Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 15,1l475 3 Durham W W have recently received the 1974 resuit s for the higli lierd averages of dairy lierds on R.O.P. or Supervised D.H.I. Testing Programs. These results are based on the composite breed ciass lierd average for miik and fat for the testing year from January 1, 1974 to December 31, 1974. Thle standing lias been deter- -"nined by ustng the composite -B'.C.A. average, that is by adding together the B.C.A. average of the lierd from miik and for fat and divîding by two. In the case of a tie, the herd witl tlie ligies number of records breaks the tie. gain, this y ear the top Sroducîng dairy lierd in Dur- am County is the herd of Mr, Pier Sikma of R.R.1, Orono. He liad a composite B.C.A. of 163 based on 20 R.O.P. records. Runner-up to tlie top lierd was Francis Jose of Gladilirne Farms, R.R.3, deserve to pay Iess for car and fire insu ranoe They do at Abstainers. Because our experience has shown that abstainers have fewer accidents, fewer home fires. That's why we can in- sure for Iess. If you're a non-drinker, can you afford flot to look into Abstainers' insu rance fer your home and your car? Osborne & Shank Ins. -Ageney Ltd. 108 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville - 623-2527 ABsTrAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY The only Cnadie Company provding automobile and lire insurence excusiveiy to abstaners. 'N i Agricultural News Newcastle witli a composite to date in 1975 was up iâ B.C.A. of 149.5 based on 28 cent over the 1974 level, records. In third place was the output of carcass beef kç Mr. Peter Sikma, of R.R.3, only 9 per.cent. The smaý Newcastle with a composite increase in carcass outpu B.C.A. of 148.5 from 32 COWs inl due to a lower averý the D.H.I. program. In fourth carcass weîght generated place was Donald Metcalf of the heavy slaugliter of R.R.2, Bowmanville with a maies and grass fed animi composite B.C.A. of 146 on 20 This has helped moderate records. Mr. Lesley Weisli, of price to pressing effects 11.11,4, Bowmanviiie was in increased saughter.1 fifth place with a composite composition of cattie siau B.C.A. of 143 on 37 records. ter changed significantly Our congratulations to these the first nine months of' five dairy producers who have with steer slaughter down outstanding production re- per cent, whiie cow, heiferi Fcords within teir herds.. The caif slaughter was up 35, way in which they have used and 85 per cent respectivi their production information The pattern was similar in as weli as carrying out United States where st top-notch ma nagement prac- siaugliter wïas down 5 per c tices on their dairj9 farms and cow and heifer andg makes tliem very deserving slaughter up,53, 15 and 77 winners for top dairy produc- cent respectively. tion in the country. The sharp. increase inq Beef and Pork slaughter reflects the marl Outlook Summary ing of calves as veai, a in We have just received new attractive market outiook releases from Agriculture producers than of feeding Canada in Ottawa, outiining animais to heavier weigi some of the trends that are experiencing lnwer pric seen for the upcoming year in Feediot operators ha Beef and Hog Marketing. t is pressed by high feed c( pointed out that consumers have shown a cautious' will be payin g more for beef in mand for calves. Caif pri the next few years because of will continue to be low this a shortage of cattie now because of the record caifc beginning to show, not only in born in the spring of 1 Canada, but in the Unted Fewer topgrade siaugi States. The imminent beef cattie will come to tlie mai shortage will be the resuit of in the next year because of heavy siaugliter of breeding high calf slaughter. animais in late 1974. and Lower feed costs that w( tliroughout 1975, a trend whicli have injected some optinm is expec ted to continue in 1976. into the feediot sector are Cows and heifers are being expected to materialize shipped to the slaughterhouse cause of tlie recent strenj by producers hard hit by l.ow ening of grain prices. G( calf prices during§ thisperiod late faîl pasture will pre' of beefsurls T his reduction unusuaiiy heavy marketin, in the fbreedýing herd will mean unfinished animais. A lie a smalier cal f crop beginning corn crop in Ontario, plus probably in 1976 and event- wide positive margin betw ually a shortage of beef in two te feeder and fed ca to t liee years. prices will help feediots w] Cattie slaughter in the final operations are based on lio quarter in 1975 is expected to grown silage. Canadian be 8 to 10 per cent a bove that cattle prices wiil follow of the corresponding period in U.S. lead where there wa 1974. Prices or AI & A2 steers increase in feediot placeni at Toronto will likely f ail in the April', June-period below the mid-Septeinber in August and Septen average, of $51 per cwt. The Live cattie prices in the average price in the last countries are similar and quarter of 1974 was $51.39. The pattern is expected to increased slaughter of beef tinue. Consumer resistanc cattle will continue into 1976 higli pork prices lias im ro resuiting in a further weaken-1 the demand for beef. ing of siaugliter cattle prices. capita beef consumptionin Cattle siaugliter in Canada, 1975 year is likely to exi Counterwei ght Weight Controls Ltd., the Ieading and most respected name in Canadian weight reduc- tion Introduces the Revolutionary "NEW CANADIAN FAIYMEAL'PLAN." A way ta Jase weight that fits today's more relaxed living and eating habits. You decide how to use it. Eat 2, 3 or even 4 meals a day plus desserts and snacks. Even splurge on weekends. Enjoy bacon, muffins, spareribs, peanut butter, spaghetti, real mayonnaise even champagne. Satisfy your desire for quantity of food and variety. t's ail here and we cail it "Adlult Flexibility"- Lose Weight with the plan that treats you like an adluit. Eat the foods you've always eaten and enjoy the freedomn and pleasure thîs NEW plan offers. You get special encouragement at the fniendly weekly meetings where your motivation to succeed is fortified by your lecturer and a roomful of people pullîng for you. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians lose weight since 1967. And we can help you. There are over 250 classes a week. Come to the âne nearest you. St. PuIl's- United Church CHU RCH ST. Monday, 7:30 p.m. Aso look for the 24 delcous ow calorie toods by , 7'7 co-,uterweight ?A Rofarians HoId Successful Car Wash Saturday b ut is up alier ut is rag Sf e- nais. the 'sof The mgli- yin 1975 n4.4 and 5,42 vely. nthe steer cent calf 7per caif rket- more kfor ythe lits, tes. ird- osts ýde- rices sfal crop 1975. iter irket )fthe vouid nisim enot Sbe- .gth- ,ood, vent ng of ýavy sthe ween -ttie 7hose ,me- tfed 7the as an nents and aber. two this con- ce to woed Per in the eed 100 Ibs. for tne tirst urne ini history. Much of the increased consumption is of Grades B or E because of the lieavy marketing of females and unfinislied animais have in- creased their share of tlie total siaugliter suppiy. In the hog outlook sum- mary, it is pointed out that hog prices wil iikely remain higli this faîl due principaiiy to continued reduction of the Nortli American hog supply. Hog prices reaclied a record $90 cwt. in Toronto on Sept. 22, 1975, but have since averaged in the $80 range, $30 above tlie average price in Toronto in Se pt. 1974. Canadian hog slaugliter to August 1975 was down 14pyer cent from tlie correspondting period of 1974 and the smallest since 1969. This decline re- flected the liquidation of breeding stock during 1974, a producer response to iow.liog prices and hîgli grain prices. The reduction was sharpest in western Canada wîtli its share of the market dropping from 44 per cent in 1974 to 37 per cent in 1975; a considerable proportion of this resulted from the grain market be- coming a more profitable alternative for the grain producers than feeding liogs. U.S. liog siaugliter as of Sept. 15, 1975 was 15 per cent beiow the corresponding period in 1974 ind was the lowest since 1966. A 4 to 6 per cent decrease in hog slaughter seems likely for the, first haif of 1976, because farrowing in Canada was an estimhated 8 per cent below 1974 leveis on Juilr 1, of this year. This reduction is Meet . Jim Smith the Automobile Leasing Specialist at J71o~ a~~ LEASING TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY SINCE 1960 Corne in, and talk fo me. VlI take the time to give you personal and professional at- tention in every way. When you lease a car, whether it be a Lincoln, Mercury or ANY MAKE, you'II discover what we mean, when we say: "AT SEAWAY, Là WE SINCERELY CARE-' J.O. JIM) SMITH Personalized Leasing of Ail Makes and Models Division of Bobcat-Comet-Montego-Meteor-Cougar- Lincol n I~l1120 DUNDAS ST. E.723-0661 WHITBY With the good weather Sat., Oct. 4th,and more than a few dirty cars around Iown, the Bowmanville Rotary Club had a very successful car wash in the parking lot of the Bank of Montreal. The demand was so great at times, that it created a few traffic tie-ups on King Street. Here Rolarians Ted Mann, Keith Jackson and Jan Oegema put the finishing touches on one of the cars that visited the lot. Proceeds are expected to be greater than $500. Return Council Meetings To'Newcostle Village Hall Newcastle Town Council tjtner councîllors were in agreed last week to return agreement that the residents one of their two regular of the village and area have as monthly meetings to the mucli riglit to meetings of Community Hall in Newcastle council being held there as Village. those in Bowmanvîlle, and Coun. Ken Lyail introduced approved Mr. Lyal s motion. the motion expîaining that lie Council lad prîmarily had agreed to the previous changed aîl meetings to Bow- meeting to hlod ail meetings in manvilip. because of the lieat the Bowmanville Chiambers provided no flack was re- ceived from residents of the . village. However, Mr. Lyail advised' that lielias received some objection to the change and wouid therefore wish council to reinstate the previous practice. expected to be offset by increases in tlie second hlaf of 1976 resulting in larger pork supplies than in '75. Prices in the first haîf of 1976 should be relatively higher than in *the samne period of this year, but tliey will probably weaken somewliat in the second haîf as the resuit of increased supplies coming to market. Dairy Policy Changes Announeed The Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. Eugene Whlean, lias authorized the Canadian ..Dairy Commission to an- nounce significant policy deveiopment, while at1 the saine time, eiaborating upon the previousiy announced long-term dairy policy for Canada. Effective immed- iately an export equalization fund for dairy products lias been establislied by the gov- ernment. Tlie levy rate estab- lislied under tlie fund wiil be 65 per hundred pounds of milk effective October 1, 1975. A reduction of 25 cents from the previous level. There will lie a refund to producers on deiiv- eries made during the period of Juiy 1, to Sept. 30 of this year. In addition the govern- ment lias agreed to a five year average ap proacli to the financing of losses on export sales of dairy products. The export equalization fund will be administered by the Cana- dian Dairy Commission. It is designed to prevent sharp var- iations in levy rates collected from producers whle at the samne time generating suffi- cient revenue to meet the total loss of export sales of dairy products over the next five year period. The levy rate will lie reviewed and if necessary, adjusted annually to refiect changes in'inventory and in the international market con- ditions for dairy products. The rate will be set at a level wliicli is expected to ensure tlie fund does not at year end show a deficit or surplus of more than $40,000,000. 1Tlie dairy policy announced on Mardi 27 of this year provided for an increase to 100,000,000 cwt., or 5 per cent in deliveries of manufacturing milk on which a subsidy of $2.66 would lie paid. Present indications are that produc- tion this year will be in excess of this amount. This could require a change in the method of subsidy payment by the Canadian Dairy Commis- sion to. ensure that uniform payment goes to 'ail pro- ducers. Deliveries of milk during 1975, '76 dairy year are expected to be in the order of 102.5 million cwts. and the commission stated that fur- ther action will need to be taken to reduce the market sharing quotas for 1976, '77 in order to prevent the unwar- ranted surpluses accumula- ting in Canada. Durhiam 4-H Awards Banquet Once again this year, the Durhiam 4-H Agricuitural Club Program will b e holding their annual 4-H Banquet and presentation evening on Satur- day, October lth at Clarke Higli School starting at 7 p.m. During the Program of out- standing achievement by in- dividual 4-H Club members will be recognized and presen- tation of ail trophies and club awards will be made. In many ways the awards banquet is the culmina tion of a very interesting experience for many young people in Dur- ham County. We look forward tg seeing a large turnout at the Awards Banquet to recognize the' young 4-H'ers for the outstanding work they do during the year. Record Enroliment at Durham Night School Enroliment for Durhiam 2,963, compared to 2,775 at this Night School is on a par with ýtirne last year. Registration the record registration of last will conttnue, and enroîlment year. reitaint ae May stili be made ýduring Fai reistàton o dteis daytime hours at the College, or the evening a ciass begins. and noise experieneed in the Most classes begir~ the week of village hall during the October 6. summer. t is important to note that the high Night School enroil- mentis in spite of increased fees, necessary to make courses self supporting. Min- mum enroilments were also increased in order to meet financial restrictions împosed upon the community colleges this year. Since some of the courses have been f illed or cancelled, it is advisable to contact the college before attempting to register. You may phone the registrar's office at 576-0210 (extension 236) for any addi- tional information. A human being that is enough for me; he can't-be any worse. Lite thit ('01(11ator ta ieasure t/t i't 'nev aiur <>11or glc/ V(I'.ie book explainst t dngtuit Y'oli ami vu'.îe/ etntholddo ta oa ' ulandi inane Y.Boti fii, ee n tYo'u .teut/intht/t'coupon helo te. How much ofyour heatinig dollar is goÎng up ini smoke?! Get your furnace in shape for winter - so you can be both warm and a littie richer. You'II cut your fuel bill by as much as 25%, and help to conserve Canada's fast-dwindling energy reserves: As A NATION we wate more-energy than 'some countries consume in total. We're on an energy binge that we can no longer afford. Modest cut-backs now wilI be easier to face than shortages and even higher prices in a few years time. For every $ 100 you spend on energy at home, more than lia/f of it goes into heating. So your furnace is a great place to start saving. Check the efficiency of vour oil furnace. ature: perhaps try an oil nozzle 10% to 20% smaller (or the lowest firing rate recommended for your furnaçe). If you're paying for a complete check of the furnace and heating system. make sure you get it. Start by reading The Billpayer's Guide to, Furnace Servicing. This free book explains everything that you and your serviceman should do to save fuel and money. (See coupon below.) It has a complete oil and gas furnace checklist. and a calculator for determining overaîl furnace efficiency. 3 Lower your thermostat. Dropping your setting from 72 to 68'F~ wilI save about 1017. If each of us saves 10%. Canada will conserve 8 million barrels of oil and 24 million cubic feet of natural gas each year. resources simply won't be available. Here are two facts to ponder: 0 If we continue to consume at our present rate of increase, Canada will necd ne/te as much energy in 12 years. *The capital costs of developing new sources of energy wilI soar to $ 110 billion over the next 10 years -an investment of about $20.000 for each Canadian family. lt's no longer a matter of choice. We taie e Iorg t tave aurteli'ev. Free information to help us ail. TWO FREE BOOKS: The Billpayer's Guide to Furnace Servicing shows you how to save- fuel by proper furnace servicing. It explains what you can do, and what your serviceman .houid do. Free when you send in the coupon.. _.7- piper. 100 vays tw Save Energy and oe i h Is your oil furnace working at top efficiency? Its time Lt> pay th iper Home bas 160) pages -80 of them to help you Find out: We can't live in the future as we do now. The get the most heating efficiency at the lowest cost. Look for a dirty flame. Lift the tlap that covers - --------------- the smail hole on the front of your furnace. If l s sn eI'Pe ssn m flame, your burner needs adjustment. Caîl the ilatre cony of: bîl-d o- fe 'i Ë serviceman, IMI Inspect for soot. Shut the furnace off and pok e lihe ng a flash light inside the box. An accumulation of heBilipayer's -~ 100 Ways to Save soot means it's time for a service call. bewe h uraeadcine up p~ GFuinae Srvcng..IEnergy' and Money Clieck the barometric damper. This valve I Guidae So 1inin the Home a and shut as the wind blows and as the furnac e Nm N cuts in and out. If it sticks in any position. you're Nm.Nm wasting energy.I Address -I Address - .. - City-Ct_ P tyu evcm nProvince___ Postal Code-- Province Postal Code to work twice a year. Mail'coupon to: Furnace Book, Box 2010, Mail coupon to: 100 Ways, Box 3500, Station C, Athrouholfunaechck-pisumernd __ Weston, Ontario M9N 3R4 Ottawa, Ontario K1V 4G1 mid-winter can cut as much as 25% from your fuel bill. (If you have a gas furnace it should bc checed ncea yar. Energy, Mines and Energie, Mines et Reeme, twil ae or eriemnabout I~Riesources Cnaa Ressources Canada two hourst to do a good job on an oul furnace Office of Energy Conservation Bureau de la conservation de l'énergie (somewhat less on gas). Hon.Aastir GflIeoie I'Hon. AastirG<ilesDie He should remove soot from the firepot. heat exchanger and pipes; check the stack temper- Minister Ministre ALLIN COLE'S Mobie Automotive Service MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tu ne-u ps - Bra kes -etc.) Ail work done by licensed Class "A"ý Mechanic at Your Home or Place of Business Ail Parts and Labour Guaranteed All Parts and Labour Strictly Cash PHONE 623-045D BOWMANVI LLE