The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 24, 1975 3 BETH4ANY (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood McKee and Scott,' of Hampton recently isited .ith Mr. anc1 Mrs. W. McMahon. Sympathy is extended ta the family of Mrs. Gladys Mal- calmnson who died, this weelk at ber home in the village. Sympathy is also extended ta Mrs. Ross Davidson and other members of ber family for the passing of ber brother, Mr. Lloyd McKay, on Satur- iile -- - - - - OPEN SATURDAY DEC, 27th 9 a.m. fo 5 p.m. BRING IN YOUR CHRISTMAS. FILMS FOR PROCESSING DON'T WAIT! STOCK UP ON FILM AND FLASH BULBS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S 78 Kîng St. W. Bowmanville Phone 623-2404 m~- m BOXING DAY SPECIALS Dec. 26, 27. k k Misses and Children's Snowbo ots4'l Regular ta $7.98 Sizes 8 ta 3 OSHAWA -CENTRE Teens Us Yur Mukluks Chargex and Master-Regular ciste r-To $34.984 Sizes 6 to 9 g $2409 OSHAWA -CENTRE Assorted Not AilSizes een AvalaleShoes Regular 5 to 9.9 OSHAWA - ENTRE We'*re Open Dec. 26 & 27 From 9:30 a.m. To :00p.m. Assorted Children's, Regular To $15.98 Sizes 5 To 4 Shoes $g. 1098 eV "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 they were small ones which were about 12 inches in length and there are much larger molds in the boy or girl shapes. Gifts are given by everyone with much rapping on windows and doors an then disappearing. Christmas Day is spent visiting and caraling. Mrs. F. Hackenburg of Germany made an Advent wreath which she gave ta Mrs. Beer and commented on the fact that many of the customs of ber country were similar ta Mrs. Opsitnik's but there is no visiting on Christmas Day or Eve b y anyone only the minister who is treated ta mulled wine. The ladies wear their long dresses and aprons and carry torches ta churcb. Mrs . Hackenburg showed a Happy Cousins 133 <..turcll Street Dowmafl Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS-WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME If your organizationis5interested in a Free Floral Demonstration, please contact us. day. The Anglican Church held a successful Christmas party on Sunday, startine with a pot luck supper which was thor- oughly enjoyed, then Santa came to visît the children, and the party ended with everyone going to the Church for the United and Anglican Churches Annual Christmas Candlelight Service. The United Church also held their Christmas party on Sunday, with pot luck lunch and a visit from Santa. Bowling Bethany Mîxed Bowling League results are: High Ladies Sinle - Vi Little, 274; Men's High ingle - Steven McGill, 255; Ladies High Tripl!e - Vivian Ambrose, 599; Men' High Triple - Steven McGill, 617. Games over 200: Pieter Englesman, 229-204; Frank Ashby, 229; Lewis Neals, 226; Aime Curtis, 220-204; Sandra Ashby, 211- 217- Muriel McReelis, 215; Isabel Wilson, 215; Ken Sin- clair, 212-214; Earl McQuaid, 204-206; Beulah Robinson, 209; Ernie Ambrose, 202. Golden Star Senior Citizens Eighty -one Golden Star Senior Citizens sat down to a delicious Christmas dinner prepared by the Bethany Women's Institute and served by the 4-H Girls under the leadership of Mrs. Glen Prest- on. The president, Mr.,Pete Row- ett, welcomed the members with a special mention to new members, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Porter, Mr. Earl Fallis, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest. He referred to the fact that his resignation as president expir- ed as of Dec. 31, and asked the members to support the vice- president, Mrs. Belle Smith, who will carry on for the remainder of the terni. Mrs. Smith expressed regret at bis resignation, but commended hlm for taking the position as pastor of bis chosen religion. 'For he's a Jolly G ood Fellow" was sung with enthus- street of Orono switcbed back and iorth from County ta Provincial responsibility, the parking enforcement re- mained a local enforcement matter. Coun. Lyall insistedi that a firm decisian be obtained fram the RegionR and Mayor Rickard offered ta look into the matter of the conflicting reports wbich Coun. Lyall and the clerk have received. Lyai9 or Mayor iasm. Mrs. Lillian Fallis ac- campanied the group in a sing sang under the able leadership of Mr. Ted Spenceley and Mr. George Neals. Lucky cup prize was won by Mrs. Ruth Traynor, lucky chair by Mrs. Alice Rowan, amd Mrs. Rhea Jordan beld the lucky door prize. Mr. C h as. Smith and Mr. Les Challice volunteered ta, make an easel for the dart board. Christmas crafts made by a craft class were auctioned off. Phone committee for Cavan will be Mrs. Mary Morton Mrs. Mildred Braithwaite and1 Mrs. Florence McPherson. Mrs. Margaret Wright dis- played a namie tag from which orders will bé taken at the next meeting. Faurteen tables of cards were played and winners were Mrs. 'Ruth Traynar and Mrs. Reta Neals. Gentlemen prizes went ta Mrs. Belle Smith and Mr. Georgze Neals. The-next meeting will be on January 6, 1976. Mr. Vete Rowett is pragram convenor for the month of January. -The December meetings of the U.C.W. was held in the home of the president, Mrs. Allan Beer,' ýho warmly welcomed îail the metmbers and visitarsta the Christmas meeting and read an apprap- riate prayer wbich was writ- ten by St. Francis of Assissi. The secretary, Mrs. Addison Scott, read the minutes of the last meeting wbich were adopted and signed as read. Mrs. Herb Cappins gave the treasurer's repart that includ- ed the proceeds from the tea and bazaar witb a total balance of $L.046.49, There was two tbank you notes from Mrs. J. Whiteside and Mrs. Childerbose. The Sunday School Christmas par- ty is slated for Dec. 14, fol- lowing the Church Service, which is also ta be White Gift Sunday. A pot luck lunch is ta be served with the singing of Christmas Carols afterward. Mr. E. Cavano bas very kindly donated two trees ta the Church for the holiday season. A motion ta caver the expenses for the Christmas party w as made by Mrs. HryRyley and was second- ed by Mrs. Vincent Jackson. Fruit baskets for sick and shut-ins are being done on Saturday December 13 in the Church basement. The naminating committee are stfl looking for a Vice- President and a program convenor. There is ta be a Convenors meeting on January 5, 1976 at 1:30 p.m. at Mrs. J. Neals' home. Mrs. A. Scott presented a donation ta Compassion as a. Thank You for services rend-' ered from Mrs. Nellie Mich- elle. Instead of the usual ex- change of gifts, donations were accep ted for Street Haven for Girlswhich were dedicated with a poem read by Mrs. A. Beer and ta be delivered personally by Mrs. Elaine Bryce. The program for the evening cansisted of Christmas leg- ends and traditions and same very well known carols 'and theyr origins. Mrs. J. Neals introduced the prog ram; Mrs. Frank White readfram the Scitue Luke: 2 and Mrs. Micellre sang Adeste Fidelis (O Came Ail Ye Faithful; in Latin. England and Ireland were represented by Mrs. R., Jar- vest, formerly of Dover, and Mrs. J. Spearing whu hales tram Belfast, Northern Ire- land. Many of the traditions that rnany of us carry on bere in Canada are the saine as in these two counitries like paper chains, garlands, mistletae and holly. The children write letters ta Santa whicb they bura so tbat the message will reach hlm instead of sending tbem ita him as children do b-pre. Gifts are given ta tra'despeople on Baxing Day with Christmas nigbt reserved for patmnes and beggars and=dncn; the latter being recess, Mayor Rickard not yetý beîng present in the cham- bers,, Coun. Lyall picked up the Mayor's Chain of Office and laoking at Coun. Entwisle asked, "do yuu think 1 should try this on for size now or later? " Coun. Entwisle's only reply was a wide grin. grew up ini another village, where e worked in ei;bscînter sa p ntor hree was hty. nitne preacher. He neyer wrotea ney>er traveled'two hundred miles from the place where he was bon edid none of the things one usually associates with greatness., He had no credentials but himself. He was only Sthirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against him. His friends ran away. He was turned over to his enemies and" went Sthrough the mockery of a trial. He was nailed ta a cross between ct:o, thieves. While he was dying, his executioners gambled for his clohig, heonly prope rty he had on earth. When he was dead, he S was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend. Nirieteen centuries have corne and gone, and todlay he is the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind's pragre ss. AIl the+ýrnies thit ever marched, aIl the navies that ever sailed, alî/he arlamens tat versat, aIl the kings that ever reigned, put together, have nat affected the life of man on this earth as Tomuch as that ONE SOLI1ARY LIFE. owish you ail the joys of this Christmas Season'that means so much ta us. îkonM the 9tatt> at ~ ~/tBonfld Towers Shoppling Mail Dc 44 Bond St. W. DowtowOshawa' 576*-715 wnon De Newc astle Coun. Ken Lyall is continuing bis onslaught about the responsibility of parking enforcement on Re- gional Roads anid Provincial Highways within the former municipalities of Newcastle Village and Orono. Coun. Lyall informed Mon- day's meeting that hie had checked with personnel in the Regional traffic departmnent and was advised that such parking enforcemert is a Reional Responsibility. Here orted that hie was therefare furtber advised not to be concerned about any signs prabibiting parking as the Regional Police do not patrol the two communities and there is -nu one else appointed by them ta handie the matter. Caun. Lyall is cancerned, that the tawn's action in bîring a part-time parking attendant ta caver the twa communities, cammencing the first week of January, might not be a valid step. Town Clerk Jae Mlvay bas in the meantime checkedi witb the Regian and. been informned that the local municipality has the autharity ta enforce the parking an the roadls witbin bat, leather pants an d ois belonging ta ber children. Mrs. T. Jennings shawed Christmas cards received from Australia complete witb e ictures of the kangaroa and ooka urro and a pie ce of coral. Father Christmas ar- rives at the warmest time of tbe year sa tbey have holidays very similar ta aur summer bolidays witb picnics, and sunning and swimming at the beach. On Baxing Day, the yacht races are held. A Cathedral procession is the main custam of Belgium wth the Cathedral belîs chim- ing 99 times for Cristmas, gaily dressed cbildren, min- isters dressed in golden robes. arnate chariots, tbe Crucifix and carpets of flowers and paper. Mvrs. Michelle dressed in hier native, costume tald about Christmas in France. The onlv carols sung are "Sulent Nigbt" and "Haly Nigbt" which'are sung at Mass and gifts are givenon New Yýear's Day. The men of the bouse-hold get the tree and decarate it with candies. Christmas in France is a ver y Haly time. Mrs. Cappins partrayed St. Lucia fram Sweden and was dressed in a wbite dress witb a red sash, wreath with candles an hier head and bearing a ý late af coakies and tea. In weden, gifts are sealed with red wax, the Christmas trees are decarated and ligbted with candies, and lots of singing and dancing. The candle ha] ders are beautiful hand carved\'angels. Mrs. Michelle sang "Silent Nig ht" in French while the affering was taken, Mrs. Cappins closed the meeting with a prayer, and Mrs. Beer thanke a 1 thase who taok part in the program and gave a Benediction. Lunch was served and afterwards every- one - departed wishing eacb other a very merry Christ- mas. truly 623-4481 Five-year-old Paul, Stephens celebrates his birthday on Dec. 24th and his cousin, Jeanette Kinney celebrates her third -birthday Dec. -26th. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Kinney. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.' Morley Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kinney, Nova Scotia. Contnuesto Question Parking Enforcement È21ý9 King St. E. its own municipalities. Coun. Lyall is concerned that some smnart person may take the issuing of a parking ticket to court and win the case against the town. He offered a bet to Mayor Rickard and council of $4 that he could win such a case in court if he is issued such a ticket in Orono or Newcastle. Mayor Rickard again reîterated bis stand that'the local .uncipality hag always had the authority to enforce parkine bylaws on roads maintained by others within their boundaries. Mayor Rickard reminded Coun. Lyall that during the many years that the main ~-r r ' .~ r~'~ fN be wileth you'ý for a IDl Blessed Christmas _______________Il onm tk 3 'tcagceieh n t cittLat May the love and warmth of the -Holiday Seaýon. It is possible that the actions of Coun. Ken Lyall during a recess periodi at Monday's counceil, session might have been an indication that he will seek the position of Mayor for the Town of Newcastle in the next municipal election, Dec. 1976. On returning fromn the m