Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, Section 3, p. 5

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Mayor Commences Budget Inquiries As the question of depart- mental budgets in the Town of Newcastle for 1976 is1 fast approacbing council, Mla yor Garnet Rickard Moncday began inquiry of tbe depart- Christ Takyou at this holiday season for your Sfriendship and understanding. May the Spirit of Christmas light your way in peace and goodwill. from SPLAIN'S Sheil Self Service m S180 King St. E. 623-4811 M Bowmanville ments as to their operations in Srelation to the budget this Iyear. Mayor Garnet Rickard com- menced bis inquiry at1 council requesting information, from Coun, Don Allin on tbe status of the Animal Control Depart- ment in relation to their budget. 1Momentarily, Coun. Allin took some offence at the Mayors inquiry, feeling it was an implication that the depart- ment had been operating unsuccessfully. In the ligbt, Coun. Allun pointed out that he had at the time of the budget being set objected to the estimated revenue for tbe animal control departmnît ot f some $22,000 as being "unrealistic." Mayor Riekard however, assured Coun. Allun that the question was not intended as a criticism of any one depart- ment but bad mierely been asked as council was at that moment dealing with a report from the animal control de- partment. At the Community Services Committee Monday evening wben Mayor Rickard further in'uired concerning the animal control department's budget, ('oun. Allun reiterated bis stand that the budget had been unrealistîc witb respect to tbe estimated revenue. Coun. Allun feit tbat a revenue f ire of $12,000 or $13000 might bave been more accurate. It is expected that the department ma y remain with- in its budgeted expenditures as tbe budget figure was some $31,955 wbîle only $28,418 had been spent to tbe end of October. The sale of dog tags was anotber question that arose in committee due to tbe depart- ment's revenue depending on them. It was noted tbat tbe summer campaign by a group of students bad managed tbe sale of some 300 tags wbîch would not likely bave been sold otberwise.' Coun. Ken Lyall commented that the façt proved dog owners can be'confronted witb tbe required pureb.ase of ,a tag "by going alter them," as many wili not otberwise corne looking for tbie tags. As it-was reported by.Mr. Hancock that some inquiries bha a lready been received witb respect to 1976 tags, and as the tags are presently on hand, it was decided that tbey be placed on sale immedi- ately. s bright magic mas. Tucked in ' id our thanks andm ridrous Holiday! ' (Christmas and a ear H. WEB3BER t IZZA ~ MAPLEGROVE AZA 3ER 4th sed cars - radiator o 2:O00a. m . repairs MAS DA ~ ~igas -oùi- repairs ~ Officiais VisitBruce Hydro Several community leaders from the municipality of Newcastle and the regional municipality of Durham went on a fact-finding familiariza- tion tour last Friday to Ontario Hydro's Bruce Nu- clear Power Development located on Lake Huron be- tween Port Elgin and Kincar- dine. 1 The Newcastle - Durham group, which, included Doug Moffatt, MPP for Durham East and Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard, held a meet- ing with their community counterparts of Bruce County who have had exp erience working with Hydro over the years in the development of the Bruce nuclear power plant.. "A most worthw1,hile exIer- çise," vas the cosnssofte Newcastle-Durham represen- tation. They agreed that the information and advice gar- nered from the meetings and discussion would be ffiost advantageous in heiping them carry out their responsibilities in working with Hydro in its proposed plan to locate a nuclear power station at Dariington. The Bruce officiais pointed out -that aithough the two communities differed in some very distinct aspects, there were many similrities .and that it was most important that everyone work together ver closely right frnm the ear lest stages of planning. Thisp oint was emphasized when Zh Bruce representa- tives were asked, "I o a Lo make the choice again (whether to have a nuclear plant iocated in the commîni- ty), what wouid your decision be?" It was a unanimous "lyes" with a but- but we ,vouid do more advance com- mnunity planning, would get ail the agreements hammered out and community aspects ail sorted out ahead of time. Hydro people have assured Newcastle Council that finan- cial support for the Darlington .ommunîties would be decid- ed on mucb the same basis as at Bruce. Community impact studies wouid be undertaken beginning in early 1976) that wiii involve aill councils, ail communities s0 that a fair and 'quitable arrangement wouid t t n 1 0 e v m ti ti v e m ti t( (1 f3 b, 11 w rr. ti 01 S( N ci cc e( at st ( t w cc ec be worked out to the satisfac- tion of ail concerned. As a conclusion of the day's meetings, MPP Doug Moffatt said he was impressed wîth the fact that local services and facilities have been much improved by the Hydro deve- lopment in the area. And Mayor Garnet Rickard commented that "it would appear to me that every effort had been made to co-operate with ail the various authori- ties, local councils, environ- mental and conservation groups. " Rejpresentatives from three nearby communities- joined the Newcastle group for lunch and "they answered many questions of concern to us and in the main sploke most favorabiy of the Hydro deve- iopmen," lVayor Rickard said. Prior to the day,'s round of meetings, the group toured the site where the Bruce Genera- ting Station is now iindpr Generating Plant Last Friday several officiais from this area flew by Sikorski helicopter from Oshawa to'Port Elgin to take a tour of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Plant and find out what might be in store for Newcastle at the proposed Darlington Station. From left to right are Bruce Tink, Joe Mcllroy, Ivan Hobbs, Mayor Garnet Rickard, Brock Township Mayor Allan MePhail, Ann Cowman, Don Anderson, Manager of Generation Planning and Development, Uxbridge Township Councillor Bill Ballinger, Durham East M.P.P. Doug Moffatt, Kenneth Lyall and Darlington Plant.Development Engineer Mike Machacek. -Ontario Hydro photo fîcient planning the needed grants were slow in coming." "In Newcastle, we must make sure that there is full co-operation of the efforts of ail ministries," Mr. Moffatt said. "Lt is important that, if this projeet goes ahead, Ontario Hydro gives us a firm construction forecast for the next 10 to 20 years to enable us to plan our needs." Mrs. Ann Cowman came away from the meetings with the conviction that "Lt is most important to have funds available so that we can hire a consultant who will advise council in althe aspects of our planning and to give us prof essionai help in our negotiations with Hydro" "I amn particularly in- terested in pursuing the pos- sibiîities of amalgamating sewage treatment and water supply systeins between the town of Newcastle and the Hydro project " Mrs. Cowman noted. "Hydro should be treated as any other corporate body, as any other developer coming into the area." Bruce Tink concurred with Mrs. Cowman in identifying the potential problem of trafýfic co-ýngestion during the heaqvy construction period. They feel that other develo- pers besides Hydro will be locating in the area which will further aggravate the traffic probiem. Man3 roads are already clogge , they said. Ken Lyall and Ann Cowman expressed a mutual concern about the effect of Wesleyvilie Generating Station (presently under construction near Port Hope)., They feel that as Wesleyville construction pro- gresses, ,there is bound to be an effect on Newcastle and this should be taken into acutin any community impact studies, especinlly when allocating grants in lieu of taxes. Ken Lynîl succinctly stated that "the crux of the matter construction. The Newcastle - Durham contingent included, besides Mr. Moffatt and Mr. Rickard, Newcastle Counciliors Ann Cowman, Ivan Hobbs, Ken Lyall, Bruce Tink and New- castle Clerk Joe McIlroy; and from the Regional Municipali- ty of Durham, Alan McPhail, Mayor of Brock Township and Chairman of the Regionai Management Committee, and Bill Ballinger, Durham Re- gional Councillor for Uxbridge and Vice-Chairman of the Regionai Planning and Deve- lopment Committee. As a resuit of the discus- sions, Doug Moffatt concluded that "it seems that not aIl the ministries (provincial) were involved in t he Bruce project and the loa people feel now that thls caused problems, espýecially in the education fd.. As the project pro- gressed, education costs in- creased, but because of insuf- The Canadiian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 24, 1975 5 is--we either say yes to Hydro rd that "the local municipuilty in their proposai or we fight must 110W make a decision them a il t he way to the- whether to co-operate with Supreme Court... I doubt it Hydro or flot. I f there is 'wil be the latter. I say it is concurrence from Newcastle, time we started some hard then I think the regional role bargaining with Hydro. Let's would be one of monitoring. I, get at it, is my opinion." he don't see deep regional in- said. volvement, rattier only wlien Speaking from a regional it concern's overal regional viewpoint, Bill Ballinger said planning." From Your Friends, at SThe paint and papr eope MIOTOWN MALL OSHAWA f/k Frteseason~s festivities i ere Sputting down a red carpet of Sgood wishes, lt's Our way of saying "Thanks,' THEA WAEOE 110 King St. W., Oshawa Mon.-Fri. 10Oa.m.- 8 p.m. Sat. - 10 a.m.-5P. m. 728-0292 Comingyour way ... with tidisigSCof the season! 1We hope -vou.r Ch risi mas abounds in old-fashioned eheer. Thankq,- ou so mueh for Nou parngîn the pasi. Fromthemanagement and Staff From the at *MACINTOSH Chrysler-Pymuh 311Park Road South Oshawa Waverly Rond Question arose at council Mondayas to who officially has responsibility for- the maintenance of the lights recently installed in the tunnel under Regional Road 57 in the Waverlv Community area. The lfghts were installed by Milani after he found a copy nf the agreement with the -town that specified bis firm xere to put themn in, a matter wbicb had somehow been over- looked Mayor Garnet Rickard ad- vised council that it is bis understanding the lights in the tunnel would remain the responsibility of Milani to maîntain at present as the town has not officially taken over the tunnel. The topie brougbt Coun. Ann Cowman to inquire as to rumor that the lights bad been damaged since their installa- tion. Recreation Director Bud 1anning assured that the lights bad not been damaged but rather that the problemn had been some defect in the timing device which Milani is looking after as well as cleanîng the tunnel for the present Aýlso a protectivej screening is to be placed lover Z the lights. We wish to extend to our Our Sicere Customersand Friends Ou Sncr Wishes for a f2 Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year from f2 WOTTEN TRANSPORT 1 .12 Hampton and Orono 1 NewcatlOfiiasDscs Hydo'sNucearPrposai Wit Brc0epeetaie

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