bagneil instructor of the swimming ciass reported an enroilment of 52 paid members. Mrs. L. C. Mason reported 34 paid members in the Family Skating, Club, and Mrs. Geo.- Buchan reports 10 in the smocking and 27 in the dressmaking classes. It was decîded to pay referees in Pee Wee gamnes $1.00 an hour. Up until niow the referees had donated their time. FLASHBACK-10 YEARS AGO - Councillors Ken Nicks and James Bourke were re-appoint- ed to the Recreation Committee for 1967 at the Council meeting on Monday. Councillor E. J. Rundie congratulated Nicks and Bourke on their excellent work and re-appointment and read a letter of. appreciation and asking for their re-appointment from the Recreation Committee. MEETS COMING UP - Ail members of the Legion's' Track and Field Club are urged to be at thie northeast doors of Bowmanville High Schooi at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. lth to begin training for the upcomîng track and field meets. The first one is oniy five weeks away. CONGRATULATIONS - to the Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major PeeWee Toros defeated Streetsville 5-1 on Tuesday, Dec. 30 at the South Central Ontario Region Silver Stick Hockey Tournament in Bramalea, to win the Pee Wee "A" consolation series. LOVE THOSE SABRES - hockey fans and play- ers have to compliment the Buffalo Sabres for SAVING FACE for Canada's National Game and defeating soundly the Soviet Wings 12-6. Just shows what determination, dedication and discipline can do. THE SWEDISH - hockey team defeated Bow- manville St. Marys Cement Juveniles here on Sunday night 4-2 before a capacity crowd. Con- gratulations to Brian Martin, Kirk Kemp and Steve Hogarth whose line scored botb goals. BOAT LOVERS - wili have a chance to see the Riva 2000, best described as the Roils Royce of the power boat, business, at the Toronto International Boat Show. The model to be shown is 38' long with three gasoline engines of 350 HP each, and seils for $!38,000.1 Four kings, four shieks, a sultan, four princes, a wide range of industriaiists, Brigitte Bardot, Sean Connery, Anita Ekberg, Rex Harrison, Peter Sellers and Roger Vadim are amnong the owners of these iuxury boats. GOES JR. B -ail junior A hockey teams must reduce their player roster to 19 players by January 10. Gus Bodnar, of Oshawa, Gener- ais has made some changes already, sending Bill Leanian to Junior B Oshawa Legionnaires; W. Frank Realtors Win Consolaion 'A' Award 'At Silver StickTourney The Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee Toros defeated Streetsville 5-1 for the Pee Wee 'A' consola- tion, on Tues., Dec. 3th at the Souith Central Ontario Region Silver Stick Hockey Tourna- ment in Bramalea. Mark Abbott opened the scoring with assist f0 Lenny Dyck then Doug Dilling in- creased the score with assists to Kent Wilcox and Jon Janack. Streetsville scored next fo end the scoring in the first period, with the Realfors leading 2-1. The second period was scoreless with both clubs having a number of good chances. Jon Janack scored unassisfed early in the third period on second effort affer sfealing the puck from the defencemen. Kevin Tink scor- ed with assisfs f0 Todd Hooper and Randy Lake witb good po)sitional play on this goal, then Hooper scored a great golfrom the slot on an accurate pass from Wilcox. Grant Bradley in. goal for Realfors was certainly af bis besf during this important game. On Tues., Dec. 3th the Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee Toros lost 4-3 f0 thfe Oshawa Sboe- world in league play at Children's Arena. Jon Janack opened the scoring with as- sîsts f0 Doug Dilling and Kent Wilcox then Ryan Kearney scored unassisted. Jon Janack scored the final goal with assists to Dilling and Brent Thompson. The Realtors play- ed a strong game affer just returningfýrom Silver Stick play, but a couple defensîve errors proved cosfly, witb Paul Adams in goal. The Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee lost 5-2 to Lindsay on Sat., Jan. 3rd iu league play. Kent Wilcox opened the scoring Wîth Brentt Crossey assisting then Kevin Tink scored with assisfs to Mark Abbotf and Ryan Kearney. Grant Bradley in, goal1 received ver y lit fle help from the team in front of him. Next game at Darlington Sports Center on Jan. 8 at 6: 00 g m., against the sfrong Wbif- y-Brooklin squad. The Reait ors will be part ici- p ating lu the annual Lindsay Tournament on Jan. 10-11. ;EPERT CiR CIRE Darlington Auto Centre Kin st. and Waverly Rood - Bowmanville Tune-Ups - Carbu retors Electrical Repairs Complete LUbricat ion Please Phone 623-6900 for Appointment HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday John Ballantine - Jay, Rogers at Your Service St. Mary'sý Cernent Juvýs. Enjoy First Outing on Vcnsfone's Mili Pond Ice With the Christmas holidays well underway and the coid weather freezing over the miii pond, these 'boys from Bowmanville Senior Public School took advantaize of the ideal conditions to have a game of shinny down at Vanstone's December 23rd. One of them reported that he'd received a contract offer from the Maple Leafs but was also considering joining the Toronto Toros -- with their iast place standing in the Canadian Division of the WH.A., the Tôros couid really use his help. -Photo by Liz Armstrong S'Ai Emard assisting. Lindsay tied the game ona went alad on a goal by Greg sioan. W * Doug Tamblyn tied the With4-O i v r Pot H pegame with14 minutes rein- KnxadGary Cox. These games were teamn * efforts as the players, played JUNIOR C TEAM STANDINGS Ted Puk assisting. steve Babou t e a eof Coy Up To & Including January 4, 1976 Harper tied the' game for bourg on Monday nihtCo-a Cobourg2 Li ndsay, Port Perry2 Stouffvilîe2 Bowmanville2 Frankford2 Port Hope, By David Goheen Bowmanville's Port Dar- ling ton Marina Hotel Juniors picked up a total of three p oints, f0, keep alive their hopes for a playoff position, as =they defeafed Port Hope 4 fo0O antied Lindsay 3 f0 3 lasf week. Lenny Chapple picked up the shut-out in a strong game in the nef., Gary Cox opened the scor- ing for the- Eagles, off en taking a pass from Doug Tamblyn and Joe Humenick. In the second, Brian Simp- son scored from Gary Cox and .P.* Won Lost 26 19 4 26 16 7 28 10 12 24 11 10 24 10 13 23 8 13 26 3 19 Tied 3 3 6 3 2 4 Youth Bowing TYKES Delorme 5, Murray 0, Caro- lyn Connelly 5,,Cath Corlnelly 0, Smith 3 ,Sodhi 2, Hancock 5, Wesselius 0. Team Standing DeLorme 5, Carolyn Connel- ly 5, Hancock 5, Smith 3, Sodhi 2, Murray 0, Cath Connelly 0, Wesselius 0. lligh Singles D. Hancock 165-138. High Doubles D. Hancock 303, S. Smith 247. BANTAM BOYS Richards, 5, M. Luxton 2, Tippins 5, Woolley,2, S. Luxton 5, Smith 2. Team Standings Richards' 51 Tippins 5, S. Luxton 5, Woolley 2, M. Luxton 2, Smith 2. High Singles S. Woolley 207, S. Wesselius 196. G. Smith 194. High Triples S. Woolley 555, G. Smith 52". .BANTAM GIRLS Taylor 7, Knapp 0, Coombes 5, Luxton 2, Hancock 7, Wright, Team Standings Taylor 7, Hancock 7, Coom- bes 5, Luxton 2, Knapp 0, Wright 0. High Singles D. Taylor 226, D. Hancock 202-198-196, S. Sfainton 182. High Triples D. Hancock 596, D. Taylor 503. JUNIOR BOYS Richards 5, Crossey 2, Edmondson 5, Murphy 2, Stevenson 5 , CoomEes 2, Hammond 7, Samis 0. Team Standings Hammond 7, Edmondson 5, Richards 5, Stevenson 5, Murphy 2, Crossey2. Coombes 2, Samis 0. Hi g bSingles M. Charland 213, B. Ric- hards 208, F. Smith 208, R. Kirkton 206. High Triples B. Richards 579 M.* Char- land 538, R., Gibbs 527, R. Crossey 502. JUNIOR GIRLS Roberts 5, Brunt 2, Richards 6, Rendell 1, Williams 5, Fairey 2, Westlake 5, Ingram 2. W.in One, Ti Bowmianville 5, Cobourg 2 Bowmanville's St. Mary's Juveniles claimed a bard fought 5-2 victory against Cobourg, Dec. 20. The game opened with Bowmanville takîng the lead 3-2 in the first period. Bow- manville goals were scored by Neil Ryan at 5:25 with Gerald Brunt and Jordy Boden assist- Mixed League Bowling Aileys 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. January 5, 1-2, ý3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. 1January 12, 4-5, 6-2, 12-3, 9-11, 1-7, 10-8. January 19, 9-3, 1-10, 11-4, 5-12, 8-2, 6-7. January 26, 7-12, 5-8, 9-2, 10-4, 11-6, 1-3. Team No. 1- Joan Suteliffe - Capt. Maurice Annaert, Helen Dunn, Jack McNulty, Bertha, Wilson,,Pat Russell., Team No. 2 - Doris Joli - Capt.,' Gord Simpson, Vi Coole. Paul Thiessen, Carol Russell, Glenn Killens: Team No. 3'- Peggy Hp";-ies capt., Albert Saxhan', Denise Annaert, Walter Curr, Gloria Bàte, Roman Opoka. Team No. 4 - Bernice Buday -capt., Ian Welton, Susan Rutty, George Bebee Mel McNulty, AI Bentley. Team No. 5 - Maria, Opoka - capt., Vern Connors, Barb Gilkes, Ross Hall, Jackie Welton, Wayne'Hicks. Team No. 6 -Nyhi Sheehan - capt., Jim Murphy, Lola Wright, Trevor Hulme, Wendy Killens, John Stainton. Teamf No. 7 - Pat Bagnell - capt., Don Ellis, Irene Hulme, Ron Suteliffe, Debbie Luxton, John Wilson. Team No. 8 - Shirley Bickell - capt., Ross Wright, Flo Draper, Don Hamilton, Elean- or Hilts, Bill Alldread. Team No. 9 - Pat Forsev - capt., Ernie Perfect,' Donna Haynes, Ron Haynes, Darla Hicks, Terry Emmett. Team No. 10 - Virginia Fairey - capt., John Luftman, Hilda- Simrfick, Larry Forsey, Anne Emmett, Norm Hilts. Team No. il - Bey Alldread, Jim Bruton, Karen Buday, Don Bagneli, Angela Saman, Cliff Draper. - Team No. 12 - Marie Brooks - capt., Larry Piper, Linda Bentley, Roy Sandison, 0111e Patfield. Sonny Sheehan. T. Pts 41 35 26 25 21 T~8 10 Doug Tamblyn. AI Emard scored with 40 seconds remaining lu the second, assisted by Gary Cox, and Joe Humenick. In the third, Paul Albreckt scored from Gary Cox. This was an excifing bard- hitting game wifh few penal- ties, but excellent end f0 end rushes. On Friday,, the day after New Year's, the team started 1976, on a fying note lu Lindsay. Nick Van Seggelen opened the scoring for the Eagles with Graham's IGA Afoms Defeat Uxbrîdge 3-2 On Monday, D)ec. 22,Gra- Keene Hammers Graham's ham's I.G.Atom BS payed On Saturday, Jan. 3, Gra- host to Uxbridge and beat the ham's I.G.A .Atom 13's travel- visitors 3-2. led to Port Ho pe for the Atom If was a tight checking tournament. Graham's were gaine with bofh feams throw- defeated in the first game by îng very few body checks. the host team 6-1. Todd Goal, scorers for Graham's Stevens got Graham's only were David Hogarth from goal unassisted. Goalie Bir, Trevor Marfyn and Vic Ro- McArthur of Graham's I.G.A. mard, and Scott Johnson fromn won the outsfanding player of Don Daigle. Finally, b ard- the game award. working Todd Wilbur scored In the next game, Graham's the winning goal by tipping in came up with the best effort of a Todd Beers' drive, assisted the day and beat Cobourg 4-3. also by Todd Stevens. Gra- Goal scorers for1 Graham's ham's picked up both penal- I.G.A. were Vic Romard from fies, goîng to Trevor Martyn Trevor Martyn and David and Jeff Logan. Hogarth. Cobourg went ahead Beat Keene 2-1 2-1 only to have Graham's Lose to Newcastle 3-2 come roaring back, lead by On Monday, Dec. 29, Gra- Jeff Logan's two unassisted ham's Afom Bs travelled f0 fallies followed by Todd Beers Lindsay for the Lindsay tour- from Don Daigle f0 make if nament. The I.G.A. boys met 4-2. Cobourg scored the final Keene in a very close game tally of the game. wifh Graham's winning 271. Graham's I.G.A. went Todd Beers got Graham's on againsf Keene for the "B" the score sheet with a solJo championship and were beat effort. Trevor, Martyn gof 6-1. Jeff Logan got Graham's what roved f0 be the winner IG.A.'s only goal unassisfed. with îhris Wilson and David Graham's Todd Wilbur won Hogarth assisting. Keene sco- fthe Most Sporfsmanlike Tro- red lafe in the second f0 end phy for the tournament. the scoring. MONDAY NIGHT LADIES On Tuesday Dec. 30, Gra-' High single B. Wilkins 319. ham's I.G.A. Lost tô Newcastle High triple S. Davis 815. 3-2 in one of the best games of High Averages S. Dehart the tourney. Newcastle open-, 217. ed the scoring only. f0 have Team Standings Jeif Logan score on a break- S. Dehart 29, O. Etcher 26, J. away. Newcastle roared back Baker 251/2, V. Terry 251/2, D. f0 take the lead 2-1. Scott Harness 2412, F. Bradley 23, J. Johnson for Grahamn's blasted Allen 221/?, N. Evans 22, S. a beautiful shottf0 fie if 2-2. Davis 20, M. Flint off 20, J. Newcastle scored with a Patfield 17, J. Bragg 15. minute and a- haîf left in the Top 10 Games g ame to eliminate Graham's B. Wilkins 319, S. Davis 294, IG. A. from further play. Billy 282, O. Etcher 292, S. Dehart McArthur between the pipes 276, F. Bradley 264, T. turned in an excellent game as Forrester 261, J. Ard 259, L. did everyone on the team. Cole 256, B. Janssens 254. le One. ing, Bob Omitn at:0wtb Kk Kemp assitingKr 1Kemp with the third goala il1:00 with assisfs from Gary, Nemis and Dave Downs. Cobourg's goals came from Kelly Curtis at 1:40 and Bryan Reid at14:40. Penalties of the opening round totalled four minors for Bowmanville wîth Cobourg taking two minors and an addition caîl for' a major and game misconduct combina- <,fion. In the second period Bow- manville moved ahead 4-2 on a goal scored at 5:01 by Tom Nowlan, unassisted while a final goal in the third period scorediby Bob Ormiston at 14:55 wit assists credited f0 Gary Nemis and Jim Hutton clinched the victory. Bowmanville were called on four minor penalties in the second period and five minors in the third while Cobourg suffered four minors and two majos and game misconduct cobnations in the second wifh an additional eight min- ors, four majors and fwo game penalties in the third. Bowmanville 7, Lindsay 7 The following day, Dec. 21, the St. Mary's Juveniles fackled Lindsay in a match that saw their oponent s come from behind to gain a 7-7 fie. Bowmanville grabbed an early 3-0 lead in the firsf period witb Bob Ormiston scorin g unassisfed, Kirk Kemp from Steve Hogarth and Rick Scott and J. Hutton from Kim Rasmussen and Steve Hogarth. In the second period Bow- manville confinued f0 move ahead with an, additional two goals but Lindsay began closing the gap with three in a row. Kim Rasmussen and Brian Martin scoredý for Bowman- ville while Dave Webster, R. Howell a nd Dave Hawkins of Lindsay added singles. Then in the third the tides really turned as Lindsay tallied four times, with Phîl Murtha at 2:12, John Ross at 6:59, Bob Craig unas5isted at 7:56 and Phil Murtba agaîn at 14:38. Two final Bowmanville goals were added by Gerald Brunt. The game fotalled 2?8 minor penalties for Lindsay while Bowmanville were ca]led on 10 minors and one major.

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