16T1ie Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillel December 24, 197,5 PONTYPOOL Myapolgi o the. good folksat alduf for erring in the date of their 'next card party, which is to be held on Friday, Dec. 26th, not in January as previously an- nounced. Prize winners at the euchre party last Thursday n it in Fontp ool CommunityC entre were Sid Powers (who made a very fine lady), Grace Fallis, Bert Grant, Leonard Cain and Rai ph Hoy. Next euchre will be Thursday, Jan. l5th. Clifford and Gwen Curtis entertained a few, of their friends recently and everyone was quite amused when one of their guests, Bill Cain, recal- led the days, some sixty yeals ago, when hle and Russel Edgerton playedtheir fiddles for parties in Kendal. There was no platform in the hall at that time and Bill described how the ladies in their long dresses often interfered with his playing (?). Last sprin a film crew from Channel II,. Hamilton, were in the villaege filming Sictures around t he C.P.R. tation. These can be seen on Ch. il at 7:00 Christmas Eve. The title of the program is "A Festival of Christmas Carols. " Both concerts at Grandview Sehool this past week, the lower floor program on Tues- day nigbt, and the upper floor on Thursday night were well attended and all the girls and boys taking part and their teachers are to be commended for their two very fine productions. One of our local citizens purchased a new car this week and wbile driving it home was 3topped by the police. The new :)wner was very much surpri- sed wheii the police informed him there were no license plates' on the car. Apparently, -the dealer had overlooked put- ting them on. The local fire brigade was called to a cbimney fire at Allan Bazinets' on Thursday morning. Fortunately, the family was home at the time or the bouse might easily have been gutted. Mrs. Grace Fallis was a guest at bier niece's wedding in Toronto on Friday evening. Work bas picked up at the Acme Pallet factory witb several orders of pallets on file. Some of the men pre- viously laid off are employed again.. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley and Mrs. Helen Brown and Denise attended the annual Fee Christmas paty held at the Rockhaven in Mlembers of tbe Cochrane famnilies enjoyed a pre-Christ- mas get-together at the home of Velma and Allan Reid in Oshawa on Sunday. John and Agnes M angan are clos;ing up sbop on Tuesday anid are speinr1 the following tbree cdays wih heir son, Michael and is wife and family in Toronto. On Sunday afternoon the Chamber of Commerce held a s1kating part y for ail local ch ildren on -th e pond. Every- one bad a good time and enjoyed the bot chocolate and bot àogs because the weather was quite chilly. Jolly old Santa Claus arrjvýed in a cutter drawni by snowmobile and banded out bags of candies. Music for skating was sup- P lied by D. J. Barry Huron of fooklyn. Many tbanks to all those wbo belped in any way. On Sunday evening the C.G.I.T. mnembers and the Explorers held their annual Candlelight service in the cburch. The theme of tbe service was "Comne, Celebrate the Birthday of the King." The Candleligbt service is a Canada-wide event celebrated every year on tbe Sunday before Christmas. Approxi- mately forty girls took part in the Service witb their leaders Marie Finney, Gail Cameron, Vivian Stoldt, Evelyn Brad- ley, Jean Grant and Dianne Comdon. It is good to see Mr. Harvey Aiken about again af ter recu- perating for ftwoeks foli- andretail trade. The mnajority of clients were registered in the following occupations: clerical, sales, services - including waitres- ses, security guards, and janitors, production fabricat- ing, m4erial handling and students seeking temporary and part time employment. Shortages of qualified clients were noted in the fopowing areas: accountants, a surveyor supervisor, sales- persons for life insu rance, reaL, estate, and vacuum cleaners, cooks, waitresses, an a part- ment building superinitendent, a barber, lîcensed hairdres- sers, ive in housekeepers, a refrigeration mechanie, a cabinetmraker, auto mecha- nies, auto-body repairpersons and spray Ipainters, a main- tenance mechanic and a typesetter. It's that happy time of year again. A time for farhiily. A time for, friends. And, of course, a time for entertaining. And riothing makes holiday entertaining quite so festive as holiday foods f rom Dominion. Like plump, full-breasted turkeys." Dellicately flavoured hams.' A host of f resh, fancy f ruit. Bright flowers for your table and much, much more. Remember, your happy holiday begins when you begin by shopping at Dominion. Tu rky CANADA GRADE "A", YOUNG, FROZEN, EVISCE RATED, 10 TO 16 L B. AVG.,, HEN CANADA FANCY HONEY POD Stokely 9 Peas S'a-c LB. SPECIAL! 28C' 14 FL. OZ. TIN O range Juice MINUTE MAID 4 c FROZEN, CONCENTRATED4 9 121/2 FL. OZ. CONT. SPECIAL! THICKANDJUICY SPECIAL! LB. BLADE STEAKS 96C FRESH GROUND SPECIAL! L5B. MEATYPORK SPECIAL! LB. SPARERIBS 1.26 MAPLE LEAF FLAT STYLE 2123L B.AVG. ANDAZMALESPECIAL! 22 DINNER HAMS' ,8 MAPLE LEAFMILDCURED LB. 'VACUUM PACKED1 COTTAGE ROLLS 148_ SWVIFT S, LAZY MAPLE 1 LB, PKG, FR DZE N SAUSAGE 1.28 SWIFTS. SLICED 6bOZ PKG COOKED HAM 1.28 SVWIFT S PREMILJMLB OVEN ROASTING CORNED BEEF 1,78 MAPLE LEAF OR DOMINION 1L K WIENERS 94c, MAPLE LEAF SLICED MAC & CHEESE, 6 OZ EKG, CHICKEN, MEA & OLVE P & POR DUTC~ILOAF COOKED MEATS, 5 c- CANADA GRADE "A", YOUNG, FROZEN, EVISC ERATED, 20 TO 26 LB. AVG., TOM CANADA FANCY HEINZ Tomato Juice 48 FL. OZ. TIN Fruit Salad DEL MONTE, TROPICAL 14 FL. OZ. TIN MAPLE LEAF 1 LB. PKG. BOLOGNA98 MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED LB. DINNER SHOULDERS 1.99- SHOPSY OLD VI ENNA SALAMI CHUBS 18OZ. SI ZE 1.98I G~AINSBOROUGH, EHOZEN, 14 OZ.PKG. OOUGH, REAOY TOROLLc PUFFPASTRY 79 BLACK EYAMOND, BLOCKS 16 OZ. PKG MEDIUM CHEDDAR CHEESEl 8 SWISS KNIGHT, EWISE GRUYERE PnROiCESSED CHEESE 8OZ. EEG, 95 C ALORO FROZEN DELUXE SPECIALI 'aZ E PEPPERONI PIZZA 1.45 BRILLIANT, EROZEN SPECIAL! 6SOZ. PKG COOKED'SHRIMP 99C HARRY HORNES8FLOJA SEA-FOOD SAUCE 69% NýHýF7 Li A1E ENZEN SPECIAL 9 z FKC FM'ý, APvrr AAF E l iANFEN FAN Ar'iç GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 49 LB. SPECIAL! 7 SPECIAL! PLANADA Mandarin Oranges 10 FL. OZ. TIN SPECIAL! AUC Jack's Potato Chips c PLAIN OR RIPPLE 8.8 OZ. BAG SPECIAL! LOOSEL PAGEKSECI 12 FLDOZ. A ETUFFEO MANZANILLA AI! JAR CLUB HOUSE OLIVES 79C SWEETMIXEDOR 15 FL.DZ. JAR BREAD & BUTTER no HEINZ PICKLES 73 OCEANSPRA YJE LLIED SPÉCIAL! 14OZ. TI N CRANBERRY SAUCE 44 RICHMELLO, MILO PEIA ! 320OZ, PKG PROCESS CHEESE SLICEs 2.49 PILLSBIJRY, BOZ. PKG. REFRIGERATEO MIX47 CRESCENT DINNER ROLL-S47 KRAFT. PAETEIJRIZFD, PLAIN 8BOZ EEG PHILADELPHIAc CREAM CHEESE 75c FRIGO. HO' LAND li0OZ PEG. GOUDA CHEESE 1.27 ASSTODVARIETIFSROYAL JO0PE INSTANT PUDDINGS 3c VACUU MPAGKEEO320O I COFFEE 3,;391 RICHMELLO i1 DZ JAR COFFEE CREAMER 89e ONLY AVAILABLE AT DOMINION STORES Tu r keys DELUXE GOLDEN BIRD, F ROZ E N CANADA GRADE "A",Esc YOUNG EVISCERATED, 2TO 24 LB. AVG.,LB SPECIALI B. C. GROWN CANADA FANCY RED &GOLDEN4 DELICIQUS Apples 28C PRODUCE OF U.S.A. Sprouts3c- SEALTEST REFRIGERATIED SPECIAL! 8F.OCN FRENCH ONION DIP 49C RICHMELLO SPECIAL! "Ac0F1 DINNER OR SCONE ROLLS 14-P RICHMELLO 2BPC FRUIT CAKE 2.55 Dominion 8Boz. pkg. SNACK CRACKERS %57,C DOMINION, SALTEO SPECIAL' AMB T% MIXED NUTS 1-.49 PARTYPAK CR EME,2LB BAG COOKIE JAR OR COOKIE GUPBOARD 5o DARE BISCUITS SPECIAL!15 Orange Pekoe Red Rose 8 oz. pkg. of 60 TEA BAGS SPECIAL! 98C OUIKKI PLASTIC SPECIAL! PKG OFl10 GARBAGEBAGS 88C _______18__1 .0 5 ASST DCOLODRS 2 PLY SPECIAL! ŽRLL0% KLEENEX TOWELS ,.- 9c ( cyt (2(1/ SPECIAL! LOUISIANA GROWN> LB. YAMS SPECIAL! 23c ORANGE FLAVOUR SPECIAL! 4x3 40OZ.ENV. TANG CRYSTALS 99C ASSORTED COLOURSSECA!PGF 0 SYMPHONY 2 PLY S EIL K.O 0 FACIAL TISSUE 49C SCENTED DR SPECIAL! 8 OZ AEROSOL DONT. UNSCENTEO ARM INARM, DEODORANT SPRAY 1.29 COMFE ES DAYTIME SPECIAL! PKG OF 30 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 21 NEW FREEDOM PG03 MINI RADE K.O3 SANITARY NAPKINS 15 REOI LAR OR FLAVOURED PKG. OF 100 TUMS> SPECIAL! 87c NORMAL, DRY, ODLYSEIA!7.9 FL. DZ. ONTr OR STRAWBERRY PCA EARTH BORN SHAPO 9 c SUPER SWORD EDGEPG.F 311.00 DIXIE, 9" FLORAL PLATE 19 DOMINION'S POLUCY ON ADVERTISED SPECIALS Dmnion wil continue tD Dffer vveekly Advertîsed Specials as usual, during the 6&-day periodo utur Prir e-Freeze. Du foDd, noDn-fDod and general merchandjse; as Weil as meat anid produce. ,1DIoIowng thfe effective periDd of time indicated in Dur advertisements for ail advertised specia! . p ese speciaI prices w/I L e returned to the prior frozen level which was effective on NuvernbLr 21 excuding rieat and produce. wvhich remair, subject f0 normal market fluctuations. C»/Y~vt/tw&v S~Ead'J~o~e. ONLY AVAILABLE AT DOMINION STORES QIL BASTED, DELUXE GOLDEN BIRD, FROZEN, CANADA GRADE "A",c YOUNG, EVISCERATED, 10 TO16 LB. AVG.,LB HENLB MAKE DOMINION YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Choose f rom a large selection of POINSETTIAS, POTTED MUMS COLORFUL MIXÇED PANS FOR YOUR SHOPPING MCON ,VENIENCE OP EN BO0XING DA y Dec. 26 9 a.m. - 6 peume VALUES EFFECTIVE UN TIL CLOSING TIME TUES DAY, DECEMBER 30, 1975, EXCEPT PRODUCE AND BAKERY PRICES EFFEC- TIVE DECEMBER 24 TO DECMBER 27, 1975. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY R EQUIR EME NTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED FOR YOUli SHOPPING CON- VFNIENCE, STORES WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS,j MON., DEC. 22 and TUES,,I DEC. 23.