Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 8

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est - î , Bowman ille, Januarv 7, 1976 Section Two Mr. Jennekens considereci of time of the survey, Mr. Alhogh assured by Dr. the matter "a valid question" Jennekens said two or three or Geffrey Knight of the Atomic assured that "we want to four mfonths -bùfiiit-UTt was Energy-, Control Board that correct the situation that complicated by the fact that stdetsar otexosd ooday." the ground was frozen and hîigher than eomne xt Mr Jennekens further ad- therefore iSolated radon gas. levels of 'radon gas, not ahi vised that there was a When the teacher asked for parents of students f rom Port "ground survey" but that the confirmation that there was ope's St. Mary's School are board was "reluctant to re- no danger from the soil and convinced there is no danger. lease information tihi it is questioned "have you checked In fact, at the recent confirmed. " e soil?", Mr. Jennekens meeting with atomic officiai s, Questioned as to the length simpiy repiied, "No". ma ny pare InswCUC 1inagree- ment with the concerns of MF Allan Lawerence that the source of the radiation sbould be found and the contamin- ated fi removed before their chuidren return to the school. 1Other parents feit that the best expert advuce and assist- ance was being used to its fullest and shouid be accepted while yet another group un- decided, feeling that some reassurance bad been given them but still feeling concern fOr the source of the radiatuon. In answer to a question from ;ne teacher on the location of tecontamiuiated filand the lelit îs at, brougbt an ans- wr f rom John Jeanekens of the AECB, who chaired the meeting. Knapp's Towing Bantams Splurge for Five Goals in Third to Defeat Cobourg A five goal outburst in the third period vaulted Knapps Towhng Major Bantams into a 6-4 vctory over Cobourg iast Saturday in Lakeshore Lea- gue competition. The teams traded markers în the tigbt defensive first wth Cobourg scoring the only go'al in the second. The Toros outscored the visitors 5-2 la the wide open final frame. Pa-il Reid iead Knapps with a pair of goals and one assust. Paul Cascagnette and Jim Hogarth each added a goal and an asshst wbile Ken Cowie and Jody .Ross picked up single tailes. John Stewart, Dean Hulmes, Murr ay Ruddy and Wayde Preston, also drew assists during the contest. Mike Paterson and Kevhn Gibson split the Toro netmind- ing duties with each turning la strong performances. Thompson, Nestieton, Dr. and Mrs YJack Marlow, Jane and Patricia, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mairs and Stephen. Mr. Roy Werry spent from Wednesday untul Saturday in Deep River as guest of his brothr Mr. and Mrs. Murray Werry. He. also visited bhis cousin there. 1 Severai local curlers en- joyed particiatagin the Bxing DyBasilat Fort Ferry. Mr. Neil Baiiey en- .joyed the annual Ontario Teachers' Bonspiel un Oshawa Curling Clubs on Saturday. On Cbristmas morning a hoss meant considerabie gain in finances and sef-esteem to one local lady. Congratula- tions. Mr. and Mrs, Rahph Lar- mer, John, Dave and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Essery were Christmas Da guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden of Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Martyn of Texas -are spending Christmas bolidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H arold Martyn, Blair and Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- Camp were Christmas Day e uests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, anCamp and boys at Fort Perry. Christmas Day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Thompson were Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dowson, Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tborpson, Toronto and Miss Susan Tbompsoa, Kingston. Cbristmas Day _guests of Mr. and Mrs .Tennyson, Samells were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer of Bowrnan- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drink- water and familyo Ottawa, Madame Justice M. VanC amp were Christmas holiday guests of their mother Mrs. W VanCamp. On Tuesday before Christ- mas Mrs. Harvey Graham was guest of honior for a surprise birthday party. When she and Harvey returned home their living roorn was filled wîth -fiée n-~ail rela- tives Who h'd gathered in their absence. TEi surprise bad been arranged b y Harvey and daughter Cheryl. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs' Dalton Dorrehi were Mrs. Cari Wright, Mrs. Pearl Biibey, North Caroina, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilis Kenora, Mr. and Mrs. Bihi Dickson, Burling ton, Miss Heather Dorrehi, London and Miss Janis Dorrehl, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samehîs accompaaied Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells of Peteî borough on Saturday to Bowmanville for a family gathering at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Vincent Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mantie and family of Orono hosted a famlly gathering on Sunday to honor lher mother, Mrs. Carl Adams on lier birthday.' 1Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant and family joiried a farnily Sathering on Christmas at the orne of Brenda's parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Dean Ormîston, Brooklin. Christrnas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. RusseliLarmer were Mr. and Mrs. Don Larmer and farniiy, Peter- borough, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Larmer. and family, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Larmer and family, Picker- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson and farnily, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson, Oshawa, Miss Edna Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mairs and Stephen were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry. U.C,W. Fourteen members an d one guest met at the home of Aileen Byers for a dessert lunch prior to the Christmas meeting of the afternoon unit. Ermna Strong was warmly greeted by ail. Flora Samehîs read a poern "God's Gifts" and offereci prayer to open the meeting. "The First Noei" was sung Audrey Wright led th.e Devotions and be~ an by light- ing a lovely cange. After the sining f twovrses of "As with Jadness men of Old" the scrhpture taken from Matfhewl 5; 14-lb was read. À- shorti reading was foiiowed ba! ý rayer .written by Edgar' uest. FUr poems were thenà read urgigusto "Light a Cad~ or 'Hppmies, .-Tfo Beauty, for Pence and fori Kindness." A Christmas, Frayer and the singing of" "Silent Night" brought the[ Worshup to a close. During the business section it was decided that Doraý Mart n will be the next leaderý wihizabeth Skehding acting' as assistant. Jean Adams andý Aileen Byers will continue to act as secretary and! treasurer. Everyone had a, pfart in the programme asi fohhows: Fiora - asked Gayleý Malcolm and GladMs Thomp-1 son to sing a duet, ' Star of the1 East" which was beautifullyl rendered. Audrey - had a contest. She had put neariy 501 articles inside an egg sheli and1, we were asked to inare them.'ý Ruth Wilson won this game.i Marion L. was busy taking, pictures througluout the meet- ting and aiso gave a reading, J "What is Christmas?"~ Aileen - -reéad a poem,i "Christmas is for Chiidren"i noting that we are ail chihdren; at Christmas time. Dora - read a Robert Service poem which was a take-off on ,The Night Before Christ- ma" 5n also displayed beautiful Christmas Candle, explaining how it wàr made. NEWTONVILLE STARKVILLE BOWLING, Team Standings Cabbagýe Heads 32, Sweet Ruth - red two poems "Little SI pers" and "Christmas". lu a G. - told the true sto7 of a lîttle neighbor's Chri2 [ mas tree and announced the arrivai of a new baby at the Giibank home. aràmnGladys - played a lovely ms on the piano. Elizabeth - gave a reading "~Christmas in the Cou~ntry- once upon a time. f Agnes Waters - told of their Christmas hn Thailand in 1973. Margaret V. gave highlights of visit witb the Romerils and his advice to "finish whatever we start. ", Her poem was1 "Tbanks for Friends." Florence L. - told of Christ- mas when she was a child and some of the simpier actîvithes of those happy days. Jean F. spoke of Advent Seaso--n ad- it-s signu Ticane using an advent wreatb and posters made in past years ha the Sunday Schooi. She closed witb a poem" A Lovely 'PoaSamelîs, our retiring leader, expressed bier sincere thanks to ail for'their support during hier terrn of office and wished the new leader, Dora, Weil. The meeting ciosed with the Mizpah Benedcin Fepners 29. C-rrot Tops 2o,: Celer y Hearts-15, High single ernice Hender- son 266. g High triple Bernice Hender- son 652. Top 10OAverages Cindy Cowle 205, Gail MWi- son 198, Mariene Stacey 196, Jïce S~Y 14 egy Mison 192, Bernice Hender-ý son 190, Jean Arnold 183,' Dorothy Stark 183, Olivei Henderson 172, Donna Morris! 169. 46 Liberty St. . 623-5703 FREEZE EGGS FOR FUTURE USE If eggs should corne your way in the form of a bargain, take advantage of it, say food Feciai'ists at the Ontario Food CounciL, Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food - and freeze Freeze. whole eggs by mîixing 1, cup of eggs with 11/ teý.aspoon sait or 1/2 tabiespoon sugar. This helps preserve the uality of-the eggs. Freeze egg yoiks using eith er 14 teaspoon sait or 1 teaspoon sugar for each 1/2 cup egg yoiks. If the eggs are going to be used in a savory dish such as meatloaf or saiad dressing, use the sait. For desserts and baking, use the sugar. Six whole eggs measure about 1 cup, whiie 4 yolks equal '/ cup. Eg whites require no mixing andý can be frozen as is. Eggs are bestý frozen in smïli amounts. Use paper baking cups, custard cups, ice cube trays or any other smali container that wili fit one or two egs. When the eggs are compi etely frozen, remove them from these'containers and package them in freezer bags. Eggs mnay be thawed in the unopened container in the refrieerator, or under cold ruýnnmng water. If the thawed ykshave toow thick a consis- tecy, adda littie vwaý,ter before usig. ncethaed1do 5not refeze Us th egs imme- d Ftiyt ep lacfr esh ggs ha serambe thaed wholaedeggs for~ ~ ~o brufatsseta e g thaed gg hites for an Conratulations to Mrs. Alma Fower who ceiebrated her 93rd birtbday during the week. On Sunday before Christmas she was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party at the home of her daughter M r. and Mrs. George Rutherford at Seagrave. Guests included Mr. and Mrs, Alan Ruther- ford and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and family, Pickering, Heartuest, con- gratulations, Mrs. Fowier. Sorry to re1,port that Mr. Cari Wright hacito remain in Toronto General Hospital for tbe holiday following surgery He is progressing aoua. and his rnany friends wish for hlm a speedy recovery Mrs. Gla Tlyompson had as her Christmas Day guests ber daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Colacicco and family, Oshawa. Congratulations to our Blackstock High Scbooi Curl- in Team wbo advanced into the finals of the District Ontario Schooi Boys' Curling Bonspiel wich was held at the Oshawa Golf and Curling Club ast week. The local rmnk is made up of Paul Larmer, Colin Asseistine, Jack Gunter and Doug Larmer. However Doug bnci injured bis arm and had to be rephnced by bis brother Craig. Congratula- tuons, boys. Winners at the Tuesday eveaing Senior Citizens' Card Party were lst - Susie H-arrcis, 103; 2. Ana Taylor - 86; 3, Myrtie Alsop - 82; 4, Georgeý Laurite - 82; 5, Raipb Day - 80; 6, Pearl Day - 80 Low - Florence Archer. Christmas Day guests of Mr.. and Mrs. M1arwood MeKee were Mrs. Fera Law-, Take advantage of Big savings on Quaity Brand Name furniture, TV, stereo, appliances, carpet and drap- ery. McClary, RCA, Lloyds, Vilas, Armstrong, Inglis, Sklar and many more. Special purchases, ends of lines, and one-of-a-kind floor mod- els. Now's your chance to SAVE. ery eparmen ýh-ýe lU So much more than just 'a furniture store. 0 50 Dundas St. E. Wib 1 son, Mr. Bruce Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip ail of Nestieton. Christmas Day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms were Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Janis and Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradburn, Oshawa, Mr. Bir, St. John, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli, Darcy, Annie, Melody and Lisa, Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp, Cindy, Barry, Leanne, Debbie and Jay, Mr. Dennis Werry Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. LIp«yd Siemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli and family of Charlton spent several days visiting relatives and friends in the area. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Howard and Tara Ly'nne were Mrs. V. Bailey, Mr. Merlin Bailey, London,' Mr. andMrs. Roy Corden, Julie and Christie. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Mr. andi Mrs. Ron Hoskin, Craig, Shawn and Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher, Diana andL Scott, Mrs. Courtney Graham and Mrs. Reg. Boundey, Port Ferry. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Baiiey and famiiy werk- Mr -ndi Mr-, Grant Business Direcftory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Charfered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. i Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D.V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax'Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, CG.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 KAAR, CHAPMAN k FILET Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N. Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 622-69868 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street -Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Safurday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East' Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays9-5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy- 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional BIdg. Bowmanvi'Ie Office Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON LjDR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'filS Wednesday - 9'tii 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday -2660 Off ice Phone 623-5790 AUSTIN'S Stftener '128-FL. OZ. PLASTIC 8TL. DEMPSTERS 100% - 4g OFF LABEL. Whole Wheat Bread IGA FLAVOR orange Crystals 4X ASSORTES FLAVORS Dr. Ballard's Cat Food Trat yourself toeo, etn with *y IGA MEAOOWGLEN (PIECES & STEMS) Choice Mushrooms oJ. TN43e: BEEF OR IRISH Swîfts Stews O2Z.TIN 79e: MIRACRAFT Lunch Bags PILLISBU RN Crescent Roils LOZ zF 44e: 3' ,-OZ. FEuS. 2TINS 65<: 45<: GA INSTANT Skim MiIk Powder REGULAR, TACO OR BARBECUE FLAVORED Hostess Corn Chips BO 1%79 150. GRAMS PR, 45e PRO,1 0F >< IGA Apple Pie 2EAI H-79e: 20 3e DAVIOS Mlos ~ 8 Cays ozlws PG M.K 43 PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. THRU SAT. JAN. 7.10 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 77 King St'. Eost,' Bowmanvil le .'. . . . .. . . Suppli d by THE OSHAWA GROUF' LIMITED s.4p[y epot for proîresslve i)n enderifs LA CKSTOCK MONE'Y ON QUALITY PXimRmium FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMAÈ,-NVILLE CUSTOMERS CALt COLLECT Ask O inpetrator for 668-3381 or Dia I1 CE8.38 muscsU Whitby

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