Trhe Ca~nain Statesman, Bowmanvilie. October 22, 1975 i I he Newcastle Indepenq IEditors: Jack and 'Hazel Crago Dediccfe Memiorial Windowsaf Newcastfie Tell ci th, 191 do Ti wi TI th Sr ra th St n of ar th fil ar ac er i Senior Citizens' Club show compared life ini modern Moose ini the Middle The regular montbiy meet- and pioneer days and allowed of the Road And tmy not to be blue * ing of the Newcastle Senior the pupils to step into the Down the road, these hunters No matter what your story is E Cîtîzens Club was hield on shoes of a pioneer. came, We ail believe in you. in t Thur-sday evening, October, On October 7, the class Around the bend and down the A. Bystander 16ith in the Lions Centennial visited Lang Pioneer Village way Hockey News lehne97-21 ooni f the Newcastle Com- and thie Lang Miii. Dulring the Theme stood a moose, as big as Sunday Night Town League muiy Hall. Thirty-two morning, pupils enjoyed a life, H-ockey started on October 19. lopresent.7-The guided tour 'by the village staff "The moose is dead," the The score in the first game Necatl Uitd huch eveninig was spent play*n and somie volunteer parents. hunters say. was Cowanville Auto Parts 3, Neýatewsie Cuc Progressive Euchre. The win-1- The afternoon was devoted Out of the truck, the hunters Spencer Real Estate 1. The On~~~~~~~~ Sudyctbr1%'nr e~eHg a Ies nr to conipleting a Pioneer Activ- leap, second game the Regional huc ino nFletcher, High Gents, Harry ity Book'iet which involved "The best two shots," theirý Reciaimers won over Harvey Iiec Wllbridne memory of Jose, Low Ladies, Lorna careful observation and, re- 1 commades say. Partner's Plumbing and Heat- lie w,ýas bdonedbmiy i14- Adair, Lowv gents, George searcb. Seven shots rangout in the ing 3-1. 90 arryJoseadesd antsM. Buckley. After the gamie a' WYitb the help of a Pioneer ' calm, stili air The thirdgame was a 2-2 tie fary Jse nd escndats.tastv lunch wvas nrovided and Recipe Bôokiet, pupils and The moose turned round and between Queen's Hotel and the Ir. William Bmffett, Scarbor- ser d by the folîowving mnemi their parents suppîied baking Desaîd, N a. Elmhurst Hotel tp;;mQ îstaiied tha esiemorandri bers: Thle Buckleys, Mrs. matemials and ingredients for De iatyhe stood on the road N\ewcastle Commnunity attnded the e Duxbury, Mrs. Quinneyv, Sr. a bee and let the, hunters shoot bowlin ows, Mrs PascoetandsLoriaeAd air al Fiday morning.away. Due to the thanksliving rhe wording on the new r.PsoanLraAdi . ridosis 'o M Wi BtAfter the lunch, the mémnbers Puipils in groups of five or Tbey bit bis horiis but he just holiday there was no adies Pbine Be Done' and this was were briefed on the upcomning simaepecnmnbn, lugdown.Ihpetycute le text for ktev. Thomas Oct. 29th and 3th trip to Jack colonial cornbread, and "To bag a moose, that ain't calories -inistead of bowling mihssro.Miner's Bird Sanctuary and "hloniey, nuggets"' from nine- the way." pins. ;mih' semo. he or Mueu. iscsson eethcenur reips.Off tbe road and down theMe 225 and Over Two beautiful floral ar-thFodMeu.Dsuso tenhctryeip. -angements were placed in was also heid on the intention Many hidden talents ýwere bank, R. Sutcliffe 257, E. Taylor ~echrc b Ms.Palie of inviting the Orono Club to discovered as boys and girls As hie sauntered off, they 227, T. Embley 301, F. ;torks, in memory of bier the Novembiier meeting. More tried their hand at making badhmsy tpeo 2,W lnof29 riother. on these items at a later date. pie-dough and rolling it into "Great white hunters, the Wednesday mixed flaky pie-crusts. laugh's on you. 175 andover, Mr. Francis Jose, on bebaif Lockhart P.S. News Other groups were busy You won't have me on your R. Wright 239, C. Ricbter if the Anniversary Committee On Friday, October 10, Mrs. mixing cornmeai batter and table to-dayl." 186-188, S. Szymczak 191, P. innounced that the istory of McBride's ciass of Lockhart tbe cbewy cookie'dough. TO A HUNTING GANG Gilray 189, M.J. Tomkins lie Newcastle United Churcb Public Scbooi beld its pioneer During the afternoon, as Deepest sympathy extended 233-184, T. Myers 188, J. 3ooks will soon be available at Thanksgiving festival, to cli- groups completed tbeir bak- To a hunting gang we know. Richter 176-188. ive dollars a copy, and that max a thmee-week unit on ing', pupils made apple doîl Accomding to a bystanider Thurs. Mixed ny of the commîttee, Anna- Pioneer Life in Ontario. Pupils heads, dipped them in lemon t was reaily quite a show., 200 and over )leRickard, Mary Kean, bad heen studying about juice and seÉthtem out to dry. To bit a moving object G. Forget 213, F. Lewis 231, ~ecl Bwle o Frnci Jse amiy nd armiie wtb be Finally, with the cornbread It's agreed this could be tougb C. MacGregor 232, W. Forget vi11 be pieased to take beip of discussions, dramati- still piping bot from tbe oven, But to miss a standing target 20428'.Fre 5,M dvance orders. zation, story-writing, and "dinner" was served. Boy tbat's really kind of rough MacGregor 203, L. Scbmid The Drop-in-Centme for table displays of pioneer Everyone enjoyed sampling Wbile Archie, Rod and Charlie 201-202, B. Glanville 250, 1. rade 7 and up will begin Fni., articles and crafts. each otber's cooking and Were crying in their beer Forget 244-223. ;ov. 14tli. Willing aduit heip- A special bighiigbt was tbe appreciatéd the usefulness of A big moose in the notland Friday Mixed ýrs, please contact Rev. Timotby Pilgrim show beid at bees in preparing for Tbanks- Let out a hearty cheer. 200 and Over Fhoras mit 9:0 o T sdaThegivng.So dry youm tears now feilows F. Wright 207, A. Delaat 210. Warehouse Lumberland 100 Bond Streeàut West O'shaâmwa mtg Ends, Danmagoed Goods, mUnnclaim»edMaite rials End o Line and iscontinued'Goods n .i J. Barchard 219, LPac 208-270, J. Himýîes 24 .Ci 212-28-i0 , N aii204, Tý EmNibey 211,E. Emrbiey 208, M. Henry 283, G. Kentnier, 209, R. Good 242-228-301, F. Gianv- ville 212. MAeny Mcikers Bowlinci Hlseam dtanuings Hit -7057, Huisman 9-6575, Sheehan 8-6440, McFeeters 8-6333, Moore 7-6268, Wood 5-6408, Smith 4-6233, Nieuven- huis 4-5908, Rutty 3-6432, Potter 3-601,1., High' Average: G. Smith 200; High Single: K. MeFeet- ers 276; Higb Double: K. MceFeeters 475. Team Stanidings No. 9 Hilts 11-8864, No. 3 Sheehan 11-8013, No. 7 McFee ters, 9-8037, No. 1 Huisman 9-8039, No. 10 Wood 8-7949,No. 2 Smith 7-7817, No. 4 Moore 7-7724, No. 6 Rutty 5- 8046, No. B Nieuwenhuis 5-7501, No. 5 Potter 3-7421. High Average, K. McFee- ters 206, High Single, K. McFeeters 261, Higb Double, K. McFeeters 502. Some of the most daàngerous intersections reinresiential areas, where there are narrow st'reets, arked cars, obstrue- te d views. Too many drivers go tearing along impatiently or inattentively, states the Ontario'Safety League, with-' out thinking that driveways, arking lots and commercial ~uilding entrances create in- tersections out of what seems to be mid-block stretets. jSocial and Mm. and Mrs. Geomge Waton were Wednesday night dinner guests of M. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl. Miss Domene Powell attend- ed the opening of the East Central Ontaio Art Associa- tion's l7th Annuai Juried Exhibition on Satumday, Octo- ber l8th. This show of 48 paintings, which stated at Belleville Library Gallery thîs year, is a travelling exhibit which wiii move westwamd duing the fali and winter. One picture of speciai interest is the watercoior "River Rocks" by Camol Reynolds of Bow- manville. This painting was awarded the Belleville Art Association Award. Congratu- lations Carol! Miss Cathy Howes, London,, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. We are glad to, report that Mrs. Martin McLay is home from London Hospital. Congratulations to M. and Mrs. Robert Alin wbo cele- brated their 2th wedding anniversary ecently. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hope enjoyed the Oktoberfest activ- ities in Kitchener last week- end. Mrs. Olive Howson has been visiting hem sistem-in-law, Mrs. Fred Byers. Miss Julie Hamilton, Bow- manville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- baîl were Saturday evening dînner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapieton, Port Hope.* Miss Mabel Oldfieid, and Mrs. Reta Embley enjôyed sevemal days at Thanksgîving, visiting Mrs. Embley's son and daughtem-in-iaw, M. and Mrs. Ross Embley, Trenton. M rs. Winona Kay who bas Wýna patient in Memoriai Fàitai, Bowmanville is now at Southaven Nursing home. Misses Dale Powell. and Cat, Wright visited Miss Je"'ýe Gay, University of W 00. Is. P. Greenfield and Ms. W. A. Edger, Bowmanviile, weme Thusday nigbt supper guests of Mr. and Ms. Harve Britton. Mr. and Mrs. George Van- stone, St. Mamy's, weme week- end visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. M. and Mrs. Stan McMuter, Bowmanviile, were Sunday calers. On F'riday, October 10, Mr. andMrs. Hfarry Wade attend- ed a reception and banquet at Parkhill. M. and Mms. John Broadfoot, Brucefield,, ac- companied the Wade's, on a motor trip to Springfield, Illinois, where they attended Grand Lodge Sessions. Miss Candy Storks, Rex- dale was home for the week-end. Mm. Glen Murphy, New- castle Aena Manager, bas been busy getting ready for the skating season, which opened this past week-end. Af ter the cbristening of Kevin Alldread ' son of M. and Mrs. Thomas Alldread,' on Sunday afternoon, the family met for supper at the home of Mm. and Mms. Talbot Alldread. Those present inciuded Mm. and Mrs. Joseph Dubeau, Tessie and fiend îCamoline, Mr. and Mrs. Aif AlIdread and girls, Mm. and Mrs. Jim Alldead and boys and Mm. Jeff ýAlldread, and Mr. and Mrs. Win Colliem and family. SMms. Evelyn Caîl, Toronto, was a Saturday visitor witb Mr. and Mrs. William Caîl and family. On Sunday, a going-away farty was held at the Car, ome in honor of their daughtem Joan wbo is leaving fom Carson, Nevada, on Wed- nesday morning., Thity-eight guests from Toronto, Newton- ville and Newcastle enjoyed the buffet' supper. Birtbday greetings are also in order, as Joan and'ber mother,' Hlda, celebrate this week. Mr and Ms. Everett Jen- kins, M. and Mms. Edmund Majer, and Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard attended the' Lions Cabinet Meeting in, Belleville on Sunday, October The men of the Newcastle Village Fire Department are now attempting to compile a histomy of their Fire Depamt- ment since its beginning in 1940. Any pictumes, lippings or information tbat couid be loaned for this pumpose wouid be geatly aj preciated and returned to tEe sender. Mm. Fred Gianville will be pleased to eceive this information. Dr. and Mms. John Westlake and twin daughters, Kingston, visited hem aunt, Miss Mar- jorie Clemence, z and other relatives over the week-end. Miss Cindy Garod, Humber Coliege was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ton- kmn Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell ecentiy., Patients in bospîtal this week include Mm. Delbert Lewis, Mrs. Ceci! Miler and Miss Susan Miller, Mrs. Harmy Clarke, Mm., Hawkins, Mm. Eric: Clarke, Mr.' Vernon Calberry, Mlr. Alex Patterson and Mm. Saxton and Elsie Sandercock. Mrs. Edna Selby, Mms. Heien Aqualina, Mr. and Mrs. Felgate and famiiy, Unionville, and Mm. and Mrs. Ken Snmith, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wiifmed Wood. 1Members of the Newcastle LiUiub were busy Monday evening, canvassing for tbe C.N.I.B. Anglican Church News Tbree bal** were baptized at St. George's Anglican Church by Reverend Robt. Hayne on Sunday, OctoLr 19. Tbey were Kevin M1Vfthew Aldread, Amber Leigh Umph- rey and Laura Jean Downey. The Rector is attending the Ciergy Special Synod in Tom-' onto on Thursday morning. The people of St. George's and St. Savio um's are grateful to ahl those who sponsored walkers on the waikathon. The poceeds are spent on mis- sions in' the Canadian North and abroad. ý The ladies of St. Saviour's Cbumch, Orono, beld a suc- cessful bazaam on Saturday Oct. 18, with local -peopie winning some of the prîzes. About $575 was reaiized. Their camd party will be held Friday night. A few tickets are stili available for the 4:30 and 6:30 sittings of the fowl supper. United Cburch Womn Unit One of the U.C.W. met at. the, home of Mrs. Narda Hoogkamp on Monday, Octo- ber 13, the theme being Thanksgiving. Plans weme made for catering to the lions dinner and for the November fowi supper. On Monday, October 20, a group of Newcastle U.C.W. attended the Presbyteial Regionial meeting at Maple Grove, where Rev. Gerry Brown was guest speaker. Take a Break Club) On Tuesday, October 14, the ladies met at the United Cburch Sunday Schooi Hall at 9:'30 a.m. Coffee was enjoyed fist. Then the children were lef t in, charge of the baby- sitters, whiie the Club mem- bers visited the Country Store Antique Shop. As the Iadieýï browsed around at leisume, Mms. Benson gladiy an.swemed any questions concermng the antiques. Ilewcast/e