Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, p. 11

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Plenty of fuel but'It's Costly Bill Mullen, Ointario Manager of the Consumer Division of Imperial Oil was on hand at a recent meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club to tel about Canada's prospects for self-sufficiency in petroleum in the future.' "If we can get it al together in terms of technology, money and time, Canada should have enough fossil fuel reserves for 300 years." H1e emphasized very strongly that this potential supply is not a resource we can draw on immediately -- in thenext 10 years aloneit is estimated that the cost of finding and developing *new sources of petroleum will be $50 billion. Letter fo 2lHermitage Roac Saughall, Chesbire Englani November 15, 197 Dear Editor and "Statesman' Staff friends: Would it be possible ti publisb the following letter ii the "Statesman" tbus enabl ling my wife and me to keep ii toucb, not only witb you folk but witb tbe many old neigh bors and aquaintances in tb( town and locality, I stil cherisb as borne? We lool forward to the "Statesman' and peruse its contents wit] probbly reater thorougli ness than wwien we stili lived ih Bowmanville. The comparison of price between there and bere isz matter of interest witb us, arn §do y ou know, your own priceý both in 1foodstuffs and good: frequently bave an edge ovei those of Cheshire, England foi lower costs. We bave two weekly news. papers in nearby Cbester, There is the "Cbester 'Chron- icle" and tbe "Cbesbire Ob- server". Both papers bave ar advertising service wbicl migbt appear a bit unortbodox f h "Crnce wiîî carry a small "ad" witbin a speci- fied scale and will do so free of charge. Sucb an "ad" woulc represent an article selling foi fivepýounds sterling or less. Tbe "Observer" offers the same deal for goods of ter pounds value or less. Needless to say, the two papers have an entire page of such "ads' every week and possibly increased circulation justifies the means. We ourselves bave>invested in several used articles adver- tised in the above papers, but our purchases for thýe most part went over 10 pounds sterling and included a lawn mower, a washing machine and spin dryer, a single bed and a china cabinet, and a srnall reed organ of tbe saine make as most of the best known harmonicas, or "moutb organs". Speaking of organs, we made a most interesting discovery. At Saugball Meth- odist Cburcb, the singing is led with the music of a reed organ and, yes, you bave guessed it, the organ is a "Dominion", right from Bownýanville. I experienced àreat pride as Igazed at tbe beautifully carved case of the old instru- ment, and reflected that the work was done by Bowman- ville craftsmen, possîbly aid- ed. by my old. foreman at "Goodyear", the late Frank Bottreli. A farrn lady at the top of the village is the Metbodist organ- ist, and here again, mernory takes me back to tbe late Mrs. Richard Brown. mv foster mother, wbo for 40 years was organist at the then Orono Metbodist Cburch>, while the organ tbere, too was "Domin- ion." The past few months bave been eventful ones for us, inasmuch as tbey have brougbt us visitors in tbe f ersons of ýold Bowmanville iriends, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley were with us for parts of their Englisb visit in May and June. I n Sept. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park were here,, and in Oct. Mrs. Harry Hughes and two daughters, favored us with a visit.* These three ladies bad hired a car and had travelled 3,000 miles in Eng- land. Wales and Scotland. Then, we bad tbe, lovely outing witb the 'Creighton- Allen" group which was spoken of in the "Statesman". These kind folk had us share an evening meal at the Christmas Gift to YOU from ~jWA SCO' :> VOLKSWAGEN LTD. Porsche + Audi AM-FM Radio Installed Vitalizing Rustproofing FREE with every new, car ordered'between December 24th cand 3lst, -Plus- ~eenMore Days for 5% Tax Ri The Staff and Management wish You and Yours a ([Rd c ag Le j 1425 Dundas St. E. 668-9383 5 to in - In k le ýs a is h r I M 1975 ýebate! Whitby the Editor "Grosvenor, Hotel",' wbile tsth ayed for their two nihsin Cester. We had suci fellwship witb ahl of the Bowmanville members, and weeks later, were deeply saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Mr-s. Lee, wbo bad been the roommfate and' travelling companion of Mrs. Bernice Cole. May we include a word of condolence for all to wbom Mrs. Lee bad meant 50 mucb, as well as to again tbank Mrs. Coleand Mr. and Mrs. Allen for their kindness and generosity. Our place bere is close to the Welsb border and there is a certain clannish attribute about some of the Welsb whicb is borne out in an incident whicb Walter Woolley sbared witb me. We bad walked down into Wales, Walter and I, and arrived at a lovely little stone cburcb building just at the close of "Morning Prayer" on Sunday. We stopped in to view the cburcb, and to talk to the Vicar and bis communicants from nearby farms. "Are you acquainted witb the cleg an the lay readers at 1Al Saints' Church at Saugball", I asked. The little Welsb Vicar said he was not, then upon reflection, be observed, "Sauehali, you said Saug- bail.' "Y es", I repîieâ. "Then suaid agis and foreign", e sad wih afinality whicb almost convinced me that we indeed were foreign. Our other large towns witbin esdistance are Liverpool anY Manchester. Yesterdlay, Winnie and I went by train into Manchester. I quite enjoyed the experience. W e marvel at the crowds in sucb, place as Chester, Liverpool and Man- chester. Wbere do all the people corne frorn, is a Vuestion I frequently ask Winnie. Moreover, we do g et some happy outings righ t from Saughall with the "Golden Links" whose tours feature the seaside rather than thc big towns. Winnie and I stili go on a Sunday evening to "'Shot- wick House", a buge old farnily mansi on and grounds now devoted to its use as a borne for the elderly. I sing at their Vesper Service and sometimes play the harmoni- ca. Tbe current postal strike in Canada bas dried up news frorn tbere for tbe time being However, one day last week. an October "Goodyear Wing- foot Clan" arrived. It carne at considerable airmail postage cost by way of United States postal service. Wben bopefully tbe Canadian service re- sumes, tbere will be sorne catching up in our reading. May we congratulate you upon tbe fine Journalis tic ability exhibited b y your staff members. The "write Up" and p ictures about tbe "Vanstone Mill" are particularly fine. Seeing tbe mill as pictured in its frontal entirely made me feel bornesick.,Do you wonder at it after my baving passed tbe rnill hundreds of times during, my years at Goodyear and aso during rny residence on Coleman St.? We bad a letter recently from Keitb Milis, Winnie 's g randson, wbo is in the Merchant Navy, and is at p resent in the " Persian Gulf". Keith is a fine Christian young man. His sister Susan, bopes to becorne a missionary doctor wbile yuung Catherine, rnay aspire to be a children's gIoverness. Catherine loves cbildren and anirnals. or it could be animals and children. Who knows? At 12 years of age, probably Cathe- rine doesnot know but time will undoubtedly tell. Last Saturday, Derek Milîs and I went to lend a band as some younge wornen fromn Chester College 'moved bouse." These folk are mern- bers of "Tbe Cburcb of the Way", a cbarisrnatic move- ment whicb Winnie and I bave been attending in cornpany with the Milîs family. ? arn sure tbis is an environent in wbicb a man like Rev. Wes Oake would not be unhappy. We bave some great cbaract- ers in the rnembersbip. There are professional people, in- cluding teachers, and the youngsters from tbe College are an inspiration. Following last Saturday's move, tbere was a "bee" at the bouse cleaning, painting, Sden tidingan so on. apes are madte of eacb Sund1a y's services and a service is beld in the evening as well as morning. As time progresses, we realize tba&Cristmas and tbe New Vear are approaching, and the strike settlement tbere in Canada will deter- ,mine just wben this, letter reaches you. In any case, may I tbank you in advanice sbould you see fit to publisb it and may I wish all my old friends, neigbbors and workmates, the very best. AmongNnew friends here are some fine neighbors next door. The busband bas a k p osition at " Lever Bros.' Port Sunlight. On fine day last summer. we took the mother and the two little girls, aged two and four, to "Rhyl" by tbe sea. Having'sat down on the sand, beside a young woman wbo was sunbatbing, ana1 appeared to be asleep, the four-year-old observed, "We The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville Tx. n ',1975> won't touch her. I think she awakening and laughter, Like- for a1 d dae may be dead."' A remark wise, I arn awake to the fact 101 gaef~~ which achieved. a sudden thatI must save some news Colin Tyo PARTY CHEESE TRAYS CORDER AS ISOON AS POSSIBLE) >CHEDDAR CHEESE MiId, Medium, Medium OId. OId-l-Year, Sharp 21/2 Years, Wine Cheddar VARIETY CHEESES Brick, Colby, Caraway, Gouda, Onion, Swiss, Garlic, Camembert and Smoked Hickory. ALSO lmported Jams and Jellies Complete Line of Biscuits for Cheese Gift Boxes of Cheese, etc. Cheese Trays for Parties WARKWORTH ýCH 'EESE HOUSE 1 Mile North of the 401 Highway on 115 and 35 pH ONE 987-4339 CLOSED CHRISTMAS and BOXING DAY CLOSING AT 5:00 p.m. DECEMBER 24thand3lst CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY ILanark County Maple Syrup Ma pie Candy - Ma pie Butter First Grade Canadian Honey 1, Honey Butter ,ECIALS A T OSHAWA AND On Sale To 5:00 p.m. Saturday -Dec. 27 Or While Quantifies Last. Items Available At Courfice Store Saturday Only. PREFINISHED PANELLING 3 HOUR SPECIAL PURCHASE!! Manor-teak real wood veneer waII panellmng. Random plank Ierngth design FIRE LOGS for den, fa mi ly roorn, a partment, feature walls etc. Beautiful teak fini sh. 4' X 8' only, much below usual price. $ 9 (KBurn with'multi-color flamne, $9 ,09 L ýi Easy ighting. Carton of 6. 9Each SEIL "STOCKADE" CHARCOAL /$4. 99 BARNBOARD STYLE PANEL ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hrbadwith .Ç kFeature Value!! grey blue multicolour face ~' Constructio-n grade Spruce at in attractive barnboard relief. 4' x 8' sheets. tIw e e" j SPÉCIAL , pre. $599 2 x 3"x 7---.59Ç AC EACH PING PONG TABLE TOP REPEAT SPECIAL! 20% OFF!! Prefinished green in regulation size 5' x 9',12" thick. Convenlent. 2 Ail lught fixlures in stock at storage. (Sorne sn ihldeak ï saaadW ib trs tops May have sino wtle ge ac Choose from bedroom, sl^ight surface Cmpee 'ihstraciiner ah iigdnn n e crumb catcher and tai btlvig iin n e scratches but wiIl piece fittings. For easy room styles, ceiling, wall flot affect perfor- installation. Takes outdoor Agi atspecand -11. m an ce) S ho p standard 8" faucets. udo.Alaspcllw Early. rcs SPECIAL $9 e99 $3 8 Each_____ & SAVE! - Save 15%!7ON Prefi nishe 48" $1.59 $1.35 Shelving60l' $1.99$16 Ready to finish shelving, sturdy 5/a"'particle board with $2.$2 03 ~ smooth surface to provide an excellent paint finish. About i1/2" wide. 9611 $3.19$27 S;PECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS Oshawa - 728-1617 Whitb 6 -81 ortice - 728-1611, 100 Bond St. West 223 Brock St. North Between Oshawa & Bowmanville DEC. 24-8:0Oa.m.to4:-uop.m. DEC. 24-8:OOa.m.to4:OOP.m. DEC. 24-8:OOa.m.to4:OOP.m. >DEC. 26-8:OOa.m.to4:OOP.m b E C. 26 -8:O00a.m. to4 : 00p. m. DEC. 26 - CLOSED DE. 7-:Oam.5:0op.m. DEC. 27-8:OOa.m.to5:0p.m. DC 78Oamt5Op Rom

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