Section Two The CanadianStatesman, BowmanillOtbr2,1~ Co-*urimutice Seco rndary sCho ol Hiolds A nn ual Cmecmn List'of Honour Graduates and Présentation of Diplomas THE FOLLOWING QUAI IFY FOR THE ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION Dl PLOMA Asl *- Bec Bel Ber BI. Bor Brc BrL Car Cas Cat Coc Cor Cov DaN G& Ha% Hill Hill Hin Hin Kin Knc Kor Kov Koz Kd Lar AWARDS and PRIZES 1. ONTARIO SCHOLARSHIP Awarded f0 the student with 80 percent or more in seven Grade XIII1 credits. Winners: Sandra King Thomas, William Taylor, Lindsay Bell, Diane Hindman, Susani Vice, Hendrik Bruinsma, Eric David, Douglas Bronson, Roland Simon, DeWn Vaneyk, Steve Corna l, Paul Konyk, Christine Rumpel, Rebecca Cowman Presented by: Mr. J. Gowing 2. STUDENT COUNCIL BURSARIES Awarded to the students in Grade XIII1 with the highest standing in Winners: History ................................. Dawn Vaneyk French.............. Alison Luck and Roland Simon (tied) Biology........................... Sandra King Thomas Sociology............................ Kimberley Hawke Announced by: Mrs. C. Cooper Presented by: Mr. Ronald Vice 3. THE ROTARY CLUB PRIZE Awarded to the student wîth the highest standing in Grade XIII1 Mathemratics Winner: WILLIAM TAYLOR Presented by: Mr. Neale McLean Mathematical Association of Americe (C.S.S. Contest) Winner: William Taylor 4. THE LIONS CLUB PRIZE AWarded f0 the student with the highest standing in Grade XIII Physîcs and Chemistry Winners: Chemistry ........................ Sandra King Thomas Physics .................................. Lindsay Bell Presented by: Mr. J. Pogue ,hton, Barbara Leger, Susan ?ckell, Jeffrey Legere, Jeffrey ll, Lindsay Lootsma, HarveyN ennett, Susan Lowe, Steven ack, Sherry Luck, Alison rysiak, David Lyczba, Thomas -onson, Douglas Macklin, James »uinsma, Hendrik MacLean, Alick impbell, Anita McLaughlin, Brenda istie, Barbara' Miller, Deborah tton, Luanne Muizelear, Paul )ok, David Nesbitt, Kathleen mnaIl, Stephen Oke, Dianne ýwman, Rebecca Orr, James vid, Eric Pearce, Carl hmair, Gabriela Rekker, Gary wke, Kimberley Reynolds, Jane 1, Renata Reynolds, Linda s, Joseph Rowsell, Anne ndman, Diane Rumpel, Christine rcock, Sandra Sikora, Betty ng, Sandra Simon, Roland iox, Ronald Taylor, Lawrence nyk, Paul Taylor, William )walski, Gordon Thompson, Beverly )zak, Laurie Turner., Christopher b istahn, Barbara Vaneyk, Dawn irkin, James Vice, Susan Class Representative: William Taylor Announced by: Mr. K. Dennis Presented by: Mr. A. Werry PRESENTATION 0F SECONDARY SCHOOL GRA DUATION DIPLOMAS C( air, John Larkin, Jamt:b s :hibald, Murray Laronde, Sandra rstrong, Randy Laturski, Larry 01 :kell, Robert Laurion, Jack q ech, Alvin Laurion, Relean rtrim, Cheryl Leech, Nancy st, Grant Lindeli, Timothy szczyk, H'len, Lobbon, Stuart hwel, .Douglas Luke, David hweil, Laijrie' Lyczba, Frank Ner, Brenda Mackey, Sandra own, Linda Marchand, Lee chanan, Edwin Mayne, Karen ttery, David McFarland, Jo-Anne rr, Reginald McKee, Rick mson, Randy McNamnee, Kirk ton, Susan Meester, Anne-Marie ýmbers, Joyce Metcelf, Dale appell, Cindy Mitchell, Deborah atelain, Debra Morris, Star lds, Rhonda Mortoni, Kenneth ristensen, Mary Morton, Paul ristl,,Joseph Muir, James rk, Judy Muizelarr, Arnold les, Gloria Norman, Brenda lier, Deborah Norris, Trodd nboy, James Norrish, Steve nish, Mary Paats, Diane eighton, Craig Penwarden, Anne ie, Richard Penwarden, Katherine is, Paul Petryshyn, Michael ýeI, David Phasey, Wayne stra, Dina Phillips, Randy ibray, Tom Piels, William iott, James' Ploss, David ians, Leslie Potts, William iman, Douglas -P6w-ersMartin rencz, AllenFpowers, Patrîcia ýrguson, Brian Read,_Sanra auts, Dianne Reid, Wanda ýaring, Douglas Rivers, Thomas ýratschek, Renate Rutkay, Roxanne. ýyne, Donald Schmegner, Rosemnary aharn, Lynda Schwirtz, Robert ant, Carneron Scott, Catherine ay, Sandra -irtn-, beY -> - --_, jest, Joseph Sharp, Kathryn. I, Glen Simmons, Kevin il, Randy Smith, Susan rt, Donna Snyder, Cynthia ýbbs, Michael Snyder, Jacob )ndebrink, Jean Stewart, James ness, Debbie St. John, Susan )ornweg, Teresa Stoop, Marlette )y, Wendy Terwillegar, Hether tton, Charles Therieult, Harley :kson, Stephen Thiele, Joann mies, Deborah Thompson, Karen mes, Donald Timmers, June nes, Georgina Tink, Brian hnson, Joanne Trewin, William koski, Timothy Van Munster, Martin kes, Susan Vice, Ronald imstra, James Viehover, Justine lens, Marilyn Vooys, John ng, Beverly Wallace, Sandra ngsley, David Werry, Patricia lowlton, Allan Werry, Sharon iowlton, christopher White, Douglas îCroix, Robert Wilson, Robert imbert, Diane Woodcock, John ingford, Lawrence Woodley, Patricia ipham, Darlene Yellowlees, Janice Class Representative: Marilyn Killens Announced by: Mr. H. Bradley Presented by: Mr. S. Worden Ada Arci Arrr Beil Bei Berl Besi BlaE Bolt Bolt Bovy Brc auc Butl Cari Catl Cha Cha Cha. Chil Chi Chi CIar Cole Coll Corl Cori Cri Dai Dav Dem Doh Dub Elii Eva Eyn Feri Fei, Fra S Gea Ger Goy Gue Hal Hal Har Hob Hon Hon Hoo Hoy H ut ~Jacl Jer Jer Joi Joz2 Juk, Kar Kilt Kirl Kinr Kno Kno LaC Lan Lan Lap 5. 6. THE KIWANIS CLUB PRIZE AWarded to the student with the highest standing in Grade XIII1 Geography Winner: DONALD JAMES Presented by: Mr. D. Barber AGRICULTURAL AWARD - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (a) Awarded to the student in Year 4 having the highest standing in Environmental Science Winner Year 4: MARY CORN ISH Donor: Van Belle Gardens (b) Awarded f0 the student in Yeer 3 having the highest standing in EnVironmental Science Winner Year3: LORI VANCAMP Presented by: Mr. P. Frragher Donor: errick,Rottrïia-,n,OsàaaTractor Sales Grade 13 class representative William Taylor and Grade' 12 class rep. [arilyn Killens posed for this photo with Principal J. E. Speers prior to ,ommencement ceremonies at Courtice Secondary School on Friday. 56 udents who successfully completed the five year program received the )ntario Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma, and 146 students ialified for the 4 year diploma. 7. STUDENT WITH THE HIGHEST ACADEMIC STANDING IN EACH YEAR LEVEL Prizes: Yearl1................................. Pauline Taylor Year 2................................... Colette Taylor Year 3.ý................................... Jenne Bray, Year 4 ........ Star Morris and Rosemary Schmegner (tied) Year 5 ........................... 4Sandra King Thomas Presented by: Mr. A. M. Thompson e. TECHNOLOGY AWARDS Announced by: Mr. Neil McAllister H. M. Brooks Award: Students with the h ighest standing in Year 4 in: (a) Machine Shop Technology ............... Will Trewin (b) Automotive Technology ................. Alvin Beech (c) Mechanical Draftlng Technology ....... Larry Leturski H. W. Gourley Award for student in Electrical Technology Winner: WILL TREWIN Oshi Henry Buildaîl Awerd (Construction Technology) ýgy) Winner: WAYNE NORRISH Presented by: Mr. D. Heecke 9. MUSIC AWARD Awerded to the student who contributed most to the music programme Year 1975 Winner: SUE VICE Presented by: Mr. A. Shaw Awarded to the students in Yeear 2 and Year 4 with the highest standing inMusic Year 2.................. ............ Debbie Geisberger Year 4................................... Dawn Bronson, Presented by: Mr. A. Shaw 10. HOME ECONOMICS AWARD Awarded to the students in Year 2 and Year 4 obtaining the highest standing in Home Economics Winners: Year2 ................................. Annette Taylor, Year4................................... Dawn Bronson Presented by: Mrs. J. Evans 11. STIJDENT COUNCIL PLAQUE Donated by Henderson Con crete Products to the President of the Student Council1 1974-75 RONALD KNOX Presented by: Ronald Vice 12. THEATRE ARTS AWARD Awarded to the student in Year 4 obteining the highest standing in Theatre Arts Winner: CAMERON GRANT Presented by: Mr. G. Minni- 13. THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION WOIEN'S AUXILIARY AWARD For the students with the highest standing in Year 3 and 4 English Winners: Year4........................... Rosemary Schmegner Year3 .................................... Janna Bray Presented by: Mrs. N. Sheehan 14. THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH -178 AWARD For the student with the highest standing in Year 5 English Winner: REBECCA COWMAP Presented by: Mr. Stan Dunn 15. CANADIAN LEGION NO. 178 BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO SCHOLARSHIP Highest standing in Year 5 (to further education) Winner: SANDRA KING THOMAS Presented by: Mr. Stan Dunn 16. BUSINESS ÉDUCATION AWARDS Announced by: Mr. G. Gilpin (a) BANK 0F MONTREAL TROPH',' For speed and eccuracy in Typing Winner: KATHERINE PENWARDEN Presented by: Mr. R. Whiston (b) CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE TROPHY, Awarded f0 the student obteining the highesf standing in Accounting Winner: KAREN THOMPSON Presenfed by: Mr. C. Zinn (c) TORONTO-DOMINION BANK TROPHY Awarded to the student for speed and accu recy in Shorthend Winner: TERESA HOORNWEG Presenfed by: Mr. J. Pogue (d) ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA TROPHY Awerded f0 the student obfeining the highest standing in Business Machines Winner: TERESA HOORNWEG Presenfed by: Mr. Tony Oekmen 17. THE ROY NICHOLS AWARD Awarded fo the student in Grade XIII1 displaying the besf personality and voted most populer by the staff and classmates Winner: TOM LYCZBA Presented by: Mr. Fred Owen 18. ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH COUNCIL 0F THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE AWARD, For the student in Year 2 with the highest standing in Latin Winner: COLETTE TAYLOR Presented by: Mrs. J. Heenen Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Director W. F. Thom, right, and Chairman of the Board E. M. Creighton were on hand for the ceremonies on Friday evening. 14 students from the level five program at Courtice were awarded Ontario Scholarships for achieving 80 per cent in 7 or more Grade XIII credits. 19. U.A.W. SCI1PLARSHIP AWARDS Winners: Barbare Ashton, Sheryl Black, Pave Borysiek, David Cook, Eric David, Gabriela Gehmair, Kimberley Hewke, Sandre Mackey, Jane Reynolds, Linda Reynolds, Roland Simon, Brien Tink Representative from the U.A. 2.UNIVERSITY -WOMEN'S SCHOLARSHIP Winner: SUE VICE 21. DRAMA CLUB Awarded to the student who contributed most to the Drame Club during his or her years et Courtice Winners: Sue Bennett, Lawrence Taylor, Sue Vice (Good Friends) Presented by: Neil Taylor, President of Drame Club Donors: Courtice Drame Club, Mrs. D. Van Driel 22. KINSMEN CLUB ATHLETIC AWARD For highest standing in Grade XII Physical Education (Advanced Cless) Winners: FRANDK LYCZBAand DAVE PLOSS Announced by: Mr. D. Wunderlich Presented by: Mr. Bruce Tink Cess.Princïpi proud 'Of Achievements by Students i'n Estalblishing School'*s Identity By Principal J.E. Speers Welcome to our 14th Annuel Secondary Schooi. This is 0 ùr lStb year of operation. Courtice High School opened in September 1961 with 17 teachers and about 350 stu- dents. In 1966 we had comn- pleted the addition of our Technical wing and by 1969 our student population had reecbed its maximum of nearly 1200 students witb 65 teachers. Witb the building of the New Composite School et Bowmanville, some of the scbool population pressure was taken off and this year we bave 950 students witb a staff of 55. Three years. ago the addition of our fine new Librery or Resource Centre rounded out our educational facîlities, which is functionel- ly among the finest in the province or in the whole country. We cen indeed be proud of our scbooland especially of our student body and staff. Wben we opened as e new scbool in 1961, one of Our major concerns was that as a new school we hed no tradi- tion, no school spirit, no sense of identity. Over the years we have struggled to echieve this sense of identity. Meny times in the past many students and teachers wondered if we would ever achieve eny sense of pariculer identity. Our P roblem was compounded by tbe location end cîrcumsten- ces - large community centre - and the fect that about 90 per cent of our student body came to scbool by bus. We attemped to overcome these obstacles. in several p ositive ways. Our school board was most co-operative in allowing us to have a double run of buses two afternoons a week on Monday and Wednes- day, by which students wbo were involved in extra curri- culer activities or who wisbed to remain to study or use the fecilities couid do so for an additional bour. We also instituted a pro- gram of development of a large number of student activities - Athleticend Social. Our Inter-school team compe- tition bas included Boys and Girls sports - Football - Soccer - Basetal- Volleybail - Gymnastics- Badminton - Judo - School Bands - Drame Club - Choir - other clubs - Pingpong - Cbess - Debating - Science - Home Economics - Model Gliding - Auto - Outdoor Education. The pur pose of these various clubs bas heen not only to heip students gain a sense of identity but also to fulfili one of our main educational goals, that' of assisting students to develop their talents and to =impýrove their physical, social adrecreetional skills. To ensure that this progrem would be available to every single student, 3 years ago we instituted a system of activity periods during one or two periods a week on a regular timetable basis. We h ave found this remarkabiy suc- cessful, over 90 per cent of the students taking- part partici- Satingir-he ogig to-some 30 'ifferent 'clubs or ectivities that I bave mentioned. The fact, that our scbool teams, and clubs bave been 50 successful and able to win games and cbampionships bas aided us immensely. As you know, for several years our Soccer Teams have won al Ontario Championsbips. We bave also won lst piace in competition,,witb our Football Team, Hockey Team, Track and Field, and our Boys and Girls Basketball teamis. Our Judo Team bhas won the Ontario Championsbips seve- ral times. Our Mascot, the Cougar, and our Courtice Cougars, bave been No. 1 several times. In addition, the tremendous success shown by our Scbool Band and our Drame Club in staging higbly successful musicals eacb year bas been most notewortby. 1 firmly helieve that ail of this has belped our student body to achieve a sense of identity and pride in our scbol second to none in Ontario. How do I know this? First 1 get observations and -reports by visiting other scbools, from teachers who taught bere and have moved, on- to other schoois, but, especiaily from student teachers wbo visit several schools in Ontario. They ail report to me that they have found Courtice to bave one of the nlost co-operative end courteous and enthusias- tic group -of students they have -seeni. Also that our staff is among the friendliest and most belpful of any scbool that they bave visited. You migbt tbink from ail of this that we only tbînk of social and athletic activities. Our motto "Amor Sapientiae Floreat" (let the love of wisdom flourish) bas elweys been foremost in our educa- tional consideration. The aca- demic achievements of our students have been a source of pride to us. With the conclu- sion of thle New Educational Programi and individual time- tables, there bas been a marked rise in over-ali stu- dent academic achievement. Last June, 185 students or over 20 per cent of the student body were on our Honour Roll wit an average of 75 per cent or over in ail subjects. The Provincial Average is 15 per cent,* Also we have 14 students in1 Grade 13 last year who had an average of over 80 per cent and are, named Ontario Scho- lars. Our congratulations to the students and to the parents of the students who achieved these honours, and to al students receiving Diplomas and prizes. HAYDONV (intended tor last week> Club 21 met, Oct. 6 at tht, Community Centre with Meta Read chairing the meeting. Group 2 in charge. The meeting was opened with singing O Canada, Meta read a Thanksgiving Prayer. Secretary and Treasurer, re- ports were read and approved. Several itemns of business were discussed. Club 21 in- vites alI Ha ydon children to the Centre af ter their Trick or Treat trip for their usual treat., After the business in the place of a usual program, Group 2 set Up a table and we ail pulled up our chairs and put our thimles on, threaded, our needles and did our fancy work on cancer pads and at the saine time enjoyed a session of gossip. Group 2, G. Potts, J. Trewin, M. Read, J. Slemon, served pumpkin and cherry pie, whipped cream and tea. November meeting, Group 3 in charge, E. Blackburn, J. Gerrard, K.- Buttery, J. Ash- ton, Visitors with the J. Jones on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Welland, and Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn, Susan and Jeremy, Orono, had Saturday -supper with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and family, cele- brating Neil and Wqyne's birthdays. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, is a patient in the Oshawa Hos- pital. Mrs. Asthton is wished a speedy recovery.. Glad to hear, Mrs. John Liptay camne home on Wednes- day from Toronto Hospital. Best wishes Mrs. Liptay. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Tom and Sandy were Monday visîtors of Mr. and Mrs.J. Jones and family, Bownian- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and Miss Cora Degeer, called on Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa, on Sunday afternoon. Clocks were turned back te S.T. this week-end. Keep your piano free t'romn dampness, away fromn steami pipes or stoves, and dut of drafts. toa- friendi RADIO FOR TODAY