Mr. and Mrs. William G. James, Montreal,.- fle» by ,-Q&efrom Montreal to spend 'Sunday with bis mother Mrs., George W. James, Bowman- ville and is sister Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman, and ftimily, Port Ho pe, returning 'l .n by plane Sunday even- /aàg, following dinner at the Flying Dutchman, and lun- cheon at Port Darlington Marina .Hotel. A tip of the hat to Fred Tippins, of Fredericks Phar- macy for bis contributions of boxes of marigolds given free to citizens and which are now beautifying the gardens of~ many. Mr. Tippins stated when asked by this column that over 2,000 boxes of seeds had been given out. Mighty nic esture. llydG Meteaif, Oshawa, has been appointed to the board of directors and execu- tive committee of the Cana- dian Real Estate Association, and chairman of the associa- tion's finance committee for 1976. The appointment was announced at the 40,000 mem- ber association's annual meet- ing held recently at Winnipeg. Aso attending the conference were F rank M.* Smith, presi- dent of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, Ray McKenna, a director, Walter Frank of Frank Real Estate and Thomas Duff, Port Perry. Duplicate bridge winners for October 21. Tied for top score were Karen Geboers and Bob Gill; A. Stewart and E. Clifton. Mrs. ercy Luxton Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Morley Etcher, Miss Jill Welsh, Mr. John Pearson spent the week-end withMr. and Mrs. John Welsh, Tweed. They also attended the C....graduation exercises in Madoc when Jill received her diploma. *Canadian born, but cherish- in, a stron g affection for Wgan Enqla nd, are M r. Ernest Gauie and Mr. Janie Richmond. With their spouses, Margaret and Oswald, they are visiting the town from which their mother emigrated gf(e 9 t qpe 'q op pe 37 King St. W., Bowmanville ANNOUNCES THE ADDITION 0F Ann Marie Beatty TO THEIR STAFF Ann Marie will he pleased to take appointrnents starting at 7:30 a.m. Thurs. and Fri. morning FOR APeOINTMENT CALL 623-5455 in 1912. Bath were born in Ontario. Mrs. Richmond is a resident of Bowmanville. Higbligbt of their visit was a meeting witb the Metro May- or. Coun. George Macdonald. The Gaudies and the Ricb- monds have been staying with with their Aunt Mrs.-Richard Osborn of Spring Street, Wigan. "The wbole trip bas been marvellous, says Mrs. Ricbmond. 11 ordered good weather before we came and Wigan has delivered the goods." t is ber third visit ta Wigan, but ber brother, Ern- est, a building inspector, bas nat seen*tbe town since 1945 wben be was in the Canadian Nýavy. "LIt bas cbanged a lot since tben physically, but its beart is stil in the rigbt place," be entbused . The visitors wîll spend the last part of their 16-day visit, in London. A private mail service that cauld employ,-"tbousands" of workers began in British Columbia yesterday with bus- iness firms as the first customers. Home-owners will be able ta get delivery starting Friday ,said retired business- man George Ferguson wbo is biring bhundneds of ,people, mainly striking postal work- ers, ta carry out bis- service. "There could be tbousands of wonkens involved and hun- dreds of tbousands of pieces of mail," Ferguson said, "if tbis strike continues." The ser- vice, wbicb covers 14 B.C. cities, bhas its beadquarters at the Ingrabam Hotel in Vic- toria wbere mail is drapped. into plastic bags, sorted in a botel room and then delivered locally or transported ta other ?oints. Tbe service is for etters nly - 30 cents local, 50 cents out-of-town-witb no p arcels or regîstered mail being accepted. -The Sun Mn. and Mns. AI Fletcher enjoyed a tbree week scenic Denure Bus Tour ta Victoria, B.C. and down ta Yellowstone National Park. Be certain ta attend Art Mart 75 at the Robert Mc- Laugblin Gallery this week- end. t will be time well spent. It's terrific. Cali the gallery for time-date-etc. Mrs. Alan Bristol and Shane, Hamilton spent the week-end witb ber mother, Mns. Winifred Cameron, Wel- lington Street. PONTYPOOL A gooi crowd attended Pantypool Thank Offering Ser- vice, on Sunday, ta hear Miss Mary Lau Fisher of Baille- bora, as guest speaker. Miss Fisher is recently returned from Korea wbene she represented Peterboro Presbytery, as an excbange student for 6tb Anniversary exchange programme. After spending 3 days in Vancouver, re orientation, their group flew on ta Seoul, a very large city of several mlions, modes of travel, buses, -taxies etc., are not controlled by speed limits, and accidents, are naturally everywbere but tbey have excellent subways. ,Xiss Fisher was very im- pressed at the beautiful parks and apparently a very suc- cessfu refarestry program, the capacity crowds attending the cburchs every Sunday and the apparent interest of the youtb in religiaus life. Only the very Iearned and bighly suc- cessful students achieve their goals in education, altbougb Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 The Canadian State< Jaycettes Hear About Creative Fun Pro gram Minor Midgets Win the earlv erades are now made compulsary for al children ta attend, grades 1-6. This is a recent government ruling. The Army for 3 years is a requirementfor aIl the-young men and their young people in talking ta aur students, seem- ed amazed at the lack of samne here! Mary Lau captivated bier audience, with a question and answer period, fallowing ber talk, Her clasing remarks, was that the churches in Korea are aflame witb interest, white here many of aur churches are but a small spark of life. A very gaad crowd attended the Bake Sale held in Ponty- pool, on Saturday marning, and around $70 realized, for tbe Ballyduff cburch ladies. A very large crowd attended the 4Otb wedding anniversary, beld in Communitv Centre, Sat. evening for Clifford and Gwen Curtis. Mrs. Barbara Hamilton read the address, and gifts and a purse of money was presented ta tbe happy couple. We are happy ta repart that Mr.,Ralph Hyland is improv- in nd expecting ta be up and Mr . and Mrs. James Curtis, Grant, Vicki and Rase Scirea- ni visited Sunday at relatives in Gravenburst area. Sunday afternoon in bail park, saw an ail exciting game between the yaung girls and "the Oldies but Goodies," (older women?!) The 'Oldies' received a beautiful trapby for their excellent sportsmanship, and a very enjayable partyý was beld, following game. Congratulations ta Mr. and MIrs. Marris Jackson (the former Marilyn Youngman) on their recent marriage in Pantypol Churcb, Sat., Oct. 25 at -4 p .m. Rev. Gardon Ficko, officiated and Mrs. Jeanne McMahon was arga- nist. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ri- chardson, family and Miss Karen Richardson spent the weekend in Kingston visiting their son-in-iaw, Ralph Hy- land, in the baspital. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown and girls, Peterboro, were Sunday evening dinner guests of tbe O. Challices. Congratulations ta Cindy Curtis an winning a new sterea set as prize for baving highest sales in candy cantest, far LE Weldon Higb Scboal, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Melvile Woods, Millbrook, attended aur cburcb service Sunday. Miss Fiîsher, the guest spea- ker, is a niece of Mrs. Woods. Mr. Horace Peck, was entertained at several dinner eý rties recently, in honor of is birthday. N EWTU N "V LL E Mr. Roy tfall is a patient in Memarial Hospital, Bawman- ville, as of early last week, and Mr. Frank Gilmer, alsa, since last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones motared ta Guelph, last Fni- day and on- the way home, stopped at Burlingtan, ta vîsit Mrs. Chas. Moase, at the home of Mrs. Paul Scatt. There was an attendance of about eigbt at the Couples' Club Hallawe'en Masquerade Party, in Cammunity Hall, Saturday evening. Mrs. Gertie Rawe witb Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe, and Mr. and' Mrs. Daug Rawe of Newcastle were guests at the Holman - Hewson, wedding in Bethel United Churcb, King- stan on- Saturday afternaon. Our cburcb was filled ta capacity on Sunday morning, for aur Anniversary Service, Mrs. Marion Edgerton and Mr. Sidney Lancaster wel- coming everyone at the doar, and supplying tbem witb Bulletins. Rev. G. Montgom- ery introduced aur guest ýsman, Bowmanville, October 29, 1975 7 3rd Straight Game in Hampton Arena on Wed.. in whiîch the Constitution Oct. 22nd-Bowmanville Minar Insurance team played just Midgets defeated Cobourg well enougb ta beat the out 10-3. Af ter spotting Cobourg a matched Cobourg team. twa goal lead in the first peidthe Bowmanville squad H m t adn fuh ack witb goals y H m tnG re s Godfrey fram Dusseldorp and Faster, Godfrey uiîassisted Minor Pee Wees and Dusseldorp from Dennis and Stevens ta take a 3-2 lead On Oct. 17, Bowmanville inta the second. Fram this travelled ta Cabourg and point on Bowmanville took emerged with a 4-0 shutout. command of the gamie, only The scoring was sbared by interrupted once by a lane Billy Hogarth witb 2, goals, Cobourg goal. and Barry Culien and Rod Stevens started the hall Plain witb one each. Steye rolling with bis first of two Skene played a strang game in goals one assisted by Foster, goal for the-Taras. the other by Adams. Giving On Oct. 18, Bay Ridges Bawmanville a 5-3 lead. Less raliied in the third period witb than four minutes later Mike five unanswered goals ta tie Adams and AI Brunt eacb Bowmanville six ail. A bat scored- from close in witb trick by Rod Plain, 2 goals by assists ta Stevens, Adams and B*ily Hogarth and a single by Brunt. Wbile some of the ather Rab Siggins gave Bowman- players were involved witb ville a. 6-1 lead early in the minor skirmishes, Brad God- third periad. Fram then on, it frey scored 2 goals, one was ail Bay Ridges as the unassisted, the othen assisted Taras' 7 penalties finally by linemate Ed Visser wba in caugbt up ta tbem. turn took bis turn at scaning In an exhibition gamne, on fram Dussdorp and Godfney. Oct. 21, against Wbitby, the The game was very cbippy minar Peewees won a tigbt battie by a score of 3-2. Steve Misses Margie, Mariene, Cary, BiIly Sainsbury and Canalynn and Joy Craig and Mike Stacker eacb scored Mr. Peter Craig spent the singles for Bawmanville. Joe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nihili bad twa assists and Rod Wesley Hîlîs, Sauina. Plain one. Steve Skene and On ivonday, Oct. 20tfl, at thie Memorial Librarv, Sandy Magwood, who is conducting a program here called 'Creative Fun for Little Ones', explained how the program works. She is shown here, seated, while Jaycette President Karen Wood looks on. speaker, Rev. Gerald Brown, Chapiain of the Pine Ridge Boys' Schoal, wbo brougbt three of the boys witb him ta assist in tbe service, the topic beîng "A Challenge ta the Churcb. " Eacb one intnoduced himself, and described condi- tions which caused hlm ta be where hie is today, what training hie is receiving and what bis plans are for the future. Master Eric Lambier sup- piied several enjoyable piano selections, pnoving wbat can be accomplished, even with- out sigbt, as lie attends the schoQi for the Blind, in Brantford. Our own choir members, June Kimbaîl, and Penny Webster sang a duet "Wbis- pering Hope," playing their own guitar accompaniment, which was also Cihîg ap- preciated. Rev. Montgomeryý thanked all those taking part in this wondenful service and lef t, during the singing of the final bymn ta take the negulan service at Kendal. The Bene- diction was, pronounced by Rev. Brown, aften which nefnesbments were served the visitons assisting witb the service, downstairs, in the Sunday Scbaol hall. Next Sunday, Nov. 2nd, the Masomce Lodge will hoid their annual service hene at the regular time, 9:45 a.m. Rev_. Thos. Smith of Newcastle, will assist with the service. Sunday visitons wîth Mrs. Bea Jones included Mr. and Mns. Carman Connish and family, Orono. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton were Mr. Wm. Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Bent Stapleton, of Bowman- ville, also Mn. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton, Toronto. airs. W. Pnowse and Charlie, Port Hope, witb Mr. and Mns. Melville Samis. Mr. and Mns. Jim Gilmen of -Port -Hope,- witb Mrs. F. TYRONE Tbanksgiving Service Tyrane Thanksgiving Ser- vice was beld on Sun., Oct. 26 1witb Rev. L. Bigby conducting the service and Rev. R. Maggs as guest speaker. Music was supplied by the loveiy voice of 1Miss Enin Nicks as well as a joyous antbem by aur own choir. Mrs. G. Brent was onganist. Rev. Maggs' sermon was entitled "The Most Important Harvest." He finst mentioned the harvest of the land, aur food, and the barvest of a regular paycheck. The second tianvest is triat af relatîonsn .ps witb other peopl.e, bath famfly, and friends. Tb e most impor- tant barvest is that of aur faitb in God. Rev. Maggs also spake briefly about bis work as chaplain of Osbawa Hospital. On Sun., Nov. 2, we will be baving a pulpit excbange witb Rev. K . Deer of the Markbam area, The L.O.B.A. 124,4 held thein annual eucbne party and penny sale iast Wedniesday nigbt. Pnizes fan the eucbre was won by Irene Cox, Glenn Dean, Agnes Prescott, Ann Park and Ann Penwanden. The 50-50 draw was won by Russell Brown. Bowmanville. The Penny Sale pnizes went ta a num ber af people. Tracy Bowers had bier tonsil openation last Wednesday ini Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Park, Peterboro; Mr. and Mns. John Raid, Bowmanville, were Sun- day supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park. Mr. and Mns. A.J. Hoar were S-undav callens of Mn. and Mns. Clarence Rawa'n Bethany. Mn. and Mns. George White, Bowmanville, were Sunday aftennoon visitons of Mn. and Mrs. A.J. Hoan. Miss Enin Nicks, Bawman- ville, Mn. and Mns. Don Badoun and Tracy, R. R. 1 Bowmanville, wene Sunday luncheon guests of Mn. and Mns. G. Brent. Mn. and Mns. Dave Roberts, Mrs. Gwen Farmen, Toronto, wene Tuesday guests of Mn. and Mns. T. Dood. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Bartlett and boys, Paudash Lake, were Sunday guests of their parents Mn. and Mrs. Dan Davey. Mn. and Mrs. Sterling AI- ward, 'Port Hope; Masters Richard Bruce, Onano, were, weekend visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs. Glad ta nep ont Mn. Jack Gibbs is slowly impnoving in Toronto Genenal Hospital. Miss Jean Philp was the recipient of a lovely party given by the nurses and staff of Marnwood Rest Home last week prian ta bier netinement from the staff. Miss Jean Pbilp visited bier brother, Mn. andMns. Gerry PbilpWarkwonth aven the weeend. Mn. and Mns. Stuart Hooey, Newcastle and Mn. and Mns. Gilmer, and all visited Mn. F. Gilmer in Memonial Hospital, later in the afternoon. Mn. and Mns. Robent Duff of New Westminster, B.C., are visiting Mn. and Mrs. C.R. Farrow, and Mn. Stan Bowen. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert of Toronto, were week-end guests wîth Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Clysdale. Witb Mrs. Agnes Burley, visitons during the week-end included Mns. Evenett Staple- ton, Onono, Mn. and Mns. Clint Burley and Arthur Clark, and Mn. and Mrs. Ron Burley, ail of Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Bunley, of Bridge- north. Mn. and Mns. Chanton Bnown, of Newcastle witb Mn. and Mns. Fred Hendenson, visited the latter's daughtei Canal in Kingston, Sunday and took hier out fan suppen. Sunday visitons with Mns.' Iva Farrow wene Mn. and Mrs. Jim, Farrow, -and Mn. and Mrs. Ken Brignaîl and Melissa, ail of Bowmanville. Earl Prescott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray and family, Orillia.B LO The John Cook family, Hampton and Ken' Crowell LO family, Salem, were Monday evening dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook, celebra.ting Audrey and John's wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook Goodwood, Sunday afternoon. There were 18 tables at the weekly euchre party, Fni. nigbt, with prizes going ta Dawn Dennis, C. Gimblett, Doris Manns, A.R. Spencer, Spencer with Dawn Dennis winnîng the 50-50 draw. Several students from this area received their Diplomas at the graduation ceremonies beid Friday evening at Cour- Wd î Nv ý5 gratulations toall. Mesdames A. Knawlton, T. Pleasance, D. Southweîî, P. Lions Communmty Centre - e c Avenue Vaneyk, and E. Wood -attended the Regional Meeting of the A* ,f D U.C.W. held Monday, Oct. 20 i1.U0 IV 9:00 r.v. at Maple Grave when Rev. Gerry Brown, Chaplain of Pine Ridge School for Boys,Fr e ro srt i n speaker. The theme for the day being, 'The Wbole Family to the CIimnic of Gad.' Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Young- man, Mr. Jim Yaungman and wIIb prvddo th da Miss Betty Youngman were w à r %,gl e n t e d guests at the-Jackson-Young- man wedding beld in Ponty- poolUnited Cburcb, Saturday o h e o h g'rî Millbrook Legion Hall. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Fitzsim- 623-90103 inons and Hazel, Bawman -_____________ ville,-were Sunday7 eveningBay itigSr ce guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Knowltan. Srie Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker LI. and family, County Rd. 57, wilbesppid tth lî'c were Friday evening visitars of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan. THIS MESSAGE PROVIDED BY THE KINSMEN Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan CU F B W A VLE I H O M NT and boys were Sunday supper C U FB W A VL EI H O M NT guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick INTEREST Rowan and famiiy, Enniskil- len. Alex MeGregor 5 King St. Ws I.oom.@ D Drg1s ug-59 623-5792 Ken Woadard bath played a strang game in the Bowman- ville nets. On Oct. 25 in Bowmanvfi the Gardens Crew defeafr Ajax 1-0. In the second peri 1 Darcy Cummings scored aniy goal unassîsted. St,~ Skene stopped 16 Ajax shahs record bis second shutout the season. Aduit Educational Counselling Services A FREE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE No Appointment Necessary COU RTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL Tuesdays, 7:00 -9:00 p.m. st. PauI's United Church Rev. N. E. Schamerliorn, B.A., M. Dlv. Organhst - Gerald K. Burgess "'ýWhat Is The Greatest Need in St. Pa uI's Toda y? "- Pa rt 2 COMING EVENTS Oct. 29............. ---Hallowe'en Party - 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16.......................... Service of Baptism Dec. 14..................... Evening Carot Service Dec. 24.............. FamiIy Christmas Eve Service SUNDAY SCHOOe. Senors -9 Years end Up-9:45 a.m. Primary and Klndergarten'ChilIdren wiII attend flrst part of church service wlth their parents. NURSE RY Parents are Inglited to leave their. Pre-school chlldren In our play and Iearn nursery whlle theyattend church. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ý- io:00a.m.-AdultinUpperRoom 10:00a.m. - Classes for all ages, 9and up 11:00 a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten I1: 15 a.m. - Primary Dept. ages 4 to 8 lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Corne and Bring a Friend A Warm Welcome for Everyone Friday, October-31 - Hi-C Hallowe'en Party at the home of Gary Coombes. Meet at church, 7:30 p.m. BBE STUDY GROUP at 10 a.m. un Wednesdays in Churc4 Parlor TRINITY BEEF DINNER Saturday, November lst - 5 and 6:30 p.m. Every Member Visitation November 9th Bowmanvll Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 4 9:5 5a.m......... Sunday School4 11: 00 a.m ........ Worship Service 7:00 p.m... Evangelistic Service4 Mid Week4 Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.4 Bible Study A Wel Come for You in a Friendly Church