Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, Section 2, p. 5

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gifts with a difference: A thoughtful Christmas A collector of fine china gift need flot be expensive; would appreciate standing often the most appreci- holders to display those ated item is the least prized pieces. Budget- costly. priced holders are avail- Usefulness and unique- able, as are more ex- ness is the key to shopping pensive solid walnut ver- successfully on a budget, sions. and fortunately there are Calendar towels come in Do end of inexpensive gîft many attractive designs items available this sea- and are a welcome addi- son, tion to any kitchen. These TO AL g _eOUR FRIENDS ~ M May thisI ý Christmas bring ail the hest for you and your familv andi follow youn thru the new vear. A Very Merry Christmas,' From Ail of Us at Pueet 83 Liberty St. South Bowmanville M a' t-C au u s v t' a Ma FRRwetjYs Tte Sfftaioth ROYAL BANK Martin, Patti, Betty, Karen, Sus an and Avril t tUt a0 Best Wishes to ail of Sour Customers and Friends '-ý From SCHWARZ BROS. R. R.6 Bowmanville { Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvijle, December 24, 1975 5, dere Santa, 1 no yore rel bisy thes days but i want to tel you that weve movd to a new haus. The adress is 1819 Logan street. you can't miss it', its neks door to the skool. I go thair but dont bring me no skool things. sînserly, SExteniig our thanks, and heartfelt prayers for a holiday filled with the truc gifts of Christma- M Love, Peaçe, Goodwill. Fromn 9MARR'S JEWELLERY 'ýý"' and Staff S39 King St. West Bowmanville ~J MADONNA ADORINO, THE CHILD with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and an Angel by Lorenzo di Credi. Tempera on wood, diameter 36 inches. Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museurn--of Art, Rogers Fund, 1909. THE NiCCOLINI-COWPER MADONNA by Raphael. 3134" x 22ï8" wood. Andrew Mellon Collection. Photo- graph hy eourtesy of The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D,.C. ýje The Mafcdonna and Child in Pitn The Madonna and Child have long been a source of inspiration to artists. The period that produced the greatest works of art, of the Madonna and Cbild, was the Renaissance, though there is evidence of paint- ing of the Madonna long before. The number of Madonna pictures increased after the Council of Ephesus, in 431 A.D., when the Virgin Mary and Cbild became symbols of the accepted Christian faith. The oldest paintings were found in the cata- combs of 'the early Chris- tians, buiît between the First and Fifth Centuries, as places of worship. As per- secution of the Christians under Roman emperors be- can be hung on the wall for ready reference in the coming year, then used as a towel the foliowing year. Personalized match- books would be an ideal' gift for a couple that doesý a great deal of entertain- ing; check your local noveltý shop, or stationery store for information on ordering these. If those party-giving friends don't have a wing corkscrew bottle opener, they'il appreciate the way this handy gadget takes out corks without spilling a precious drop. And' of course, attractive and unusual coasters are ai- ways in order for a host and hostess. A working wife (and husband) would be delight- ed with a timer that gets the coffee going in the morning, automatically. The hostess would also appreciate an apron that's more decorative than utilitarian for those special dinners. A friend farnfous for her baking 'efforts would ap- preciate a set 'of cookie cutters, or miniature cake pans. Owners of a fireplace would be pleased with' some giant, decorative fireplace matches or a fancy bellows. Gift the crossword puz- zle fan with a special board equipped with -dictionary and magnifier to aid in solving puzzles., That youngster on your li st will enjoy having one àIM-OIDAY CIE Ou.holiday wislies oyou and yours wil eclio ail throuaili Christmastide, bringingjoyaudgood ecertoail. Best Wishes f rom 'eNooneyh' otel & Restauranta Hwy 15 35North of Orono HyPHONE 983-5536 came more intense, they took to the catacombs as places of prayer and refuge. In the catacomb of Saint Calixtùý, in Rome, one of the earliest pictures of the Holy Family was found, Renaissance means the rebirth of' the art of classie antiquity. Although dates of this period vary from coun- try to country, it is gener- ally agreed that it began in the late 1200's and lasted into the early 1500's. It wa~ a time in which new styles developed in painting, sculpture and architecture. The society in which the artist lîved greatly influ- enced bis art. Some 0f the greatest pieces of religious art were of the countless games that are on the market, in ail price ranges. And everybody - fromn junior to Mom and Dad - goes for those wacky T- shirts-,that- are so popular flow. If you've a friend who's a dedicated letter writer, ask at your favorite sta- tionery store about order- ing a personalized printer with ink pad or personal- ized sticker for return addresses. Bookplates for the avid reader on your list would be appreciated, as would a fancy bookmark. Memo pads are useful gifts and they come in ail types of decorator designs. A friend who loves to knit would welcome a knitting needle case, especially if it's an attractive one. Handy, thoughtful gifts such as these can help your holiday budget, out this year. Carols and Candies Carols and candles bring added spirit and luster ta Christmas. The word 'carol" camnes from the middle English carolen, meaning "to sing Joyously." The majority of aur most familiar carals date from the nineteenth century. Some researchers believe that carol, singing could be a carryover fromn the Roman songs of the Saturnalia. Francis Scott Key, noted lawyer and au- thor of The Star Spangled Banner, also wrote carols. It is little known that the comedian Harpo Marx, af the famous Marx Brothers, also authored a popular Christmas carol. Caroling on Christmas Eve is a tradition brought to America by our English forbears, that delights us ail at holiday time. CANDLES'- Special light- ing effects as we now know them, elaborate and colorful at Christmas, started with the romantic glow of. holi- day candles. Placlng lighted candles in the window on Christmas eve is believed to have started in Boston. There are elaborate electric light shows in almost all large American cities, but candles still seil in the mil- lions, showing that Anieri- cans enjoy their sof t glow, and associations. Gifts of living plants add ýn the Christmasqrhee~r of tr any household. produced in this period. Paintings of the Madonna were fewer after the 1600's, but the really important paintings were produced be- fore then. Fra Filippo Lippi repre- sented a sentimental trend in painting of the Renais- sance. His "Madonna Ador- îng the Child" includes a deep forest background in 'bis painting that shows the youthful mother kneeling b"fore the Cbild. There is a feeling of' iight and deli-. cacy in his stirring work "Madonna and Child En- tbroned." Some of the greatest paintings of the Madonna were done by Raphael in the late Renaissance. In bis short but brilliant 11f e, he did many paintîngs much admired by those wbo paint- ed after hlm. Tbaugh his drawing was based on the studly of models, bis Saints and Madannas are idealized representations. ApMong bis Madonna paintings are "The Madonna of The Chair," "The AIba Madon- na," "Madonna in the Mead- ow," and bis "Sistine Ma- donna," originally painted as an altar-piece for the Cburch of San Sisto. This masterpiece shows the Vir- gin *Mary supported on ciouds with the infant Jesus, in ber arms. Pope Sixtus II kneels in prayer on one side, Saint Barbara on the other. His "'Niccolini- Cowper Ma- donna" show-n above, bangs in the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. Special mention goes to Andrea del Sarto, called the "Iperfect painter" by Floren- tines of the High Renais- sance. He produced master- pieces like "The Holy Fam- ily," extremely satisfying and popular -works of art. One of the greatest paint- ers of ail time, Titian, a leading painter of the Vene- tian school, afflrmed bis joy of if e in bis "Assumption of the Virgin. Giovanni Bellini, Gior- gione, Alesso Baldovinetti, are among the many paint- ers of the Madonna, The Madonna and Child bas been and will continue to be an inspiration to al - I . 'n the arts, in life. Christmas Gesture Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), author of "Treasure Island" and "Kid- napped," was born on No- vember 13 but "gave' bis birthday to a gi born on Christmas Day. Stevenson made a gif t of bis birthdate to a child named Annie H. Ide, to let ber have "two joyous celebrations a year, with a proper birthday and a Merry Christmas." Santa Brings A House Gift Giving , our house a Christmas present isn't as far-fetched as it seems. a ciiig inhithe niory ~'of the birth of our LoruI., A blessed Lhristrnias, antl tha,,ks. From the Management and Staff of ~La -Tech S 230 Simpson Ave., Bowmanville There's no better time of year to give a "house-gift" and no better excuse ta get one! You'Il want your home ta be especially attractive for holiday entertaining, and one way of giving any room an inexpensive "f ace lift" is ta redecorate the windows. The job is a cinch with siender Levolor designer blinds. Availabie in over 100 exciting-colors, the sleek aiuminum biinds enhance the, appearance of any room. These Riviera biinds are made ta order in virtualiy any size or shape f rom the A-frame window in the attie ta your patio doors. For a bit of holiday fun, blinds can even be "dressed up" in a holiday garb of ribbons and orna- ments ta match the Christ- mas tree. Seasonal cards can be displayed by slip- ping them over the one- inch slats. Levolor's vari- ety of metallic finishes creates 'an illuminating, mirrared effect providing a dramatic background for wreaths and garlands af pine and holly, a particu- larly elegant treatment for the halidays. One new decorator look in window treatments is the fioor-length blind which gives the illusion of cantemporary, elangated windows. An elaboration of this idea incarparates the use of lambrequins ta create almost any shape window you can imagine. A simple false frame or lambrequin that runs fram the top of the window frame ta the floor is the easiest ta construct, and can be seasonaily decorat- Ringing in the 4 New Year witl, Sthe very best a wishes for ail of our fiends -Bowmanville Golf Sand Country Club BOWMANVILLE ed or permanently done ta suit the decor of the room. There's more tte Riviera l~1wI, thp m~tsthe eye. They 're a f ar cry fromn the aid "Venetians." Wide dirtkbatching tapes have been replaced with thin, durable polyester cords. A clear plastic rod,, the "Magic Wand," tilts the slats to any angle with a twist of the finger tips. A special coating on the slats keeps dirt particles from sticking, and a light dust- ing with a cloth or feather duster, wiil keep the blinds lookîng like new. Sa why nlot let Santa bring your home' a gift this year? Yaur family will en- joy these beautiful biinds for many years, they'il be- came a point of conversa- tion with admiring ýrela- tives and friends, and you'll have a beautiful ad- dition ta your home. Christmias Eve Legend In Iceland, Christmas Eve, is the holiest night of the entireholiday season. Leg - end bas'it that on the nigbt before Christmas, many years ago, dwarfs, elves and other 'littie f olk" danced in the streets. J1-Jelight fis our hearts, young and old alike, on Christmas morln. May the joy that illu'minates your home remain with you al through the holiday. Best Wishes f rom Peter Vipond and John Kehier at Bo)wmanïvillleBr dlo 72 King St. W.- Bowmanville We Ilope This Jovous Time WilI Bring To You S N Ail The Goodness 0f Vuletide. bmookdale-kingsway Itd., ecairlaeSu*fapaLd brookdale-kingsway <western) td. .4 t' 4,' a t-i

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