Diiet, Workshop Cornes Up With Alternative Recipes By Liz Armstrong Christmas is a wonderful time of year and one of its S special attractions is the I festive meal which winds up S the day's activities. S Largetre ervings smo- therdin cranberry sauce and - ~ gravy, vegetables and spiced dessîng, and pîum pudding oozing in rum sauce ail add up to a meal1 that makes it î traditionally difficuit to get up S fromn the table after the last S morsel bas been enten. t seems that the turkey, isn't the o -1 oe t, et stuffed .,.. nthrmand egg nog and the other delicious goodies that come during the holiday segîson, this time of year is a gltnse delight - and a particularly tough time for carlorie-counters. Usually by the time New Year's rolîs around, more than a few of us have added a standard resolu- tion to our list - to shed the extra pounds we've added in December. Frpeople consciously try- Wing to avoid 'the heavies' this season, an organization known at the Diet WGrkshop has come up with analternative. It's a series of special recipes d esigned both to satisfy sea- Ssonal appetites and at the same time avoîd an overdose o f calories.' For those not familiar with M teDiet Workshop, it's the p9v, second largest international Ibanks to our chain of franchised grou e weight control program wi many kînd and' W over 35,000 members in 1000 tâ branches througbou~t the Unit- VI ed States and Canada. It thoughtful friends.W assists people on a regular your hliday basis in losing and maintain- W here's -a branch here in W overflow with Bowmanville with 25 mm W bers which has weekiy meet- happy surp rises! ings on Thursday evenings at W.7:,30 p.m. in the library. The leader of the workshop Timn F. W re is a slim -attractive e young lady by the name of Braybrook e Caria Foote, whois a graduate of M of the Workshop programi Osawa. Her own success in - W losingi2o pounds (and keeping iow neit off!) makes hier a fine example for others who have joàte'losers' club. W W New members can join at Use uany time and they can eithe r W u a 'commitment book' for e F r iuee they can pay a $3.50 registra- tinfee and defray the cost on W W weekiy basis at $2.50pe SW 19 Temperance St. S., session. * Bowmnvil e The diet the workshop Bowniavillefoliows is a 1,200 calorie, measured nortion. three- Merry Chrlstmas to ail ou.r friends!,We hope your holldays abound with happiness.. f rom Residents and Staff Sunse,-t Lodge 16CHURCHSTREET On tarlo St. Public School St udents Port rav Nativity Scene On Friday afternoon at the Ontario Street Public School a French version of the story which* was enacted by the Christmas concert, Mrs. Barbara Goodin'.q Grade 2-3 class children in the French Immersion kindergarten. performed the Nativity Scene complete with narrator and- Photo by Liz Armstrong choir of angels. Another interesting part of the program was Rotary Exchange Student Bids Farewell to Host Club At last Thursday's meeting of 'the Bowmanville Rotary Club, Australian exchan~ student Kelvin Robertson said goodbye to the members who have played host during his year long visi _p takn h club, Kelvin noted that "though I'm not old and- wise, this year has been important., because it' has matured me. One of the greater things about the Rotary, exchange is the opportunity to.be broadened." Here, Kelvin is shown with the four Rotarians who welcomed him into their hlomes-over the period of his stay. They are Don Staples, Aif Allun, Garnet Rickard and Tony Brand. During his visit~, Ilr. Ted Mann (at right) served as Kelvin's counsellor. Kelvin is scheduled to leave Bowmanvillein mid-January for a short trip to Western Caùiada before flying back to Australia.~ meals-a-day regimen based on the nutritionally balanced Canada Food Gfuide, Each week a new recipe is provided for the class and creative diet cooking is encouraized. At the weekly meetings there is a private weigh-in for each member, followed by discussions of diet Droblems and nutrition led by Carla. Wegtlosses (but not the wegt!) of members are announced and applauded, and simple exercises are given to firm up the body., New members receive a briefing on the entire program once t§he meeting is over. A goal is set after the first weigh-in which the member strives to-achieve in the weeks ahead. Once the member bas achie- ved bis weight-loss goal, he receives four weeks of free 'maintenance' instruction. During these sessions he is - taught how to substitute andl adil to the basic reducîng Sliet 50 that he can continue to live thin. In addition to,,fiie recipes which -follow M~ Diet Work- shop has reL.ased Ten Slim HoLiday Tips' for those who don't want, to pain extra weight in the coming weeks. They include several practi- cal ideas which will help keep the calories down. For ex- ample - plan to, entertain at, home where y ou are in control of the food. Keep your menus simple so that you enjoy your company and the time spent with themf. If you do go out to a party, plan what you are Oing to eat ahead of time and t en stick to the allotted ration. Do not un.wrap gift candy boxes. Pass them on immed- iately to a local nursing home where tbey will brighten someone's life. Don't faîl into the cookie- baking habit. If you wish to give a simple, personal gift, root some plants and pot them. Be sure you have a stunning and slîm New Year's outfit waiting for you in the closet. It's a positive goal- to be working toward. Buy it the week before the holidays, and ta pq the sales slip to your refrigerator door. Meanwhiie, have a happy (and moderate) holiday._ "ýHOLIDAY EGGNOG" 3 Egg YoIKS 1 Tsp. Rum Exti act 1/4 Tsp. Sait 1 Cup kim Milk pdwder, liq- uidfied, very cold Grated Nutmeg 3 Packs Sweet 'n Lo 3 Egg Whites 1 Cup Evaporated Skim Milk chiled in freezer until very coid 1. Beat egg yolks with sweet- ener until thick and lemon colored. Add rum extract., Chili 1 hour. 2. Beat e gg white with sait un- til stiff. Slowly add cold evaporated skim milk to beaten egg yolks, beating with electric mîxçr. Add skim milk and continue heating. 3. Fold in beat n egg whites until mixturE'i smooth and foamy. Pour into six punch cups. Sprinkly each with gratednutmeg. ".LUAU SHRIMP"I 6 ounces cooked medium shrimp î/4'ablj1espoqns lime juice ~Tablepoon Kikkoman Soy, Sauce icup pineapple chunks, can- ned Itn own juice, well drained 1/4 Tsp. g1round ginger 1. Mix al1 ingredients togeth- er. Marinate a few hours. Place one shrimp, one pime- apple chunk o aclred toothpick. Chili well before serving. "O0LD FASHIONED TURKEY DRESSING"l 2 Packets Instant Chieken Broth Mix 1/4 Cup Minced Parsley 1 Cup Mushrooms, chpped (optional> 2 ounces Thin Sliced Dry Bread, cubed '/4 Cup Dried Oinion Flakes 1 Cup Dicéd Celery 1 Tsp. Poultry Seasoning, 112 Cup water ' 1. Saute all ingredients except bread in teflon pan. When celery is tender, add bread. Mix well and fill neck cavi- ty of turkey or bake in small pan in 350 degrees oven for 45 minutes. "FROZEN CRNABERRY SALAD"' 1/2 Cu Evaporated Skim Milk 1 Cup Plain Yogurt LITe 1_ Tabiespoon Lemon Juice 1-12 ounce Jar Low Calorie Cranberry Sauce, stirred until chunky 4 Packs Sweet 'nLo Dash of Sait 2 Tablespoons Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate, unthawed 1. Whip skim milk until stiff. Add sweetener and sait, beating until very thick. 2. Mix yogurt with orange juice concentrate and le- mon juice. Fold into whip- ped mîIk. Stir in cranberry sauce. Pour into 1 quart mold. Freeze until firm. For easier cutting, unmold and place in refrigerator 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with endive if de- sired., Individual molds could be used as a dessert. BEA+BOGDNO The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 24. 1975' 5 Announce Grant Culture and Recreation Min - ister Robert Welch today ' announced approval of a grant- ol $5,481 to assist in theaï improvement of the New- castle Community Hall in the Town of Newcastle. Funds granted will go to- warcis the improvemnet of kitchen facilities in the hall. The provincial assistance is provided through The Corn- munity Recreation Centres Act, administered by the Arts 7 N~. Division, Ministry of Culture e and Recreation. Mr. Welch said the new e mninistry bas a sixncere interest in the developmnent of local recreation opportunities and hce was pleased to have a D W t personal invo vemnent in such projeets. Wg{hen announcn Mobile Wïeldinrg approval o this grant,th minister exessed particular 46 Liberty St. N. 623.57o3 pleasure at:being able to help 4 improve facilîties at the Bowmanville Newcastle Community Hall. IVYERY MERY:CHRISTMvjASm TO.ALL! m Tuned up to sing your praises and say t hanks t0 our patrons for your loyalty and trust. Merry, Merry Christmas! BESI WISHES FROM MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF COOK'S TEXACO 278 Park Rd. South Oshawa Enj he FnestColour T.V. Reception Own Your Ow-ýpn ELHI ATENNA PRODUCTS Why pay monthly payrmonts when you can own yo ur own system for as 10w as 9 9 lnstalled -Tax Icue Recpiuo cleearrecntinn ff chaiinels 2, e9ea*11 e12e*17ea19 e22,25 ,29 Delhi UH F/VH Fcomnblnation ontenna, rotor, * 40' tower structure, cabe direct to vour TV, Phone for Free Estimâtes Today on Repairs and Alteration b 2 YVour Present Anterina System, 4 wAlM mur