Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1975, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesmnan. Bowmanville, October 29, . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. CLRPSSI FIED DEADLIN E FOR CLASSIFIEDý'-' Tues., 12 noon CROMBIE -Billand Ji Il(nee "aie) are pîeased fa announce 25binth ai their son, James &nadford, on Manday, October 20,1975 ai North York General1 HosPi tal. Praud grandparents are Coi. and Mrs. J. S. Kabe, Mebourne Beach, Fiarida and Mrs. Grace Crombie, Bow- manville. 44-1 HUGHES - Dennis and Jean are pleased ta announce the arrivai ai Jennifer Leanne, 7 lbs. 15 azs. an Tuesday, October 2lsi, ai Oshawa General Hospital, a sister for Scott and Bradley. Special ihanks ta Dr. Beckett and Dr. Glichrist. 44-i LANGSTAFF - Gary and Debbie (nee Moore) are pieased ta announce the birfh ai their daughter, Dawni Miriam Louise, 7 ibs. 1 oz. an Oclaber 10, 1975 at Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mn. and Mns. Kennoth R. Moore, and Mr. and Mrs . Ariel' George, Langstalf. Great g randparenfs are Mrs. E. Farraw, Mn. and Mrs. E. Huber, Mn. O. Knapp Sr., Mrs. E. Moore. Special fhanks ta Dr. McKenzie and haspital staff. 44-1 x MAQUIRE - Allan and Sharon ai 231 Nelson SI. E., Allîston, Ontario are happy ta announce the arrivaIait heir firsi child, a girl, Brenda Jasephine, barn October 14, 1975 PruUrandparents are formerly ai Bowmanviiie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ide, Toronia. 44-1 WRIGHT'- Wesley and Debbîe (nee Heard) are plea- sed to announce the birth ai their daughter, Denise Joy, 8 1ibs. 3 ozs. an October 2Oth, 1975 at Oshawa 4enenai1 Hospital. 44-1 The family of Bruce.and Bertha McGili invite friends, neighbors and relatives ta open house in the Parish Hall, Belhany, on Sunday, Navem- ber 9, 1975 tramn 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. The occasion being iheir 4Oih wedding anniver- sa ry. Besl Wi shesaoni1y. 44-1 BROWN - Suddenly ai Bow- Manwil4e Hospi-lal, St~d October 25th, 1975, Maxwebll Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle, aged 69 years, beloved hus- band ai Donolhy Allen, dean tather ai Marie (Mr s. Gardon Tucker) and SaiIy (Mrs. Jahn Dobroshinsky). Service was held in, the Morris Funeral ,:*îýapeI, Bawmanville, Tues- Y aflernoan. informent NSmanviile Cemelery. 44-1 BRUNNER - Suddeniy ai Belleville Hospital, Sunday, Oclober 26th, 1975,, Paul Brun- ner, 32 Hunt Si., Bawmanvil le, aged 84 years, husband ai the laie Katherîne Brunner, dean faiher ai Mary (Mns. Dan Cosgrave), Paul, Bill, Kathe- rine (Mns. G. Tompkins), Anna, Theresa (Mrs. Jack Hicks), Betty (Mrs. Ted Ulmer) and John. Rested ai the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville. Funeral mass was heid in St. Jaseph's Roman Cafhoiic ChurchWed- nesday morning. Intermeni Bowmanviiile Cemetery. 44-1 LYCETT, Mary Elizabeth - At Oshawa Genenal Hospital on Wednesdlay, Oclaber 22, 1975, Mary Elizabeth Little, beloved wife ai the lafe William James Lycett; mother ot Mrs. WiIf red Ogden (Stela), Mrs. Robert Bohm (Olive), Oshawa, Miss Edna Lyceit, Newcastle, Will, Ze- phyr Hilîs, Flarida, Frank, Seagnave, Harry, Cobourg, sister ai Mrs. Walter Widdis (Lulu), Milbroak, in hon 93rd r an. Resled af the Armstrong uneraI Home, Oshawa, wilh funerai service in the chapel Saiurday. Inerment Orona C-emetery. Memorial dona- TOUCHBURN, G. A. Eugene - At Civic Hospital,_ Peierb- roughon Saturda y, Oct. 25, 195 G. A. Eugene Touchburn, of Orono, beloved husbandof Bertha M. J. Cain, dean broiher of Mrs. El1va Woadhal11 aI Hamilton. The Iate Mr. Tauchburn roslec aI Cam- stock Funeral Home at 356 Rubidge St., Peerborough. Service was held af St. Jahn's Anglican Church, Ida on Wednesday, Oct. 291h ai 1:30 p.m. Rev. David Sissmore officiaied. Iniermeni Orona Çeeery. 44-1 z=_ BROMELL - In laving me- mary af a dear daughfer, Emma Winona Luxton, who passed away Nov. 2nd, 1968. God's golden gate sfaad open Seven years ago today, With farewells leff unspaken, You quiefly slipped away. You suffered much in silence, Your spirit did nof bend, Yau faced your pain with courage,' Unfil the verv Pnid. You faughf 5s much ta stay, with us, But your fighting was in vain, Gad taak you ta his laving homne,_ And freed yau from ail pain. -Always remembered by Mot her and Dad. 44-1 x HOOPER - Iaving me- mary af a dear husband, dad and grandpa, Ray Sidney, wha passed away October 28f h, 1973. Our memaries af his gaodness, and love ta us, are happy and sweet. -Sadly missed, and farever loved by "His Family". 44-1 x NICHOLSON - In laving memary of a dear daughter and sister, Dianne, wha pas- sed, away six years ago November 2nd, 1969. This manth cames -with deep regret, If brings back the day we cannotftorget, n aur hearts you wiIl always sta Y. Memories are treasures,, No one can steal, Death is a heartache Na one can heal. Lite must go on, we know ifs frue, But, ifs nat fhe same since we lost you. You leftsa quietîy wifhout godcbye, But memories of you will neyer die. - Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, sisfer and brother-mn- Iaw. 441x CANDLER, Norman A. - Entered info resi af the Ajax- Pickening Hospital, on Safur- day, ctober 25, 1975, Norman A,. Candier, beloved husband of Esther Graham, dear father af Ronald ai Sault Ste. Marie, Robert, Russell, of Aiax, Raymond af Oshawa, Leah (Mrs. William Lindsay), ai Ashburn, Ralph of Flesher- fan, Norma ai Bracebridge, loving grandfafher ai sixteen grandchildren and one great Z randdlaughter, brother af lusl!ot lai dbr, Stuar o Bowmanville. Mr. Candler rested at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering, No. 2 Hwy. Pickering Village. (Town of Ajax). Funeral service was in the chapel an Tuesday,. Octo- ber 28 ai 2 p.m. Interment Erskine Cemetery. ln lieu of flowers, please send donations ta the Canadian Cancer Socie- ty. 44-lt MADS EN, Ota Suddenly at his residence an Manday, Octaber 20, 1975, Offa Madsen, in his 72nd year. Resfed at Nrthcuft Elliait Funeral Hame. Funeral service was held Tuesday affernoan. Inter- ment Bawmanville Cemetery. 44-1 CÇARNATIOI~ F or AIl Yc FlowerNE STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPEC THEY'RE HARD TO B Carnation Flower Shc 33 Division St. 623-7141 m< "F owe Say il iBest' VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto.. Oshawa - BSjmanville A Phone 623-4441 Since 1912 F lowers by JACKMAN ... PHONE 613-3365 162 Kng St. E., Bowmanvilîe 44-i Funeral Home Tk- âghtfuIness - Service- Concern Thoughtful selection of cemeterv sites, for varlous reasons a concern of many people ... offen far -in advance of need. We have, available information on all local cemeteries, simpty on request. SThis is part of our service to thE community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 44-1 lour eeds IALS EAT mUORE -In memnory of a Iaving father and grandfather, Wm. H. Moore, wha passedi away Nov. 4th, 1961 and a Iaving mother and grand- mother, Margaret Christina, who passed away Feb. 20th, 1966. Gad saw fhem getfing weary, He did whaf he thaughf best, He came and knelt beside fhem, And whispered came and rest. - Lavingly remembered by their lamily Muriel and Reg Elsie and Floyd and grand- children. 44-1ix NICHOLSON -In loving memary af aur granddaughter Diane wha passed away Nov- ember 2, 1969. Resting where no shadaws fall, In peaceful sleep, she awaits us al, Gad will ink the braken 'hain, When ane by ane we meef again. - Sadby missed by Grandma and Grandpa Masters.'. BOUGHEN - ln Ioving me- mary ai a dear mother and grandmother, Alice,,wha pas- sed away Octaber 30, 1974 and dean tather and grandfather, Ralph, Sept. 12, 1956.1 Sattly the leaves ai memary lail, Gently we gather, we treasure them al Some may lorgef naw ihat yau're gone We wiil remember no malter how long. - Sadly missed June and Adam andtfamily. 44-1 PORTEOUS - In laving memory ai a iaving wife'and maiher, Rhada Parteaus, who passed away October- 251h, 1958. We miss yau in 50 many ways, We missfthefthings yau used ta Say, And when aid limes we do recaîl, t's then we miss you masf ai ail. - Ever remembered by husband Harold and lamily. 44-1 RUNDLE, Gea. - In lovinq memory ai a dean Dad, who passed away Nov. 2, 1951. Lave Greatesi Git- Remem brance - Sadly missed, daughter Mel and son-in-law Jack. 44-1 RUNDLE, Gea. - ln fond memary ai Dad, who passed away on Nov. 2, 1951. Too dearly loved fa ever be fargotten. - Daughter Loba Brown, Floricfa and grandidaughfer Heather, Illinois. 44-i SMITH - In oving memany ai a dean grandiather, Arnold, who passed awvay Oct. 29, 1971. His memory is as dean today As in the hour he passed away. - Ever remembered by granddaughter, Karen. 44-1 SMITH - In ioving memory of my dear husband, Arnold, who passed away Oct. 29, 1971. t's ionely here without you, i miss you more each day. For lufe is not the same ta me Since you were called away. - Sadiy missed by wife, Dol. 44-1 SMITH - In oving memory ai a dean father, Arnold, who passed away Oct. 29, 1971. We cannai Lord, Thy purpose see, But ail is weli that's done by Thee. - Remembered aiways, Elsie and Georg.e. . - -1.---44-i mm op The fami ly ot the il t-ank Purdy wauld like la fhank al thoir friends and relatives for tf ail their kindness, cards, flowers, phono calis and 50 many otters ai help. To Doctars John Rundle and Moseinka also' Rev. Wesley Oke far his kind wards ai sympafhy. We wauld ike ta ers thank ail Ihase ihat sent t lawers and danations and the Beehive Rebekah Lodgo ion their fiawer arrangement, the nurses of firsi floor aI Memo- rial Hospital and anyane we have probably fargaffen. We also would like fa ihank the roi Morris Funeral Hame for all their help. The Rebekahs for 4-f the hall and the lovely lunch 4.i alter the service. Thank you - ail again. The Purdy Famiiy We wish fa thank aur friends, neighbours and rela- tives, for their acfs aI kind- ness, floral tribufes and dona- tions on the oss aI a beloved wbte and mather, Mrs. Flan- ence Caoper (Greenwood). Charles Cooper, Lawrence Greenwoad and lamilies 44-1 x i would like fa say thank yau la my friends wha sent cards, flawers and fruit while i wasa paient and since returning horme tram the University Hospital, Londan. The neigh- bons who were s0 kind ta my family, if was greally appre- ciaied. Vernice McLay -D My sincere thanks ta iiends, relatives and neighbors, ion floral iributes, charliable donations, kind deeds and cards in my recent bereave- ment. Ta Dactars MacDonald and Rowseii and staff on 3B, Oshawa Generai Hospital. Ta Rev. A. J. Gowland and Mclntash Anderson Funeral Home, my special lhanks. Mrs. R. McCaI11umn 44-1ix sam Eric and Jennifer Bowman wish f0 extend a very sincere thank you f0 the community of Enfield for a wonderful pre- senfafion. Thank you for your kindness. 44-1 We wish ta thank fhe Haydon Cammunify for the very enjoyable evening and especially for the lovely giffs presenfed tb us. Glen and Karen Ashton 44-1 x Masquerade dance in Ponfy- pool Communify Centre, Saturday, Navember 1sf. Fay Adams and Country Hifs. $5.00 a couple. Refreshments. 43-2 Long Saulf Club 50 Bake Sale, Penny Sale and affer- noon tea will be held in Tyrone Hall, Navember 5 at 2 p.m. 43- DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL Sat., Nov. 1 Music by "The Adels" $4.00 per couple 43-2 OPEN HOUbE Knox Christian School SCUGOG STREET NORTH BOWMANVILLE REFORMATION DAY ASS EM'BLY with individual class present aiions Friday, October 31 1:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME 44-1 First Guide Company and Third Brawnie Pack Mther's Graup will hald their annual Bake Sale an Friday, Octaber 31, from 10:00 a.m. fa 12 naon ai Cificresi Cleaners-. 44-1 Escorted Tours ce Capades Nov. 8th, 9th, i5th and l6th Rayai Winfer Fair (Gaod Evening Performance tickets availabie) Novem ber 22nd Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary Nov. lst and 2nd Toronto Shapping Day Novem ber eth Toranto Shapping Day Navem ber 26th Wàheel iÀa «W. V. (Jahnny Cash) November l4th and l6th Sunshine Party. Tours Box 214, Port Hape Telephone 885-2211 .44-i Escorted Tours FLORIDA Christmas Circle Tour Dec. 20 - Jan. 4th 34 Day Flarida Tour Jan. 29 - Mar. 2 Feb. 26 - Mar. 30 16 Day Flanida Circle Feb. 7- Feb. 22 23 Day Florida Circle Mar. 6 - Mar. 28 Mid Term Break - Flarida Mar. 19 - Mar. 28 Sunshine Party 1Tours Box 214, Part Hope Telephone 885-2211 44 f Salvatian Army Home Lea- p e Tea - Sale, Friday, FJvem ber 7, 2:30 - 4:30. Adults 50 cents, children 35 cents. 44-2x BARN SALE Wed., October 29 to Sat., November 1 10:00a.i. - 7:oop.m. Property of R. D. Surplus, Sauina and Nash Road, Courtice Assorîment ai guns, tbals, antiques, many household items, furniture, adding mac- hine, Photo-copier, foys, many other items too numerous ta mention. Take Highway 2 ta Sauina Road, turn forth ta f irst inter- section. Youlre there. For more info call 576-5081. 44-1 Sauina Married People's Reunian wiil be held this Saturday, Navember 1, ai 8;00 p.m. in Solina Community Hall. Everyane Welcame. 44-1lx APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NE WCASTL E TEDDY ADAMS' SHOW Friday - Saturday Oct. 31 - Nov, i Dancing 9-1 44-1 ICE CAPADES MAPLE LEAF cILPflENS NOVEMBER 16 Bus leaves Forum Resfaurant at 3:45 Bowmanvillo Bus Stop aI 4: 10 Aduîts $8.50 Children (12 and under) $5.75 (Includes Ticket ta Gardons) Phono: 623-7561 after four 623-3811 987-5246 afier four 987-4434 after four Dance at Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, Navember 1sf. Spansored by the Orange Lodge, music by the Couples Club Orchestra. Everyone welcame. 43-2 AONSTER BINGO New Starting Time TH URSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsared by Oshawa Minor Soi Ibail JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-If WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO 0 NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. b RED BARN - WAYNE ST, OSHAWA Bowmanville Horticultural Society bus trip1 to Royal Winter Fair, November lSth, $3.00 bus fare plus admission. Contact AIf Brown, 623-5034. 44-1 Oz Eat farm raised domnestic rabbit.1 Tender, del icious white meat. Economîca I No--Waste Now available at your meat store or supermarket. IBOWMANVI LLE SAND& GRAVEI Brick Sand, Wash Stone, Scneened Top Sou and Driveway Gravel Phone 263-2143 31-if E 42-3 TOMATOFS are available again aI Martin Masferf's Greenhauses. Phone 623-58-72. 43-2 THREE hundred bales of gaod hay. $1.25 per baie. Phane aller five 1-983-9311. 44-1 GRAND Opening, Navember 1sf, House ai Amber, Antiques and Gifts. Goad selection aI gilîs ion C7hristmasý, oc.ated nonih end .Hampton Village, back section ai large, red brick home. Parking alsoata rear af home. Open 9 a.m. -9 p.m. November 1sf thru Nov- ember 8th. Everyane wel- came. For lunther information cal] 263-2981. 44-1 '64 CHEV., 283 motar, runs gaad, $150 as is, an best ailer. Phone 623-7159 affer 6 p.m. 44-1 x WOOD for fireplace or stave. 32' x 4', wiiiow, phone263-2784. 44-i USED Viking refnigerator, 13 cu. f., $60. Car radio, cam- plete, $17. Phone 623-5068. 44-1 BEDROOM suite (including night fables), one month oid, phone 623-6628. 44-1 SAWDUST or shavings, deli- vered or picked up. Aiso dry tirewaod tram $5 up. Afler 5 phone 728-6852. 44-4 BEEF, chaice sides, 85 cents per lb., cul, wrapped and frazen. Ail meat gavernment inspecfed. Maple View Farm, Bethany (705) 277-2168. 44-4x 1971 OLYMPIC Skb-daoo, 399 24 hp iwin, gaad condition, abso single bed frailer, best otter. Phone 623-3977. 44-1ix A - g - WEEKEND SPECIAL Foliage Plants Reg ula r 99 cents NOW 3 f or $1 .00 Cash and Carry CARNATION Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 CHROME kitchen suite, $30; antique kitchen suite, $30; antique buffet, $75; plder foilet, sink and tub, also faucets, $50; two continental headbaards, $10 each. Miscel- laneous items. Phone 623-4239. 44-1 SET ai bunk beds, wicker bassinet, antique dresser, t Ire- place, china cabinet, chester- field suite, buffet, trunks, dining raam tables. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St., Bawmanvlle. 44-1 BABY carniage, $39; baby stroîler, $14; car beds, $9; high chair, $9, high chair $6; woaden playpen, $6;g irils bicycle, $15. Towne U sed Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 44-1 KENMORE 30" electric stove and Coldspot self-defrost ne- frigerator, two years aid, like new, bronze, asV!ing $50b; 30"' mattress, like new, $15. Phone 623-4296. 44-1ix GRAIN ted beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- villie, phone 786-2512. 4t AIR condifioners, central and windaw unifs. Caîl Harveyý Partner. Orono 983-5206' or Zen ith 14620. 21f, RADIAL arm saw, 2 hp motar, 10" blade, like new. Asking $275. Phone 263-8884. 44-lx ALUMINUM siding, doars, windows, awnings, railings, ramp carrying systems. Lamne Aluin, 1 Prince St., 623-3871, Supreme Wîndow and Doar Ca. 44-1 CONTENTS.* Several items ef, dining table and chairs, kitchen suite, single bed, odd tables and small electrical appliances. 38 Raser Crescent, îTh ursday 6-9 p. m. 44-1 APPLE WOOD For Your Fireplace Phone 623-6136 Af ter 5 43-4 OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES T 1ýR A C TO Il S TRACTORS & EQUI1PME NT LAWN & GARDE N EQUI1P. USED Furniture and Appli-, ances. Paddy's Market,, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf 0A r straw, phane 263-2730. 44-1 Oshawa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS- AUprce t SrV E you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-ti IH ITE'S TOWERS ,, Towers Aeria i R Apartmi Pri AskJ Gui FAMM MACMINLKT COMPACT FARM 1 NSTi TRACTORS Iomý SALES-SERVICE- RENTALS Phone 728-6901 16tfi HOMEMADE trailer wifh brakes, il' x 7' patform, $300;, alsa pumpkins. G. Kel.ly 986-4257. 43-il Carnation Fîower Shop and Seeds, heîps you enjoy nature, with the birds close .. ... check these prices ...* Bird Seed Mixture Sunflower 100Olbs................ $14.95 50Oibs................. 7.75 $14.95 251bs................. 4.10 7.75 10Olbs................. 1.90 3.60 51bs................. 1.00 1.85 This ad gaod for 50 cents discount on 50 Ibs. Sunflower or 100 Ibs. Mixture. Novem ber 6, 7, 8. 33 DIVISION ST., BOWMANVILLE, 623-5577 44-1 POOL COVERS UNLIMITED "By Polytarp" The new miracle lifelime plastic caver wiii nol rip or bear. Simple ta instaliI or remave in mimules, use year round. Average size wVeighs anly 20 lbs. This caver wiil support the weight aI several people, fhereby reduces accidents. E liminates Aigae growth and damage fa vinyl ined pools. From 19 cents sq. ft., 2 taS5 year warranty. 623-3528 42-31 OSHAWA ScREENED SAND GRAVEL%& STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS & PARKING LOTS Jci TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL DELIVEREDOaR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RE§NT SNOW REMOVAL CALL 725-0232 SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SOLINA RD. N. 3i1M ILE NORTH 0F HIWAY, 2. Financing A, FURNACESC PARTS AND POLIC CALL HARV PARTéI Vour ESSO Ser FREE ESTI Orono 983-5206 - 24 Hour Si SNOW PLOWING s,Vtos Applications will be recei- episRtrs & yod by the undersigned unfil te & Thursday, Navember 6, 1975 eired&Hoe for snow remaovai and sanding ýeboutredaIfschaal driveways and jaranteeo apkin ïwriting staiing the Phone type of equipment andfthe lacelher with the namnes ai the 576-5606 schools ini which you are iii- 576-606 teretedini senvicing. M. A. MacLeod, E. WHITE Business Administrator and COURTICE Treasurer, 3.1The Northumberland and 3tfNewcastle Board af Education, Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, L AN COBOR, Ontario K9A 4L2 FURNACE 44-i BOILER JUMIDIFIER Wa rehouse HEATER Receiver %vailable 5 Days a Week lncîuding CLEANED Saturdays. SERVICE Appy in person at CY Canadian Tire L1 16o Church St., Bowmanville I EY Ask for Will Vanderlindon NEP 44-1 vice Dealer IMATES Zenith 14620 >ervice 23-if WATER suppiy - p5ools, weiis etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bawmanvilie. 723-6980. 22-tf Buy direct lrom Manufac- ture - Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., pas a hugeýselection of fine, quaîbty mon uments, large and Smal ta fit any need. Come by un display, yard aI 73 Ontario treet, Port Hope or telephane 85-5216 for a monument that ndures. 35-tf. Wenmore Financial Services 1050 Simce St. N., Oshawa Phono 576-0410 Ftrst and second 'Mortgages arranged at prime rates, use the equ ity in your home for home purchases and consolidation oT debts. 42-4 PROF ESSIONAL famuly with four pre-schaoi chiidren ne- quire a babysilier, preiorably ta live ini. Cali 623-7308 afior 6. 44-1 PART-TIME BARTENDERS Required for Weekends No Experience Nocessary For Appoiniment Cail: Mr. J. Bourke Fîying Dutchman Motor Inn 623-3373 44-1 BABYSITTER wantod, Bow- manvilie - Newcastle anea. Phone 987-5004. 44-1 NURSES" AIDE! Mature heîp, able ta worl shifts. Caîl Mrs. Dennis 623-2553 SI1XT E EN hands, biacK mare, has shawn and evenled suc- cesstully, bald and alhletic lumper. Phone 623-2440. 44 lx STOCKER caîves, 30 steers, 20 heiters, 350-45,0 lb., wesned, vaccinated. Doug Veater 1-797-2369. 43-2 FIRST cutting hay, also second cutting. Phone 723- 6258. 43-2 ANTIQUES, appliances, used furniture, hausehald effects, aver fhree hundred items at aur Garage Sale- Flea Market. Also raspberry canes, rhubarb roats, peany roafs. Now open daily an Base Line Raad, 21/2 miles wesf af Waverly Road, phone 623-7490. 44-1 1FM-8 frack player, made b)~ -.Autamatic radia. Asking $100 Phane 623-2913. 43-t AUTOMATIC washer an( dryer. Phone 623-3303, 9 a.mn to 5p. m. 43-t APPLES for sale. Jae's Or chard, easf ai Bowmanville, I/ mile narfh af Na. 2 Hwy. or Line 3. 623-2017. Open sever days a week. 43-8) COMPRESSORS, generators, elpctric motors, grinders, drillI -.resses, heavy duty power tools, etc. We seIl, buy and frade. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelsan St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 30-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts avallable for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watcheý and modemn watches and clocks. Our repairs are done with mnodern up-to-dlate equipmen and qualified Swiss. trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTID. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-ti PADDY'S Market now hai new furnifure, appliances T.V.'s and stereos and als( used furniture and appl lances~ Will accepi trade-ins. Paddy'i Market, Hampton, phone 263f 2241. 33-t LEARN TO DRIVE' TRACTOR, TRAILORS - Naw yau can train righl here in Canada! -Tuilion Tax Deductibie! Placement assistance -Weekend training alsa avail- able! For application and inter- view, write: Safety Dopariment, The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Lt. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario. Or CaîIl 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans-Canada Transport Training) 43-2 GERMAN Shepherd, answers f0 King. Prestonville area. Phone 576-9721. Would lady. ihat called ne this dog please cal back. 44-i MALE, white persian kitien, has grey spot an head. LasI around Simpsan Avenue area. Phone 623-4669. Reward. 44-i $100 neward. Caf, large black and white. Neuiered mae. Lost in woods north of Bowmanvile. MAay answer ta name "Charlie Brown". Cai Toronto collect 920-4916. 42-3 -S k i-ree removal ai fresh, dead S or disabied animais. There wilb be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Cali Margwil 44-2 Fur Farm, Hamptan 263-2721. 44-tf MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE IHONE ORONO' 983-5584 1 44-11 MK 'AL EXPE'RIENCELD punch press operator for medium ta heavy production, work. Good wage and fringe benefils. Apply in persan ta L & L Tool, Simpson Ave. S., Bowmanville. 44-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications will be recei- yod by the undersigned until Friday, October 31, 1975 Ion the position aI Caretaker, 24 - hours per week at the Maple iy Grave East, Public Schoab. 0Goad knowîedge aI schoal tf caretaking p racedures and - cleaninq methads. Abiify ta d work iram verbal and written iinstructions and ta gel alang f with people. - Apply in writing, slating - qualifications,, adcfress and /4 telephane number ta: ýnM.A. MacLeod, , ýnBusiness Admînisirator and ix Treasurer, -Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatian Box 470, 834 D'Arcy St. North, COBOURG, Ontario K9A4L2 44-1 STATIONARY ENGIN EER (Fourth Class) Applications will be recei- ved.by the undersigned until Friday, Oclober 31, 1975 for the position aI Combined Carefaker, Operating Engi- neer Ian oil-fired, Iow- pressure, bailer operalian af the Cobourg District Cal le- giate Instilule East. Apply in writing ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and INewcastle Board of Education Box 470, 834 D'Arcy St. N. COBOURG, Ontario, K9A 4L2 44-1 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Applicatians will be recel- ved by the undersigned unfil 4:'00 p.m., November 5, 1975 far the pasition ai CODING CLERIK Commercial or business educafion a necessify, includ- ing typing, and general office procedure. Cading experience preferable, but must have mathematical aptitude, plus the ability ta get along with peaple and be able ta work tram verbal and wriften instructions. Please apply in writing, stafing qualifications, experi- ence and felephane number ta: Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Newcastle Boarmd of Education P-0. BOX 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, North COBOURG, Ontario K9A 4L2 44-1 czar, 1972 Pontiac Le Mans Immaculate condition, pow- er equipped, radia, one owner, hardfop, snow tires on rims. Phone 623-3579 atter 5. 44-fl '73 HORNET, 20i000 miles. Phone 623-2886. 44-1 1965 PONTIAC, best offer. Phane 723-5180. 44-1lx '67 GRAND PARISIENNE, 4-daar hardtap, 8 automatic, radia, was centitied in March, good runner, $350 as is. Phone 263-8049 affer six. 44-1 1969 BEAUMONT Station wagon, V-8, power steering, $550. Phane 623-5427. 44-i 1967 PONTIAC Strata Chiel, 4-doar gaad body, new paint job,-uncertilied, best aller. Cal 623-5788 af ter 6. 44 lx STATION WAGON, 1968, V-8, power brakes, frailer hitch, gaad conditian. i-983-5817 weekdays. 44-1 1973 BUICK Electra Limited, 4-door, execulive driven, 10w; mileage, full lisi af Buick optians, incbuding air candi- fianing, AM-FM sterea, radia, tape player, 60-40 dîvided frant seat wilh 6-way power adjusters, bath sides. Must seli at once as awner has purchased new car. Asking $4,500 or best aller, cerfified. Phone Braaklin 1-655-3326. 43-4 1970 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 doar automatic, $700. Phone 987- 4214 after7. 44-1 '73 CHRYSLER N.Y. Broug- ham, vinyl top, air condition- ed, 4-door, hardtap, radial tires, 33,000 miles, excellent condition. Champlain Sheil, Waverly Raad and 401. Phone 623-4111. 44-1 1972 FORD pick-up trucK, rust-proofed, 33,000 miles, very good condition, $2,200. Phone 1-797-2333. 44-2 '73 TR-6, 38,03l0 miles, top condition, new radiais, make an offer. 623-4687. 44-1 '69 FORD hardtop, g ood running condition, body A-i shape. Asking $600 or best offer. 623-3122. 44-1 1973 BUICK Century, 4 door, 22,500- miles, 1975 Cev. Im- _palasedan, 14,000,miles. BatJh cars have- P.S., P.B., A.T., tinted glass, radio, rust-proof- ed plus other options. Phono 1-983-5937. 44-1 1972 FIRENZA, good second car, $800. Phone 623-4239. 44-1 1974 COUGAR, capper, 23,000 miles, Velour intenior. Asking $5,000. Phone 623-6057 between 5and6p.m. 42-3

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