Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1975, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman ...,.. ,* . *. CLRSI.F!'lE D un, Bowmanville, October 8 i,1973 -DEADUINI FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon ---TE. - Larry and Gloria are oud to announce, the safe \,arrival of their son Joseph Clayton, weighing 6 lbs. 1/2-oz on Septem ber 27. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bate, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks, Oshawa. Thanks to Drs. Westgarth, J. Rundle, and Sylvester. A special thanks to the Maternity staff of Memor- !l Hospital, Bowmanville. 41-1 HIGGINS Tracy Anne is very happy she has a baby sister to hug and kiss, born October 7, 1975 at Scarborough General Hospital. Proud par- ents are Jim and Sandra. 41-1 RUjNDLE - Glenn and Earla are proud to announce the arrivai of Jason Glenn weigh- ing 8 Ibs. 2 oz. on October-1, 1975 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Matthew and Christa. 41-ix SHIELDS- Barry and Chris- tine (nee Bi ggs) are pleased to announce f h e brth of their daughter, Sarah Katherine, born in Oshawa General Hospital on October 1sf, 1975 at 1: 16 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. 41-1 x STAPLETON - Bob and Barb (nee Johns) are very happy to announce the birth of their second child, a daughter, Erin Christina, 8 lbs. 8 ozs. Born September 26, 1975 af Memôr- li Hospifal. A sister for Michael, and granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Newtonville, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johns, Port Hope. Special thanks to Dr. Sylvester and maternity staff. 41-ix WALLGREN- Dale and Karen are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kale- Daren, born on Thursday, Sepfem ber 25th, at Oshawa General Hospital weighing 6 lbs. 4 oz.' Grandparents are Mr . and Mrs. McMullen, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Joel Wallgren, Fruitvale, B.C. 41-1 YEO- Stanley and Sandra (Raiston), are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Sj ana Dawn weigh- ing 7 lbs. 112 oz. on Oct. 2, 1975 at Memorial Hospital, Bow- maýnville. A sister for Stephen. :) ud grandparents are Mr. d Mrs. J. Raîston. Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo, Hampton. Many thanks to Dr. Sylvester, Dr. Hubbard and alnurs:ing staf-f 41 -x Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M -a land R.R.3, Bowmanvillish to anniounce the engagement of their daughter Barbara to 0<,,neth son of Mr. and Mrs. 'ýüuy Chamberlin of Rae Edzo, North West Territories. 41-1 If is with much pleasure, that Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, son Fraser and, daughter-in-law, Kim, of Oshawa, announce the com- pletion of their family, through the forthcoming mar- niage of their only daughter and sister, April Louisa, fo Albert Augustus, second son of Mr. and Mrs. William Roche of Bowmanvîlle. They wil exchange their wedding vows in a double-ring cere- mony, at St. Andrews Presby- terian Church, Bowmanville on Saturday, November 22, 1975 at 4 p.m. We offer the groom a very warm welcome. 41-1 Mr. and, Mrs. Wesley Gil- bank, Newcastle, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Judith Maxine to Glynn Andre Benoit son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Francis Benoif of Scarboro. The marriage will take place at Albert St. United Church, Oshawa at 1:45 p.m. October l8h 17.- 1i LAKE -GOSLEIGH, On the 23rd of August, 1975 AMPHLETT - LILLIAN at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, October 7, 1975. Lillian Amphiett af Bowmanviile, dear mother of 'Mrs. Carole Wren, Philadel- p";sister of Mrs. Janet E",Toronto. Resting at the Northcutt Eliiott Funerai Home. Funerai service 2 o'cdock Wednesdlay affernoon. lnterrrm.nnt Bawmanville Cem- eter 41-1 VAN DER VEER - Giadys. At GIovesville, N.Y. on Monday, Octaber/6, 1975. Gladys Bradley, wife of the late Esworth Stille Van Dem veer, daughter of the lafe M. and Mms. John Bradley of Newcastle, sister of the late Reginald and Muriel Bradley. Committal service Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle, Thurs- day noon (àpprox.). For further information kindly caîl the Nathcutt Elliott Funeral Home.623-5668. 0- FOGG - At Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville on Wednes- day, October 1, 1975 Emnily Fogg, aged 81 years, beloved wife of George Fogg, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, dear mother of Beverley, Ruth (Mrs. Roland Bate), John and Bud. Private funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- maniville, on Friday. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 41-1 HALL - At Memorial Hospi- taI, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, October 2, '1975 Frank Hall, aged 70 years, beloved husband of Audrey. Hall, dear brother of Horace, Tyrone, Verona Shorten, Victoria, B.C., and Helen Spraque. Hamiltdi. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saturday. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. -41-1 LEE, Doris - Ai hem hor R.R. 2, Oshawa, on Saf.,C 4, 1975, Doris Stainfon, wid of Ross E. A. Lee, dear mot of Brian, Oshawa, and, N Allan 'Werry (Diane), niskiiien, daughter of Art and the late Alma Stairi sister of Mrs. T. Sobii leen), Oshawa, Mms. A. Hi ley (Bemnice), Peterborci and the lafe Lloyd and 1 Stainfon, aiso remembered seven grandchildren. Res at the Mcînfosh-Anderý Funemal Home, 152 King St Service was in the cha Mondav. Intemment Un Cemetery. Memomial do fions f0 Kedron United Chu will be gatefully ackrg edged. VAN DER VEER - N Vivian Gladys at Gloversvi New York on Oct. 5, 1975. M of the late Ellsworth Stille Der Veer, the daughter ai late John and Annie Bracl Services wiil be held at Il a.m. Wed. Oct. 8 et Kir borough, Presbyferi Church, Gioversville. N Caiing hours will be held and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday at Wairafh and Bushouer F erai Home, 5, Freemaunt Gioversvilie, N.Y. Interrn Bondhead Cemetery, N(~ castie, Ontario. Me, Oct. idow 4her hMrs. En- -thur ton, (El- law- ugh John dI by ITY ~P~.1mi1IiI'~ - FOSTER - ln memoy of a beloved mother and grand- mother, Evelyn M. Foster who passed away October 12, 1974. Our hearfs are like a memory book Ifs pages mother dear Hold ail the ioving thoughts of you Recorded year by ,jear. A book of golden yèsterdays Bound with love and care A rare edit ion, mother dear, Because you're treasured there. - So sadly missed by daugh- fer Barbara and son-mi-awv, Don Cochrane and grand- children Craig, Donna and Ken. 41 lx MONTGOMERY - ln fond memory of a dear husband and father who passed away October 5, 1972. He is gone but nof forgoffen. And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us. Friends may think the wound is heaîed, But they I ittie know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. -Lovingly remembered by his wife Elsie, son Ronald, daugh- fer Helen, grandson John and wife Mary. 41-ix son MERCER - In oving mem- t. E. ory of a dear mother and lapel grandmother who passed nion away October 7, 1973. lona- Gone are the days we used to .îch share, now- But in our hearts you are always there. 41-1 The gates of memomy wil - neyer close VMrs. We miss you more than ,,Ille, anyone knows. Wife Wifh tender love and deep Van regret fthe We, who loved you, will neyer iley. forgef. 11 ;00 - Remembered by David, ings- Kathy and children. 4- N .Y. d 24 Sthe Fun- ýt St. rent lew- 41-1 LEE - William Henry af Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, October 7th, 1975. William Lee of New- castle. Beloved husband of Betty Ratter, dear father of Sally (Mrs. 1. Zagozewski), Jae O'Gorman, Betty (Mrs. E. Friedrich), Marie (Mrs. A. 1-lron), Mae Ms S ah- and Dolores (Mrs. D. Edney). Also survived by thirfeen grandchildren. Resfing at the Northcutt Eiliotf F uneral Home. Funerai service 2:30 'ciack Thursday affernoon. Interment Bowmanvilie Ce- metery. In lieu of fIowers, donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society would be appmeciafed. 41 -1 UITVLUGT- SuddenIy, at his residence, BawmanviIle, on Wednesday, October 1, 1975, Jacob Uitvlugt, aged 72 years, beioved husband of Gladys (nee Jager), dear father of Rev. Jacob, Peter and Catherine, ail of Michi- gan. Dear brother of Henry, Chris Verwer, Margie Benson and Mary Dany, ail of California. Rested af the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manville. Service was heid ln Rehoboth Christian Refommed Church on Saturday. Inter- ment Bowmanviiie Cemetery. 1 41-1 "F Iowers Say it Best" VAN BELLE, DAILY Deliveryto ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-44ý41 43-tf CARNATION F or Ail Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 tf ALLIN (Shaw) I n ioving mnemory 0f a dear sister, Edna, who passed away October 13, 1973. We cannot have the old days back, When we were ail together, But secret fears and ioving fhou g hfs, Will b e with us forevem. - Sadiy missed and ovingiy remembered by sisters Vera, Mabel and Ina. 41 lx McLAUGHLIN - In oving memary of a dear son and brother, Robert, who passed away October 13, 1968.~ Gone but not fargatten, Jusf beyond the hili. You were aur only son and brother if was Gods wil -Sadly missed and always remembered by Mom and Dad, Janis and Kelly and Linda and Roy Bradburn. 41-IX MERCER - Jane.* In ioving memomy of a dear wife who passed away, October 7, 1973. Beautiful memories are won- derful things They iast fi the longest day They neyer weam ouf They neyer get iosf And can neyer be given away. To some you may be fogotten To others a part of the past But ta me who loved you and aost vou Youm memomy wili always iast. - Sadly missed by husband Roy, 41-1 Earl Anderson and family wish to express their appre- ciation for the cards, fiowers and kind words on the loss of his father in Barrie, Ontario. 41-1 I would like f0 thank Dr. Mosienko and nurses at -Memorial Hospital for kind- ness while 1 was a patient theme. Also, thanks to my friends and neighbours for their flowers and cards. 'Hannah Aibin 41- 1 We wish to express our many fhanksto our relatives, friends, neighbors and govern- ment dignitaries for the con- gratulafory messages, sent by telegram, letters, cards, gifts and flowers, f0 us on the occasion of our 5Oth annivers- ary. Al theseand the personai visits on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 25th and the following week has made our annivers- ary a happy occasion. Thanks to ail the family for planning and the many hours spent in preparation, also to the ones who helped serve our guests. Cecil and Hazel MalIey i would like f0 express my most grateful thanks to my relatives, neighbors and won- derfui friends who were so very kind to me whiisf I was in Memorial Hospital recently. The floral tributes and beauti- fui cards made me so happy. My most sincere fhanks fo the Heather Rebekah Lodge, also the staff at fhe Clarke Public Library for their beautiful cards and good wishes. My most grateful thanks to Dr. Singal and Dr. Cunningham who s0 skilfully and paf ientiy took s0 much care ofme. They sure can opemate. I particu- lariy want to thank ail the nursing staff and heipers, their capabilities and patience cannot be surpassed. Thank you fo my friend, Mrs. Ada fAdams in the next bed, you and your family are iovely people. I have made a lot of new and wonderful friends for which I am so grafeful. Thank you ail so very much. Betty Rochs 41-1 Our most sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness we, received at the death of a dea r husband and father and bro- ther, Malcolm Hamilton. A speciai thank you toSt. Johns Ambulance, Dr. Rowsell, Dr. Stocks, Morris Fijneral Chao- el and Rev. W. Oake for his words of comfomf., The Hamitfon Family 41-ix I. wouid like f0 express sincere fhanks to my famiiy, friends and neighbors for their many acfs of kindness durinig my stay in the hospifal. Also Drs. Sylvester, Singal and Hubbard and nurses on third f loor. Mrs.Adla Adams 41 lx mme Gordon Smale and familles wish. to express heartfelt fhanks to friends and neigh- bors for the beautiful flowers and cards, aiso donations. A special thanks f0 the Hampton ladies for the lunch and a very special thanks f0 Rev. Erb for the beautiful service. You have ail helped us in this time of sommow of, losing dear Sharon. 41-1 Our most sincere "fhank you" fa our families, friends, neighbors and relatives for their best wishes, cards and giffs on our 25th Wedding' Anniversamy. Also the ladies of Solina Wl . for catering and Frank Barkey who provided the music- Thank you. Joe and Dorofhy Snowden 41 -lx Business Girls Curling will start October lSth at Bowmanville Country Club. New members most welcome. For the first time a curling clinic for new members, and members will be held. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 623-7343 .or 623-5627 41-1 COURT VENTURE CANADIAN FORESTERS ANNUAL BAZAAR Sat., Oct. l8th, 1975 2 p.m. MEMORIAL PARK CLUB HOUSE Liberty St. South Bowmanville Proceeds Cancer Research 41-2 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Oct. l4th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $460 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS GOODYEAR. RECREATI DANCE October 11, 1975 8:30 p.m-i. at NEWCASTLE COMMUNI HALL $3.00 Mem bers, $400 Non-members Escorted Tours Kitchener Oktoberfest (dinner and entertain ment included) October l7th and lath Mystery Tour October l9th Kitchener Market October 29th ce Capa des November 8fh, 9fh, lSth, 16th Royal Winter Fair (Good Evening Performance, tickets availabie) November 22nd Quebec City (Tour of City, Montmorency Falls Thanksgiving Dinner included) October 10th - 13th Colonial Virginia, Norfolk Tou r October lefh - 25fh Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary November 1sf and 2nd Sunshine Party Tou rs Box 214, Port Hope Telephone No. 885-2211 Escorted Tours FLORIDA Christmas Circie Tour Dec. 20 - Jan. 4th 34 Day Fiorida Tour Jan. 29 - Mar. 2 Feb. 26 - Mar. 30 16 Day Fiorida Circie Feb. 7- Feb. 22 23 Day Florida Circie Mar. 6 - Mar. 28 Mid Termn Break- Florida Mar. 6 - Mar. 28 'Sunshine Party Tou rs Box 214, Port Hope Telephone 885-2211 41-1 HAL LOWE EN and HARD TIMES DANCE LEGION HALL Sa t., Oct. 18,9 p. m. Music - "A Positive Ouf iook" $5.00 Per Couple 41-2 EBENEZER TURKEY SUPPER Sat., Oct. 25th Settings: 4:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Tickets: Aduits $4.50 Children (il and under) $2.00 FOR TICKETS CALL: 728-2172 after 5 p. m. - 41-2 LIONS DANCE Oct. 11, 1975 LIONS COMMUN ITY CENTRE Ted Koss' Orchestra Dancing 9-1 $6.00 Couple Bowmanville Museum open daily 2 to 5 Thanksgiving including Sunday and Mon- day, closed thereaffer except for groups and classes by appointment, phone 623-3427. Special doîl and mini-building displays, also period rooms, quilts, Bowmanville chairs, many other items. 41-1 PMOSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mi nor Sof tbal11 JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M., RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Dance -St. joseph's Hall, Saturday, October 4. Music by Ted Koss and the Cavaliers, $4.00 per couple. 39-2 U.C.W. Bazaar, Newtonville Sunday School Hall, Sat, Nov. 15, 2 4 p.m. Tea - Aduits 50 cents, Children 25 cents. 41 -1 Plan fat attend the Raast Beef Dinner at Yelverfon on Thanksgiving Monday,. Oct.' 13, cammencing af 3 p.m. Admission only $3.75 for aduifs and $1.50 for chiidren under 12. 41-1 Ou TWO, B78-13 beited snow tires, lotsof tread, on Pinto ims, $35. Phone 623-3700.' 41-1 GARAGE and lawn sale, fimsf house wesf of Acres Restau- rant, Taunton Road, Friday, Oct. 10 through Monday, Oct. 13. 411 SEVEN piece dineffe set, map-top two drawer desk, china cabinet, buffet, buffet hutch, antique hall mnirror, 411 telephane tables, record play- er with speakers, Poiaroid camera, tuhks, girl's bicycle, ON baby carniage, baby stroiler, high chairs, car beds, Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance Sf., Bowmanyjie. 41-1- B LAC Kseai fur coat, size 38 to 40, $100. Phone 623-5340. 41 lx ONE Cockshuft plough with 41-1 3-16" bottom. Phone 263-8078. 41-1 ONE 8 x 7 storage shed, new, fuiiy eected, $134. Phone 728-9166. .41-lx GARAGE sale starting Tues- day, Oct. 7 until Oct. 10, 10, a.'m. to 7 p.m. Shop eamiy for Christmas, new and used articles and collectibles and bric-a-brac. In Newcasfle, North Street. Look for signs. Phone 987-5156 for more infor- mation. 41-1 TWO snow tires on Dodge rims, $25. Phone after 5;p.m. 263-2551. 41-1 ONE lady's tweed car coat, sîze 18-20 excellent condition. Phone 623-5068. 41-1 1974 HARDTOP Travel Mate tent trailer and Mariboro truck caps. Appiy John Kil- leen, Concession St. E. Phone 623-5068. 41-1 CHI LD'S car seat, black, $15, Underwood portable typewri- fer and case, $35 firm. Phone 623 73?.4. 41 lx NEW arborite, vinyl floor covering, storm windows, cottage windows, doors, base- ment window trame, door knobs, Yale lacks, adjustabie g able vents, fluorescent fix- tures, oufside pale lights, spot iights, rebuilt pumrp (piston), tank, plastic pipe, foot valve, iaundry tub pump, i mmersion vvatem heater, raspberry canes, rhubarb roots, peony roots. 623-7490. 41-lx ALUMINUM sîding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, main carrying systems. Lamne Aluin, 1 Prince St., 623-3871. Supreme Window and, Door Co. 41-1 1970 NORDIC Ski-cdoo. Good condition. Phone 623-7414. 41-1 ONE 10 x il storage shed, stili in box,,$265 firm; one Ken- more washer spin-dryer, one year aid, new $259, sehi $170 firm; one Inglis dryer, $30 or bestaoffer. Phone 623-7387. 41-1 SNOW apples, pick your bwn, baskets and ladders supplied, $2 a bushel, bring own containers. Oct. il only. Hwy. 57 and No. 2, southeast corner, former Watson Orchard. Bar- ry Stevens. 4,11 DOMINION electmic stove, good condition, $25 or best offer. Phone 623-2994. 41-1 MEN'S C.C.M. hockey equip- ment, like new. Boy's hockey equipmenf to fit 9-12 yr. old. Regina electric broom, 2 pr. blue lined drapes, size 95 x 125 and 95 x 150. Phone 987-4348. 41 -1x FOUR drawer filing cabinet. Phone 987-5214. 41-1 COMPRESSORS, generators, eiectric mutors, gninders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. We seil, buy and traie. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 30-tf Eat farm raised domestic rabbit. Tender, delîious whiteme.at. Economica I No Waste Now available at you r meat store or supermarket. 3 t INSTALL AN FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER SU ) 'H EATE R Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLI CY CA LL HARVEY PARTNER Your E SSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES' Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 23-tf 1OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT LAWN &GARDEN EQUIP. M EH L2 F ARM MACHINERY COMPACT FARM .T RACTOR S SALES-SERVICE- RENTALS Phone 728-6901 SECONDS in apples a nd pears, ail year round, $2.50 bushel. Phone Bill Feddema 263-2074 atter 5 o'ciock. No Sunday sales. 39-tf PADDY'S Market now has new fumniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aisa used fumnitume and appliances, Will accept trade-i. Paddy'$, Market, Hampton, phone 263a 2241. 33-tf USED Funiture and Appli. ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf Buy direct from Manufac- ture - Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., ihas a hugeýselection of fine, quality monuments, large and bmali f0 fit any need. Come by Sur dispiay yard at 73 Ontario treet, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf 'o"SHAP&WA ScREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOUcTS IL PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FIU.L 1~' DELiVERED OR REMOVRO TRUJCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL CALL 725-0212 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. LOOKING for a way f0 fight inflation? Beco)me an Amway Distributor. Day, part-time business from your home. For aoooint ment 728-0685. 41-3 ONE sighlly used yip stick. Cail John Pogue, 623-2514., 41 lx BLACK poodie wifh red Plaid coilar. Answers to Dickson. Phone 623-2366. 41-1 GREEN stormn cover from carniage in Ontario Street area.- Phone 623-2635. 41-1 UGENTLY ffREQUIRED!I We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanvilie area. Perhaps your -home would bring top dolar? We'il be pieased to appraise if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendiy efficient sale of your home, cali P. & R. Reaity Company, Reaitor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17-tf Oshawa TI Antennas &Towers ROTORSI UHF - VHF - Cc Apts. and Hon REPA Workman shi Ail priced to SfA Phone6 L. HAMILTON VWATER.suppl'y etc. George Ma( Bowmanville. 7j ANTIQUE -REPA Parts available que dlocks, pc and modemn Our repairsa modemn up-to cd and qualified watchrî HOOPER'SJ -LTI 29 King5 Phone 6 FRESH brown( manure deliver Concession St 623-2730. AIR conditioner window units., Partner. Oronc Zenith,14620. CH ESTERF lE chairs, good cori at Muider's Furr APPLES for sel 8161. No Sundayi «Towers, IAeriah Pre Ask, Mm let us he make thes si m Pl MEMOF 49 Lavir Pnrt Hoi 41ô-885- EÊvening! Mauri Sir (416) 885 SAND & GRAVEI .V NOTICE s NOTICE 0f an appîîc< by the Regionai Munici p S ~ of Durham for approva( by-law imposing a spe INSTALLED charge especting the wi olomed Aerials works system of the Regi( nes Pre-Wired Municipaiity of Durham. 'AIRS IT s the opinion of e Guaranteed Council that ail resider ~VEyou Money buildings in the Regic ~23-5122 Municipality of Durham 623-5122 being a single family build N;,MANAGER a double building or a dur 3811l building, and ail combi .residential and non-resi( i-p00ls, wells fiai buildings having rr guime, R.R. 3, than two dweiling uni ts,a 723-6980. the passing of this by-lawr 22-tf impose a heavy load on - water works sy'stem of - C-LOCK-S Region, by reason of w expenditumes may be reqi I R ED- to provide additional w efor most anti., works capacity which w( >ocket wafches not otherwise be equired. watches and THE Council of The Re cks.- nal Municipaiity of Duri are. done with intends to appIy fo the On'i ate equipmentý Municipal Board for apprc Swiss tmained f0 impose the chargesu mnater. the owner of every resider IEWELLERS building, the owner of eD. combined residenfiai buill St. East and non-residentiai buildin 023-5747 the Regionai Municipalitý 34-tf Durham erected or eniar affer the passing 0f1 by-Iaw. eggs aiso goat The total sum shahl 'med. J. Goid, collected on the foliom t. E. Phone termis and appiy to each 40-tf to be constmucted: (a) for bachelor dweîl rs, central and units and onp bedrc Cali Harvey dwelîing ur777:7;225.0C lo 983-5206 or unit; 21 tf (b) for dwelIing units cont i ng two or more bedrc( :WD and two $450.00 per unit;ý dition. Inquire ANY charge or char -nitume. imposed under this by- 41 -tf shahl be made payable at time of an application le. Phone 263- wafer womks connection sal1es. shahl be coiiected by 37-6 Works Department of - ~Regional Municipality ofE -ham. IH ITE'S This By-law shahl nof ar f o: UOWE RS (a) every building on1 exempt fmom taxai undem any genemal ,,UHF, VHF speciai acf; s, Rotors & (b) evemy building on lar( epairs respect of which ient & Homes Agreement has been -e-Wired fered into with the mur About Our paliiy undem Section3 arantee The Planninq Acf or predecessor themeof; Phone (c) every building or any1 in respect of which a( tribut ion to provide y, 576-5606 suppiy facilities has b made within ten yE pmevious f0 thle appi E. WITEtion for a water coni COURTICE tion; 30 ff (d) every residenfiai buill ___________ having not more than dwelIing units; jas (e) evemy combined ei fiai or non-mesider ri l building having nof ri ___________ than two dweiiing unit ANY rafepayer may wi twenty on (21) days affer first publication of this not send by pmepaid post fo Clerk of the RegionalMur paiity of Durham ai SRossiand Road East, Whi a notice in wrifing statinci ob ecfion fa such approva to ie imposition of the spe, -'P YtoU Board may approve the seletion ciai charge pursuant f0 SONstatute, but before doings ,SON may appoint a time andp R IML ~ for public hearing when nia Si. but notice of such heaming, ýDe, Ont. be gîven only fa those pers -6434 who have given notice s Cal, objection as provided n 443 AgED ai the Towr 41-1 Whitby, this 8th day Octobem, 1975. C. W. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. L SUPPLY Cierk, The Regional Municipalifý Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, ~\ Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3 GOOD used fumnîture, phone Towne Used Fumniture, 623- 4681. 41-1 TV tower. Phone 263-2019. 41-1 î<ED clover seed. Please bring in sample for pricing. Carnation Flower and Seed, 33 Division St. Phone 623-5577. 40-tf USEL) FumniTure and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf WE buy and seil everytliîng and pay cash. Cail day or night 725-9783. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19 tf CASiHitor goîd, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweliry, dishes, funiture, crocks, PaintLnns, sealers, appliances. Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38ff GET CASH I00AY FOR 0LD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN C LASS IFlE DS Cancellation of Meeting The regular Meeting of Planning Advisory Commi of The Town of Newcas scheduled for Tuesday, l4th day of October, 1975, been cancelled. The next Meeting of Committee wili be held at,- p.m. on Monday, October 1975, in the Municipal Offi( Hampton. H. R. Best, Secretary, Planning Advisory Commi Town of Newcastle. 4 NOTICE ation NOTICE of an application )aiiy by the Regioriai Municifpailif of a of Durham for approval of a ýecial by-law imposing a specialý afer charge respecting the sani onal tary sewer sysfem of the Regional AMunicipaiity qf Dur- the hahi. ,ntiaî IT s the opinion of the 1onal Council that ail residential 1nof buildings in the Regional ding, Municipaîify of Durham 'nof plex being a single famiiy build"ýin9, îined a double building or a duplex den- building, and ail conined more residentiai and non-residen- after tiai building3 having more may than twodweling uni ts, atter ithe the passing of this byl:aw, Sthe may* impose a heavy ioad en hich the sanitary sewer system of imed th.e Region, by reason of whiSh atem expenditures may be' required1 ouid to provide additionai sanitary L sewer capacity which would egio- nof otherwise be required. ,ham THE, Council of the RegiôiiaJ iario Municfipaiity of Durhamn in- 'oval tends to appîy to the Ontari 'o upon Municipal Board for approvai ýntial to impose the charges upon very the owner of every residential Iding building, -the owner of ever y ng in combined residential building y of and non-residentiai building in irged ýthe Regionai Municipality of this Durham erected or enlarged afier ýthe passing of this, 1be by-law. ýing THE total sumn shall be unit coliected on the foilowing termis and apply to each unit ling to be consfrucfed: oom (a) for bacheior dweilirlg per units and one tedroomn dweiiing units $225.00 per tain- unit; OMS (b) for dlwelllng unfis con- taining two or more bedý irges rooms $450.0 per unit;, elw .ANY charge or çhargges t the imposed under this by-iaw for shah be made payable ai the and fimie of an application for the sanitary sewer connection and the shail be coiiected by the Dur- Works Departmient of the Regionai Municipality/ of Dur ipply ham. THIS By-iaw shah lot apply land to: tion (a> evemy building oni land i or exempt fromr taxation uni dem any general or special d in acf; an (b) evemy building oni 'and in ien- respect 'of which an inidi- Agreement has been en- 33 of tered info with th>e mun-ici- any paiity undier Section 33 of The Planning Acf or a'n~y land predecessor themeof ; con- (c) every building omanýy la,-)c ater i n respect of which a con- been tribution to pmqvidé sarii- e ars fary sewier facfities has Iica- beeri m'ade wiirï - en~ nec- yeaýrs prýesi oujs itoihefp- plication for a Sai'tëïy Iding sewem connect ion; two (d) evemy esidential building having noti more than tw)o iden- dwelling units; nfial (e) every combined residen- nore tiai om non residenfiai ts. building having not more ithin than two dvvellinguit,-. the ANYratepayem may 1vt tîèe, 21 days after the firs't pul1ka- Sthe ion of this nolice, send-by inici- pmepaid posttftrhe Clerk,ý)f the 605 Regionalir ialtio Dur- itby, harm a 60~5 Rosslan-ci Road al or wmîting sfting his okjgction to ecial such approval or to the im-position of te pca ipal charge.peia spe- TH-E Ontario Municipal the Board may approve the 50 it special charge pur'suant to the lace stafute but belore Çdin g so if any may appoint a firne and place red, for public hearing when any 1will objection wiii be considered, ýsons but notice 0f such hearing Mkll aof be given onlyfoethose persons for who have given notice of objection as provîoleo tom n 0f above. iof DATED at the Town, of Whitby this 8fh day ef Octo- ber, 1975. C.W. Lundy, A.,M.C.T., ry Of Clerk, The Regional MunicipIpit$-ý of Durham 605 Rossland Rgad East 41-2 Whifby, OntariolIN 44$ $ ,41-2 Dm. A. F. McKenzie wilI be on holidlays tram Oct. 13 to fthe Oct. 19, inclusive. 41-2 ittee istie, the has the 7:30 - 27, ces, ittee 4l1 Tenders will be received by the undersigned untîl 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 15, 1975, for tuckpointing at the folhowing schoohs. Coîborne Public School, COLBO R NE. Percy Centennial Piublic School, 129 Church Street, WARKWORTH. Stockdaîe Public School, R.R. 1, FRANKFORD., Smithfield Public Schooi, R.R. 3, BRIGHTON. Courtice West Public School, R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE. Lord Elgin Public Schooî, High Street, BOWMANVILLE Maple Grove West Public School, R.R. 3, BO WMA N VIL LE. Specificat ions and drawings may be obtained tram the Office of: M.A. MacLeod,- Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, North, COBOURG. K9A 4L2 41-1 Senior citizens, 10 per cent off of ail hair-dos, Monday, Tuesday, Wedniesday, pnly. Open 6days a veek. Thulsda y and Fmidcay pen èvein gs (by appointn'entl. Last ap- point ment Safurdày 3:30. K ut n' Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019. "Ap- pointments not always neces- sary". 38j4 i-ET OWNER'S TE:SPECIAL Pick up and Del.i vemy for Professionai Dog Groom ing Service. NhI hreeds and mnixed. .Bring himnto The, Doggy Place Orolo 786-2234 F R EE to ciood homne, GerrTlan Zhepherd pups, 8 weeiçs old, Phone 576-3231. 1 ONE-year-oid German',Shep- herd maie.,dog f ree te -good home. Phone 623-5491 affer 4. 41-1 HOME wanted for one black and white kitten, maie, seven weeks old, litter box trained. Phone 623-2400. . Y1-lx SEVEN year 010 cheSTnuT mare, Ameican saddle bred. Caniadian and Am-ïenicani regis- îered. Reasonabie. Phone 623- 7171. - 41-2 2

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